Earthy Superstar

Chapter 258: : No substitute

Ning Shitou felt that he was heartbroken and couldn't figure it out! Even if you run with a bicycle, it’s okay, but in a serious movie, you are riding a pig and throwing a hen to lay an egg. Isn’t that a bit too much?

He quietly expressed his concerns to Director Makino, fearing that this might seem too dramatic and not realistic enough.

Muye thinks completely opposite to him: "Do you think reality is logical? Many things that happen in reality will be scolded when you shoot them. Reality is magical, and movies are more real. Therefore, Li Tiezhu's magical performance, I think it is quite Okay, what's wrong with the serious theme? No matter how serious the theme is, it is also a movie. Besides, whether riding a pig or laying eggs, it is a problem of pigs and chickens. They are not reserved or self-loving. What do they have with Li Tiezhu? relation?"

Ning Shitou clutched his chest, saying that is correct, but I can't make sense with pigs and chickens? They have never read a book and are not very good at communicating.

Moreover, this is not the problem now, it's the problem of Li Tiezhu's inability to fall on his bike!

Really don't need a stand-in?

Ning Shitou couldn't help but said, "What's so shameful to use a substitute? Cheng Dalong also uses a substitute!"

Li Tiezhu immediately defended his master: "Of course my master uses a stand-in! But it's only a stand-in for general shots. Which kind of action is beautiful? Sometimes the stand-in action is better than him. However, in the most dangerous stunt shots, he never uses a stand-in.

Ning Shitou: "..."

Or is it my problem? right! My Nima!

Makino also scratched his head a little: "So, what should I do?"

Xu Shanzheng also said: "You can't see the double..."

Li Tiezhu said: "Don't panic when you encounter things! Be calm. You see, the three of you are directors, why are you so uncomfortable? Then, I'll call my master and ask."

Xu Shan struggled to speak but stopped.

Makino said: "Isn't it too high-end to call Cheng Dalong for such a low-difficulty movement?"

Ning Shitou said: "If I were Cheng Dalong, I would scold Li Tiezhu to death for being such a foolish man!"

Over there, Li Tiezhu made a call, nodded vigorously, and blew a rainbow fart: "Master, you are awesome! There is this kind of operation? I have gained a lot of knowledge, and it is amazing! I want to learn from you, what substitute do I want? What special effects do I want? Just one sentence, turn on, jump!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu smiled and looked at the three "directors", and said, "What's wrong with you? You have never seen the world before. Master said, this kind of lens is the best shot. What he is best at is Falls, all kinds of falls."

Xu Shan Zheng took off his wig, and acted as a fan: "Don't be forced, tell me how to shoot."

Li Tiezhu: "Turn ten times on the spot, then get in the car and walk..."

Xu Shanzheng: "That's it?"

Li Tiezhu: "Ang!"

Xu Shanzheng: "Did you fall?"

Li Tiezhu: "Isn't it just a shot of falling?"

Xu Shanzheng: "..."

Makino praised: "Jackie Chan is different! No wonder he falls so well in his movies."

So, Li Tiezhu crashed the car and started shooting again.

Li Tiezhu pinched his nose and turned around ten times in a row, and immediately drove out, and when he reached the steps, Li Tiezhu flicked its tail, and the car drifted to a stop.

The director looked at the photography, the photography looked at Li Tiezhu, and Li Tiezhu looked at the director.

This is immoral!

What the **** is it? Is it so stable?

Over there, Xu Shanzheng and Wang Chuanjun laughed and patted the van with great bangs.

Li Tiezhu: "It may be that my motor cells are too developed, so I will go around ten more times."

Turning the machine on again, Li Tiezhu turned 20 laps and found that he was still awake. He turned ten laps quickly and felt a little dizzy, so he hurriedly got in the car and kicked out.



Li Tiezhu leaned back and forth, the twenty-eight shoulders stuck on Li Tiezhu's body, and the wheels were still spinning.

A little confused, his head hit the ground first.

Li Tiezhu shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

In order to maintain the continuity of the shot, the director came up with a sentence: "Cheng Yong and Lu Yiyi are chasing, run!"

Li Tiezhu hurriedly drove the bicycle and ran away. When he was running, his body was obviously erratic, his head was dizzy, he couldn't find the direction, and he almost hit the wall with his head.

At this time, Xu Shanzheng and Wang Chuanjun, who had been resting on the sidelines, looked at each other and chased after them. This was something outside of the plan.

Originally the two shots were taken separately, but the two took the initiative to catch up.

Xu Shan rushed to take the lead, kicked Li Tiezhu when he caught up, and then rode up and beat him wildly: "Run! You run!"


After calling the card.

Li Tiezhu said blankly, "Isn't it just taking shots of crashing cars? How can you hit me?"

Xu Shanzheng is super serious: "Seeing that you are in excellent condition, I can't help but rush out! You played really well!"

Li Tiezhu: "You beat me up, right? Hey!"

Xu Shanzheng feels hiding behind Wang Chuanjun: "Civilized! Be civilized! If you have agreed, no revenge is allowed."

Li Tiezhu rubbed his head, his palms were red.

"Medical box! Medical box!"

Soon, the medical team from the film crew came up, stopped the bleeding on Li Tiezhu's head, and applied medicine...

It turned out that when Li Tiezhu fell to the ground, he hit the edge of the steps and broke.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's okay, this little injury."

"Uh... Tie Zhu, I was asking if it hurt when I beat you just now?"

