Earthy Superstar

Chapter 736: : Xiaolongbao

Said it is Xiaolongbao, but in fact it is just a small steamer steamed in a big steamer, because Mushroom House does not have a small steamer as big as a palm.

The dumplings are made with meat fillings. A bite is splattered with oily juice, and the flavor is overflowing. The fat and lean pork fillings are paired with ginger, pepper noodles, spring onions, and pepper. It tastes unique. This is regarded as the standard flavor of Xiaolongbao in southern Sichuan, which is different from the light-flavored Xiaolongbao in most places.

This kind of steamed dumplings has a unique taste, and even some places put chili, but Li Tiezhu did not put it, mainly because Zhang Zifeng, who was admitted to college, is not too spicy.

Yue Yupeng, a family of steamed buns and buns, gave a thumbs up after taking a bite, but his mouth was full of buns and he couldn't speak.

He Ling also praised Li Tiezhu: "It's delicious! Tie Zhu is really all-rounder, I want to eat a cage."

Shao Gang immersed himself in eating steamed buns and muttered: "This steamed bun tastes good, but it's a bit too numb, ha..."

Huang Sanshi opened the steamed buns and researched and found that the meat filling was left over from making dumplings yesterday. The other condiments were added by Li Tiezhu. But there was a question that puzzled him. He asked: "Tie Zhu, when did you make the noodles yesterday? I was playing games all night, and I didn’t see you kneading the dough or fermenting anything, and I remember there was no yeast, right?"

Li Tiezhu drank the porridge while holding the steamed buns and said, "The self-fermented flour in your warehouse, you can knead it for two hours in the morning. You don't need yeast. Teacher Huang, why are you so uncultured?"

Huang Sanshi asked He Ling: "Are there?"

He Ling shook his head: "How do I know? I only know how to eat."

Li Tiezhu said again: "Two bags of self-fermented flour, the others are ordinary flour, but... Yeast powder is also available, it’s in a bag on the wall, haven’t you checked it?"

Without yeast powder, what do I use to make yogurt?

Huang Sanshi was perplexed for a while: "Eat buns, eat buns, you can't speak, don't talk."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

The four young people also woke up, awakened by the smell of steamed buns, but they were all suffering in bed.

Zhou Qian asked Yi Xiaomao, "Shall we get up?"

Yi Xiaomao turned over and said, "I can't afford it. Keep going. The mushroom house is where you can wake up naturally."

Zhou Qian: "But, the buns made by Brother Zhu are delicious."

Yi Xiaomao swallowed his saliva: "Don't worry, brother, I haven't gotten up yet, there must be buns. Brother Zhu will definitely leave me buns. He loves me the most."

Zhou Qian directly jumped on the street: "That's also..."

Three years ago, Li Tiezhu treated Yi Xiaomao the same way that he brought his own brother. Although Yi Xiaomao is older, although he gathers less and divorces more in the past three years, he will be called Yi Xiaomao whenever there is a good thing. Even the Grammy trophy was loaned to Yi Xiaomao for two months.

Although Li Tiezhu was also very good to Zhou Qian, the two of them were still close to each other personally, not so intimate.

While Peng Yuchang slept in the living room, no one discussed it, so he asked the sister Zhang Zifeng next door loudly: "Sister?"

Zhang Zifeng: "Get up, go get me some buns, I can smell it."

Peng Yuchang said: "It's your turn! Am I the elder brother or are you the elder brother?"

At this time, they heard the sound of Huang Sanshi outside.

"Tie Zhu, where did you squeeze Susu's milk in the morning? Take it out to drink~"

Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng laughed out loud at the same time, can this thing be done? They didn't even think about it.

Li Tiezhu's voice came: "Drink Tenengsu! I have made yogurt with fresh milk."

He Ling: "Ah, do you still make yogurt?"

Li Tiezhu: "I won't! Just turn to your warehouse and there is a yogurt machine, and the cow called me again. I thought, my sister is going to take the college entrance examination, so let’s make her a yogurt. Then, I searched on the Internet. Here comes the way to make yogurt."

