Dungeon Maker

Chapter 159

Chapter 54 – Encounters Chapter 54 – The core of the encounter dungeon was the Caesar.
When the Lord died, the soul of the dungeon was also dead. The dungeons of the dungeon's dead souls were unable to perform the functions of the dungeon, and even if the dungeon itself survived, the supply of magic was cut off and it soon died.

So, in the dungeon battle, it was also important to keep the state as well as guarding the heart of the dungeon.

It was for this reason that the room of Caesar was usually located near the heart of the dungeon. Caesar was a must to be protected in thorough defense.

Ironically, however, such a state was often the strongest force in the dungeon. It meant that the king had to keep the most powerful weapon out of hand.

With chess, it was a combination of King and Queen. It is the strongest word to be able to play the enemy, but at the same time, it is a double-edged sword that loses the game even if you die.

The king was also the same.

The "kingdom" of each king was a huge dungeon, a collection of dozens of dungeons.
The king was the nation's most powerful force. Modern warfare would be comparable to tactical nuclear weapons.

Therefore, the movements of the kings were important. Depending on where the king is located, the frontline itself could have been transformed.

Sometimes they hide their bodies as thoroughly as the king of lust, and they sometimes check their enemies with active activities like the King of Fury.

The king of the horses preferred the manner of king of lust, rather than the manner of the king of fury. But this time, I had to follow the way of the King of Fury. This is because the prestige of the dragon corps that the king of violence marched on was so great.

The king of the horses, who turned the southern half of the troops stationed on the border with the king of the city, exposes himself. The family of the king who had the great monsters in front of him had just caused the fear of the people. The king 's people, who had been surprised by the dragon corps who suddenly got close, found a sense of security in fear. They called their king the strongest.

However, the king of the horses who lead the family was not satisfied.

The size of the dragon corps was greater than I imagined.

There was no problem with flying monsters like Wyvern or Drake, which accounted for the majority of the dragon legions. Thousands of them did not feel that big a threat.

The problem was also a dragon. The number of dragons was too much.

Only a single dragon can produce a catastrophe on the battlefield has reached a dozen. The EASTON DRAGON, which was fully grown and matured in power, was also in a bad situation.

This was the power of the king of the shrimp. Of course, there were various monsters, including the monsters, to the king of the shrine. It was never afraid of dragon corps deployed on the border.

The most disturbing king of the shrine was that the most angry was the inability to know the king of violence.

Immediately after the dragon army commenced the march, the dragon lair of the king of violence literally became a mortal land. I do not know if you would put the king's most important and most important army, the general reconnaissance force could not approach itself.

Where is the king of violence now that has sent out the dragon corps. Is he still crouching on his Dragonair? Or is it fun to play with the polymorph of the dragons' patent?

It was a powerful strategy to hide the king's position as well as to reveal the king's position. It was very annoying to deal with enormous enemies that were so fatal that they could not know when and where they would appear.

His appetite could not soothe the king's anger. Even if I ate the mountain delicacies piled up like a mountain, I was not irritated even when I cried to all the beautiful women including Apsaras.

Why is the king of violence now moving?
Where is he now?

The king of appetite felt a new appetite in the rage.
Nambu The land where I thought I could take it whenever I reached out. The king of the shrine suppressed himself. I was a bit more patient.

Now that the threat of violent kings exists, the king himself was unable to move. Now is the time to wait for reference. I had to watch the trend a little more.

'The king of violence.'

The king of the shoe grinds. I looked up at the South with the promise of a day when I would bite his heart.

The King of Fury saw the South. However, the direction was somewhat different from that of the king. What she saw was the southwest – the king of violence.

"What the hell are you thinking?"

The King of Fury in white clothes twisted his dark hair with his fingers. Unlike what we expected from the auction house, there was no such thing as an envoy or letter from the king of violence. Like the king of the wrath of the wrath and the king of the wrath, I could not even know the exact nature of the king of violence.

After returning from the auction house, Kirtimuka, who adhered to Yakusha's armor, swallowed the elongated dry spit. I lowered my voice with a nervous face.

"Perhaps the dragon king of violence attacks us?"

Most of the Yakusha and Asura battle groups in the middle of the arm were deployed on the northern and eastern borders. In this situation, the dragon corps in the south was forced to come in and face helplessness.

