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After leaving Storm City, the advancement of the army was not fast, just slowly advancing towards the south of Maud’s territory. From time to time there will be one or two riders returning from afar, and the same number of knights will leave in the team. They are scouts and Sentinel, responsible for path detection and alert. After losing two crusade teams in succession, Reggie became cautious. Even worried that the lone cavalry will be attacked, and serves as the full tenth rank knight of this role.

Their strength has reached the standard of the world, and they are rich in experience, not comparable to those shrunken Thunder fury knights. Even if these knights are attacked, they can find a way to escape. What’s more, knights with more than 2 rides are dispatched every time. The distance between them is limited. In the event of an emergency, they can take care of each other.

Under this arrangement, the army did not encounter a single attack from departure to 3 pm.

During the period, they passed by a small town that was attacked last night. Reggie was silent for a moment in front of the coke-burning barracks before continuing on his journey. According to the information brought back by Knights, after attacking two small towns last night, the rioters were moving to the south of the territory. There is a wilderness, scattered with scattered hills and pillars. Going further, it is the area of ​​Blood Rock Wasteland.

Reggie deduced from this that the bandit was about to withdraw to Blood Rock Wasteland. Once they were released from the territory of Storm City, it would be difficult to find them again. In view of Maud’s unwillingly bad mood at the moment, if you can’t catch this violent bandit, Lord Baron’s anger will mostly spread on himself on the body. So Reggie decided to kill the violent bandit in the territory no matter what.

By now, he hadn’t cared about whether this man was instigated by Sir Dick.

There are 2 more rides back and they bring back reliable information. A gangster who was taking a break was found one kilometer away ahead. It has been determined that their number is 20 left and right. Although the number of people is smaller than the information available, Reggie does not intend to let them go. Just to be careful, he set out with only 50 cavalry. The remaining 30 cavalry will advance with the legion and serve as a supplementary force for the second echelon.

But in fact, Reggie does not think that to deal with the 20 left and right violent bandits, the power of the follow-up army is needed. After all, there are 15 knights of standard strength in the hands of the people he brought!

The 50 cavalry horses violently gallop, the iron hoof raised a huge dust and smoke. In the relatively flat terrain in the south, let alone one kilometer left and right, you can clearly see it even further away.

Allen rode on the horse, keeping everything in sight. He looked back. Regis and 20 mountain king fighters remained on his one’s side. The other mountain king fighters were commanded by Bellemodre together with Dark Edge and dived elsewhere early. Allen laughed and said, “Remember, Storm City has sent their main force this time. No matter how we can fight, it is impossible to chew this hard bone. So we will do it in the future, and then run away. Remember my plan. The route?”

The soldiers nodded replied: “I know.”

“Then just have fun with them.”

When Reggie arrived, he saw him preparing to evacuate from a distance. How could he let go of such an opportunity, and rushed away now. The other party reacted quickly, seeing the cavalry coming, knowing it would be difficult to get rid of them, and immediately planned to evacuate. The mountain king soldier dressed as a violent bandit immediately picked up the fire/gun and shot. Reggie smiled secretly and made a gesture. His own cavalry counter-fired to cover the people on his side.

The knight in charge of the charge has a steel shield in front of him with his hands. The bullets fired by the fire/gun cannot wear such a 3 cm thick hand shield.

After a torrential pounding sound, the cavalry quickly pulled the distance between the two sides, just as the two sides were about to hit. The mountain king warriors yelled, threw their rifles away, and greeted them with shields and Warhammer instead. They rolled on the spot, and Warhammer didn’t hit the cavalry, but attacked the horse. The scalp of the cavalry on the horse exploded, and the mountain king soldier was rolling on the ground. Warhammer swept out a black shadow in the middle of the horse’s leg, and suddenly a fracture sounded from the field.

The horse’s legs broke and the horses fell to the ground. Well-trained knights all bounce and land before falling off their horses. Then drew out the long sword to kill the mountain king warrior. Under Allen’s command, the mountain king formed a tight defensive line. A group of 2 people cooperated with each other and it was able to block Knight’s attack.

When Reggie saw him, he yelled and charged. He and the cavalry responsible for fire support launched a second wave attack. Just after a short sprint, a dark red area suddenly appeared on the ground above, where the origin force was tumbling, and there was almost a lava boiling underground. Reggie yelled: “Be careful, there is a magician!”

Allen heard him alert, laughed, and inspired the ability of Raging Flames Earthquake. Three consecutive fire pillars, separated by a few meters, form a dense impact area. Reggie and the others were charging and couldn’t stop their horses at all. They could only brace oneself and slam into the pillar of fire rising into the sky. Fortunately, Reggie’s level 3 strength made him only black armor, curly hair, and slight burns on the body. as for The high temperature and impact of the flame are offset by his own origin force hedge.

But the cavalry behind him was not so good.

It was just a burst of Raging Flames Earthquake, at least half of the cavalry hit the horse. Others that could rush through the pillar of fire, the horses also wailed and fell to the ground. Knight rolled over on the ground with his hot armor. When they got up, they were greeted by Regis’s high-speed sword strikes that flashed like Thunderclap.

