Dungeon Maker

Chapter 181

Chapter 60 # 6 "Calm down, now it is."

Kirtimuka's affectionate sovereignty, the King of Fury flinched like a cook stabbing a needle. I poured out a quick word.

"no it's not? When did I feel unbearable? "

Although the tone was out of order, Kirtimuka laughed heartily. The ear lord of the wrath was red.

"I did not say so until then."

The King of Fury wasted no time at all in Kirti Muka ' I finished the clothes that I made in a hurry to play with my hands.

"Make a crazy sound or try it on."

Around the seat of the King of Fury was a collection of miscellaneous handcrafts. It was the horn of the King of Wrath to make fun of his hand once in a while when his mind was distracted or nervous.

The King of Fury, the head of Gandariba, was indeed a queen of dexterity. Kirtimuka, who received a robe set up to a great number, counted the master's heart. I wondered if my clothes would fit well again and I winked at the owner who was looking forward to seeing him again.

"That's right. Thank you.

"I'm glad."

The grinning wrathful king realized that Kiritimuka's gaze of his reflection was beginning to shine again. I ran out of my hands and put down the tools I had in my hand.

"Hmmm. Anyway, this is about clothes. "

I was able to breathe in my face as I touched my face. It was not only because of the alliance of Mammon with the King of Fury that he made clothes and placed the water. There were a few other things that made her sick.

The King of Fury headed to Gardimundi.

"How about the king of the horses? Are you still silent? "

It has already been over 10 days since the king of the shrimp disappeared from the border area. The sudden disappearance of the king of the caterpillar itself could have been a great strategic variable, as the troops were gathered in the border of the three kings.

Gardimundi, who had been following the information gathered by garrula and gangbingers, narrowed the gap. I answered with a mixed voice.

"It's strangely quiet. I am a king of apprentices who have often been on a tour, but I have not seen a pussy for a few days. "

"Maybe they are plotting something?"

"It might be trying to take a strategic advantage by hiding it."

Kiritimuka added. It was quite possible.

The King of Fury closed his eyes for a moment and organized his thoughts. It has been over a decade now that she has become king. And she had been nervous with the king of all over the years.

It was a way to know each other as well as an old friend. The King of Fury shook his head.

"It's not like a king of food. This is not the king's way of eating. "

He was obviously a cunning man. But he was never a bait on his own. It was closer to personal preference than to strategic thinking. And so it was even more suspicious.

The King of Fury concentrated his powers on his fingers. In the light of the empty space, the mysterious evangelism was instantly drawn.

The eyes of the King of Fury headed to the border area with the King of the Horses. There was also a somewhat uncertain corner of the movements of the three Caesars, who are also among the traitors of the king of the shrine. It was not enough to say it, but it was clear that something suspicious was going on.

"What about the uncle of violence?"

When the King of Fury laughed at his hand, the evil evangelist moved to the center and put the southwestern part in the center. When it comes to the story of the king of violence, Kirtimuka and Dali Gardimundi, who are nervous, respond in calm tone.

"Still silent. The dragons are still standing. I would not have been a direct attack on his temperament, but just a march to threaten him. "

"It's frustrating."

The behavior of the king of violence was not that frustrating. The king of fury was also good if he was avoiding a fight through threats. Because she was the king of violence and the heart also had the common point of 'avoiding fighting that you do not have to do'.

The frustrating thing was the situation.

The king of violence was silent thanks to the movement of the dragon legion. Oman and Jillie could not afford to look south for fighting each other.

Thanks to this, the army of the King of Fury had to remain in tense but did not have to fight for the real blood.

It was good to have no war. But it was never a good sign if the now dangerous peace was a sign to call for a bigger war. Sometimes I had to write my hands to prevent a bigger anger.

The alliance with Mammon has a strategic significance. I have not been convinced yet that Mammon has enough strength, but if I could put pressure on the king of the slaughter, I would have a pretty good picture.

It was sad, but the best way to stop the war was not a loving conversation. It was a powerful force to block even those who refused to talk.

'If you strike me, you will never see good things.'

It was direct and coarse. But it was the most effective means.

If the Confederacy had become strong, even if the King of Oman had thrown down the King of Jinshi, he would not be able to make war easily.

'It's not just because of the pounding in my chest.'

Mammon was an unthinkable variable and could be a meaningful variable. The alliance with him – no, Mammon, has had enough strategic value.

The king of the rage squeezed his own breast lightly. I gently closed my eyes and counted the date.

"Calm down, now it is."

"no it's not? When did I feel unbearable? "

In the appearance of two people exchanging the same conversation ten days ago, Gardimundi burst into laughter. I watched the shape of two people working on the chin.

Time flashed.
In the past twenty days, there has been no such incident. The king of the shrimp still did not show up, and the war between Oman and Zinchie in the north was still slow.

The dungeon of the King of Fury and the Dungeon Bimana, called the "Transit Fortress," were unusually unique – and unusual, dungeons in all kinds of marvels.

Bimana was built on the backs of a vast and giant tortoise living. No, in the beginning, Bimana was the name of a turtle.
A dungeon naturally built on the back of a super-sized workhorse.
The King of Fury took his dungeon somewhat and made it his palace.

The dungeon, which is as unusual as Bimanna, was only a 'heavenly fortress', which is considered to be the dungeon of the northern name of California. You were a dungeon naturally formed on a huge and huge sky whale.

