Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2177: Planning and finishing within the empire

Indeed, from now on, the empire needs to be sorted out first.

   The first is the formulation of various systems, and a series of measures to improve the cohesion of the people, so that people’s lives can be better.

   These are not useless, in fact, as the inside of one's own territory, the better and smoother the operation, the greater the effect on oneself, because the speed of gaining points will be much faster.

   These points can be used not only for rioters, but also for various special constructions. Even the deduction and evolution of Du You's professional system in some territories can be used.

   A ninth-tier world is much stronger than other world unions.

   Du You hasn't completely occupied this world, just a part of the territory established in the area, has made Du You's guild list appear in this world's unique profession. It seems that the will of the world is not so rigid.

   In the eyes of the will of the world, the world of the ninth rank and the world under the ninth rank are completely different.

   Of course, Du You hid it for granted, and did not open it up. Otherwise, those who have joined their own guild but have not been controlled will not be able to see it, and Xiaobai may also see it.

   Since he reached the eighth rank on the bright side, he has split from the original guild, and he is also the master of a guild. Nowadays, in many cities, I am a person who has been particularly well-written.

   It would be totally different if they were to discover the world of rank nine.

   You must know that there are not many Tier 9 powerhouses in the entire world, and they are all hidden. There are only a few that can be known by outsiders, and no one can see them at all.

   If they find that their strength has reached the ninth rank, then the following days will definitely be very lively and very annoying. Countless people want to join themselves, yes, it is to take refuge rather than win. After all, at this level, they are no longer qualified to win, but the impact is a little too big.

Under Du You's special character, the first thing he thought of was to hide himself.

   With the establishment of the system, all aspects of the territory began to improve rapidly. The civilians have a way to rise, and the high-levels are no longer so stable, so many things are done much faster.

   Things that cannot be solved in other cities for decades or even hundreds of years can be solved in Du You's side in just a few days. If the following cannot be resolved, it will be reported layer by layer until it is resolved.

   At the same time, the habitats of various powerful monsters around were also found. It can be said that all the beasts above Tier 7 were all killed, except for the hidden ones that were particularly good, nothing else could be left behind. Moreover, all regions have their own armies to ensure that these monsters will not cause major disturbances.

There are two reasons why    has not completely solved it.

   On the one hand, it is reserved for the people in the territory to exercise, which can increase their income and can also train a group of strong people.

   On the other hand, these monsters can continue to multiply, and when they grow up, they can be killed to obtain magic cores. In this world, the magic core is originally an important resource, and it is also a hard currency.

  Of course, this is the World of Warcraft on the ground, and the underground world is almost the World of Warcraft. Just leave the city, but it is not so easy to be controlled. You can only use a large number of undead to patrol everywhere, and then continue to build the city. Before the number of cities reaches a certain density, the underground world is not so easy to solve.

   It is precisely because of this that undead creatures that can be produced in large quantities have become the mainstream of the underground world.

   In the underground world, you can see the undead city everywhere, even if it is just to occupy a position.

   Then, on the passages connecting the earth and the underground, cities and fortresses were also established. These fortresses have powerful defense capabilities, both internally and externally.

   This is a ring-shaped fortress. Both the inside and outside are the defensive points. Soldiers and civilians live in the middle of the two walls.

   When these fortresses were established, these passages were opened. As long as you pay, you can enter or exit the underground. For adventurers, this is great news.

   After the internal stability was completely stabilized, Du You began to build a large number of towns and villages within the empire.

   If it were before, towns and villages would have no way to exist.

  Some are camps one by one. After all, without sufficient strength to protect, normal people cannot survive. Usually many people live either in trees or underground. Either it is near a big city, fearful.

   Once a city is attacked, they are often the first to suffer.

   Everyone is eager to enter the city, the biggest reason is safety. But now it's different. After Du You has cleared the interior, these towns and villages can exist and are very safe.

   With these towns and villages at the same time, the traffic has become more convenient, and more and more roads have been opened relying only on domestic demand has also made the empire more prosperous. In the eyes of civilians outside, the lives of the people in the life empire here are as if they are in heaven, which makes people envious.

   The same, because not only are people able to live safely in cities, but the population of the entire life empire has exploded. This is not an improvement of hundreds of times, and even an improvement of thousands of times and tens of thousands of times can be achieved.

   No matter how many people around want to join the empire, Du You will never refuse.

   At the same time, with the internal stability, more and more points are in his hands.

   After the interior is settled down, only the highest level 6 people are required to guard it. Then the 7th and 8th rank powerhouses in the inner city don't need to stay here anymore. Du You put them all in the border or in some important cities. This is the most effective use of human resources.

   The role played by a seventh-tier powerhouse now is simply stronger than the role played by the previous five or six seventh-tier players.

   As long as there is no accident at the border, there will be no accident anywhere.

   And the more stable the interior, the fewer troops are needed. Gradually, the troops have also entered the border or in some important cities. Slowly sort out the inside, and the next round of expansion will begin.

   "Have the monitoring system and urban protection system been manufactured?" On this day, Du You asked his clone team.

   "It's almost there, although it's almost not perfect, but it can be used. Let's start construction."

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