Earthy Superstar

Chapter 503: : Superstar face

Zhou Xingxing also leaned over to take a look.

Li Tiezhu was very vigilant. He turned off the phone and said, "The phone is almost out of power, so what... Goodbye, director."

Zhou Xingxing looked at his mobile phone, it still has 3% battery, and smiled: "How about I invite you to dinner? By the way, let's talk about how to change the plot later. I think you are very clever!"

"No, no, you must have misunderstood me."

Li Tiezhu resolutely refused, I still have more than 40% of the electricity, go to dinner with you? Isn't that self-defeating? I have seen it all, your phone battery is red!

Throwing away Zhou Xingxing, Li Tiezhu opened the news.

The content inside is not so horrifying, just because at the press conference, the US CNM prostitute once again asked if Li Tiezhu was a red spy, and whether it was officially fostered to corrupt the next generation in the West.

Sister Hua is as sharp as ever:

"Is the rice culture exported like this? We don’t want to learn, nor can we learn. Li Tiezhu is just a simple and pure entertainment star. You should ask your young people why they are so admiring Li Tiezhu and why they are so interested in Chinese culture. So interested, what are they disappointed with? What are they disgusted with?! In addition, we noticed that many domestic media are contrary to your arguments. These foreign-dominated media say that Li Tiezhu betrayed the country for prosperity, but you said he It’s a red spy. Your boss may be the same group of people. Why are the arguments so inconsistent? Who should we believe? Finally, freedom of speech is not freedom of slander. As a media person, you should have basic professional ethics, hearsay and make-up. It will only make you lose credibility and become the laughing stock of the world."

"At the same time, I am personally pleased that Li Tiezhu has spread traditional Chinese skills and philosophy to the West through programs. The new generation of young people is showing their responsibilities and responsibilities! The world needs to understand China, and we are happy to share it. !"

This speech is powerful, but it is not very useful for foreign media. They can maliciously edit out of context. If it is not, you can edit it yourself.

However, this passage is a blow to the domestic public opinion orientation.

If anyone here dared to continue to black Li Tiezhu, it can only be said to be reluctant to live and die.

All of a sudden, the domestic slander, framed, rhythmic, and follow-ups all shrank and dared not make a sound anymore, even like a certain singer who deleted the hot essays they had just posted.

No one thought that this time it was the official spokesperson who came out to support Li Tiezhu.

In fact, this was also an accident. If it weren't for the American reporter to mention this kind of news deliberately, Sister Hua wouldn't bother to say it, but since you have asked, let's give you a clear answer.

After Li Tiezhu returned to the hotel, she was still playing with Song Zhuer on the Lengba crew. The two crews are a bit far apart, so they are not together.

Song Zhu'er and Zhang Xiaomeng had prepared measures long ago, and they had already taken action at this time.

Li Tiezhu’s studio issued an announcement at nine o’clock that evening that it had filed legal proceedings against eleven media including Old Wave, Nanfang Daily, a singer, Zhou Xiubo, Huatai, and several other big Vs, accusing them of defamation and defamation. Ask for high compensation, which adds up to more than 10 million. In the end, the studio stated that no matter how many successful cases of this large-scale litigation, all compensation fees will be used to build elementary schools in the villages around the filming location of "Oh Huo Primitives", and the money will be directly transferred to the Gu Dalle Education Fund.

In fact, Huatai is the most difficult to tell because she only used Li Tiezhu to demote Zhou Xingxing. Her remarks against Li Tiezhu are not too outrageous, it is difficult to win, and it is easy to offend others.

For this reason, Song Zhu'er and Zhang Xiaomeng's opinion is to ignore her.

Li Tiezhu resolutely refused to do it and must sue. The last reason given was: "She disgusts me, and I will disgust her too."

Well, you have been the leading actor for Zhou Xingxing, and you still expect to get along with that kind of person?

It's unrealistic and unnecessary.

Later, Li Tiezhu's studio issued another announcement. The English version, Douyin Overseas Edition, Twitter and Facebook simultaneously released that they strongly condemned the smear and slander of Li Tiezhu by eight overseas media including CNM, and they are forming a team of lawyers to go. Protecting Li Tiezhu’s legal rights and interests by law, the estimated amount of compensation is 3 million meters. Finally, these funds will be used as a martial arts education fund to stay in the local area, to set up some martial arts training classes, and train some useful skills such as how to escape after being kneeled.

Domestic netizens have called Li Tiezhu really special, are you really a Nanshan Pizza Hut to dominate the world? It's okay at home, but it's a fart overseas!

Zhang Xiaomeng also told Li Tiezhu that it is difficult to succeed in overseas litigation, even if he succeeds in getting compensations.

Song Zhuer asked Li Tiezhu why he didn't sponsor the American Boxing Organization, which made more sense.

