[8. Priests]

[As you can see, they are the clergy in the backroom. [

It seems that the environment here has not broken their faith, or made them believe that God cannot control here. [

They were devout Christians before they came here... Maybe there are Buddhists too?

They are responsible for praying around the dead wanderers, praying for the dead or "transcending" so that their souls can get out of here.

[Of course, we don't talk about dead people, they are also good inspirational people in the team, and they can play the role of psychological counselors, and they have indeed helped many people out of the trough. [

But they will also take up weapons and smash them on the heads of entities to achieve "exorcisms.] [

The priest's coat looks relatively neat, without any dirt, mostly brown cloth clothing. [

The most important feature: the cross pendant around their neck.

If you see this, he must be a pastor. This looks like this in both the front and back rooms. [


. Darkwalker] [The word Darkwalker is a strange and unfamiliar existence, but it has many uses. [

He can be used to refer to those who, under the trend of poverty, sneak into the M.E.G.'s military weapons testing ground to collect squibs and squibs, and to dismantle the brass fire salt inside to sell them for money; He can also be used to refer to those real-world weirdos who crawl around in the intricate water pipes under the city. [

In short, the Darkwalkers have one thing in common: they always work in the most dangerous industries, always dealing with unknown, evil, mysterious, unknown things...]

[Who knows what will happen to the military testing ground? [

In the wet land that has withstood thousands of test explosions and has been hollowed out by trenches and tunnels, will those miraculous seedlings be drilled?]

No one knows what will settle in the dark, cramped, smelly sewers when the construction workers seal the manhole cover and leave forever?

[In the back room, "Darkwalker" is used to refer to those few warriors who dare to be exposed to the 4 and 5 levels of survival difficulty.]

[They wore protective clothing, tied steel pieces up and down their bodies, and wore gas masks made of dark glass, all the way to their teeth.] [

Then equip yourself with fire salt ammunition, radio equipment, spare parts, and lightning in artificial bottles as batteries, and then come to the shit place where the physical body is rubbing shoulders but has endless bells and whistles.] There

are many people who do this work, but only a few can come back alive.

These people are as valuable as gold, more valuable than mechanics from the real world, because all kinds of dangers await challengers there, including deadly spiritual hazards, the natural environment where birds don't, and every guy who makes Darwin despair because he completely defies the theory of evolution.

[There is life there, too, but not the kind of life that humans usually understand. [

Every Darkwalker has become a living legend, endowed with the color of a half-man and half-god, and adults and children alike are excited to see them.

When children are born in a world without ice cream, words such as "pilot", "sailor" and "driver" have faded and gradually been forgotten. At

this time, most of the time you can only survive in this hostile world on all fours, and the only dream of children is to become a "dark walker". [

Turn away, dressed in armor that does not look very shiny, meet the adoring and awe eyes of countless people, go out, get close to God, fight monsters, return to the underground, bring people consumables, drawings, light and fire, and hope to live.


【Fighters are experts who are proficient in combat skills, and they are an indispensable part of the back room. [

Although a few people complain about the fighters, saying that they are murderous demons, it is certain that without them, the backroom will be reduced to a hunting ground or even a fast food restaurant for the physical people. [

Many people confuse them with the Darkwalkers, although they also risk their lives to fight entities, but the Darkwalkers are more inclined to explore and collect, and the fighters are more inclined to fight. Few

people know what the fighters do before they cut into the back room, and even the fighters themselves rarely mention it. [

They may have belonged to the special forces of a certain big country before, or they may just be an old security guard in a broken kindergarten, well, they may also be street sweepers.

They may have a bright future, or they may only have a fading future.

[However, it is no exaggeration to say that the back room gave them a new life.

[There, they had a new title - Fighter. [

Faced with large hordes of entities or threats from ill-intentioned humans, they must take up their assault rifles or rubber batons and attack half-human monsters or humans who are more terrifying than monsters.

[They fight for their beliefs, for the group they belong to, or for the materials they need to survive.

[Everywhere they went, there was never a shortage of vicious bandits or brutal and bloodthirsty entities, flowers and applause.

[They fight for an ethereal tomorrow.

[Fighters wear military uniforms, police uniforms or dark long-sleeved clothes and homemade armor from iron plates or expensive front room body armor, carry backpacks usually containing almond water, fire salt, etc., and use weapons that they assemble or cut through the front room. [

Fighters usually draw an orange horizontal line on their armor or wrap a red nylon rope around their arms.]

[11. Diplomatic G]

[Unlike the front room, the diplomatic G in the back room is not necessarily a person in a suit and tie, standing on the stage and speaking to the reporter's camera. [

They are more like lobbyists who ran among the princes and kings during the Warring States period.

[With their incorruptible tongue, they mediate between major organizations, often acting as lubricants, using unique conversation skills to turn things into deals, or negotiate a few large deals.

[At the same time, due to the peculiarities of their profession, diplomatic G usually do not have to travel through dangerous areas in order to survive resources, nor do they have to worry about being alone in the encirclement of entities.

They have a place in almost every organization, and without them, misunderstanding and prejudice might have triggered the first backroom war.

There are also many people who have a strong prejudice against diplomats, believing that they lack the spirit of adventure and are a group of cowards who can only play tricks.

[In any case, when you want to argue with someone, avoid those who carry briefcases and blue folders with you - this is not for your life safety, but for fear that you will lose face and become the object of other homeless people's after-dinner pastime.

At the same time, Lin Qiushui had already packed his things and was ready to go.

Just like before, this time there were still only Lin Qiushui and twelve two.

Lin Qiushui is responsible for quick cutting, and the twelve are responsible for protecting Lin Qiushui's safety.

Under the familiar road, the two soon arrived at Level 11 - "Boundless City".

Level 11 is an infinite city full of buildings, shops, and skyscrapers.

This level does not cycle day and night and is permanently stagnant during the day, although some levels appear as Level 11 at night, such as Level 92.

In the Level 11 tier, because Level 11 has access to many popular tiers and is secure enough, many organizations in the back room have established outposts, strongholds, and bases at this level.

As a result, Level 11 has always enjoyed the title of 'True Hub'.


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