Dungeon Maker

Chapter 210

Chapter 72 # 2 Ancablo was the first woman to be impressed. As soon as I finished my greetings, I did not have to take a seat separately.

"The King of Violence mentions the King of Greed with the last Testament. Can you both lend me your hand for a while? I will let you know what I have received. "

It was obvious that I was doing the same thing, but I felt like I was on a strange platform. It seemed to be due to the peculiar and imposing atmosphere unique to Ancablo.

Yongho did not hesitate to take his hand out of Anchor Bros. The King of Fury was trying to reach out to Yongho one step ahead, and he noticed this, and hid his hand back slightly back. Maybe it was a mistake that I had to draw even a triangle.

It was a situation where I could build a small smile, but because Ancablo Saga was serious, Yong Ho also concentrated on holding the hand of the Fury. Ankla Brosa immediately conveyed his concerns.

The voice of the king of violence echoed in the head of the King of the Dragon and the Fury.

Gather the dragon corps. Help me to visit the king of greed. Stop the worst drunk with him.

The worst drunk was the king of Oman. I felt the reason why I mentioned that it was not simply a king but a drink.

Powerful, enormous horsepower, as good as god.

Ankla Brosa put his hand first. She explained the things she knew because she was the same dragon and had encountered a real thought before she went through an interpreter called Ancablo.

"The King of Violence has banned since preaching this idea. The reason I chose to self-destruct is that it is the first thing I want to do to hurt both the King of Oman and the dungeon, and the second I do not want to lose the essence to the King of Oman. "

The king of violence was the strongest dragon ever known. It was indeed the worst thing that the essence of the violent king was passed over to the king of Oman.

"The king of arrogance is not known. But it must have been a fatal blow. "

Not only the tragedy of the king of violence but also the surrounding area disappeared. It was not so unexpected that I would never be safe because I was blown up by that explosion.

"The present dragon lords are destroying the dungeon brigade facilities that remain in the territory of the violence as long as they gather dragon corps throughout the territory of the violence. I came to see you, the king of greed, ahead of my vision. "

Ankablo, who stopped for a while, gazed at Yongho. Her gaze was as sharp as a blade.

"If you have something to say, please tell me. My troops will follow your command. "

It was a simple declaration, but it felt like a test at first sight.

Yongho responded casually after taking an ankle blower's gaze.

"Help the King of Fury destroy the distribution channels and points of the Dungeon Chamber located within the Territory of Fury. I want to protect the territory of the rage. "

It was initially discussed with the King of Fury to destroy the various facilities of the dungeon. Ancablo's response was purely because it was a rational order that was not particularly angular.

"I will do that. I'll start right away. "

Orc, who was behind Ancro Bossa, was reconvened with Red Dragon again. It seemed to be to spread the name of Yongho to the dragons.

Yongho again saw the King of Fury.

"Drrita Shastra, I'll tell you again."

The situation was definitely not good. But this was not a disadvantage. Power was gathering in one.

"I will come to meet the king of sloth. I'll see you again soon. "

The King of the Sloth.
Yongho did not hide that she was with them. Although the story of Yongho was a novel story, the King of Fury smiled softly. The tragedy that took place in the territory of the rage was still strong winter, but it did not show weakness to Yongho.

"I will wait."

It was Yongho who wanted to rub the cheek of the King of the instant fury, but he quickly handed over. She was not Katarina or Kaifeng.

Yongho, who had just finished a short meeting with Ancablo, gave a brief example, and hurried back to the red giant Tsai metro. A strong army of dragon corps was added, but I was disturbed because I saw the thought of the king of violence.

The subordinates who were led by Katarina also gave Yongho time to think alone. Yongho, deep in the Captain's seat, thought about other things instead of thinking about the King of Oman. I lifted up my right hand with Amon and the greed of greed.

Yongho came into his own hands, although he was somewhat abrupt. Yong-ho, who has demonstrated the true power of sowing through the wisdom of food, is curious about the power of natural greed.