Li Tiezhu said: "I don't want to tell them if I succeed or not, it is disgusting for them. The patron boxing organization, they even say that I am a spy. I have high martial arts training, so that the people of Milican will strengthen their bodies and strengthen their combat effectiveness during parades and conflicts."

The next day, on the way to the crew, Li Tiezhu was not in a very beautiful mood, because the blackening behavior overseas also stopped, and I don't know what happened.

They have no reason to be afraid of Sister Hua!

It wasn't until he turned on Douyin to find out why, good fellow, two big things happened last night.

The first thing is that Li Tiezhu appeared in Time Magazine. Last night, in the morning in the United States, he was on the cover of the new issue of Time Magazine.

Damn it!

This is too much!

Are they... crazy?

Who really wants to be in Time Magazine? I want to be hacked! What do these Americans think? Show up some shameless spirit!

It's so dark, why did you suddenly turn around in place?

Naturally, Li Tiezhu can't see the original magazine, but on Douyin, many users of the domestic version and overseas version are on @他, so he saw the general content of this issue through the video.

Title: "Eastern Civilian Superstar Ainpela Lee"

Subtitle: Why is Li from the bottom deeply in love with his motherland and compatriots, while our bottom is cursing this country.

Main content: 1. Li Tiezhu's life and his debut, a standard process American dream born in the East. 2. The tremendous changes in Li Tiezhu's hometown over the past two decades. 3. Li Tiezhu's generation of Chinese is far more confident than his parents. 4. Li Tiezhu's contempt for the West revealed in his words. 5. Why does our star not have the magical ability like Li? 6. Why the more the media belittles Li Tiezhu, the more young Americans like him?

Generally speaking, this is not a positive report, but it is relatively fair. Moreover, it is not actually a report on Li Tiezhu, an oriental star, but a horizontal comparison between the two societies over the past two decades. And most importantly, it reveals the true status quo of ebb and flow, and the U.S. has not yet made enough reflection and preparation.

The hidden meaning of "how do we kill the enemy" can still be read between the lines, but it eventually brings a side effect-affirming Li Tiezhu's superstar card appearance in Omi, and the peculiar attraction that is far superior to China.

Anyway, after this profound report appeared, those superficial smears and slanders gradually disappeared. Because if you continue to make up a few messy things, you will only be ridiculed by young people.

Anyone who understands this report will

Knowing that slander is no longer useful, because the more they slander, the more Li Tiezhu's overseas fans will be, which is very smashing.

The second thing, yesterday afternoon, shortly before dawn in China, Luo Shanji set off a parade, demanding the introduction of two albums of Li Tiezhu for sale in the United States. Previously, due to copyright issues, these overseas fans could only see some videos on Douyin and Youtan, and could not download Li Tiezhu’s songs from regular channels.

What’s even more amazing is that Universal Music almost immediately issued a statement saying that it would obtain the electronic copyright of all Li Tiezhu’s music within a week and release the record within a month.

Then, the parade became a carnival party.

Zhang Xiaomeng told Li Tiezhu that Universal Music had been in contact with the studio six months ago, and the sale of the three albums in Beimi was basically finalized last month. Then, Li Tiezhu was hacked in the United States, and Universal Music was anxious.

Therefore, the so-called parade this time is probably a drama directed and acted by Universal Records.

Why are three albums released? Because, according to a survey, the favorite album of Li Tiezhu's overseas fans is... "Royal Engine".

Among them, "Call Girl's Tears", "Don't Leave" and "Old Driver Let Me Hitch a Ride" miraculously ranked in the top three, followed by Li Tiezhu's national style songs.

Many things Li Tiezhu couldn't understand, Zhang Xiaomeng and Song Zhuer would tell him the result, and he just had to remember.

After these strange things happened, there was another big project that had to be done-a global concert tour.

Li Tiezhu sighed, the national tour is so tired and so boring, but also the global tour?

Being a singer is an individual job!

When he came to the set, Li Tiezhu was surrounded by a circle of reporters. This was the result he had long thought of. After all, there were major events about him at home and was "blocked" and sued by Li Tiezhu. Most of the media did not come, mostly neutral or supportive of Li Tiezhu's media, and the scene seemed more friendly.

Li Tiezhu was afraid of delaying filming, so he didn't want to be interviewed.

Zhou Xingxing said to Li Tiezhu: "You have thoroughly figured out your matter, and of course you have to accept an interview. I understand this kind of thing! When accepting the interview, talk more about the name of the movie and start a wave of free ads. Know. What do you do? I am optimistic about you! I invite you to dinner tonight."

Chicken thief!

Li Tiezhu had to stand up and accept the interview. In fact, there was nothing to say. The incident had already come to light.

The person from Penguin asked: "Tie Zhu, what do you think of the announcement of the'Chinese Music Festival'? They said that you are not a professional musician and that you will only be funny and have no meaning in variety shows."

Li Tiezhu wiped his nose, but he would still be able to pass the word to him, picking and asking!

(One more chapter later)

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