Chapter 119 Nominated earthlings

Lin Dai and others looked at the senior leaders of the Earth Federation coldly, and did not speak.

There was a revenge-like pleasure on his face.

Luo Chen, who was watching, and the high-level members of the Earth Federation were hairy in their hearts, and their bodies were stiff.

After waiting for some time, Lin Dai finally spoke.


Lin Dai’s opening made the heartbeat of the senior leaders of the Earth Federation almost stopped, and sadness came from it.

Are we on earth going to perish?

“I can’t decide whether to accept your surrender or not. I need to consult the teacher.”

Hearing Lin Dai’s second sentence, the heart of the senior leaders of the Earth Federation dared to move a little.

“I will report your surrender to the teacher. As for whether the teacher will accept the surrender of your earthlings, I don’t know.

Lin Dai continued.

After speaking, Lin Dai got up and left the seat and disappeared in front of the big screen.

The high-level federal officials began a long wait.

Outside, countless celestial bodies in space are still attacking the Earth fleet.

The big celestial body is still approaching quickly.

Weapons and equipment such as the Star Destroyer are still struggling.

Since they were unable to move, all weapons and equipment became live targets, and they could only wait for passive defense when the body rushed over.

Except for the high level of the Federation, the other people on Earth still don’t know what happened.

The unknown is the greater fear.

The battleship units outside and all the spaceships are constantly calling the flagship, asking what happened and what to do.

At the same time, there were 710 casualties reported.

“It is reported that the 128th Star Destroyer was hit and it has been unable to operate normally and is in an interstellar spacecraft.”

“The attack gunboat No. 467 has malfunctioned and is returning to the spacecraft.”

“The frigate No. 783 was destroyed, and the frigate No. 783 was destroyed.”

“The No. 14563 armed mech was hit and lost its power. It requested support and requested support.”

Regarding these calls, Luochen and a kind of high-level federal officials ignored them.

The main reason is that they don’t know how to answer, and they don’t have an answer in their hearts.

The fate of the people on earth is still unknown.

Life and death only existed between the thoughts of the high priest.

After waiting, I don’t know how long Lin Dai finally came back and reappeared on the big screen.

The faces of every senior member of the Earth Federation were filled with excitement and aspiration.

There is fear and hope.

The body couldn’t stop shaking.

Next, Lin Dai will announce the fate of the people on earth on behalf of the high priest.

“I have consulted the teacher, and the teacher has also made a decision.

Lin Dai spoke.

The senior officials of the Earth Federation stared at Lin Dai intently, not daring to blink.

“The teacher agreed to accept the unconditional surrender of your earthlings.”

“As sinners, people on earth must be punished as they deserve.”

“You people on Earth immediately unarmed and waited for our acceptance. Next, we will escort you to Chu Yuan star.

As for the fate after being escorted to Chu Yuan star, Lin Dai did not say, and Luo Chen and others did not dare to ask.

Now that they have chosen to surrender unconditionally, they have lost any right to bargain.

No matter what the next destiny is, at least it is better than the complete demise now.

The appointed Luo Chen whispered:

“I immediately announce our surrender to all the people on earth, let them lay down their arms, and ask the chief consul to send someone over to receive it.”

With the end of Luochen’s words.


The big celestial bodies stopped moving, and the countless small celestial bodies also stood still.

It’s like a still picture of space.

“Connect all people on earth.

Luo Chen said to the communications officer.

Subsequently, on other colonial spacecraft, on the Star Destroyer, on the interstellar fighter and armed mecha.

Everyone saw the face of Luochen, the head of the Earth Federation.

Luochen’s expression was low, his eyes were blank, and his spirit was depressed.

“All fellow earth citizens, I am Luochen. Next, I want to announce a vital thing to you.”

“As the head of the Earth Federation government, on behalf of all the people on earth, I have taught the high priest to Father Chu Yuan and surrendered unconditionally to the government of Chu Yuan.”

At this point, all the people on earth were in an uproar.

