Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 251 Surprise or not?

"It's a little tricky."

Kanda Xiajiang frowned. During this short confrontation, Kanda Xiajiang could feel the threat from Du Ming. Bangira must not have been trained for long, but he was able to fight on par with his initial elf Nian Meilong. This strength alone is completely worthy of the title of 6 stars.

Du Ming is really strong, and Kanda Xiajiang knows very well that if he doesn't take it seriously, he will definitely pay the price for it.

Kanda Xiajiang was very cautious, it was impossible for Du Ming to have an easy chance of winning. Therefore, after thinking quickly and carefully, Kanda Xiajiang directly ordered: "Nian Meilong, turbid flow!"

As a water-type skill, the power of turbidity is not low, and Nian Meilong has already mastered turbidity to an advanced level. This attack with outstanding effects must be no small matter.

Regarding Kanda Xiajiang's order, Du Ming, whose level has been improved, has several possible options in mind. Regarding Nian Meilong's actions, Du Ming didn't have much clue.

In high-level elf battles, the skills become extremely complex. How the elves will act depends on the coordination between the elves and the trainer to respond.

"Bangira, earthquake!"

Du Ming opened his mouth and said, his eyes were constantly observing the battle situation, communicating with Bangira with all his heart.


With a roar, the already unrecognizable grass field became even more dilapidated. It was as if the whole earth was trembling, and Nian Meilong stood on it, completely unable to stand still.

The release of the turbid current is still steady.

The filthy water flow spread out, suspended in the air in an extremely strange way, and radiated across the audience in a blink of an eye.


Bangira's expression was indifferent. Under the earthquake, countless ice cubes made by frozen teeth floated in the air and gathered together with the divergent dirty water, which invisibly exceeded the control limit of Nian Meilong.

Kanda Xiajiang was a little surprised, did Du Ming even count it here?

Immediately, Kanda Xiajiang nodded slightly, without paying too much attention.

Part of the turbidity and ice fell to the ground, and Nian Meilong kept running on the field. At the same time, the ice and turbidity began to condense, turning into a giant curtain of water and covering Bangira.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of Bangira's running was not specially covered up, and it couldn't escape Nian Meilong's sense at all. The giant screen of the turbidity current shrouded Bangira, and due to the particularity of the turbidity current itself, it was completely dark.


The next moment the turbidity dome exploded, and Bangira could only break through forcefully, and his condition became not good.

"Keep a distance." Du Ming calmly said.

Judging from the battle just now, Nian Meilong is really difficult to deal with. Many reactions to the enemy are beyond Bangira's understanding, and the gap is a bit big.

Of course, Bangira also has advantages. The characteristics of blowing sand make the field full of violent sandstorms from the very beginning.

It is impossible for Nian Meilong to change the weather, and it will definitely have no effect, so he can only choose to be tough with Bangira. Now that the duel is over and Bangira has shown enough difficulty, it is necessary for Kanda Xiajiang to start from this aspect.

"Pray for rain!"

Between Nian Meilong and Bangira, the battle over the weather begins.

"Sharp rock attack!" Du Ming said quickly.

Kanda Xiajiang was a little puzzled, because Du Ming's order was very strange. Could it be that Du Ming wants Bangira to give up the sandstorm and change the battle mode to become a super output?

"It doesn't matter."

Kanda Xiajiang became indifferent, no matter how Bangira fights, as long as the weather becomes rainy, Nian Meilong can still defeat Bangira by using the water tail and turbidity restrained by attributes.

Du Ming must lose.

Nian Meilong casts the energy of water praying for rain into the sky, and strictly guards against Bangira's movements.


A cloud of dust and smoke spread into the sky, Kanda Xiajiang vaguely felt something was wrong.

It's weird, really weird.

How can the sandstorm skill be used so fast?

Weather scrambles, the emphasis is on coverage.

Later weather can override the previous weather. The same is true of changing weather in reality.

What's the benefit of using Sandstorm too quickly?

Kanda Xiajiang reacted quickly, but it was too late. When misty rain appeared in the sky, Nian Meilong breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Bangira, Sandstorm!"

Du Ming's voice came!

Nian Meilong couldn't help holding his breath, in his field of vision, the beautiful raindrops kept disappearing and turned into a destructive sandstorm!

The wind howled.

Sticking to Meilong for a moment, but unable to act.

Kanda Xiajiang frowned. He really didn't expect that Bangira's control over the sandstorm could reach this level.

It's just unbelievable.

As a result, Nian Meilong failed to capture the weather, which not only put Bangira in an environment of full strength, but also hit Bangira's sharp stone attack, instantly at a disadvantage.

Things got tough.

"Underestimate him."

Kanda Xiajiang sighed, thinking about countermeasures.

However, Kanda Xia Jiang's estimate is still low.

Nian Meilong suddenly let out an exclamation, and a huge shadow pressed down. Nian Meilong raised his head to meet Benjila's fierce eyes, with a dazed expression.


Suddenly, there was a pain in the abdomen.

Nian Meilong looked down and saw that it was a long and thick sharp stone piercing Nian Meilong's lower abdomen. When Nian Meilong came back to his senses, the terrible sharp rock had already pushed Nian Meilong very high.

"How can it be?"

Kanda Xiajiang's pupils shrunk, and the scene in front of him completely exceeded his expectations.

It is true that the time for elves to use skills will continue to decrease as their proficiency increases. But the point is, your elf has a high level of proficiency, but Lao Tzu's elf has a low level of proficiency?

Why can you move so fast?

Let's hang up!

Not only did Bangira use the sandstorm extremely fast, but he also shot the sharp stone attack continuously, with a feeling of combo at the speed of light. This moment is really enjoyable to watch.

Kanda Xiajiang felt extremely bad.

"Iron Tail!"

In this case, we can only attack quickly, and we can't give Du Ming the slightest chance.

"Sharp rock attack!"

Du Ming's expression became natural.

The layout is over, just waiting for the finishing touches.

"The sandstorm fruit ability with a development rate of 14% has a considerable increase in the use of sandstorm skills. Especially the sandstorm ability with a development rate of 14% can already increase the sandstorm-type skills, plus the auxiliary ability of the power of heart..."

Du Ming showed a slight smile.

I have never shown this kind of method before, so I just want to keep my hole cards and wait for Kanda Xiajiang to come up to challenge!

Surprise or not, surprise or not?

"Slimy Dragon, Dragon Wave!"

"Bangira, rock blockade!"

The sandstorm suddenly pressed down, and the dust all over the sky had a great impact on Nian Meilong, and the visibility became extremely low. Under the crazy and restless sandstorm, no sound could be heard clearly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless boulders fell from the sky, and Nian Meilong raised his head, but couldn't see anything.

A huge force came from behind, and Bangira appeared behind Nian Meilong, and knocked Nian Meilong away with a punch, hitting a boulder just in time. At this time, countless huge boulders fell down in one go, as if the needle bees had found their target.

The status is still not good... I can only write tomorrow, no matter what, Su Yong will update at least 2 times a day. The preparation is in good condition, and everyone will have a good time watching it in March, so don't worry too much.

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