Earthy Superstar

Chapter 284: : Liu Xiaohua's net worth

Li Tiezhu not only ate with the teacher, but also took the time to go to Nortel and put two good cigarettes for the guardian. The good habits left in high school were taught by Li Fugui.

After that, Li Tiezhu and Song Zhuer had an inextricable farewell ceremony. Both of them were reluctant to give up, but after all they were pulled out, and if they didn't pull out, they would die.

In the next few days, Li Tiezhu began to train intensely, preparing for his first solo concert. At the same time, I also called to invite guests. Although some were invited in advance, some of them were temporarily unable to come and need to be reconfirmed.

In addition to the high-intensity training, Li Tiezhu also pays attention to family affairs. Old man Li is beaming, and Aunt Liu is emotionally stable. It is said that it has been almost three months.

The only one who is not in high mood is Liu Xiaohua, who complained to Li Tiezhu on the phone more than once, saying that it feels superfluous at home.

Li Tiezhu gave her targeted comfort... The latest Huami mobile phone was delivered to Liu Xiaohua on the same day.

Then, Liu Xiaohua's disappointment was effectively controlled.

But the good times don't last long...

On July 23, the college entrance examination results were released.

Song Zhuer: Chinese 102, Mathematics 63, English 127, Comprehensive 162, total score 454

Li Tiezhu: Chinese 88, Mathematics 42, English 79, Comprehensive 213, total score 422

I was surprised by Li Tiezhu's results on the Internet. After all, everyone knows that his results have always been poor, so everyone is quite worried.

Liu Xiaohua also took Li Tiezhu's score with admiration. Wasn't it possible that he could only get three hundred points in the test before? Isn't this comprehensive grade too good? Isn't he cheating anymore?

Liu Xiaohua was very scared of Li Tiezhu's "high score", because her high school entrance examination results were about to be released, and she felt betrayed by the half-dozen scores of Li Tiezhu.

My brother is secretly studying behind my back!


Obviously he is recording shows, releasing albums, and acting in movies. This year, he didn't go to school for a few days, so why did he take the exam so well?

There must be something wrong.

The next day, the senior high school entrance examination results were announced, Liu Xiaohua scored 302.

The knowledgeable Liu Xiaohua didn't go home until eight o'clock in the evening after playing outside. Although she could not escape the catastrophe, she could delay it as much as possible.

Before Liu Xiaohua had time to change her shoes when she returned home, she was beaten as expected. However, since the new house does not have beams or something, it is not convenient to be hung and beaten, which is a bit incomplete.

After beating for half an hour, Aunt Liu cried.

Old man Li quickly calmed his wife, for fear of fetal gas.

Aunt Liu finally let go of Liu Xiaohua, and put down a ruthless sentence: "If it weren't for the iron egg, I would kill you!"

Liu Xiaohua gritted her teeth, bruised all over her body but she didn't cry, she meditated:

Tiedan, when you come out, I will beat you every day! Dare to grab my mother...

Li Fugui comforted his wife and went back to the house to rest, and then came out to the living room to persuade Liu Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, your mother beat you because you didn't get into high school. Don't blame her, she's suffered an illiterate loss. You, don't worry. , Our house is now rich, and paying more will allow you to continue studying, don’t you know?"

Liu Xiaohua gritted her teeth, her voice trembling: "This is not my home."

Li Fugui: "We are a family."

Liu Xiaohua: "My mother doesn't want me anymore, she despises me, loves the new and hates the old."

Li Fugui: "No, even if the iron egg is born, we still like you. Don't think about it."

"I want to run away from home!"

"It's dark outside, why are you going?"

"Oh, then I'll leave tomorrow, uncle, I'm hungry."

"I'm going to cook for you, how many to eat?"

Liu Xiaohua: "Twenty."

Li Fugui nodded, and went into the kitchen, not crying when he was beaten. Li Fugui also admired Xiaohua, a hard-hearted girl.

Liu Xiaohua sat down in the living room, took the new phone that her brother bought for her, and began to search for knowledge about "running away from home", and finally collected two good articles for emergencies.

"Those Things That Run Away From Home"

"A Guide to Running Away from Home"

At this time, Li Fugui brought the fragrant red oil to copy his hands, and Liu Xiaohua feasted on it. If the biggest love for this family, it is Uncle Li’s unstoppable cooking skills. Compared with him, Liu Xiaohua thinks that her mother belongs to her. Cooking is the level of making pig food.

Li Fugui turned on the air conditioner in the living room because he knew that Xiaohua would sweat every time she ate. Her mother was reluctant to use the air conditioner. When she saw Liu Xiaohua turned it on, she played it once. Li Fugui secretly turned it on for her.

Looking at the direction of the bedroom, Li Fugui crept out a tea box from the coffee table, then took out a bag of tea from the tea box, and then pulled out a pile of money tied tightly by a rubber ring in the tea, red and blue. There are all green, about two hundred.

Liu Xiaohua had long known that Li Fugui had started to hide his private money. After all, after her mother took care of the accounts, Li Fugui turned in his monthly salary, and lived a tight life. The money was not salary, but was his extra income from selling waste products on the construction site.

Therefore, Liu Xiaohua has never exposed Li Fugui, and the two of them have the same illness.

Liu Xiaohua sneered, my brother prepared the dowry, you just hacked my money! Fortunately, it is the age of the Internet.

