Earthy Superstar

Chapter 791: : Cool

Many spectators at the scene looked at the women's dance troupe, with expressions of appreciation.

This concert is really...the big scene!

The director group arranged by the TV station was also considerate enough, and immediately gave the dance group close-ups and close-ups, which can be seen on the big screen at the scene.

As for the female boxing slogans they raised, who shot that stuff?

What are you afraid of?

In the free Maple Leaf Country, you can even organize a group to watch a concert.

The live broadcast can also be mosaics, so that both the live audience and the director group can feast their eyes on it, so why not do it?

The venue of the concert is the Toronto Airline Center Stadium, which is the home of the Toronto Raptors, which won this year’s championship. The stadium is small and can only accommodate 20,000 people. It is also the smallest of all the stations this time. It is actually used for Li Tiezhu. Warm up.

This is perfect. Anyone who has seen the NBA knows that there are four huge big screens on the top of the court to take care of the audience on each side. Moreover, the close-ups are particularly large...

The audience roared:


"Better-looking than the Raptors' cheerleaders!"


"Shake! Girls!"

"Get out of the way, I want to go..."

"I'm ready."

"Lots of balls!"

Li Tiezhu also looked over there, **** it!

Are you here to grab the show?

It all depends on you going, who is watching me?

The director directly told Li Tiezhu through his ears: "Don't sing in a hurry, bring the rhythm, or you will pull the hips. These boxers are here to promote next month's'Tops Red Fruit Festival'..."

Yes, no one watched the first song. They all watched the women's group. Don't you still pull your hips?

The prelude to "Broad Sea and Sky" slowly weakened, and finally stopped.

Li Tiezhu is ashamed, what's the start of Nima?

The group of female boxers became more agitated when they noticed that they were on the big screen, and they shook wildly. One of the female boxers who was photographed was taking pictures with their headlights in both hands, with a smug look on her face.

Justin, who had just stepped off the stage, looked at the live broadcast on the aisle screen with disgust. There was no delay in the broadcast, and there was no mosaic, and the TV broadcast would be covered with mosaics.

He shook his head and shook his head: "Barbarians! There is really no shame and morals..."

Zhou Qian and Yi Xiaomao in the backstage were so frightened that they were watching.

Zhou Qian: "Oops! This is a concert accident, right? Are these Maple Leaf Chinese people in their brains?"

Yi Xiaomao's face suddenly flushed, and he took a sip of Erguotou, and said, "I believe Brother Zhu, he is best at adapting to changes. There is no field he can't control."

Zhou Qian: "Why did you even set up the tent?"

Yi Xiaomao shrank: "Sorry, I can't help it..."

Li Tiezhu was not confused, but smiled and walked in the direction of the girl group, saying: "Thank you for warming up for my concert. You are the best warming up girl group I have ever seen! Thank you!"

Li Xiaofei covered her eyes backstage and translated Li Tiezhu's words to the audience.

The girl group jumped up again, many screaming.

Li Tiezhu took off the T-shirt directly and threw it under the stage, revealing his muscles and said:

"I swear to defend your rights! Jimei, let us cheer up! A "Song of Neurosis" is dedicated to you!"

The scream was louder, because Li Tiezhu's figure is really good.

Li Tiezhu thought to himself, who wouldn't be able to grab the camera by the flesh? A group of you women can't rob me, my body is better than you!

It is not a big deal to change the song temporarily, the prelude sounded immediately.

Li Tiezhu sang:

One day when I was idle, I just let Yanhe tell a joke

The guy opened his mouth and started laughing

Yeah hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


The chaotic scene was immediately pulled back by Li Tiezhu, and the concert was on track.

The women's groups who were "defended to the death" also sang along. Although they are boxers, they are also fans of Li Tiezhu. Why else are they spending the wrong money? Where can't you show it?

Besides, they don't know Chinese, but hahaha they can still do it.

Backstage, Zhou Qian sighed: "Brother Zhu is really awesome!"

Yi Xiaomao: "That is, isn't it better than the figure? Can they have brother Zhu who is in good shape?"

Zhou Qian looked down.

Yi Xiaomao stretched out his hand to cover it and said, "Don't care about these details."

When the video of the Toronto station concert was sent back to China, it attracted the observation of LSP, and the barrage was touching:

"Fuck! I'm afraid I will have a nosebleed if I'm on the scene."

"I really envy the audience."

"There can't be five or six hundred big shakers?"

"At most three hundred people."

"One person has two, isn't it six hundred?"

"The one in front is a math genius!"

"Get up with milk!"

"Long knowledge..."


"Fuck... the fat guy's eyes next to the girl group are about to fall out."

"Ah, I'm done."

"I just saw someone got it started?"

"The women's team also punched the man."

"It's so chaotic."

"Tie Zhu's ability to control the field is okay!"

"Brother Serious is invincible."

"Song of Neurosis is too appropriate."

After singing a song, Li Tiezhu perfectly held the audience, and everyone's attention shifted from the big swing of the girl group to the concert. There was nothing to see after the mosaic.

