[Just when everyone was overwhelmed, a sky-rushing tornado broke through the ice, and a silver elf appeared in front of the world’s audience! ] ]

When the silver elf appeared, trainers all over the world were stunned in place.

“Lokia, it’s actually Lokia! That’s the legendary elf, the super-divine beast Lokia who masters the weather of ocean currents!! ”

Kazuki, the super king of the Johto area, was very shocked, and it was really exciting to hear the legends of the elves circulating in the Johto area here.

Lokia, the legendary elf, rules over the world’s ocean currents, and just by waving her wings, she can cause a month-long rainstorm that can destroy towns on the edges!

Lokia’s habitat is in the whirlpool archipelago in the Johto area, and because it has too much power to endanger humans, it chooses to live in the deep sea.


Rocket Team Headquarters.

Seeing Lokia, the god of ocean currents who appeared, the leader of Team Rocket, Sakaki, showed a strange smile.

“So that’s the case, the target of this guy Gilluta is not the Fire God Flame Bird, the God of Thunder Lightning Bird and the Ice God Frozen Bird, but the super rare divine beast spirit, the God of Ocean Currents, Lokia!!!”

“Boss Sakaki, what is the strength of that ocean current god Lokia?”

Athena, the cadre of the rocket team standing next to her, was a little curious.

Sakaki’s gaze glanced at the armored elves in the laboratory and said calmly

“Lokia is in charge of the changes in the world’s ocean currents, and his combat power at the peak may be similar to that guy.”

Athena looked at the mysterious elf who was experimenting, covered in armor, and immediately swallowed…

Lokia is about the same strength as it….

Both are guys who can’t be messed with….

“However, Lokia’s purpose is to protect the Orange Islands, not to fight, and I guess that the latter content in the image may not be the opponent of the Three Holy Birds.” How will a scene like this end? It’s getting more and more interesting. ”

Sakaki’s gaze looked at the screen.


Fengyuan area water fleet.

“A super divine beast in charge of ocean current changes? Hahahahaha, that should have countless relationships with Gaioka. In this way, that is something from our water fleet, hahahahaha!! ”

The leader of the water fleet, Shui Wutong, said without measure.


Base of the Flash Team in the Carlos area.

Stroking the Fire Lion’s crimson mane, the leader of the Flame Team, Flandari, his eyes lit up.

What fire god flame bird, ice god frozen bird, he doesn’t care at all, but if it is Lokia, who is in charge of the ocean current weather ecosystem, it is some fun.

After that, I really look forward to it more and more.


Quartz Plateau Arena.

The villains of all walks of life are like watching a play with relish, and the Alliance Four Heavenly Kings trainers on the scene are very happy to see Lokia appear.

“Fantastic, there is salvation, the whirlpool archipelago and the sea area of the Orange Islands are connected, and the purpose of the appearance of the god of ocean currents, Lokia, must be to save the Orange Islands!!”

Lihua, the evil king of the Johto region, said happily.

A hundred years ago, because of human greed, there was a huge war in the Johto area, and the god of ocean currents, who was extremely disappointed with mankind, chose to live in the depths of the whirlpool archipelago and never see humans again.

Today, the Orange Islands have erupted into an unprecedented crisis because of the villain of Gilluta, and Lokia has appeared in front of the world for the sake of the inhabitants and elves of the Orange Islands!!

This can also indirectly see that Lokia, the god of ocean currents, did not completely abandon humans, perhaps just observing humans in another way.

When it’s time to shoot, something will definitely happen

What a gentle and kind god of ocean currents!!

Image continues —

[Lokia, the handsome god of ocean currents, appears and fights the Three Holy Birds, who are extremely angry.] ]

But as the leader of Team Rocket, Sakaki, said, Lokia, the god of ocean currents, aims to protect the Orange Islands, and directly defeating the Three Sacred Birds will not directly solve the problem, but the weather in the Orange Islands will worsen.

[Therefore, Lokia in the image released the sea seriously and did not seriously attack, but the extremely angry three holy birds joined forces to attack, freezing Lokia, the god of ocean currents, in a hurricane, and using a move to knock it back into the sea and then block the ice breaking at sea.] ]

[However, Lokia, the god of ocean currents, will not be easily defeated and leap out again without giving up to calm the strife.] However, the evil man on the side, Gilluta, took the opportunity to attack Lokia, and Lokia was seriously injured, smashed through the ice, and fell into the dark sea of ice. ]

The defeat of Lokia in the image was a major blow to the residents, and even the Four Heavenly Kings trainers in the Guandu region could not believe what was happening in front of them.

“Impossible! If it was Lokia, how could it not be the opponent of the Three Holy Birds…”

The only hope of saving the Orange Islands has disappeared, and President Dama Lanchi is disappointed.

And Dr. Ohki said helplessly

“Maybe the conditions haven’t been met yet. There is a legend in the Orange Islands that when the gods of ice, thunder and fire are angered by humans, it is the day of the destruction of the world. Only the gods of ocean currents and excellent sea warriors can quell anger. ”

“Nowadays, the god of ocean currents has appeared, but there is a lack of an excellent sea brave!”

Excellent sea braves….

The Quartz Plateau Arena suddenly fell silent for a while, and then the Ice Heavenly King Konah hurriedly said:

“Dr. Ohki, do you think I can? Although I use ice elves, I am also inextricably linked to sea elves, whether I can become a sea warrior and save the Orange Islands with Lokia. ”

Konah was very worried about the safety of the people of the Orange Islands.

However, faced with such a scene, Dr. Ohki could only shake his head, “The sea warrior does not mean the water system elf master. But…… Lokia, the god of ocean currents, and brave humans personally recognized by the sea. ”

“The brave humans recognized by Lokia, the god of ocean currents… How is this and this, how is it possible! Lokia has not appeared for hundreds of years because of human greed, will there really be humans who are recognized by Lokia? It can’t be! ”

Super King Kazuki is desperate!!

Is it really only possible to see the Orange Islands sinking at the bottom of the sea?

The entire inhabitants of the Orange Islands fell into despair, but at this moment, there was a great turn in the image!!!

In the image ——

[A melodious and gentle flute sounded, and Lokia, the god of ocean currents who was about to drown at the bottom of the sea, woke up again and broke through the ice! ] ]

[Then, Lokia set her sights on a man wearing a red and white elf ball hat followed by a Pikachu… Juvenile!! ]

The brave man at sea, it is decided that it is you!!!


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