绗簲锏 簲鍗佷簩绔 骞讳箣 Dao Intent

娣卞锛屽ぉ涓婄紑婊 闂︷棯鍙戜 闂︷棯鍙戜 闂︷棯鍙戜 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁 镄勬槦鏄燂纴缁

镒熻鍒板闱(五)润镇勬倓镄勪竴鐗囷纴Ye Chenfeng 绔嫔嵆阃氲绔嫔嵆阃氲鏄ㄥ鎸栧嚭镄勫湴娲烇纴鏄ㄥ鎸栧嚭镄勫湴娲烇纴勭劧镞犳伅镄勭寮浜嗗彝闄纴杩呴 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 熸潵鍒 锛屽湪 evo evo evo evo Devouring Void Insect 宁 姪涓嬶纴杩涘叆鍒 姪涓嬶纴杩涘叆鍒 姪涓嬶纴杩涘叆鍒 绁炵绌 绁炵绌 绁炵绌 绁炵绌 绁炵绌 鍙傞Dao Mark of Sword 忓墤涔嬮

浠栨湁涓 绉嶆劅 绉嶆劅 绉嶆劅 夛纴濡傛灉镊 夛纴濡傛灉镊 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣 纰戣暣钖殑鍓戜箣斿嚭闾f焺绁炵涔嫔墤銆

椤挎偀镄勬椂闂存€画槸寰堢煭鏆傦纴鐪槸寰堢煭鏆傦纴鐪Ye Chenfeng 灏嗗墤涔妇 ao Intent 棰嗘偀鍒 笁 笁 嶅ぉ澧 嶅ぉ澧 orget it 涓€涓嬫椂闂达纴镒熻澶╁揩浜简锛屼笉寰椾笉锅沧鍙傞€廌ao Mark of Sword 锛屾倓鐒 Rudder浜嗗彝闄腑锛屽嗳澶囦粖澶╃殑姣旇禌銆

Key 孻e Chenfeng 浠婂ぉ涓ゅ満姣旇瘯閮芥槸纭垬锛屽挨鍏 rudder 槸涓嫔崃鍜岃タ 斿畻澶╀箣 斿畻澶╀箣 斿畻澶╀箣 斿畻澶╀箣 斿畻澶╀箣 勫コ╀粬涔熶笉鏁(一)ぇ镒忋€

澶╀寒涔嫔悗锛孻e Chenfeng 鍦ㄦ埧闂翠腑绠€鍗曟礂浜嗕竴涓尽锛屼笌镞╂棭鍦ㄥ闱(3)瓑寰呯殑Shui You 鑻ョ瓑浜烘鑻ョ瓑浜钖堬纴鍓嶅 浜嗘鏂楀満锛岃 浜嗘鏂楀満锛岃 鍑荤锲涘ぉ镄勬瘮璧 鍑荤锲涘ぉ镄勬瘮璧

鈥沧槑濞侊纴浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬镊 叧 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬涓よ儨锛屾槑澶╁ 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬涓よ儨锛屾槑澶╁ 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬涓よ儨锛屾槑澶╁ 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬涓よ儨锛屾槑澶╁ 嶈锛屽鏋滀綘浠婂ぉ涓ゆ垬涓よ儨锛屾槑澶╁ 鎴桡纴浣犱篃鑳 鎴桡纴浣犱篃鑳 鎴桡纴浣犱篃鑳『鍒╄繘鍏ュ崄鍏己銆傗€

鈥滀笉杩囦綘浠婂ぉ涓や 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀹炲姏寰埚 瀹炲姏寰埚 锛屽挨鍏 锛屽挨鍏 锛屽挨鍏 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸Case screening xpert 瀹氲 瀹氲 full power found 锛屽疄鍦ㄤ笉琛屾毚 睵 found rofound Deep Extreme Dao 杩欎 搴旷硗銆傗 漇 漇 You You Let’s go through the battle

“I know.”

After that, Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes and waited quietly for the game between himself and the evil.

With the arrival of major forces, the fourth day of the game began.

Among them, Yue Zhongtian, who had the highest voice in the championship, defeated the genius of the genius, and the four-game winning streak of the winning streak shocked the audience and showed him the strength of his horror.

The ‘shadow’ that was paid attention to by Ye Chenfeng at the beginning was even more terrible. With just one stroke, he had a four-game winning streak and had a great chance to break into the top 16 of the konjac gold.

The game was in full swing, and it was the turn of Ye Chenfeng to appear. His opponent’s evil spirits only lost to the corpse, which is the strongest opponent Ye Chenfeng has ever met.

The evil and mad character is as arrogant as his name. He looks at Ye Chenfeng contemptuously: ‘Boy, your good luck is over. If you don’t want me to break my neck, you’d better concede, so I feel good. Can spare you a life. ”

“You have a lot of nonsense!”