"Brother Shan Zheng. There is a good saying, the way of heaven is reincarnation..."

"Don't! We are all good buddies!"

Xu Shanzheng is trying hard to fool Li Tiezhu to avoid retaliation.

After all, he was really cool just hitting him, he directly pressed the dizzy Li Tiezhu into the trash box and smashed all kinds of debris on Li Tiezhu, it was not too irritating.

Wang Chuanjun was too late, so he came over to press Li Tiezhu's leg.

Mu Ye worried: "Tie Zhu, are you okay? You fell too hard!"

Li Tiezhu returned to his senses and said, "Ah? Isn't this what it should be? How is the shooting? Is it okay?"

"Very good! Especially the plot where you got beaten up after you got up, really good."

"That's good, that's good... it was Xu Shan who beat me up, right?"


Makino suddenly hesitated.

Xu Shanzheng said, "It wasn't me, it was Wang Chuanjun who beat me. I ran slowly and didn't catch up."

Li Tiezhu: "I want to watch the replay."

Xu Shanzheng: "This is not a variety show. What replays are you watching? That's the job of the director. Let's quickly take the next one."

Li Tiezhu: "You are not right."

The shot below is in a dim and dirty room. Cheng Yong and Lu Yingyi discovered that Peng Hao grabbed the medicine to distribute it to these patients who were as sick as him.

Li Tiezhu had only one line in the audience: "You are for the money."

Having said this line three times, Li Tiezhu himself was not satisfied, and Mu Ye was also a little entangled, which gave him a little more energy.

Yes, it's not that it's a little bit worse, but it's too much.

Li Tiezhu tried too hard.

Makino directed the camera at Li Tiezhu, specifically filming him saying this line.

Li Tiezhu became silent, trying to think of Peng Hao’s short life, the mother who didn’t want his life, the stepfather who seemed to dislike him but hoped that he could become a talent, those two unrelated but lovely brothers, and the The daughter of the village chief who was forced to kiss in Baomidi, of course, also had that crisp slap in the face.

That night, Peng Hao broke with his mother in the most vicious words, singing at the entrance of the village: "Goodbye, dear dream girl..."

Cried and walked the night road all night, when the first rays of sunlight rose in the morning, Peng Hao was eating a raw frog.

If it were not for this disease, Peng Hao could contribute to the family with his mother, stepfather and younger brothers, earning money, raising a family, getting married, having children, and even the daughter of the village chief would not be ingested...

Li Tiezhu's face was blank, his eyes were deep in the dim light, and he said stupidly, "You are for the money."

This sentence pierced Cheng Yong's mask directly like a knife.


Makino stopped.

He was very satisfied. When Peng Hao said that you were doing it for money, it was not resentment or disdain, but very plain, just like saying that a chicken wants to eat bugs all the time.

This silence and indifference can be said to be the finishing touch, the perfect portrayal of the protagonist of this movie before sublimation, hit the nail on the head!

After clapping his hands, Makino looked at producer Ning Shitou.

Ning Shitou's face was stern: "You have the final say, I and this guy...disharmonious!"

In any case, Li Tiezhu's performance was approved by the director. He performed the movie very smoothly. The only thing that was upset was that he was beaten by Xu Shan and had no chance to return.

The scenes turn around. With the joining of the last member Huang Mao, the Cheng Yong Pharmaceutical Group has formally completed the group, and the wind is smooth, making money like flowing water.

Cheng Yong is floating, Lu Yiyi is proud, the striptease group leader is angry, and even the pastor is swollen.

However, Li Tiezhu's Huang Mao Peng Hao, who was experimenting, still had a cold face, opened the rolling door for them, expressionless, watching these four people pass by him in bright clothes, and his face was like an ancient well in stagnant water.

In other shots, Huang Mao is a supporting role, standing aside either in a daze or at work.


After Cheng Yong developed, Huang Mao Qianyao and Cheng Yong met at the door, dodgeing from the left to the right, and they both ran into each other. Cheng Yong pulled away and cursed. In the next scene, someone gave Cheng Yong a pennant.

"Benevolence and ingenuity spread all sentient beings, leaving nothing but an eternal name in the world. Oh, this is a level!"

Cheng Yong read the pennant.

Huang Mao happened to come out of the room. The original script was Huang Mao stood in the door and waited.

However, Li Tiezhu couldn't bear Xu Shan's vying for inferiority, because the character of Peng Hao was too deep, and he couldn't hold back for a while, so he lifted his foot directly and wiped his foot with the pennant.

Xu Shanzheng: "Hey hey... are you crazy?


Muye stopped Xu Shan argued: "Tie Zhu, what are you doing? This is a pennant! Can you wipe your feet?"

Makino said: "Yes! You can shine shoes! Very good, very good! Full of irony!"

Ning Shitou: "Huh?"

Li Tiezhu said, "Brother Shan Zheng, if I really are Peng Hao, I will not only polish my shoes, but after polishing, I will spit on your face. This is how my role is set!"

Xu Shan struggling to cover his face: "Don't throw up! The camera is fine."

Li Tiezhu said: "Being acting, there must be surprises."

Xu Shanzheng turned around and ran, spreading his teeth and dancing his claws: "Stop! No! Shut up! Don't vomit, what's wrong with you? The director says it's okay?"

Li Tiezhu took out a bag of junk food from his purse, and said lightly: "My surprise is that I will ask you to eat spicy noodles. Why are you like this?"

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