Earthy Superstar

Chapter 709: : Famous scenes

At the entrance of the mall, Li Tiezhu, Liu Yuan and others were already standing in a row. Facing the instructor, the instructor glanced blankly at Du Haibo, who was slowly eating dessert on the second floor of the mall, turned around and stood up, and the air pressure suddenly became low.

Du Haibo held the ice cream in one hand and pushed the trolley case with the other, slowly walking out of it.

A secret smile flashed across Zhang Yifeng's cold face.

Guo Xiaoxi smiled gleefully: "Hahaha..."

Yuan Heng was trying to suppress his smile.

Liu Yuan looked at Li Tiezhu nervously.

Li Tiezhu stood straight and looked ahead. This was learned when he was filming "Soldiers Assault," and he also trained for a period of time.


"Du Haibo will suffer!"


"It's not Li Tiezhu that is the demon?"

"Brother Serious, it's not called a demon, it's stupid."

"Being late for the assembly is a matter of principle, and Li Tiezhu will not commit it."

"So Li Tiezhu's doing things is just fun for everyone, and others can't."

"We need to divide things up."

"What is Du Haibo doing? It instantly lowered the grade of the show."

"Big Brother Xiaoyuan is so tender!"

"Come for the serious brother!"

"Tie Zhu has a new show again, which is great."

"Come directly from "The Good Songs of China", seamless connection."

Du Haibo walked over and smiled: "I'm actually not late. I've been here long ago. Would you like to eat ice cream? It's quite delicious."

Instructor: "..."

Li Tiezhu: "Assemble."

Du Haibo: "I haven't finished eating yet."

Li Tiezhu: "You can ask the instructor to hold it for you. You can eat it after the assembly. Dog head."

Du Haibo: "..."

He didn't have the courage of Li Tiezhu. Seeing that the atmosphere was rather embarrassing, he found a trash can and threw it away, then walked over and stood still.

The instructor didn't say anything. He just let Du Haibo into the ranks and said seriously: "Everyone must remember that it is your duty to obey orders as a soldier. If you don't punctually, you won't be able to hold your position in wartime.

Li Tiezhu nodded lightly.

Du Haibo drooped his eyelids and looked left and right. After confirming that he was talking about him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Instructor: "In the future, don't have a similar situation again."

Du Haibo nodded, still with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Soon, everyone got into a minibus and talked.

Zhang Yifeng said: “The one we need to enter the military camp most is Du Haibo, who is too fat.”

Guo Xiaoxi turned his head and asked Du Haibo: "Do you want to lose weight?"

Du Haibo: "I think! I really want to lose weight. I posted a long post yesterday on my Moments. Anyway, no one wants to be a fat man. I also want to be thin and handsome."

Li Tiezhu: "Ugly has nothing to do with fat."

Du Haibo: "Huh?"

The others laughed, started, started, Zheng Jing started to smash people.

Li Tiezhu seriously said, "You can't open your eyes, why do you still want to be handsome? Which handsome guy has no eyes?"

Guo Xiaoxi: "Haibo, can you open your eyes?"

Du Haibo: "This...can't be done."

Several people were amused again, this guy really worked hard and couldn't open his eyes.

Du Haibo took the phone and read two sentences from his circle of friends: "...I am used to being free and lazy, this time I really want to work hard and become self-disciplined!"

Li Tiezhu: "Go to bed early, you have everything in your dreams."

Du Haibo: "..."

The others laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha..."

The camera was given to the instructor who was sitting in the co-pilot, his face expressionless, sitting upright.

Du Haibo said: "Tie Zhu, haha! Do you target me every time you show up? Can't you give me some face?"

Li Tiezhu: "Is there? No?"

Du Haibo: "Yes! You have come to "Happy Camp" three times, once a year, and each year you yell at me. Every time I am ridiculed by netizens, saying that the goal is too big to attract your firepower. And last year's "Chinese Restaurant" "Although you left when my girlfriend and I first came to the issue, they also stunned me. Everyone is a friend, but you never show mercy, which makes it hard for me to handle it."

Li Tiezhu: "Aren't we friends?"

Du Haibo: "..."


Guo Xiaoxi and Yuan Heng laughed and slapped their thighs, and the elderly Zhang Yifeng turned over with joy.

Liu Yuan laughed out of tears.

Li Tiezhu struck Du Haibo again: "It's just a mere acquaintance."

Zhang Yifeng said: "It doesn't matter, now we are comrades-in-arms, and we will all become friends in the future."

Du Haibo nodded: "Yes!"

Li Tiezhu: "Teacher He Ling said Du Haibo has no friends in the circle."

Du Haibo: "..."


The camera was shown to the instructor again, his face twitched again, and his shoulders trembled, making him feel uncomfortable.

The car drove to the entrance of the barracks and stopped, and the six guests got out and waited.

Du Haibo took out the egg and ate it. He didn't know where it came from, but it was still hot.

Liu Yuan suffocated a smile: "Brother, are you sure you are here to lose weight?"

Du Haibo: "You have the strength to lose weight when you are full."

Liu Yuan smiled and looked at Li Tiezhu: "Brother Zhu, you have assimilated another person."

Li Tiezhu: "You are coming soon too."

Liu Yuan smiled and shook his head. Although he didn't want to, he really couldn't resist. Last time I recorded an issue of "The Mushroom House" with Li Tiezhu, I couldn't help but slapped people everywhere.

