New Elf Calendar 201, Kanto region, quartz plateau.

Time flies, and the annual World Heavenly King Exchange Tournament will be held at the Quartz Highland Arena, the headquarters of the Kanto Region Elf League.

On the Quartz Plateau Athletics, the world’s famous world kings gathered.

Tennoi trainers from the Kanto region: Ryutsu, Kona, Hiba, Kikuko.

Johto area: Ichiki, Pear Blossom, Orange.

Toyogen area: Hanazuki, Jenny, Hibiscus, Genji.

Shinnoh region: Ayanagi, Kikuno, Oha, Gomatsu.

United People’s Areas: Wanlong, Lianwu, Bilberry, Gadria.

Carlos area: Pachila, Shimi, Yankai, Dorasena.

The annual Four Heavenly Kings Exchange Tournament is the happiest thing for all the people this year, after all, they can watch and enjoy the fierce battle between the world’s top trainers through the live broadcast room.

“Hahahahaha, little sister Gadria, I subdued the super huge elf in our Kanto region Miacha Mountain this time, and I will definitely not lose to you again this time.”

Seeing the super loli king Gadria in the United People’s Region, Xi Ba walked over with a grin.

Shiba, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto region, is a master of martial arts elves, but last year he met Gadria, a superpowered loli girl in the United Regions.

The first game of the opening ceremony was hammered to 4-0, but after going back, he was mocked by the flying king Imperial Dragon Du and the poisonous king Ah Ju for most of the year….

This year, Shiba subdued the giant rock snake in Miacha Mountain, hoping to defeat Gomatsu and lose his shame.

Gadria glanced at Hiba sleepily, did not pay too much attention, and continued to lie down in her elf arms and sleep beautifully.

“Pachira, this time to participate in the World Heavenly King Exchange Tournament, my only goal is to defeat you and become the world’s number one fire elf master, are you ready? Hahahahaha. ”

Daye, the trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fire System in the Sinnoh Region, showed a hearty smile, but Carlos, the indifferent Fire King, seemed to be unappreciative and ignored the uncle, but commanded the reporters around him to shoot the relevant scenes.

Pachela not only participates in the Four Kings Exchange Tournament as the Four Heavenly Kings, but also reports the status of the Four Kings to the world as a newscaster.

“Yo~ Dorasena, long time no see.”

“The source is cured, I can’t see it.”

The two veteran dragon kings no longer have the motivation of young people to compete fiercely, and they prefer to gather together and discuss the stories of the younger generation.

“Genji-san, Ms. Dorasena, you two didn’t take me with you when you chatted, so we are both proud Dragon King trainers.”

Miryu Du, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto region, was also in the middle of the two Dragon Four Heavenly Kings at this time, and wanted to talk about happy things together.

But the Genji Heavenly King of the Fengyuan Region laughed, “Adu, we didn’t discuss anything, but you just said something wrong, I remember that the attribute that the Dama Lanqi Alliance helped you register is the Flying Heavenly King, not the Dragon Heavenly King.” ”

“What’s !!!?”

As soon as he heard this, Yulong Du was immediately anxious, he was a proud “dragon messenger”, how could he register as a flying king trainer!!!

“No way, look at your elves, tyrannosaurus, fossil pterosaurs, fire-breathing dragons, fast dragons. Which one does not stain the flight system. ”

The Ice Heavenly King of the Kanto region took it and began to damage the Imperial Dragon Cross.

And listening to Konah’s talk, Yulongdu also felt that it seemed that there was nothing wrong with this…………

Four Heavenly King trainers from all over the world gather on the quartz plateau.

However, this time the characters who appear are not just the four heavenly kings from all over the world.

At the guest table, there was also the chief elf doctor of the eastern region, Dr. Ohki, and the elf alliance headquarters chairman Da Ma Lanqi, which was quite a luxurious lineup.

In the arena, after a friendly exchange of views among the four heavenly kings, President Dama Lanchi began to prepare his speech for the opening ceremony.

However, just as Dama Lanqi was about to speak, a strange sound sounded from the Quartz Plateau Arena

[Start now, conduct a live broadcast of the elves around the world, and take stock of the related things in the elf world. ] 】

The sudden change made everyone in the arena stunned, and at the same time, a huge blue screen appeared in the sky in the center of every city in the world.

“This is … What’s going on? ”

Dama Lanqi looked at all this in front of him with a confused expression, and the same thing happened not only in the Quartz Plateau Arena.

The headquarters of the rocket team in the Kanto region, the villain organization Lava Regiment and the water fleet headquarters in the Toyoen region, the elven alliance where the champion of the Shinnoh region is located….

“What happened? Why are President Tama Arashi and Mr. Genji on the screen? ”

Former champion trainer Zvoqi Daigo, who was mining in the wild, was stunned.

The blue screen was spread all over the world, and audiences all over the world saw the elf alliance president Dama Lanqi and the famous Four Heavenly Kings trainers.

It’s like… A live broadcast!!

The traveling group of Ash and the stupid trio all saw such a scene and couldn’t help but be shocked.


With the sudden huge screen and the huge spatial barrier that appeared in an instant, Dama Lanqi suddenly became anxious, and when he was about to order the Imperial Dragon Crossing, Dr. Ohki stopped him.

“Don’t act rashly.”

Dr. Ohki’s words woke up President Dama Lanqi, and after calming down, he realized that he was a mortal with such abilities?

Those who come must not be simple, and they must be careful.

The same was true of important people in various regions, and at this moment, that strange voice came again——

[Clip playback starts, inventory of the top ten villains! ] 】



PS: To explain a little, the Quartz Plateau is the main venue, like an online live broadcast, everyone can see the situation of the Quartz Plateau and the editing screen of the inventory.

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