Dungeon Maker

Chapter 219

The King of Fury sat idly in a public garden on the top floor of Bimanha. The night air was cold, but I did not think it was cold. I just wanted to be one with the darkness of the night.

But it was not to be said. The reality was always in front of me, no matter how I closed my eyes and tried to forget. Both the northern army and the celestial world were at hand.

The King of Fury cried out singing songs. It was just a little humming, but it gave a beautiful melody as if it were a bunch of Gandaras capable of playing. The moon and starlight seemed to melt.

The King of Fury, who had been in the hustle and bustle of the song for a while, quickly closed his lips and broke the humming. Bimana was her dungeon, so she knew all the little things that happened in Bimana. There was a visitor in the public garden.

My heart was throbbing. Now that he had gotten used to it, the king of the wrath was able to turn toward the visitor after he had made a deep breath.

The visitor laughed softly.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Certainly. As I said several times today, it is a very welcome biography. "

The somewhat exaggerated King of the Fury sat on the rocks. Yongho took a seat next to the king of such rage.

It was awkward between the two. The King of Fury was struggling, and Yongho sang his lips several times. Finally, he looked back at the King of Fury.

"King of Fury – No, Dritarastra."

The King of Fury jumped and nodded. I turned my body slightly and faced Yongho.

Yongho looked at the king of such rage for a while. In fact, it was quite strange that the two kings were sitting face to face.

Yongho himself was in the dungeon of the King of Fury, and King of Fury faced Yongho himself without any escort.
It was possible because each other trusted each other as an ally.

"I will speak of you as your ally and martyr. It may be a bit uncomfortable and embarrassing, but I hope you will listen to it. "

Yongho was very serious. The King of Fury stared at such a dragon, and soon he sat down and rested.

"Please wait a moment."

The King of Fury put his hand on his chest and closed his eyes and chose to breathe. After several deep breaths, I came across the dragon again.

"Say it now. I am determined to say anything. "

The King of Fury was also serious. What is now in this position was not the girl in love but the king of the rage, the king of the arms.

Yongho said straight forward.

"The King of Oman is a strong man. Simply fighting us together will be difficult for him. There is also a king of blessing beside him. "

Most South troops did not see the king of Oman, but were not the king of the dragon and the rage, because of the sudden opening of the celestial sphere and the presence of rookies. The two men realized in the battle today why the King of Violence made the extreme choice of self-destruction and why he called the King of Oman the drunkard.

The amount of magical power that was released at the last minute exceeded the King of Dragon and Fury. Moreover, the king of bitterness was very strong. Both Yongho and the King of Fury were not familiar with his wounds, but the king of lust has not only prevented the attack of the two, he even took out his body.

The King of Fury nodded his head. She wanted to forget, but she could not turn away from reality because she was a king.

The King of Oman was strong. I had no confidence in myself to get over it now. It was not easy even to face the king of lust.

Yongho changed the story of the story instead of killing the king of such rage. Seeing the magic of greed in his right arm, he said.

"The power of greed is proprietary. I never let go of my hand. You know my subordinates, Kaizan and Tigrius? "

"I know."

The King of Fury nodded quickly. Especially in the case of Kaiwan, I had to face several times since then.

"They are from California. As you know, the power of Caesar will become weak when you become a servant. When time goes by, it disappears altogether. But they still have their power. Moreover, I can use their power as my own power. This is all because of the power of possessions of greed. "

The look of King of Fury was rather hard. She was naive but not foolish. There was a fact that I found instinctively in a series of flows created by Yongho's story.

Yongho did not stop talking. I grabbed the King of Fury and came up with the following words.

"Power is the power of the soul. Sin is no different. "

The declaration was no different. In the eyes of the King of Fury, it seemed like a unique light of jewels.

The King of Fury suppressed himself. I woke up at once and listened to the words of Yong Ho. His words are not over yet, and the King of Fury promised to listen to all of Yoon 's words.

"I do not want to fight you. It's not like blackmail. Really. I want to be together with you even after you have defeated the King of Oman. "

It was not the first time. The king of the rage was a beauty, and I did not have a good heart to look at it.
Yongho fought against various states during the unification of the South. Of course, there were female Caucasians.

It was by necessity that Yongho made an alliance with the King of Fury. It concealed the sin of greed and hid the fact that the king of food was destroyed. It was just such an alliance that I did not know what would happen after we defeated the Northern Army.

However, after fighting with the king of lust, since Yongho himself declared himself a king of greed, his thoughts have changed.

The King of Fury still regards Yongho himself as a blind man. Yongho, who hid the fact, denied himself and doubted instead of reaching out again.

I did not know she would have done that by necessity either. But Yongho did not think so. I felt her sincerity, so Yongho himself wanted to respond sincerely.

I did not want to fight the King of Fury. I wanted to keep her with her.
The choice of killing her and taking away sin and innocence did not even come to mind.

"Be my servant minister."

The King of Fury bitten it. Yongho looked straight at the King of Fury.

"After you have defeated the King of Oman and blocked the heavenly world, I will release you as soon as you want. I will prove this promise with the pledge of the dragon. "

It was a way Yuno suggested to count stars.

Subsequent ministry was fundamentally established by mutual contracts. Even if he became a servant and became a servant and devoted physical exercise to Caesar, it was impossible to control his mind completely.

