Eastern Palace

Chapter 25: Straight (24)

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I have always hated Li Chengyin, but I never thought of dying him.

I panicly took his hand, and his mouth was full of blood, but he smiled: "I never saw you cry...you are afraid... afraid of being a little widow..."

At this time, he was still joking, and my tears burst out more, just to keep pressing his wounds, but where can I hold it, the blood comes out of my fingers, the blood is warm and greasy Yes, with so much blood flowing, I was really scared. Many Gong E rushed in, and as soon as they saw the blood, they screamed and passed out, and the hall suddenly became a mess. I heard Pei Zhao give orders outside, and then he went straight in. I saw him like a savior: "General Pei!"

Pei Zhao looked at the situation and immediately called someone: "Go to the Royal Doctor!"

Then he rushed forward and extended his fingers to seal the points around Li Chengyin's wound. He saw that I was still holding Li Chengyin tightly and said, "Prince, please let go of your highness, so that you can check on his injury."

I have no gods, but Pei Zhao is so calm, so calm that I feel at ease, I let go of Li Chengyin, Pei Zhao untied Li Chengyin's clothes, and then frowned. I don't know what he meant by frowning, but I knew it in a moment, because the imperial doctor arrived quickly, and then almost half of the hospital was moved to Donggong. The palace also got the message, Yuye opened the east gate, and the emperor and the emperor Jane Wei came to visit in person.

I heard the royal doctor say to the emperor: "The wound is too deep, please His Majesty, the ignorant and incompetent. I'm afraid... I'm afraid... His Royal Highness hurt... extremely dangerous..."

The queen had shed tears, and she cried silently, constantly wiping her tears with a handkerchief. The emperor's face was ugly, and I stopped crying. I had to wait for Adu to come back.

Pei Zhao has sent a lot of people to chase the assassins, and I don’t know if he has caught up. I am not only worried about Li Chengyin, but I am also worried about Adu.

At dawn, Adu finally returned. She was badly injured and was carried back by Pei Zhao's people. I called Adu's name, she only opened her eyes slightly and gave me a look. She wanted to raise her hand, but after all she didn't have the strength, but she moved her finger slightly. I followed her gaze and she looked at my lapel.

My shirt was full of blood, all Li Chengyin's blood. I understand the meaning of Adu. I took her hand and told her with tears, "I'm fine."

Adu seemed relieved, she put a hard thing into my hand, and then passed out.

I am sore, regretful and hateful.

Li Chengyin was injured by an assassin in front of me. He pushed me away, and I watched the long sword pierce him. Now, that man hurt Adu again.

It was all bad for me. Before I came, I asked Adu to give me the knife, and Adu didn't even bring the knife, so I went after the assassin.

Always follow me Adu, take care of my Adu.

I'm always sorry for her. I always make trouble and let her suffer for me.

I burst into tears.

No one came to persuade me. The East Palace was in chaos. Everyone was concerned about Li Chengyin’s injury. He was badly injured and was about to die. Adu is dying, Li Chengyin, my husband, is dying.

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