Reggie’s horse was also injured and fell to the ground, but the knight group leader ushered in, it was Allen’s continuous blade like a black wave of anger. Match-A-Thousand Cutting edge is dyed with red glow, and the surrounding air becomes extremely dry. Every time Allen cuts, he must roll up the murderous aura, let Reggie heart trembled. He can now be sure that these people are not Dick’s gangsters at all.

Even Dick himself is not as good as the silver-haired boy before one’s eyes. How can he call such a powerful subordinate?

It’s just that time doesn’t allow him to think about it, Reggie drew his sword to block, the sword fought, and Spark 4 splashed. The huge force carried on the dark heavy knife hit, and Reggie’s arm was sore. dang dang dang, Allen made more than one blow with a single blow. The stormy sea’s sword force cut Reggie with only defensive capabilities, and don’t expect to fight back.

With another cut, Allen let out a clear whistle, dragging the knife back. Reggie was about to chase, but when he saw the opponent’s black blade flicked horizontally, a bright orange light came onwards. The ray of light divided the world into two in Reggie’s eyes, and the knight group had long hair standing upright, which was a sign of extreme danger. Reggie’s body’s origin force exploded, and the sword light and Flame Breath Flash dragged out formed a complete cross.

When the origin forces of the two people collided with each other, a fierce explosion was immediately triggered. Reggie stepped back as the flames rolled. He gasped and looked towards the rest of the battlefield. The mountain king warrior had already evacuated, and the Thunder fury knight was knocked down by 2 people. The others wanted to chase but were stopped by Reggie.

Those people are not many, but they are very tricky. Although Reggie doesn’t want to admit it, in fact, if someone catches up with him, he will only be eaten by the opponent with guerrilla tactics.

But Reggie didn’t know that when they were fighting Allen, the army behind was also attacked.

The attack came suddenly. After being cleverly disguised, Dark Edge led by Bellemodre and some of the Mountain King soldiers lay in ambush near the path the army passed. After the cavalry from ahead passed, Bellemodre and the others violently attacked. They chose the middle of the team, and after a fierce rush, they retreated. This made the cavalry who heard the sound of killing and turned around and could only helplessly watch them quickly sinking into the nearby mountains and forests. In this attack, more than 20 infantrymen were killed.

Although the results of the battle were not great, it left a lingering shadow on the soldiers’ hearts.

Ahead Reggie, who came home quickly, didn’t even have the strength to get angry after hearing the soldier’s report. In the evening, the army battalions rested. Reggie still sent scouts, and cavalry returned at sunset, bringing the rioters to the wilderness ten kilometers away, and set up camps to rest.

“It’s only ten kilometers?” Reggie snorted, the other party did so, making it clear that his army was not in sight.

This dazzling slap slapped Reggie’s cheeks hot, and after a while, he decided to be suspicious. Putting on the illusion that the army is camping here, in fact he took a unit of infantry and all the Thunder fury knight away from the camp, preparing to raid the mob camp ten kilometers away.

When leaving the barracks, Reggie suddenly felt cold. He turned his head to look, and on a pavement not far away, a grassy snake was curling his body, staring at him with faint eyes. Reggie’s eyes lit up suddenly and the murderous aura burst out. The snake seemed to be frightened, and immediately swam down the stone and disappeared into the darkness.

Reggie let out a bad breath, and felt that the chest was more comfortable, and then directed the team to leave.

The night is vast, the starry sky is overcast, and the moonlight is blocked, which is a good opportunity for a sneak attack. After Reggie led the team to advance several li, all knights got off their horses and walked, so as not to startle the gangsters with the sound of horse hooves. Far away, I saw the flames of the opponent’s camp. Two night-time mobsters were guarding by a bonfire, as if they were chatting, making two suppressed laughs from time to time.

Reggie made the operation gesture, and the team immediately spread away like a big net. When all the soldiers entered the combat position, Reggie was about to close the net. The two violent bandits seemed to be aware of something, suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then rushed to the gap of the encircling net. When Reggie found out that something was wrong and yelled to command the soldiers to rush up, the two violent bandits had disappeared in the night.

It was then that Reggie discovered that the camp was very quiet, with no horses. When he rushed into the camp, he found no one inside. He suddenly changed his face and yelled: “Go back to camp!”

When they returned to the camp, a corpse was removed. Most of the people who died were Thunder fury knight. The attack happened shortly after Reggie and the others left. The violent bandits emerged from the night and launched a fierce attack on the camp. Their goal is clear, almost all moved towards Thunder fury knight. In the description of the soldier, the term silver-haired boy was mentioned more than once, because at least 5 of the corpses on the ground were killed by that boy, which left a deep impression on the soldier.

After listening to the report, Reggie only felt that the various gods had abandoned him, and the god of doom was hovering side of the body, otherwise how could he be hit by other people’s tricks twice in a row?

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