The Dragon Pledge was a particularly powerful magic among the various contract magic that existed in the magic world.
Even if the Yongho and the King of Fury were the relationship between Caesar and subordinate ministry, the dragon 's treaty was alive. If Yongho broke the promise, the dragon's pledge would punish Yongho with the strictness of the contract. And the punishment was only one, death.

To be a servant is like asking for your life.
Therefore, Yongho also put his life as a security.

Yongho dies when the King of Fury forbids it when he wants to escape from the covenant of the servant.
The Dragon's Pledge is activated only when the contract is broken, so the King of Fury can not use it to kill Dragon.

It would be an ideal story if you forgot all about the gaze of the surroundings and the location of each person.

Yongho with greed was able to get the power of the rage. By taking the King of Fury as a subordinate, he was able to gain more strength, and so was the King of Fury. The contract of the subordinated ministry led to the growth of both the Caesar and the subordinate.

But it was possible when all of them believed each other completely.
The King of Fury was not alone. She was the leader of the arm.

"May I have a moment, think for a moment?"

The King of Fury barely squeezed his voice. Yongho nodded.

"I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Maybe this is the hardest day since I became king today."

The king of the wrath, who made a small smile, stood up from his seat. I felt the coolness of the night air.

"Leave it. You'll be tired too. "

The King of Fury left the public garden. Yongho sensed that Gardimundi and Kirtimuka were following her silently. It was only two people to listen to Yongho's story.

[I conveyed my sincerity. Now is the time to wait for results.]

Amon said Najin. Yongho closed his eyes.

[Master, wake up.]

Yongho blinked. It was a blinking sleep that I put my eyes on for a while.

It was still in the public garden. When Amon had contacted other subordinates, no one had come to pick it up at dawn.

Not long after I opened my eyes, Yongho understood the situation. The King of Fury stood before him. A little more disturbed than last night, she stood in front of Yongho. Both eyes were full of blood.

"I do not think I was born and had a lot of troubles like today."

Gandarbia 's unique smell of scent tickles his nose. The King of Fury stood beside Yongho.

"I've been worried all night."

King of Fury drank a lot of cold airs. I covered my face with both hands, and then it was not long before I lifted my head again.

"There are two conditions."

Yongho was silent. The King of Fury looked at Yongho. The gemstone shone in the darkness.

"First, the fact that I am your subordinate is a secret. It is impossible to deceive even to the king of sloth or your 12 laborers, but it should not be. I do not need to know both the ordinary armists and the ministers of Mammon. This is the condition presented by Gardimundi. "

It was a condition in mind when the King of Fury was liberated from his servant ministry.
Yongho was right to think. The army could not accept the fact that their king became a subordinate of other states, no matter how much they needed it. Anyway, if it was a contract only for a short-term battle with the king of Oman, it would be better to treat it without anyone knowing it.

And also,

The King of Fury was clouded. After several times licking my lips, I finally came across Yongho again. I said a little bit.

"The second condition. Be responsible for the arm and me. "

"Drrita Shastra?"

Yongho had no idea. There was no more shame or shyness on the king's face. She spoke as the king of arms.

"The King of Greed You are the one who has been transferred from this world to the hematocrit. So you do not have your race or clan. "

Yongho was a successor. According to Gardimundi, only Kaigman was a bloodbath sharing the blood of Yongho and Mammon.

The King of Fury admitted quietly. The king of greed was strong. The balance of power of the King of the Dragon and the Fury has long ago collapsed.

When it was discovered that Yongho was the king of greed, Kirtimuka thought that he had to give up the chaos for the union of the army and the Mammon, but the thought of Army and Army leaders was different. Mammon 's Caesar was suitable as a target of jonghwol. In order to survive in a world where the balance of kings has collapsed, it has been best for stronger strengths and stronger forces to survive.

"Please consider your arms as your race. Please defeat the king of Oman and defeat the celestial kingdom and present to the army a peaceful mystery. I love them and love them. "

It was the most important thing. The King of Fury did not want any more.

"If you do that, Nadri Tarastra will be with you for a lifetime. No, of course, the dragon's agreement will be made. just in case."

At the end, I was suddenly shy. Yongho opened his mouth in joy and perplexity.

"Hey, wait. Now I mean … … "

"Not yet. "Not yet." I do not mean that I will not be a temporary servant in order to bring down the King of Oman, but after that I became more intimate. After you also know that you are really going to save your arm. "

The king of the raging wrath quickly stood up from his seat. After he fixed his expression once, he reached out to Yongho.

"I do not believe you. The King of Greed. "

It was a very big faith. Yongho caught the King of Fury's hand.

"Thank you, King of Fury. I will surely repay the faith. "

The king of arrogance, jealousy, and lust is different from the promise he made with Mammon. It was like the promise of Mammon and Citie who would never betray one another.


The King of the Fury, who scrambled his hand in the big hand of Yong Ho, turned his gaze. I shy again and said.

"How about making it easier to talk to each other now? I became more friendly than the first … I'll be friends from now on. "

Yongho finally laughed. I vigorously nodded.

"Yes, Dr Tarasstra."

The King of Fury smiled sunny. Instead of answering to Yongho, he rubbed his hand again.

Chapter 74 – Drastar Strahan, Chapter 75 – Mammon.

Chapter 74 End of # 6

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