The second song "Broad Sea and Sky" turned over the audience.

It doesn’t work if you don’t, Chiguo’s upper body Li Tiezhu shows a bronze body, and dances with passion from the children’s group. Can you not be hi?

In fact, Li Tiezhu wanted to curse, and for the first time he held a concert abroad, he almost capsized.

Damn crazy!

Almost being hit by six hundred dumpers, who can understand this kind of pain?

After the video was sent back to China, it even aroused abuse from some netizens. They believed that Li Tiezhu's team had spent money to organize this vulgar group of throwing off children, and their curses were just as unpleasant and unpleasant.

Instead, the domestic female boxers who have been opposed to Li Tiezhu stood up to support Li Tiezhu, and threatened to organize Jimeis to pay tribute to the counterparts of Maple Leaf Country in the same way at the Jinmen Station of the tour, and support Li Tiezhu by the way.

In other words, they are preparing to form a Chinese version of the children's group.

Even Li Tiezhu's behavior of stripping off his clothes to regain the initiative has become a respect for the Diao children group in the eyes of the female boxers.

As a result... the price of scalper tickets at Jinmen Station has skyrocketed, and many veteran critics have generously donated their money, preparing to go to Li Tiezhu's concert to see the grand occasion.

After the initial chaos, the concert proceeded in an orderly manner. The wretched directors of the Maple Leaf Kingdom gave two close-ups to the children's group from time to time, which caused waves of howling wolves and squeezed the atmosphere of the scene to death.

Halfway through the concert, after Li Tiezhu finished singing "Seventeen Years Old", he was so tired that he entered the predetermined soothing session.

News photos of the Maple Leaf Country Boarding School appeared on the big screen, and the skeletons of aboriginal people dug from the ground of the school were shocking.

The atmosphere on the scene has changed.

Li Tiezhu said: “I saw this news a few days ago and kept me up all night. Now, I announce that I will donate one-tenth of the income from this concert to the surviving Aboriginal victims and the Aboriginal Association. Hope. They can live a happy and dignified life one day! I hope that the Maple Leaf Country officially respects human rights and does not become a shame to mankind!"

Yes, Li Tiezhu was in the largest city of Maple Leaf Country, and slapped the country's official face.

Li Xiaofei carefully translated Li Tiezhu's words.

Slight applause rang out.

Regardless of their intelligence, they are definitely the most emotional, and most female boxers are basically the Virgin.

Many women's group members were crying. Of course, the close-up had to follow up immediately, crying to nothing.

The girl group applauded while crying, and they were moved by Li Tiezhu's compassion.

Finally, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Of course, many of the audience at the scene were indifferent to the killing of the aborigines, and even gloated, but "charity" and "swearing at the official" are politically correct. Of course they have to support it because it is... cool.

Do you say that the Maple Leaf Country official is upset? That's my shit, have the ability to catch me?

Can't the free maple leaf country donate money yet?

Li Tiezhu and Zhang Xiaomeng had discussed this matter a long time ago, mainly for the purpose of creating a magnificent image in front of Toronto fans and stepping on the Maple Leaf Country official by the way.

The video was sent back to the country, and the public knowledge came out again, saying that Li Tiezhu’s donation should not be donated to crooked nuts. This is fetishism.

Li Tiezhu: "???"

Song Zhuer smashed the past: "You have blown the Maple Leaf Country for a lifetime, our first choice for immigrants, shouldn't you please? Or do you think the aborigines deserve to die? Don't you deserve to be supported?"

The public are speechless.

The netizens with normal three views all support Li Tiezhu's sorrow operation. The money is given to the aboriginal people who are not officials of the Maple Leaf Country, and they are even used to slap the Maple Leaf Country. Why not do it?

During the concert, Li Tiezhu said: "This is what I should do. You have a share of the money that aids the aborigines. This is your glory!"

The audience suddenly felt that they were sublimated, and the applause was even more enthusiastic.

Li Tiezhu rested well and said, "We are all very sympathetic to their experience. Below, a sad song "Cool and Cool" is dedicated to them."

The audience applauded wildly again.

Later, the domestic video barrage went crazy:


"A "Cool" for them?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Brother Serious, as always!"

"Isn't it cold? It's all cold."

"Although it shouldn't, I can't help but laugh out a pig cry..."

"Shrimp and pig heart!"

"If the wall doesn't support Li they know the meaning of the song?"

"What does it have to do with the song? It's obviously a domestic Internet stalk."

"Ingrid's low-level language is incomprehensible."

"Where's the flipper? Not for the camera?"

"Cool" is a song written by Li Tiezhu for cats. He himself has sung it twice and is no stranger.

Backstage, Yi Xiaomao choked, and the hot Erguotou spouted from his nostrils, and he was very uncomfortable: "Cough cough cough... Zhu Ge is really 6...cough cough cough..."

Zhou Qian said: "I am so moved, I cried just now, and I was laughed again."

Justin said: "What does "Cool and Cool" have to do with the aborigines?"

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