The Sin of Fury transformed the owner 's anger into strength. The more angry the owner of the rage, the stronger the force.

The power of sinful lust was temptation. Those who have not overcome the temptations have become slaves to the king of lust.

The power of eating was to eat. Yongho was able to eat not only pure horsepower but also magic and rudeness once processed by using the power of sowing.

So what is the power of greed?

[I do not know either.]

In Amon's reply, Yoon-ho was blindfolded. Amon said in a series.

[Mammon only used the power created by the combination of the greed of greed and greed to neutralize and weaken the powers of other kings.]
[I do not know why.]
[Maybe it's because of the peculiarity of greed, maybe it's just that I have not seen the real power of greed.]

The more I heard them, the more I heard them. Yongho tried to concentrate on the novel as it was when she first demonstrated the power of slaughter. But the response was different. Unlike the wisdom of wit, which was able to grasp how to use instinctively, the wonder of greed did not say anything.

'I do not think there is any power, is not it?'

The dream of greed immediately responded to the thought of Yongho. It would be correct to say that it was hot.

'The power of greed is the power of ownership.'

Maybe there was a clue. Perhaps the power of greed might be somewhat distant from the battle. Just like the power of evolution.

[Master, it seems like a bit of a rush, but there is a story to tell you.]

Amon switched the topic. Yongho said, concentrating.

[When I fought with the king of lust, the master used only the power of slaughter. Forgetting the power of the owner and the power of greed that has been used for the longest time.]
[The special ability to combine sin and wrath is obviously powerful. But that is not all. I believe the owner will know it well.]

As Amon said. When fighting the king of lust, Yongho did not manage the power of greed properly. No, it was correct to say that I could not operate it.

Yongho had two sins, greed and food. By car, it was two engines. If so, I had to exert all the power of both engines.

The king of Oman got the power of Zilshi. And unlike Yongho, he operated both Oman and Ji Sung. The synergistic effect was more than just a day plus days.

Yongho immediately understood Amon's words. In order to confront the King of Oman, he had to learn to operate both sins at the same time.

Yongho, who has finished the story, has left his head in reverse. Red Zygote Tiamet closed his eyes to rest even during the return to the labyrinth of greed.

Whether or not Lucia had informed her in the middle of the night, the ministers of Mammon, including Yuria, were meeting Yongho.

Yongho stroked the head of Eurah, who glared his eyes more than usual, and headed straight to the Garden of Life. Yongho and everyone seemed to be a little disappointed in the busy walk, but there was no room for Yongho to worry about it until now.

As the garden of life got closer, Yong Ho became more and more emotional. I was already worried about Citi's well-being even though I heard a rough story through Lucia. It seemed to be relieved if I looked at it with my own eyes.

The urgency of the mind was also the same with Kaizan, so not long ago, the two of them almost turned into jogging.

Finally, I arrived at the residence of Sc. As soon as he opened the door, Yongho sighed, and Kaizan rolled his eyes. In the eyes of both men, Justi and Samuel came in for a moment but soon disappeared. The two looked at the woman with a red hair buried deep in a chair made of blue waves.


Yongho said. And the woman with the red hair in that call answered as always.

"Beloved customer."

I wonder what I'm saying at the most.

Yong Ho's face was a little laughing. Yongho stepped on her foot and approached. She opened her arms to such a dragon, and they embraced naturally.

It was warm. It was a novel story, but Yongho was able to see what was different from that of Katrina Katarina and Kakawan. It was not in the bosom. It was to hug in the bosom.


Yongho called again, and she sighed lightly on his back. A short but lonely hug was finished.

"What a relief."

She sat down and nodded. After Yongho, I waited for Kaiwan to come to me.

And after that hug, the others could make a voice.

"Samaria, the dancer of the dungeon council, greets the lord of Mammon."

He still used the title of dungeon chief director. Yongho looked at Samuel. She looked at her left arm and thought for a moment, but then said softly.

"I am glad that you can also face this. Scuzha will be able to cure his left arm. "

"Thank you for your consideration."

