Dungeon Maker

Chapter 123

I can not understand the situation of the Chapter 41 visa of the # 2 rain.
Until just a dozen minutes ago, I sat in the shade and waited for the victory.

But something that could not be seen in the sky was pouring into a formidable force. There was a great deal of dust, and the only thing seen when they went was a crushed and crushed Lizardmen of five or six bodies.

And when you lose sight of the sight. Explosion erupted on the left and right side of a packed elite bottle. It was a roar so unthinkable.

On the right side thunderstorms raged. On the left side, the Lizardmen swarmed into the sky as if they were gravitationally uplifted.

Wielding the lightning was a black knight with a sacred horse that seemed to be the night itself. It was a red, gigantic monster with a black horn rising out of the Lizardmen as if it were a storm.

I could not order Moorea. I was so embarrassed by the sudden situation that my mouth did not open.

And it was not such a big mistake. At that moment, even though the Visa has issued another order, the situation will not change.

One last man who fought without running away from one hundred Lizardmen rose up into the air. The red muscular giant who has blown the lizard man to 200kg in a single room with a fist, no animal approached Visaro with the breath that reminds the smoke of purgatory.

The visa shook his head with a white face. The idea of ​​running away was constantly ringing in my head, but I could not lift a finger.

Both arms were hanging because the tendons were cut. The two legs were broken at a bizarre angle and could not function.

One of four people who broke Lizardman corps.

The presence of a black horsepower like a flame stood on the floor and looked down at Visaro. The well-groomed buttocks and the constricted waist line were of a beautiful woman without a face, but the face was not. More precisely, there was no face at all. There were things that looked like snow, but nothing else except a metal mask that was just rough.

It was literally a whole body weapon. With black power rising from the whole body, I cut off both arms to Visa as well as Lizardmen.

My visa was breathtaking. Though his whole body was a pantheon, he still had power. I do not think he can escape if he exercises his power to give him the tinnitus of the rain – no, at least he can do it. "

The man who smashed his legs on the visa laughed and laughed.
It was not just four people but exactly two people who knocked down one hundred Lizardmen. While a black knight on a black horse and a red and giant monster destroyed the Lizardmen, they were tied up by two women and could not get into a fight with a visa. Each one has to deal with two people who are at the same time as themselves and whistles or more.

One of the two women, the Red Demon woman, trampled her thigh at Visa. In a terrible pain, Visa stumbled back, and Red Demon – Ophelia crushed her shoulder with such a visa in her arms. He licked his lower lip.

"It's the last time, I want you to enjoy it enough."

This time, something out of the understanding of visa has happened.
Ophelia kissed Vijarro halfway around her eyes. It was soft and sweet, but at the same time it was creepy.

The consciousness was cut off. It was a short wait. But visa was intuitive. He licked his kissed lips and noticed that he had read his mind when he met Ophelia, who was panting.

But I had no worries about it. A huge shadow has come into play. It was covered with the visa itself, as well as Ophelia on the top, and it roared like a wild beast. Anyone who has seen the apparent enemy has revealed it to himself by visa.

Ophelia laughed and laughed.
A red, giant beast – Elygos, who became a beast, grabbed two fists reminiscent of a giant hammer.

The visa was no longer available for later work.

"Elie O'Brien, jealousy is much more than I thought. It's just that I do not have a problem in my hands. … "

Ophelia shrugged her face with her hand as if she was ashamed. And beside it, Elligos pressed his temples and shook his head to see if his head was touching.

I don’t remember

But it was not quite so, but the red skin was quite reddish.

Yongho seemed to understand, tapped the shoulder of Ellogos, and literally looked down at the body of the visa. Although it seemed to be the first inning, it was a sad ending, though it was a guy with four horns.

Yongho, who lightly joined and prayed for his luck, took the essence of visa. The bigger the gap of the relative horsepower is, the more the efficiency is getting worse, and the water absorption is not enough to take a great deal of power.


Yongho looked at the Lizardman army that had been smashed. At least four people – once again impressed by the virtues of the two.

