Earthy Superstar

Chapter 681: : Forever uncle

  Chapter 675 Forever Uncle

   Although the songs of "The Good Songs of China" are new songs, they have all been carefully arranged and accompanied by the teachers of the music team.

  Lyrics and subtitles are prepared in advance by the post team. Not only can they be played on the live big screen, they can also be embedded in the live broadcast. They usually appear in vertical format and appear on the right side of the screen.

  The lyrics of Li Tiezhu’s song "China Never Stops" uses an elegant brush font, accompanied by a small amount of ink smearing and splashing effects, which looks ancient and majestic.

  Instructor seat, Liu Le smiled brightly, and his ruddy round face was full of tsundere.

  Yu Quan shook his head and applauded: "Awesome, good lyrics are better."

  This is really too strong, there is no way, and his next opponent is Liu Le team, so he has to think of a way of Tian Ji horse racing, let the weakest team member go against Li Tiezhu.

   Liu Le said: "So Li Tiezhu is a genius among geniuses."

  Cai Ya held up her face and pretended to be tender: "Wow~ this song is too good to listen to, isn't it? My god! Fairy melody roar!"

  Yang Kewen frowned and closed his eyes, his body twitched. This is the characteristic of his enjoyment of music.

  The audience was intoxicated by hearing, they didn't make much noise, and it seemed very quiet.

  But the Penguin live broadcast is different, because the audience can press to pause the barrage at any time, continue to listen after the barrage is sent, or come back after listening to a song and watch the barrage at the same time:

   "Arts students report, I love this song to death, and my mother no longer has to worry about my historical achievements."

   "The beauty of uniforms is called Hua; the great of etiquette is called Summer."

  "Looking at this posture, does Zheng Zheng want to sing a song to sing the five thousand years of China's history?"

   "No doubt at all!"

  "Isn't this word much better than the previous love?"

  "History scum can't understand, solve it."


   "This song is amazing."

   "This is a good Chinese song! What are the sung songs in front of you?"

   "Li Tiezhu is here to implement dimensionality reduction attacks on everyone, including the four in the audience."

  "It should be popularized in junior high school history classes."

  Li Tiezhu sang very peacefully. He did not pretend to be affectionate or impassioned in order to express the vicissitudes of the five thousand years of history, but chose the way of talking.

  After all, for five thousand years of accumulation, she doesn’t need to be hoarse at all, she herself is as majestic as a mountain.

  What's the difference between slave princes

  The Great Wall collapsed

  The end of heroes brings new life to the world

  Who is back with white hair alone

   camel bells float towards Rome

At home

  The spark of green forest red eyebrows

  Linghuo Liaoyuan Wanjia

  Fictions from Cong Rong and Yan Ran

  The appearance of cutting a snake and transforming a snake

  The dynasty finally becomes dry painting

  Heroes used to be big waves after all


  The applause of the audience rang out, but it stopped soon, because Li Tiezhu’s singing did not stop, but suddenly rose up.

  Who compose poems horizontally

  When does Cheng Long look into the distance

  Look at Jiangnan multi-talented tigers standing on the Yangtze River

  How long is the Northern Expedition Road

  Let revival finally become empty talk

  The moment of being famous in the bamboo forest

  In this section, Tao has exhausted the magnificent ambitions and regrets of the Three Kingdoms.

  In the backstage aisle, Hei Wa'er and Man Dun'er stood aside, staring at the TV screen diagonally above, with worship written in their eyes. The two of them could not enter the game, they could only wait for Li Tiezhu here.

  Heiwaer held a balloon filled with water in her hand, **** skillfully and evenly, and exclaimed: "Believe in the light! Beng is the heritage of China."

  Mong Dun'er: "Really five thousand years old?"

  "Do you think you are rushing to the shell?"

   "Then those historians in the West say it is only 3,600 years?"

"That was the first time there was a clear written record. I don’t want to know. Western civilization monuments and cultural relics, which can withstand scrutiny? Homer’s epic is written on the top of a parchment scroll. A little calculation will tell you to use the Greek area. Sheepskin for decades..."

   "Really can't stand scrutiny, huh?"

  “When faced with the flood, you Westerners knew that you built ships and escaped, but in the east it was the Great Yu who controlled the water. Your western fire was stolen from the sacred mountain, and our Chinese fire was created by the Suiren."

  "Why do you black people have the right to point my nose and say you Westerners?"

  Heiwaer: "That's what it means anyway, listen to the song."

  Mun Duner went to grab the balloon: "Pinch it for me."

  The singing continued to flutter:

  Nine days of Chang'an

  All nations draw Zhenguan together

  Sages, sages and Buddhas wrote a few more places

  This flourishing age will eventually fall

  One city saves the country

  Several revivals are finally broken in Canhua

Because of Li Tiezhu’s joining, "The Good Songs of China" has also started to have a lot of audiences abroad. Most of them came to Ainpera Lee, especially after Li Tiezhu won three Grammy Awards. The popularity and influence of the West has further increased.

In the light of Li Tiezhu, the other contestants of "The Good Songs of China" were also seen and heard by foreign audiences, and several of them were still very popular.

  The most popular ones are the Mountain Band and Zhao Liya. The interesting music of the Mountain Band makes foreigners refreshed.

  And Zhao Liya's talent for composition and sweet looks also attracted a lot of fans. She subverted the Eastern aesthetic of some Westerners. It turns out that Chinese beauties look like this!