It was the most terrible assumption for the king of fury and the arm of the arm.
The King of Fury shook his head sharply.

"There is no way. You do not have to worry about that. Rather, we must prepare for the possibility that the king of food will run wild. "

It was not like a simple childhood strife. The King of Fury believed his insight. The king of violence was still her own ally.

Kyrtimuka had a mouthful in the determined attitude of the King of Fury. He was also aware of the stubbornness of the King of Fury, but he believed more in the King of Fury.

Kirtimuka turned the subject.

"The northern fight is not over yet, I am worried."

The King of Fury sighed. The battle of the north was still dominated by the king of Oman. If it continues as it is, there will be a situation in which the king of the slaughter will not be satisfied.

The fighting in the north was annoying just by thinking. Whichever way wins, it was clear that a bigger war would follow.
The northern part was now a big time bomb.

When the look of the king of the rage suddenly darkened, Kirtimuka realized his mistake. I hastened the King of Fury with good words.

"Gangbyeong people out there scouting will bring good news."

"I hope so."

The king of the rage did not mind, though he was completely ill. I looked at the southern part a bit more and looked at my hands like a habit. Kirtimuka asked.

"By the way, master. What have you been doing since then? "

Yes. it is.

Kiritimka pointed to the King of Fury with his eyes, and King of Fury looked down at his own hand. There was a pencil on his right hand and a paper plate on his thigh. I laughed at my hands without any thought, but now I see a picture of a good portrait.

The King of Fury was embarrassed.

"Uh, huh?"

Gandarbha was one of the foremost artists in the arts. As the head of Gandariba, the painting skill of the King of Fury was outstanding. Despite the fact that it was a roughly painted painting, it contained the same precision as the picture.

Kirtimuka, who approached the King of Fury immediately, looked down at the painting.

"You look handsome. It's a man's face, right? "

"Uh, yeah. What… … "

The King of Fury was awkwardly blurred. In its awkwardness, Kirti Muka narrowed his eyes and quickly caught sight of the wrath of the King of Fury seeking a place to go.
Kiritimka thought. And I was shocked.

Ugh! Is he the guy at the auction house? So this is a virtualization ?! Oh, jeez. I have not fallen so deep. Did you imagine a face with only one eye? Did you fall so deep? "

"Sa, is not it? I really saw it? "

The King of Fury hurried back. Somehow, my face became hot.
Kirtimuka asked again.

"Do you speak your naked face?"

"Just a moment."

The King of Fury regained his composure. He said that the heat of the face was cooling off by the hand fan.

"Anyway stop talking crazy. It's just a pity. "

But Kirtimuka was still squinting. I looked at the portrait I had just picked up and said with a serious voice.

"Participating in a special auction means that you have some sort of power. Or at least I am capable of myself. It would be better if it was not another king's … … Maybe it will be a great power for you. "

"Is that right?"

The king of the wrath shook his ears. Kirtimuka laughed again in his appearance. Even if you set up handsome Devanas and Gandarbas to fill the pilots, your master who has no response will show interest to the man.

But it was then. A big wind blows over the wide open window. Translucent white cloths fluttered without any reason, and Kirti Muka was a momentary but tightly closed eye.

But the King of Fury was different. She got up from her seat and welcomed another friend of herself.


What appeared through the window was Garrara – Gardimundi in red scale armor. With red feathers, wings and birds-like feet, she acted as the eyes and ears of the King of Fury, moving around the world, apart from the gangbangers.
Gildimundi, who shook his hand with a small hand to the King of Fury, welcomed himself without fault, jumped out of the window frame and approached King of Fury.

Kirti Muka broke loose.

"You're rude! How many times should I tell my master to go through the front door? "

It was a ghastly grimy Yaksha. But Gardimundi shed his anger at Kirtimuka as if it were familiar. Of course, Kirti Muka was more and more hungry, and the King of Fury quickly opened his arms to mediate between the two.

Gardimundi fell to his knees to give an example to the king of such rage. And I blinked my eyes. Even though I did not give all the examples yet, I stood up again from my seat.

"No, this is the year!"

what? Is not that Mammon's house? "

Kirtimuka 's utterance mixed with Gardimundi' s voice. Suddenly, Gardimundi nodded his head as he quickly took a portrait of Kirtimuka.