Elyos, who upgraded to Red Demon Tyrant, got a new ability called 'Beast Painting' as Yongho had expected.

It was the ability of the name as it is not so complicated. At the moment of casting the beast, Elygos became a beast. At first glance, it was like a gorilla.

His arms, which were tightly muscled, seemed like a spindle, and his fingers at the end reminded him of the weight of heavy equipment for destroying buildings. Not only the head, but also the chest, arms, thighs and so on, everywhere where the hair grows, the gray hairy white hairs grow like a beast.

Eli Goth was a beast of the Mammona. The strength was impressive but the endurance was unknown.

From Mammon Street to Landolt Street.

Yongho himself and Katarina got on salami. The skull ran in Buchelos. And Ophilia rode on the back of Elygos, the beast.

Although I had a few breaks in the middle, I was able to shatter the Lizardmen Legion without feeling a little exhausted even after spending a long distance.

Skull upgraded from Magic Knight to Elldrich Knight.
In fact, Skull was the most surprising achievement.

It was a skull that did not show an upgrade route even when it was evolved the last time. But this time it seemed. Moreover, the ability to evolve has also increased. There was even the ability to change the level.

Something changed around the Vaporetto. Skull had a casual face and skull skull as usual, so I did not know what changed, but Yongho doubted one possibility.


Maybe I felt something from death. Have you ever regained yourself before you became an undead?

The skull became Elldrich Knight overall. The key now approaches nearly two meters and has shown tremendous power despite its bones. The horsepower was also stronger, so we were able to use much more powerful lightning than during the Magic Knight.

The armor that the burr painting made in the past was different in size and was not able to wear properly. So part armor type, arms and legs, chest and protect only the back. Fortunately, the helmet could be used as is.

Skull chose instead a broken battle hammer, a relatively small new combat hammer and a huge claymore. Both of them were rough magic weapons in the hands of Burr pictures.

Ophelia made a smile with a smile on whether she was ashamed or embarrassed. Promoted to Red Demon Breaker, she also became a beast like Eligos. However, Ophelia's beast did not differ from Elyos. It was true that it changed more militarily, but there was elegance that reminded the beast of cat. The appearance also did not change so much.

Gucheon said that the reason for this difference is that the two have different temperament in the first place, but because of Yunho's idea. It was the same as the appearance after the evolution was influenced by the idea of ​​Yongho.

Finally, Katarina was promoted to Shadowmusress from Shadow Runner.

As the owner of the shadow, she was able to create her own enchantment with black horsepower. The last one of the four men who broke the army into Visaro was the very one.

If the distance from the main body of Katarina is too far away, it will disappear naturally, and if Katarina does not manipulate it directly, the behavior pattern becomes too simplistic.

The real power of the exorcism is when Katarina and the exorcism fight together in the same place.
Now, the skill of the Catharina is immature, and it was only enough to imitate Catharina, but it was powerful. There were many applications such as time difference attack and simultaneous attack at various angles.

Katarina, who lifted the shadows, took his ears lightly. I felt quite a sense of accomplishment in this battle.

Yongho laughed again.

I'm sorry.

It was Katarina who moved his ears more actively than other elves in the beginning, but it was Yongho himself that it developed to the present level. The unconsciousness of Katarina's ears is a cute thing – I want to see more – influenced the power of evolution.

As the advice of Gion Zion came to his attention, he saw the tail of Katarina. It certainly seemed to be a little more active than before the upgrade.

'But there are many things that have improved.'

For example, body. Of course, Yoonho's own taste was reflected in plenty, so it was doubtful whether Katarina himself would like it.

Yunho completely absorbed the essence of Visa and faced Ophelia again. She giggled at Elly Gos, and she fixed her expression and said seriously.

"I have penetrated the spirit of visa and got some information. Vander, who attacked Landolt, is the vanguard. I am currently in charge of embroidery. It seems that Embryo has planned to penetrate the South once and then attack the East. And also,

and also

"I think I thought I would accept Landolt as well as visa as well as embryo visor."

"It looks funny."