So what happened?

The head of the federal government surrendered?

They are puzzled, they are resentful.

“Why surrender?”

“They are only written by low-ranking scholars!”

“We obviously still have enough energy, how can we surrender?”

Many people questioned.

Although Luo Chen didn’t see these countless scenes, he had already expected it.

“The big celestial bodies that attack us and countless small celestial bodies are all controlled by the divine arts of the high priest.

“We earthlings can’t resist at all. If we don’t surrender and wait for our destiny, it will be the demise of all earthlings.”

“Everyone will unarm and lay down their weapons. Then there will be Chu Yuan people coming to receive all of our earthlings and weapons and equipment, and we will be escorted to Chu Yuan star.”

“Please (bgdh) do not resist. If you resist, you will be dealt with as a violation of federal laws and crimes against all people on earth.

After Luo Chen finished speaking, his face was as gray as death, and his heart was as silent as death.

Two hundred and twenty years ago, in order not to be annihilated and enslaved by the Flashing Stars, he made the decision to escape from Earth and go to Earth 2.

Today, the people on Earth have been completely defeated by the Chu Yuan star people, and they still cannot escape the fate of failure and enslavement.

For all this, Luo Chen cannot escape the blame, and he can hardly escape the blame.

If at the beginning, if you can hold a humble attitude to contact with the people on the second earth.

Rather than carrying arrogant words that can dominate the fate of others at any time.

The ending may be completely different.

However, there is nothing if.

On the other spacecraft, one billion people on Earth are silent.

They can’t figure it out.

It was originally a good situation, so why did it run into a high priest who mastered divine art?

They are also very frustrated and aggrieved.

I don’t know what kind of civilization system the magic arts are, and why they have such great power.

With just one person, one billion people on the earth of higher civilizations were defeated.

It’s like you don’t even know how strong your opponent is.

Started the war with confidence, but failed in confusion.

Chu Yuan star.

Conference room of the Union Government Building.

After Luo Chen surrendered unconditionally on behalf of the earthlings, Lin Dai temporarily closed the communication between the two sides.

Then they discussed with Fang Qingshan and other fellow officials, as well as the ruling vice official Lin Nan and other high-ranking officials about how to receive the captives and armed equipment of the earthlings.

The overall situation has been determined. This is a trivial chore, so naturally there is no need to bother the teacher.

After the negotiation, Lin Dai asked to open the live broadcast to broadcast to all the Chu Yuan star humans.

Lin Dai and others appeared on the TV at home, the screens on buses, trains and subways, and the big screens on the corners of the street.

Lin Dai said with a kind smile:

“Now, I’m announcing good news to everyone.”

“Our enemies, earthlings from distant stars, are facing the situation of being destroyed under the attack of the high priest’s magic arts. They have unconditionally surrendered to the high priest, to our star Chu Yuan.”

It is completely different from the reaction of the people on earth.

Shen Qing, the human being on the Chu Yuan star, is excited, cheering and leaping, running and telling each other, overjoyed.

“These stupid people on earth dare to invade our Chu Yuan star. Haven’t they experienced the power of the high priest?”

“The ignorant atheists have the blessing of the Father and the guardianship of the high priest. Their failure is already doomed.

“I really want to see how the high priest defeated the earthlings.”

The Father’s Academy of Education and Science.

In the office, Li En, Wang Qing, Hu Shifang and He Yingjun also saw Lin Dai’s speech.

“Earth people, they failed in the end!”

Li En said very calmly.

He was not surprised, not surprised, and not lost.

Even the title has quietly changed.

At the very beginning, he would call us earthlings.

Hu Shifang said worriedly:

“I hope that after this failure, the people on earth can be wiser, more obedient, and stop trying to disobey the high priest’s will, otherwise

He Yingjun looked at the sky, his eyes were very clear:

“When the people on earth come over, we can go and proclaim the greatness of God the Father to them.”

“If people on earth want to save themselves, their only chance is to believe in God the Father.

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