Samaria, who greeted several places, was once again a seat of the Citi. And as time went by, subordinate laborers, including Katarina, Skazah, and Gushon, arrived at the residence of Skajah. After meeting all of them, she started talking again.

"Beloved customer, you know, a lot has happened in a matter of days. It is not an exaggeration to say that the balance of power of magic has completely collapsed. "

Three of the six kings died.
The king of violence, the king of Zilshi, and the king of food no longer existed.

The king of Oman absorbed the power of the prince of Jessie, and the king of blessing helped him.

Yongho, the king of greed, took the power of the king of the shrimp, and the king of the rage and the king of the sloth accompanied Yongho.

Here again, there was a reorganization of forces.

The King of Oman had the support of the Dungeon Chamber, as well as arrogance, jinxi, lust, and your territory.

Yongho had the support of the king of violence and the king of the allied rage, including the home of the South, and the Yonggungdan.

The South and the North were separated. This somewhat ambiguous power structure would change more firmly in the next few days.

"I do not know why the King of Oman has so much power. But he is the enemy of Mammon, as well as Mammon. I have to stop him. "

The sentiments of the King of Violence just before his death were indeed intense. The king of arrogance of the day was able to say that it was the worst drink of the horse of the violence.

She was breathing for a moment. There were stories to share with Yongho, and stories that had to be done. But what should be a priority now is also a story about power.

"The three delegates of the dungeon committee came under King Oman. Many resources, such as the ministry and distribution channels of the Natural Dungeon Chamber, were also in the hands of the King of Oman. But this is not the South. "

Dungeon Chamber of Commerce – No, Ivan has only just been a few days. The three directors did not reach out to Citi's area at all.

"I did not have the power. But it does not mean that you have left everything at hand. Dear customer, have you already seen my store once? "

Yongho recalled what he saw in the virtual space of the dungeon supremacy. In addition to the red giant thyme, there were dozens of large non – ferocity workers and giant flight crews in the warehouse of.

She leaned softly and grabbed one of Samar's right hands, which was right next to him. Samuel told the dragon.

"I also have the capacity to hide. The traitors were not able to take full control of their forces. Some of the distribution channels in the food court are still in my hands. The most precious items in a special auction house are no different. "

It was not deprived of all of the dungeon chiefs. Both Citri and Samar were not so rude.

When Samani had finished speaking with a little excitement, she once again touched Samantha's hand. After a while, he opened his lips again and said.

"Beloved customer, I am the king of the lathe and the founder of the dungeon chess. So there is something I can do. I'd say it's a small insurance that I prepared in advance. "

She made fun of her fingers. Then, in the air, a mysterious evangelism appeared. Citi pointed to the north.

"I have a master key that allows me to freely use all the channels and warehouses of the Dungeon Chamber. And obviously … AbraSax and BiPronz do not know this. "

A circulation route of the dungeon chiefs was drawn on the Majei evangelism. Spiderwebs were spread throughout the North as well as the Omani territory.

The location of the various warehouses and facilities added to it.

The corner to use strategically was too much information.

And she said clearly. The master key makes it possible to use all of the distribution channels and warehouses.

"Perhaps only once can be used properly. Once used, Bifronz will notice the presence of the master key. But how deadly it will be is entirely up to you. "

The balance of the six kings collapsed and a new South and North balance were formed. And once for Yongho, a dagger was ready to be inserted into the heart of the northern part.

The story of Citi did not end here. I put on my lips what to do next.

========================== {@PIC: 189750} {@PIC: 189752} {@PIC: 189751} {@PIC: 189753} Mammon is the last version of the group setting.

From left to right are Yuria, Ophelia, Elygos, Wrath of the Wrathrathras, Katharina, Chun Yongho, Kaiwan, Citi, Skull, Tigrius.

I would like you to think that Uria is a version that has grown a little bit longer than now: D The clothes are in the most beautiful clothes that Yongho bought from the takeover. I usually wear a patternless dress = 3 = ;; Chapter 72 End of # 2

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