Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 445: Go to war

"Don't have such thoughts."

Xu Yi told them not to speak, he had his own opinions, he had a way to go, and he couldn't be influenced by the few words of other people.

"You must never challenge my bottom line like this. Although I am a good talker with 10 points, I can't tolerate you bullying me like this, you know?"

Shanaiduo flew around Xu Yi and flew past, which meant silent support for Xu Yi.

"Don't do this. If you continue like this, it might make them feel that we did it on purpose, and they will have grievances in their hearts."

But he didn't care if he understood the seriousness of this matter, he knew what was the most important thing.

"Some of them in the spy world have never talked about justice. In this case, we don't need to negotiate with them at all, and we directly use our strength to prove to them.

Shanaiduo and Liuwei were whispering there. I don't know what they are discussing. Is Xu Yi interested in hearing what they are talking about now?

"You hurry up to do the defensive work there now. If they say that once they launch a general offensive, we can deal with it."

This base is nothing more than a shell. If they are hired to contribute all at once, they may be returned all at once.

"This shell does not have a stubborn defense system. If you want to completely strengthen the defense, then you should also build the kernel."

Xu Yi and the others elaborated on the current concrete and realistic situation in detail.

"This is how things are, we must not relax, do you know what I mean? The matter is already serious, and there is no need for such presumptions."

Xu Yi is very clear now, he feels that he must give them an explanation now, let them know the ins and outs of all this.

"The first thing you have to tell me now is that no matter what happens, you must explain it clearly."

Xu Yi basically has a plan now. He feels that he needs to explain the situation to them and let them know the specifics.

"If they say that such an offense is true, then we will adopt the method of siege, we will surround them in a circle, and then proceed inward."

This is easy to say, but if you want to avoid their sight, it is not easy to fly behind and to the sides of them.

"It depends on your ability. Don't you elves have invisibility? And don't you have invisibility attributes? Next, let's see how good you are."

Xu Yi knew very well in his heart that he felt that what he said now was really complete, and he didn't need to consider the feelings of other people.

"These people on the opposite side are our enemies no matter what, if we think about them now, we are violating ourselves."

It was the first time that Xanadu heard Xu Yi's words so heavy, and he felt that Xu Yi really paid attention to this base.

"How can you not let people know about it here?"

Xu Yi knew very well in his heart that he felt that he must give them an explanation now.

"Don't say too many other things, you might be able to let other people listen. They are all highly intelligent organisms and can think."

If Shanaido and Liuwei said that once the matter was discussed, they might be caught by those other people.

"Don't be like this. If you are like this, it will make other people feel a little helpless. It makes no sense at all."

Although this base has only one shell, this defense system is not as fragile as Xu Yi said. It can still be repaired on its own at this time.

"I always feel that this base is different from our previous bases. What do you think? I think this issue should be considered in the long term."

"Don't think about it. If you think about it like this, I won't be able to help you. We must have our own cards now, you know?"

Xu Yi always wanted to make this matter a little simpler now. He felt that if they were to find out, the consequences would be very serious.

"Some of them will not bring us any loss at all. They just came to provoke us. They also know how their vanguard died."

Dark Elves, although there is a nickname called Bloodthirsty Demon, once they meet Xu Yi, they will not be arrogant at all.

"I know what you think in your heart. If this is the case, can we use another method to solve these problems in front of us."

Xia Fusheng suddenly thought that if Xu Yi binds his elf attribute to this elf, the energy released at that time might be able to blind their eyes.

"I remembered that the light from your hand was very dazzling. Then I will see if it will make their pupils discolored."

When their pupils turn red, they are in a state of blood loss. They kill people when they see them, and they never care about the identity of the other person.

"I've heard of such a rumor before. If this is the case, should we plan this matter early?"

Xu Yi didn't want to pay attention to them at all now, because he knew that he had basically done this thing thoroughly now.

"You don't want to think about it like this. If you talk about it, maybe the flame bird can't wait. Then he will rush over by himself."

Xu Yi has basically thought about it now. If they really want to rise up to resist, they will definitely not have any good fruits.

"They feel to some elves that there is nothing in their eyes, there is no affection, there is no morality, only killing."

The more people they kill and the more blood they see, the redder their eyes will be, which means that their level will be higher.

Xu Yi couldn't understand such spirits as them.

"I think the elves are a very beautiful existence. I never thought that there would be some bloodthirsty monsters like this, which makes people feel a little embarrassed."

Xu Yi has already thought about it now.

"We can't let them succeed. We must control this matter now and let them know that what we do is justified."

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