Eastern Palace

Chapter 91: Yuanshui(12)

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I used to hate Zhao Liangdi, especially when she framed me. But at this moment, I just think she is so miserable, really miserable.

Li Chengyin's heart must have been carved in stone. Mo said that he is a person. Even if he is a cat and a dog, he hasn't had the heart to kill it after three years... I thought that after three years, things will change, but the only thing that hasn't changed is him. Regardless of whether he ever jumped into the forgotten river, whether he forgot everything or not, he will never forget his power, his conspiracy. He always hesitates to use the people around him, he does not hesitate to use emotions, and then to achieve his goal.

He even reached out and wanted to touch my face.

I feel disgusted: "Go away!"

Li Chengyin said: "They won't hurt you. They are all sharp shooters in the Yulin Lang. Pei Zhao personally urged that those arrows fell all around you, and no one will hurt you by mistake. I shouldn't take you Adventure, in fact, I regret it in my heart..."

"What about Adu?" I looked at him coldly. "If Adu died with Gu Jian..."

He was startled again and said, "Xiao Feng, Adu is just a slave-servant..."

I hit him with a "slap", and he didn't dodge, and I shivered with anger: "She took care of me with her own life, she followed me from Xiliang with thousands of miles... Adu is just in your eyes A slave-maid, but in my heart she is my sister." I thought of Gu Jian, he died in order to save Adu, and he said, he said he could not make me sad anymore. Even Gu Jian knew that if Adu died, I would die sadly.

Li Chengyin reached out his hand and hugged me. He said, "Xiao Feng, I like you. I was sick that day, and you kept holding my hand until I felt numb, then I thought, the world Why is there such a silly girl, but I never thought that I would like you silly girl. When you were taken by the assassin, I was really mad... At that time I thought, if I can’t save you, What should I do... I've never been afraid... But you come back, you said you like Gu Xiaowu, I know Gu Xiaowu is Gu Jian, I'm so jealous that I'm going crazy. Yes, I don't want to keep him Life, because he is not only an assassin, but Gu Xiaowu. Now Gu Xiaowu is dead, it’s me wrong, I shouldn’t kill him, but Xiaofeng, I have no choice, no one can hurt you from now on, I I assure you that you believe me once, OK?"

My tears fell on the back of my own hand, how can I cry like this?

When I jumped from Wangchuan three years ago, all my thoughts were gray, and I just wanted to forget this person forever. I finally forgot him. I only remember what happened after marrying Li Chengyin. He is so handsome, so gentle and elegant, and like a jade tree. At that time, I wholeheartedly hoped that he would like me, even if he could smile at me occasionally, it would be good.

Now he held me in his arms and said such infatuated words, but none of this was what I wanted.

I shook my head and pulled my hand out of his hand: "He was not Gu Xiaowu, Gu Xiaowu was already dead."

Li Chengyin looked at me staring blankly, and said after a long while: "I have already admitted wrong, what would you do?"

I felt so tired that I really didn’t want to talk anymore. I leaned my head on the pillar: "You used to like Zhao Liangdi like that. For her, she quarreled with me every day. But now she told me that you lied to her. You originally He had the closest relationship with Gao Xiangguo, but now he told me that he was indifferent, so he slashed all the way... You turned out to hate me the most, and you said you want to rest me, but now you say, you like me... people like you... How can I trust you again..."

Li Chengyin stopped for a while, but did not move: "Xiao Feng, I am a prince, so there are many things, I am a last resort."

I suddenly smiled: "Yeah, if a man wants to be an emperor, he will inevitably be hard-hearted."

When Gu Jian said this to me, I didn't pay any attention to it. Now I finally understand.

A person is gradually approaching the emperor's throne, he will abandon many passions. For example, the friendship between me and Adu, he could not understand, because he did not. He never gave such trust to a person.

I asked: "If one day I endanger your throne, your country, your community, will you kill me?"

Li Chengyin avoided it: "Xiao Feng, the more dangerous place than the imperial palace is the East Palace, and the harder thing than being the emperor is to be the prince... I have a hard journey along the way, you don't know..."

I interrupted him: "Will you kill me one day?"

He stared at my face and finally said, "No."

I smiled and said slowly, "You will."

I slowly said to him: "Do you know that there is a place called Wangchuan?"

He stared at me blankly.

"The water of forgetting the river lies in forgetting the emotion..." I slowly turned around and hummed the familiar ballad all the way, "a fox sitting on the sand dune... sitting on the sand dune, basking in the sun... Hey... it turns out it's not basking in the sun, it's a girl waiting for a horse to pass by..."

I know that Gu Xiaowu in my heart is really dead.

Li Chengyin Mingming knew that Zhao Liangdi sent someone to poison Xu Baolin with slow poison, but he didn't move at all.

A woman who has had a skin relationship with him is destined to be like a mustard.

Li Chengyin Mingming only uses Zhao Liangdi, but he still loves her like a sea every day.

The woman with whom he had made a white-headed covenant is also destined to be like a mustard.

Li Chengyin knew that Zhao Liangdi framed me, but he didn't move at all, still watching me step by step into a dangerous situation. Instead, he used this dangerous situation to lure Gu Jian to take the opportunity to kill Gu Jian.

He will not follow me again and forget about Chuanchuan.

Gu Xiaowu in my heart really died like this.

I stayed beside Adu without clothes. When her injury deteriorated and she had a fever, I thought of Gu Jian. Last time Gu Jian saved her, but this time it was gone.

When Adu had the worst fever, I also got sick.

There was a heavy rain that day, and I walked over the covered bridge with a basin of ice. As a result, my feet slipped and fell.

That fell but broke my forehead, but at night, I also started to burn.

Adu is also having a fever. Li Chengyin said that it was Adu who gave me the sickness and wanted to remove him. He said that I had been cured of the disease and could no longer be infected by Adu.

Who made Adu like this?

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