"It looks like it was quite beautiful as a woman with a pod, but … I think the current version of Mammon is right. Where did you get this? "

The last question was toward the King of Fury.

"Mammon's lord?"

"Tell me more. Do you know this man? "

This time the voices of King of Fury and Kirtimuka were mixed. Gardimundi shrugged.

"Everyone knows. This is the object that came to scout. "

The wrath of the King of Fury grew. Kirtimuka began to impatience. Mammon was a family that both men knew. But I still needed confirmation.

Gardin Mundi wriggled his eyebrows a couple of times and said in exaggerated tone as if the play was strange.

"Cheon Yong Ho. The present is Mamono's family. It is a hilarious man who is not content to raise Mammon who is going to ruin, but has left all the vacancies in the south through work. "

Wow, Awesome! Large. good!]
[The amount of weapons is really huge.]
[This is not only the skull unit, but also the black oak squad can be armed with all the magic solid?

Lusia, who was in control of the army, vigorously said.

The interior of the arsenal was simple. In a large room with a large ceiling, there was a storage room, and in the storage room there were various kinds of weapons. I felt like I was in a big mart.

Like Yongho, Kaiwan, the descendant of Mammon, opened his heart. He said with a bit of humbleness and a lot of pride.

"It's a place where things made by Baru in eight hands are stored. That's great. "

Yongho, who remembered the arsenal of Kaiwan at the moment, laughed. I closed my eyes once and glanced over and looked at the horsepower in the arsenal.

It was glamor itself. There was really nothing magical among the technicians who filled the arsenal.

Tiglius, the most enchanting of the party, picked up a knife near him. I pulled it out of the sheath and looked at the blade and said.

"Most of the sharpening and strengthening of the material seems to have caught the magic. If the equipment is armed with power … I think the attack power of the Skull unit will be terrifying. "

Synchronization alone was already a skull unit beyond the usual skeleton troops. If the power was to be armed with magic weapons, it would be a forceful army.

"Skull Skull."

The chuckling skull lifted his hand and pointed to the inside of the arsenal. It was also a place where special items, not mass-produced, were exhibited.

Armor I need armor. '

In fact, the composition of the current Mamon subordinate ministry was quite asymmetrical. Most of them consisted only of 'warriors' capable of melee combat.

As an online game, there were few remote dealers such as wizards and archers at the party, and there was no healer combination.

Of course, in the case of Yongho himself or Kaiwan, you could attack ranged enemies with a knockout or combat suit. There was only one, but there was a wizard, Tigrius.

But it was scarce. Considering the situation of fighting with subordinates, we needed to find a remote dealer and a wizard for more effective party composition.

'But I can not assimilate a subordinate work.'

So Yongho wanted armor. I was not able to make new recruits right away, so I had to find a way to use my existing troops as efficiently as possible.

When Yongho saw it, Yongho himself and his subordinates had enough attack power. But his armor was weak. It may be said that it is a poor level. There is no healer to use on the front line.

"Dragon Leotard?"

The first thing that came into Yongho's eyes was the red leather armor on a mannequin with no arms and legs.
In fact, the horse was thin enough to be armor and almost tights. I did not even have an arm leg, I even thought it was a swimsuit.

But it was armor in Mamon's arsenal. I also felt the magic power felt.

Sun Kaiwan, standing beside Yongho, looked at the nameplate attached to the mannequin neck and laughed.

"It's made of dragon leather. Although it is for women. I think it will go well with Nana and Katarina. It does not seem to interfere with movement. Who will Yongho give this to? "

Katharina also ears in a quiet voice. Yongho smiled and replied.

"There's another one over there. I will wear both. "

Kaiwan was frowned, and Katarina liked her tail.

Ellogos raised his voice.

Oh! I found something suitable for you. "

Yongho, as well as everyone in the armory, went to Elyos. Elligos pointed to his armor, which was set in front of him with a very satisfied face.

Someone sprang their resilience. A gentle light as if it had melted the moonlight captivated the attention of the left eye.

Metallic dragon armor.
Among the dragons, it was a rare silver dragon scales and leather armor.

Chapter 54 – End of encounter

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