The instructor said: "We will enter the barracks immediately. After entering, everyone must be in the same step and strict requirements. We will unify the left suitcase and the small pocket with the small pocket in the right hand. Turn left!"

Then, six "recruits" followed the instructors into the barracks, which was a recruit training camp for a certain unit of our army.

Loud military songs echoed in the barracks, and there were scenes of recruits training everywhere.

The six naive people looked around, like curious babies, especially Liu Yuan, who loves military affairs, whose eyes were shining with excitement. Li Tiezhu was a little better. He had trained in the barracks for the filming of "Soldier Assault."

Liu Yuan asked Li Tiezhu in front of him in a low voice: "Brother Zhu, have you ever fired a real gun?"

Li Tiezhu nodded.

Liu Yuan asked again: "Have you ever shot a cannon?"

Yuan Heng laughed.

The instructor glared at them back, finally quiet.


"Song Zhu'er: Tie Zhu has fired a cannon!"


"Yuan Heng's smile is not pure."

"What is Liu Yuan asking? The little guy is beginning to become a pillar."

"I have a hunch that this group of people will eventually be forcibly pillared."

"Perhaps including the instructor..."


After a while, Li Tiezhu and others came to the door of the barracks, and a soldier who stood straight was already waiting there.

Instructor: "I would like to introduce you to everyone. This is your recruit squad leader, Jin Wu, for the fifth year of this year's corporal. He has participated in... and other major exercise tasks..."

The camera showed this soldier, who was quite handsome, and the barrage was tumbling with female fans.

After the handover was completed, Jin Wu took his six recruits to the dormitory of their class.

The dormitory is very large, with bunk beds and a total of eight beds.

After finding their respective beds, the six people stood up, and the recruits squad leader spoke some of the most basic rules.

Li Tiezhu couldn't help laughing, the kind of smile that Lao Tzu finally became a soldier.

The squad leader glared at him, Li Tiezhu restrained a little, but still couldn't help it.

Yuan Heng, who was on the opposite side, was also excited.

Squad leader Jin Wu: "Yuan Heng! Don't move when the class leader speaks."

Yuan Heng was hesitant to speak, but his **** was a little itchy!


"These people seem to be happy."

"Li Tiezhu is about to collapse!"

"I have an unknown hunch that something will happen..."

"With a serious brother, it can't be normal."

"Why do these people stand with Li Tiezhu, their painting style and temperament have changed?"

"Idol school like Liu Yuan is also crooked."

"Trailer, high energy ahead!"

"The famous scene is here..."

The squad leader stared at Yuan Heng not daring to move, and then said, "Next, starting with Yuan Heng, I will introduce myself."

Yuan Heng: "Ah...Hello everyone, I...can move?"

With that, he looked at the monitor.

Li Tiezhu on the opposite side didn't tensed, and laughed. Guo Xiaoxi and others also laughed. Yuan Heng was too nasty.

The monitor looked directly at Yuan Heng.

Yuan Heng is a little fictitious: "Hello everyone, my name is Yuan Heng, I am from Jiangxia, and I am twenty-three... well, thirty-two years old this year."

Zhang Yifeng: "Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Yifeng, I am fifty-six years old this year...puff..."

I laughed first.

Guo Xiaoxi, Liu Yuan, and Du Haibo couldn't help but laughed out loud.


Li Tiezhu was also poked and laughed inexplicably. It was not Zhang Yifeng who laughed, but everyone's reaction. Why are you laughing at such a formal occasion?

Squad leader: "Li Tiezhu, shut your mouth."

Li Tiezhu: "Puff, uh..."

After a few seconds, I closed my mouth with the help of my hands, but I couldn't control the smile on his face, and he twitched.

Laughter will be contagious, and other people will be laughed at by Li Tiezhu in turn.

The monitor stared at Li Tiezhu speechlessly: "Is it funny to introduce yourself?"

Li Tiezhu took a deep breath to calm his mood: "Squad how did you hold back your smile?"

Squad leader: "..."


The other five laughed.

The self-introduction continued, and soon it was the last one, Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu came to stand up subconsciously, with a decent appearance: "Hello everyone, my name is Li Tiezhu, male..."

"Puff, goose, goose..."

Those five collapsed again. I can't bear it. Others are introducing age and birthplace. What do you say about gender?

Li Tiezhu also smiled, being stupid by himself: "Hehehe...hehehe...male, hehe...hey hey hey..."


Li Tiezhu burst into laughter completely.

Finally held back the introduction, but inexplicably said that my brother was in his early twenties, and found that it was wrong again. How many calls out? So he laughed.

The other five laughed too, really couldn't help it, Li Tiezhu's hilarious attack power was too strong.

The monitor stared at Li Tiezhu with a cold face.

Li Tiezhu forced himself to calm down, preparing to re-introduce, taking a deep breath: "Hiss...sucking...hehehe..."

He took a deep breath, accidentally leaving a drop of saliva at the corner of his mouth, and broke himself again.

The other five laughed awkwardly and couldn't stop at all.

Li Tiezhu: "I'm sorry! I'm coming again. My name is Li Tiezhu, male, puff goose goose..."

Squad leader: "Is it funny?"

Liu Yuan trembled and took a deep breath, forcibly holding back his laugh, it was too difficult.

Squad leader: "Are you here camping?"

Li Tiezhu lowered his head in shame, too much, how can he laugh in this show? Then, he saw that the saliva dripped just now was still hanging on his clothes:

"Puff, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose..."

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