Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 542: Seal the magic ball

While the quantity was large, the geographical position and quality were high, it actually blocked the creatures sent by the Sandman. Although it has not had the upper hand, it has also been firmly blocked from the outside.

If it weren't for Du You's lack of ordinary archers, and now the cooperation of ordinary archers, these desert jackals and sand snakes would not be their opponents at all. Seeing that these pets are of no use, Feng Cao didn't want to wait anymore.

"Follow me, these cowardly humans are not worthy of being our enemies."

Feng Cao rushed forward with half of his people, even if only half of them, there were close to two hundred Tier 2 Quicksand Warriors around him. In his opinion, his own quicksand warrior can deal with several humans of the same level, so there is no need to worry at all.

The sacrifices behind followed closely, and did not chase too close, this was to provide magical support at any time. The sand sculptures in the air have not yet taken off, and are still waiting for the opportunity in the rear. Now is not the time to attack.

"Good coming, let you see my strength." Du You saw these people rushing over. Although he had a higher chance of winning, Du You didn't want to lose too much. Seeing these people coming, Du You waved his hand and cast a spell in the air. Destroying the flames, a huge magic circle emerged.

A large number of dark elements gathered, and a huge fireball gradually took shape after Du You guided it for ten seconds.

What Du You didn't expect was that his fireball had just formed, and a special car suddenly burst into a red airflow on the back of the sacrificial side. The air flow spreads towards the surroundings, forming a circle.

As this force exploded, Du You strangely found that his fireball seemed to have encountered layers of obstacles. Every time it falls, the fireball becomes weaker. When the fireball was about to fall to the ground, it exploded.

Countless black flames descended from the sky, just condensing some devastating dogs, and his fireball did not play a role at all.

Although these Destroying Dogs were good in strength, they were surrounded by the quicksand warriors around them just after they landed. Under the chaotic sword, a grudge came over, and Destroying Dogs were wiped out without showing anything.

"Hahahaha, the magic ball prepared by the city lord is really easy to use, these human beings really have powerful mages."

When Du You heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Seal the magic ball? These guys have learned the lesson from the destruction of the city last time, and actually brought this kind of restraint of the mage." Du You has no choice.

People have exercised restraint against themselves, so what can Du You do.

What Sha Ren didn't expect was that Du You could actually understand them. Most humans don't understand the language of the sand people at all, and among those present, only Du You can understand it with the help of the panel translation function.

Feng Cao continued to rush forward with the people, his expression was very triumphant, as if he had already eaten these people. Defengcao didn't notice that in the proud, the human soldiers in front of him were unmoved, and their morale did not suffer a bit.

"It's really the elite of the elite, start preparing according to the plan." Luo Jia quickly ordered.

The fifty insinuations hidden in the dark are already ready to attack, and as long as they give an order, they will be able to fight the hapless sand men with all their strength. Now everyone is still standing still.

In the rear, the sand sculptures are also preparing to take off.

Roga said to the rear: "Gryphon rider prepares, Saria, you will allow the arrow tower to attack the sand sculptures later, and don't care about it on the ground for the time being." Saria nodded in agreement after hearing it.

On Du You's side, a devastating flame once again appeared in the air, appearing in the same scene as before.

The magic ball burst out with a red light again, and his own destruction flames were still the same as before, weakened by layers, and finally completely abolished. "It can erupt continuously, but it must be mobilized every time before it can be effective. My normal spells are cast very fast, they are too late to limit, so it shouldn't be affected too much."

Du You understood that his own flames of destruction might not be used here. Not only was it destroying the flames, but the traps he had set up before, whether it was a dark swamp or hellfire thunder, were almost cleared by the two bursts of magic orbs just now.

The reason why I didn't use it before was definitely because this magic ball had some special restrictions. If this is not the case, it should not be used before. As long as they can use it, I am afraid that they have already driven the magic ball all the way over, and they will not let so many sand people or even high-level ones die in various traps.

After Du You released two spells, the flying legions on both sides have taken off one after another. As soon as the sand sculpture knight flew over, he ran into the Griffin Knights head-on, and his enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

Although the two armies were the latest to start their operations, they were the first to come into contact, flying faster than running.

The two armies smashed together fiercely, and various terrorist attacks broke out directly. The attack is simple and direct, but very deadly. It's just that the Griffins haven't been flying high, instead they are constantly pulling down.

Cooperating with the attacks of the arrow towers below, the sand sculpture knights are very painful. Had it not been for these sand sculptures and the sand sculpture knights who had sacrificial blessing spells on them, I am afraid they would have been destroyed by now. Even so, they would still be at a disadvantage.

The number is about the same as the Griffin Riders, but they are not opponents at all when facing the Griffin Rider Legion that has reached level 9. Five minutes later The morale of the Sand Sculpture Corps who suffered heavy losses began to decline. Many people became more passive in the battle, as if they were ready to escape at any time.

And it wasn't until this time that the quicksand warriors on the ground finally rushed over.

"You have reached the attack range, attack it." Luo Jia ordered the messenger next to him.

The sand people discovered that someone suddenly appeared on the wall and nearby hidden places that had not been moving. These people are dressed in black, and they seem to be hiding in the darkness.

When they just came out, these people did not hesitate to shoot their bows and arrows. Shadow Bolt plus coordinates, as well as other skills, were issued one after another. Unprepared, twenty second-tier quicksand warriors died instantly, and more than thirty were injured.

"Damn it, don't run if there is a kind." Fengcao, who had just caught up, saw a shadowy shooter short and disappeared. Look again, I don't know when the tunnel was dug underground.

But the quicksand warriors are tall, they can burrow in the sand, but they cannot burrow in the mud. They couldn't get into this small cave at all.

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