I laughed, but understanding went. It was a hundred and seven hundred. If Yongho himself had not come to salvation, if Salvation was a little late, Landolt would eventually be taken down.

"How many troops are in the embryo's base?"

In response, Ophelia narrowed her leg slightly. I hesitated for a while.

"It seems to be around Sachon. Among them, the elbows that followed the embryo from the north are about a thousand. "

Yongho closed his eyes. It was understandable that Embriga had funny southern. Today, the forces that Mammon can mobilize are not even one thousand in total, including the forces of the free city.

But it was not a difference that could not be overcome. Even though the number of troops was pushed out, the number and quality of longevity was never going to be pushed to Embrio.

The war of the majesty was in many ways different from the battle of Yongho in history.
It is because the owners of transcendental unit combat powers existed.

'The embryo has at least five horns.'

The north was an embryo that devoured almost all of the West Caesars as well as the main Caesar. I have eaten that much number, so even though the efficiency of water absorption is bad, I would have reached five horns.

Yongho once folded his thoughts. I looked around at Tiglius, who admired the appearance of his subordinates who were so different from those of the last time.

"From the rear, there is a free-city force and a skull unit led by Oros. Once the enemy bodies in the dungeon are cleared and arranged for reorganization. "

Yes, sir, I

Tiglius nodded. But I could not hide my eyes on my eyes completely. It was a Landolt's dungeon, whose armor had risen noticeably due to a complete fortification, but was eventually crushed by a figure of seven hundred.

Embrio 's base of troops to reach a very large four thousand, I wondered whether it would be able to prevent.

Yongho understood that Tigris' concern. But I did not want to give up before even fighting. It was the same with Tigris.

"Tiglius, there is one thing to offer. I want you to think and respond well. I will not mind if I refuse. "

Yongho said, this time Tigrius guessed the inside of Yongho.

"I want to become a subordinate to Mammon."

It was as expected.
It was for two reasons that Yongho did not take Tigris as a laborer.
First, in order to effectively effect the fortification of Landolt, it is necessary to move the dungeon's soul in the field.
Second, there is no 'allowance' for Yongho himself to use Tigris as a subordinate worker.

Both are now resolved. And now, we need a strong subordinate.

It was a demand to abandon the position of the king.
Although he did not lose his power as he did his role for a long time, his weakening of power was inevitable.
I had to give up the family.

Tiglius closed his eyes. I was determined when I lost a duel. Moreover, he was interested in becoming a subordinate of Mammon. How strong can it be? Where will 'the power of evolution' to Ophelia lead to himself?

"I will accept the name of the Lord."

I responded surprisingly enough to myself. Yongho grabbed Tiglius's hand with a deep gratitude.

And again three days later. Yong-ho, who confirmed the movement of the Embrio base through the scouts, collected all of his subordinates in his room. The room of the Tumamawang, a dungeon of Landolt, where the living space narrowed due to excessive fortification, was also narrow. Despite the fact that there is only one bed of furniture, five subordinate labor mothers gather in one place, leaving only a small amount of free space.

Yongho's collection of subordinate ministries was to convey the tactics that had been devised for a few days.
But there was one thing that had to be done before that.

Invitation of the seventh member.

Yongho, sitting on the bed, took out the subpoena in his arms. Each of the four people who had already experienced the person to be summoned by that subpoena had a different look, and Tiglius looked seriously at the subpoena alone.

Yongho sucked his breath long. I ate my heart firmly and tore the subpoena to release my powers.

That which appears thus. A person who goes beyond the limitations of the arena as well as time and space. My gray hair was scattered in the wind.
The playful eyes were young and playful.

Three major prefectures.
The devil king kaiwan.

"So, did you think about your wish this time?"

She was licking her lips and asked her bitterly.
Yongho laughed instead of the answer. In the fight against Embrio, he welcomed Kaiwan, who would become a Joker, with his six arms in open arms.

Chapter 41 – The End of the Sword of Mammon, Chapter 42 – The King of the Embryo.

Chapter 41 End of # 2

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