Peng Yuchang: "Huh? Xiaozi, Brother Zhu made yogurt specially for you! I will be half divided by that time."

Zhang Zifeng didn't speak, his head was buried in the quilt, and his feet were kicking wildly outside the quilt. Ahhhhh... so strange! too weird!

Huang Sanshi looked at Li Tiezhu vigilantly, suspecting that he was plotting wrongdoing.

He Ling smiled and said: "Tie Zhu is really warm, but it is also. Our sister is the favorite of all of us in the mushroom house. As the devil of the mushroom house, Tie Zhu is of course no exception."

Li Tiezhu lowered his head and drank porridge and ate steamed buns, thinking that if Zhang Zifeng didn't die after eating the yogurt he made, he would also make a copy for Xiaohua. She also took the college entrance examination this year, which makes people feel distressed. That little idiot has been recording "The Actor in Place" for so long before going back to class, can he keep up with the rhythm? Her mother didn't beat her, did she?

In any case, it is his own sister after all. Although she is not a relative, she is the sister of her own brother Tiedan. Even if she is a little stupid... she still has to feel distressed.

It takes a long time to make yogurt, which makes Li Tiezhu a little entangled.

It takes ten hours to make yogurt. Li Tiezhu originally planned to leave at noon today, but now he has pushed it to tomorrow. If Zhang Zifeng drank his own yogurt and it was OK, then I would ask Susu to borrow some milk this afternoon, and make a large portion of yogurt. I would take it back to Shu tomorrow morning to supplement Liu Xiaohua's body, and I would go back to the northwest in the afternoon. Barracks.

The day after tomorrow I will start life in the barracks again, and I'm still quite nervous.

After a while, Li Tiezhu ate 20 Xiaolongbaos and was finally full. He filled four Xiaolongbaos on a plate and entered the room.

Peng Yuchang sat up all of a sudden: "Brother Zhu, thank you, thank you, I can't help you deliver the buns yourself, I'm really sorry."

Li Tiezhu: "Not for you."

Peng Yuchang turned over and fell asleep: "I just sleepwalked, don't broadcast it, huh, snoring..."

In the next room, Zhou Qian looked at Yi Xiaomao in shock: "You are too fate, right? Brother Zhu made a special trip to give you buns?"

Yi Xiaomao blushed: "Who makes me so cute?"


Li Tiezhu knocked on the door of the room.

Yi Xiaomao: "Come in with the door unlocked."

Li Tiezhu: "Sister, are you up? Eat some buns. The chicken stuffing is specially wrapped for you. It's not like pork stuffing. You won't get fat after eating."

There was crying from next door, faintly the voice of Yi Xiaomao.

Zhou Qian was relieved: "Lady first, it may be your turn next..."

In Zhang Zifeng's room, there was a tumultuous noise of bottles and cans and the sound of footsteps, making it extremely messy.

My sister's voice was panicked: "Ah, that, wait a while... Wait a minute, I'm sorry... I, I, I clean up..."

Li Tiezhu was not in a hurry, standing blankly, thinking, if Zhang Zifeng said that the bun was delicious, he would go back and tell the old man the recipe and let him make it for Liu Xiaohua every day. The college entrance examination is not easy. Moreover, Xiao Hua is so fat that she can't get fat anymore. It is best to make chicken stuffed buns. With the old man's craftsmanship, there must be absolutely no problem.

After a while, Zhang Zifeng opened the door of the dormitory and smiled slightly, like a lily trembling in the wind.

She was wearing a snow-white nightdress, her hair was meticulously combed, and she had light makeup on her face, except that her eyebrows were not right and left right.

Peng Yuchang stretched out his head from the bed in the living room, and said meanly: "Huh? Didn't you remove your makeup last night, idiot?"

Zhang Zifeng glared: "Go! Shut up!"

Then, Chao Li Tiezhu smiled shyly, and said softly: "I have been waiting for Brother Zhu for a long time, thank you! Thank you for your buns."