Whatever the dungeon of the King of Fury was able to move. However, the King of Fury stood in the northern void, leading the Suhas instead of moving the Bimanas themselves. Moving Bimanas was a very noticeable act.

Finally, the day of Mammon 's Caesar and the promised alliance came.

Since it was a secret alliance, the King of Fury brought only the appropriate number of men.
Five in each arm. There is an entourage, Kirtimukawa Gardimundi.

No matter what a secret alliance, the alliance was a sacred ceremony and had to be at least formally formal. That's why we brought about forty people each, five from each arm.

'Of course there is also the meaning of escort.'

Gardimundi looked around the wilderness without humanity. Even though the surroundings were pervasive, no one was seen. It seemed that there would not be any rumors about what happened here.

But I still had to do it. Mammon, whom she saw, was never a fool.

Forty-eight army men made up their own flags and set up flags. When the power of the mysterious eight flags were gathered together, a blocking veil covering the surrounding area was unfolded. Now, just watching at a distance would not know what was happening in the circle.

"Anyhow, calm down. Breathe deeply. "

"I've never been like that."

The horse did so, however, and the King of Fury took a deep breath. My heart went up and down a few times, and the King of Fury felt his heart relaxed.

"But where is Mamon? The appointment time is not long. Do not you think? "

Kirti Mukaga asked Kardim Di Mindi as if he had been asked. It was a wasteland in the middle of nowhere, so I had to look at it in whichever direction I was approaching, but I did not see an ant kitten, not even the history of Mammon.

Kirti Muka, who thinks Mammon 's Caesar is a candidate for the King of Fury, but the story is different if he can not keep the promised time. It is not just a promise, but a summit for alliance with King of Fury.

'Is it late?'

Instead of killing Kirtimuka, Gardimundi, who frowned on Migan, looked around again. To keep the appointment time, I had to show the direction in any direction.

Kirtimuka made a further impression, and the face of the King of Fury was a little young, but young. And that was the moment. Gardimundi shed a hollow voice.

No way.

Gardimundi just looked up, and the King of Fury and Kiritimka, who was looking at Gardimundi, also looked up reflexively. The three men opened their eyes almost at the same time. As Gardimundi represented the hearts of the three people, he voiced a mixed voice.

"Momon …A

The cloud broke. From the distant sky, a gigantic rain process reminiscent of a red dragon appeared.

Red giant thyme.
Mammon's exclusive Caesar made a deep impression on the King of Fury and his underworld with its overwhelming momentum.

And this was not the performance that Yongho prepared.

A hatch of the red giant Tiamet landed at a distance from the King of Fury. The first thing that came out of the skulls and skulls was the one that they picked out from the skulls.

The skulls, who preceded the skulls, took the same action without any error, just as they showed the performance of synchronization. Behind the great march, Iris moved to the middle of the road.

Since it was an undead corps, there was no movement after it stopped. The same unified black armor gleamed in the sun.

Yong Ho walked across the open road. Behind the back were Katarina and Kaiwan, each with their own style.

Ophelia, Eligos, and Tigris stayed inside the Tiamet. They were Joker in case of emergency.

KIRTIMUKA nodded his head to become a satisfactory face in the appearance of Yongho who appeared to be proud of him even when it was just in time for appointment. Gardimundi widened his eyes as he watched the red giant Tiamet. This is because it was not a normal non-process.

And the king of the rage stiffed like a stump. Again, he crushed his own heart.

'That's real.'

My heart was throbbing. It is also brittle, more intense than ever!

Yongho approached the King of Fury. As the distance got closer, my heart pounding grew bigger and bigger.

"I see the King of Fury. It is the owner of Kang Yong-ho who is Mammon's lord. "

Yongho first gave an example to the King of Fury. It was in a good shape to see whether there was a reward that I had practiced all night under the supervision of Kaizan and Ophelia.

But the King of Fury did not answer. I just looked at Yongho in a blank stare.

That is, 1 second, 2 seconds, and beyond 3 seconds, 5 seconds.

It was time for everyone, including Yongho, to have a question at a time when it stopped. Kirtimuka urgently shouted to the King of Fury with a mental response.


The spirit flashed. The King of Fury was in fact just a few steps or more away to his nose – of course. – I stopped breathing once again in the appearance of Yongho, and I was still embarrassed by the heart that moved and did not know to stop. I did not know what to do, but I opened my lips after I blew my fur.

"Nice to see you." Drrita Supra, head of the arm branch. "

ruined. It was a face, a voice and stiffness.

When Kirtimuka felt nausea, Katarina rolled her eyes and saw Kaiwan, and Kaiwan was thin.
However, Yongho did not feel strange in the answer of King of Fury. I can not concentrate on her voice and facial expressions.

My heart was throbbing. It was not simply due to resonance. When I met at the auction house, I felt a strong impulse.

Why? What is it?

I stood up to the wrath of the king of the rage, and I nearly suppressed the greed to wrap around. Yongho swallowed his saliva in a strange pit.

The difference between the King of Fury at the auction house and her now in front of you. What's changed. Yongho's gaze turned to the lower part of the King of Fury. I gazed at the metal belt around the thin and sleek waist of the King of Fury.

Now I can see. Yongho barely managed to suppress himself. Instead of shouting out of my mouth, I pinched the silent resilience.

'Wearing a meal!'

The caretaker cried out in Yongho. He showed a terrible cravings toward his half.

Chapter 60 End of # 6

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