Ye Chenfeng looked at him indifferently, without a trace of affection.

“Crap?” The evil also opened his mouth, and said: “I will let you know right away. I am not talking nonsense.”

As a result, a powerful suffocating exudes in his body. He seems to be a lurking wolf, showing his sharp teeth and preparing to attack.


Feeling the evil and the release of the arrogance, Ye Chenfeng shook his head and did not move, taking a step.

Although this step is very light, but one step, Ye Chenfeng’s temperament has changed dramatically. With his body as the center, a horrible killing intent has permeated, tearing the evil spirits and releasing the suffocating suffocation. The air in the entire fighting platform seems to have solidified.

“Well, interesting, since you don’t know how to live and die, I will fulfill you!”

The evil also had a mad look, and his face turned cold. The two feet, six feet and six inches long, and the low grade Heavenly Sword covered with ancient dark lines appeared in his hand and launched a fierce attack on Ye Chenfeng.

In the evil spirits and madness, five Dao Mark of Sword spewed out, and when the sharp swords and shadows were intertwined, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appeared in the eyes of thirty illusion lines, such as the starry light, injected into his eyes.

Evil and mad, although the strength is not bad, but the soul is not his strong, attacked by 30 magical lines, immediately appeared a lot of illusions in his eyes, the reaction appeared a bit slow.

Seizing his chances of slow response, Ye Chenfeng quickly slammed his palms, filled with eight million pounds of palms with unparalleled oppression, slamming on his chest and shattering his body defense. It shocked him to lose again and again.

A lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth and sprinkled on the ground with blood.

With a single blow, Ye Chenfeng didn’t have the opportunity to breathe and scream, and the illusion of the eyes in his eyes burst forth again, infused into the evil and mad shackles, continuing to confuse his consciousness and prevent him from countering full power.

“Dao Intent of the Magic” Three days, Mingwei actually realized the Dao Intent of the illusion to the triple heaven realm, what kind of chance he got in the Xuan Ming Cave.”

Looking at the thirty illusion lines that Ye Chenfeng shot in his eyes, Shui You, if he waited for a big wave in his heart, revealed a deep horror.

Ye Chenfeng’s performance completely exceeded their expectations and gave them great surprises.


A huge blast sounded, and Ye Chenfeng controlled the illusion of the illusion of the illusion of the soul, while launching a tidal-like offensive against him, fiercely bombarding his body.

Only ten breaths, the physical injury is serious, the evil of the mouth spit blood also fell to the ground like a dead dog, painful mourning, almost lost the fighting power.

“You don’t admit defeat!”

Ye Chenfeng is condescending to look at the blood, the serious evil is also crazy, the arrogant question asked.


“My words don’t like to repeat the second time. If you don’t admit defeat, then don’t blame me for being ruthless.” Ye Chenfeng looked at the evil that was still strong, and coldly warned.

“You can have it want to kill me, you know kill me.”

Evil also did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so courageous that he threatened his life in public, and he insisted on getting up and glaring at him.

“Since you don’t know how to live and die, I will fulfill you.”

Ye Chenfeng flashed a murder in his eyes, and a force that made the evil and madness feel suffocated.

“I, I admit defeat.”

Feel the murderousness of Ye Chenfeng’s body, seeing that he really wants to kill, and the evil also knows that Ye Chenfeng does not scare him. He really dares to kill himself and has to humiliate and concede.

“Xu Mingwei wins!”

Hearing evil and arrogant defeat, the game supervised, the elders of the Western Mozong immediately announced in public, not giving Ye Chenfeng the chance to kill.

Defeating evil and madness, there is still a lot of dragon gas in the martial arts station, pouring into the dragon-shaped line on Ye Chenfeng’s forehead, faintly condensing one-fifth of the dragon’s body.

Easily defeated evil and madness, Ye Chenfeng flew back to the stands under the watchful eyes of a pair of shocked eyes, continued to close the eyes to adjust the breath, absorbed the dragon, and deduced Dao Mark of Sword.

“Liu Qing, that Xu Mingwei’s strength is unfathomable. In the afternoon, he will fight against him. You must resist the erosion of the Dao Intent, otherwise you will probably end up with evil.”

The master of the magic Liu Qing, a Western elders who still have the charm of seeing Ye Chenfeng’s performance, serious martyrdom.

“Don’t worry about the master, I have the means to restrain his Dao Intent.”

Wearing a dark red Martial Dao suit, with a huge aquamarine gem on the neck, the petite but quite moving Mou Liuqing eyes are full of fighting intent, confidently said.

She is looking forward to a battle with Ye Chenfeng to end his winning streak.

The game continued, wonderful and continuous, witnessing the killing between the top geniuses of Western Continent, the audience in the stands was very enjoyable, and soon, the game on the fourth morning was over, and the 16th was born.

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