Li Tiezhu said: "The chicken stuffing only contains salt and green onions. Try it, I'll go first."

Zhang Zifeng: "Hmm..."

Li Tiezhu clapped his hands and left.

Peng Yuchang squeezed his throat: "I have been waiting for Brother Zhu for a long time, thank you..."

Zhang Zifeng went back to the house and put down the steamed buns, came out with two pillows and hit Peng Yuchang, then closed the door... Eat steamed buns, mom, is it too delicious?

At this time, the young people also woke up, and Peng Yuchang walked out to drink porridge and eat buns.

On the other side, Yi Xiaomao also came out accompanied by Zhou Qian with an aggrieved expression, sitting on the stool in a daze, and sure enough, the new generation surpassed the old...

At this time, Li Tiezhu alone gave Yi Xiaomao a plate of buns, a total of eight, each with a green onion on top, which was a mark.

That means this bun with the mark of green onion is different.

Yi Xiaomao said, "Brother Zhu, is this also stuffed with chicken?"

Li Tiezhu: "No, this is a secret pork filling. It's better than theirs. If you don't believe me, try it."

Only then did Yi Xiaomao show a proud smile at the corner of his mouth, but I held back if I didn't laugh. He clamped a bun, took a bite, um, the whole person jumped up: "Wow! It's delicious!"

Li Tiezhu smiled: "Just like to eat! Eat more."

This kind of stuffed bun with almost pure fat meat, I thought that no one would like it. It seems to taste good. I will make it for Songzhuer when I go home and let her eat more fat to gain weight. It is too thin for health.

Zhou Qian was envious and asked Yi Xiaomao in a low voice, "Maomao, can I have one?"

Yi Xiaomao pretended to be reserved and said, "Of course, you can eat one, but be careful not to let Brother Zhu see it."

Zhou Qian quietly clipped one and resisted the urge to spit it out, swallowed it, and drank half a bowl of porridge to be shocked. Brother Zhu raised Mao Mao as a pig! Forget it, let me eat ordinary buns.

When his sister Zhang Zifeng was ready to dress up, Li Tiezhu was ravaging the Muscovy Duck Lantern.

Sister: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Peng Yuchang squatted in the corner of the yard: "Um... I brush my teeth, are you blind?"

Zhang Zifeng: "I didn't ask you!"

Li Tiezhu let go of the lantern, but it still flew away in horror, and said in frustration: "I said why the lantern hasn't lay eggs for so many years, it turns out to be a male..."

Zhang Zifeng blushed immediately, and said, "Uh...when will you leave? In the afternoon?"

Li Tiezhu said, "I decided to leave tomorrow. I want to make yogurt again in the evening. It takes time to make yogurt."

Zhang Zifeng pretended to be calm and said: "The troops...are you nervous?"

Li Tiezhu: "Fortunately, it's mainly because I haven't made food for college entrance examination students. I have no experience. Let's experiment a few more times..."

After all, it's her own fake sister, so she should cook something delicious for her, just as spiritual encouragement.

It’s just a lot of hard work for my sister Zifeng to be a guinea pig, but she is definitely not dead.

Zhang Zifeng was silent, a little moved.

Li Tiezhu: "Are the chicken buns delicious?"

Zhang Zifeng: "It's delicious..."

Li Tiezhu jumped up excitedly: " That's it! For my sister's college entrance examination!"

Zhang Zifeng: "..."

At this time, He Ling came back from a drive and asked, "Do you know who the guest of this issue is?"

Everyone shook their heads.

He Ling said: "It's our relatives. All but Nana is here in "Happy Camp"! Are you very happy?"

As he said, he also took a special look at Li Tiezhu, only to see Li Tiezhu pouting his lips insignificantly. In fact, He Ling called Du Haibo and the others in this issue to ease the conflict between him and Li Tiezhu. They could have arrived two issues later.

Li Tiezhu's upset is understandable, but why did his younger sister Zhang Zifeng roll her eyes? Who offended you? Baby!

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