  The most insensible thing is Huo Zhien with long hair. At first everyone thought he was a girl, but he liked it, until they knew he was a man...

  But in any case, the favorite of these foreign audiences is Li Tiezhu. This song "China Never Stops" sounds good, but they don't understand it.

  It’s okay, someone who understands Chinese history has translated and explained word by word on the bullet screen.

  "Zhulu’s Bingfeng melted. It means that after the Battle of Zhuolu ended. This war took place 4,600 years ago and was the first war of more than 100,000 people in history..."

  "The bustling Jixia of a hundred schools of thought. Two thousand years ago, China and the West started philosophical thoughts and budding at the same time. The establishment of the Jixia Academy marked the peak of the contention of a hundred schools of thought."

"Qin Dao's praise of those immortal laws means that Qin completed the first great unification of China and reached the peak of the Great Qin Empire, which relied on legalists to rule the world. Qin Dao refers to the Qin Zhidao, and the Great Qin Empire established a broad connection to the whole country. The total number of roads is 10,000 kilometers, and most of them have been used until the Qing Dynasty two hundred years ago. I personally think that this is a more ambitious and beneficial project than the Great Wall."

"Whoever writes a poem horizontally, when Cheng Longzhong looks into the distance, is talking about the period of the Three Kingdoms hegemony that Westerners are also very familiar with. The leader of the North is a talented politician and an outstanding poet. And the Southwest The prime minister is the pinnacle of Chinese literati. A whole person with extraordinary abilities in the fields of literature, politics, music, military, and machinery. His wisdom is equivalent to foreseeing the future and mind-reading."

"Hu Chen swallowed the sunset in Shanghetu, talking about the fall of the Song Dynasty. This is also the first time in Chinese history that it was completely ruled by a foreign race, but this does not mean the interruption of Chinese civilization. On the contrary, the foreign race that ruled them I lost my culture."

"Zhu Xian looked at Huanglong and hated the country's shame. I'm sorry, this sentence can only be unspeakable, if you really want to understand it, go and learn Chinese. It is worth mentioning that the founding emperor of Ming Zhu, after defeating the Mongol Empire The skull of an emperor in the Song Dynasty was recovered and buried. The skull of this emperor was once the wine glass of the Mongol emperor."


  At the scene of the show, along with Li Tiezhu’s gentle singing, many viewers have red eyes. Of course, it is not sadness but excitement and pride.

  The appeal of music is just that, it can sing lyrics into people's hearts.

  Indulge in the years of Kang and Qian

  The world has changed

  Enthusiastic teenagers

   broke the national shackles

  Reshape China

  Turn the ruggedness into Hirakawa

  After tens of thousands of miles of hardships

  How many heroes live forever in this world

  The people of Yuexiongguan Mandao

  Where are they now

  Only stay in the flourishing age, where there are tens of millions of buildings

  Five thousand years but a sudden shock in the universe

  How many scrolls did the dragon totem write Zhang Hua

  People are busy for revival

  Thousands of people gather new hope

  After the vicissitudes of life

  Here is the meaning of our past existence

  Time is passing

  Huaxia annual ring keeps turning

  Another five thousand years

  For Qian Qing, Li Tiezhu only used two lines of lyrics, much less than the inking of Three Kingdoms, because it is not worthy.

  And after writing that Tian Qing was raised with ashes, Li Tiezhu spent a long time, more than any other dynasty. This...Of course, he wrote the lyrics from the status of strength.

  The end of the song, the scene is still very quiet.

  The sound of the straight accompaniment gradually weakened, and the applause and cheers on the scene sounded very warmly.

  Backstage singers stood up and applauded in a show of respect.

   "Well written!"

   "Li Tiezhu's eternal god."

   "He can definitely advance."

   "What do you think? How can the serious brother be eliminated?"

  "He is now the ceiling of domestic music composition."

"too frightening."

  The barrage on the live broadcast screen is of course still active. They are all beautiful words, not only for this song, but more for the worship of these five thousand years.

  Foreign program The translator is even more conscientious and continues to output:

"During the years of immersing Kang and Qian, the world has turned upside down. The industrial revolution broke out in the West during this time, surpassing the West in technology, and opening a century of humiliation in China. To put it aside, many historians in the West do not recognize it. The Kangxi and Qianlong period was a prosperous era in China, which was far behind other prosperous eras in China, with imprisoned thoughts, constant uprisings, seclusion, contempt for technology, etc. If it weren’t for the influx of potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn from the West to feed more people, they would definitely be. Another short-lived Mongol Empire."

   "Turning the ruggedness into a flat river, after tens of thousands of miles of hardships and dangers, talking about the 25,000-mile Long March, the greatest expedition in human history, no one..."

  "If you are interested in Chinese civilization, then this song is the best history book."

"Written at the end: I am a Chinese fan. You can disagree with my opinion, but it does exist. Five thousand years ago, they fought the flood like the ancient Egyptians. Four thousand years ago they smelted like the Babylonians. Bronze with clean coal. Three thousand years ago, they thought about philosophy like the ancient Greeks. Two thousand years ago, they conquered like the Romans. A thousand years ago, they were as wealthy as the Arabs. Now they are longer and shorter than Milliken. The wheel of civilization has never stopped turning. This seems to be a civilization that will always stand at the top! In Chinese language, it means... your uncle is still your uncle."

  (End of this chapter)

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