Li Fugui generously handed Liu Xiaohua: "Take it, go out quietly to buy snacks during summer vacation. Don't be seen by your mother! Hide it!"

Liu Xiaohua took the money and put it on the table. She didn't plan to take it. She whispered: "Uncle, you mumble? You keep buying wine for yourself."

Li Fugui shook his head: "Don't worry! Master, I never put eggs in the same basket. This is called Guitu Sanku. I still have a few lumps of money, a total of eight or nine hundred, hehe..."

Liu Xiaohua gave a thumbs up: "Great! Uncle is uncle."

Li Fugui cared: "Does it still hurt?"

Liu Xiaohua’s face was still swollen, and he took a sip of soup: “It doesn’t hurt, I’m used to it. I’ve been beaten by her since childhood. The boss deducted wages, hit me, and found that you were hiding private money, hit me..."

Li Fugui responded with pity in his eyes, this is indeed a logical failure, and the excuse is not sufficient.

At the same time, Li Fugui still feels a little guilty. Last month, his private money hidden in the washing powder was discovered. Aunt Liu scolded him and beat Liu Xiaohua, saying that it was all because of you, Liu Xiaohua. Even after being beaten, I'm still dumbfounded. Is this to blame on me?

Aunt Liu's beating Liu Xiaohua is graded, starting with daily beatings, and will enjoy periodic beatings every month, and creative beatings when encountering important things.

In fact, Liu Xiaohua knew that her mother loved her, but she just couldn't express it.

But... I decided to resist and made her feel scared, so she wouldn't dare to hit her casually in the future. At least, a reasonable excuse was needed, otherwise... it would be unfair.

Trouble you!

Think of a reasonable excuse for beating someone.

The last one copied his hands, Liu Xiaohua wiped his mouth and said, "Uncle, if you have no money, let my brother transfer you WeChat! As for hiding private money?"

Li Fugui said: "I'm not old yet, how can I spend my son's money? He bought a house with us... WeChat can't hide the money! You were beaten in March, isn't it because you sent me a WeChat message? A hundred red envelopes? Your mother revealed the stuff when I flipped through my phone!"

Liu Xiaohua sighed: "You don't know how to operate this. I have two WeChat accounts. The rich one is hidden deep in the folder and the folder. My mother can't find my money! You can't imagine how much money I have now. !"


"Heh, which one to look down on? My Liu Xiaohua is just this wealth? I also have a temper and ran away from home?"

"one thousand?"


"two thousand?"

"Add another zero."

"Why is your uncle playing verbose?"

"look by youself."

Liu Xiaohua called to hide WeChat, the numbers in the wallet will not deceive.

21563.81 yuan.

Li Fugui's breathing was short: "Oh, the turtle is a little bit fierce! Shocked?"

Liu Xiaohua smiled triumphantly: "My brother and my sister-in-law gave it to me and saved it in a year. I received the money on WeChat, and immediately transferred it and cleared the message! Humph! It’s you, how old is it? , Still hiding money in the corner of the house."

Li Fugui was moved and rubbed his hands: "This... an operation? You teach me."

Liu Xiaohua rolled her eyes, took Li Fugui's mobile phone and started to operate.

A few minutes later, Li Fugui learned, feeling that life is full of hope, and happily went back to the house to accompany his wife.

Liu Xiaohua turned off the air conditioner and went back to the house to sleep... It is impossible to go to bed so early, and continue to study the road map and plan for running away from home.

The next day, Liu Xiaohua woke up very early.

Li Fugui is busy with breakfast in the kitchen. After eating, he will go to the construction site to look at the door. Aunt Liu has been forced to resign by Li Tiezhu. In addition, she is easily tired now, and has to sleep until ten o'clock almost every day.

Rice porridge, kimchi, buns.

Very ordinary breakfast, but it was made very delicious by Li Fugui.

After drinking two bowls of porridge, Liu Xiaohua went back to the house to pack her bags.

Li Fugui washed the dishes and went to work.

Liu Xiaohua carrying a backpack, carrying a suitcase, opened the door, and looked at the direction of the bedroom pretendingly: "Goodbye, mother who doesn't love me! Oh, please don't feel sad, I am not the same I was before, I want Wandering in the furthest distance, looking for life... Hey? You woke up so early?"

Aunt Liu stood at the door of the bedroom with her disheveled hair: "What are you doing, a fetal god?"

Liu Xiaohua quickly got out of the door and pressed the elevator: "I ran away from home!"

Aunt Liu went to the bathroom slowly to Liu Xiaohua pressed the elevator and blocked the door desperately for fear that her mother would rush out. However, this did not happen.

Soon, Liu Xiaohua got on the elevator until she ran to the gate of the community, and the stubborn figure did not rush out. Liu Xiaohua suddenly felt... insulted! Who do you look down on? Think I am playing with you? Think I can't live and want to come back, begging you to beat me up?

Ah! Innocent!

"I, Liu Xiaohua, stepped out of this door, and it is impossible to come back again."

Liu Xiaohua stepped out of the community door and muttered to herself viciously.

"That girl, when you come back, this is the entrance, and you go over there when you leave the community."

Liu Xiaohua: "Oh."

Obediently carry the box back.

It doesn't matter, can I, Liu Xiaohua, be the one who wants a face?

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