The white hero Rehiram pursues a real person, Adek, the champion trainer of the United Regions, and fears that the young green-haired man recognized by Rehiram will have the idea of changing this original world.

And it turns out that Uncle Adek’s idea … Fulfilled.

In the image ——

[The annual Elven Alliance Conference in the United Region has officially begun, and all trainers are immersed in the fun of enjoying elf battles.] ]

[However, at this moment, accompanied by a deafening sound, the Assembly Arena suddenly revealed a deep pit, and a castle located under the Arena actually rose from the ground, and at the same time lowered the stairs to attach to the Elven Alliance Assembly Arena!!! ]

[The entire audience was shocked by the sudden arrival of the castle, and at this moment, some unknown elements in blue and white uniforms broke into the chaotic crowd and began to snatch the trainer’s elves!] ]


Quartz Plateau Arena.

“Black uniforms, wait, this is… Plasma Team!! ”

Ghost Heavenly King Wanlong pushed his glasses and looked at what was happening on the screen with a shocked expression.

“Wanlong, what is Team Plasma? Could it be that they are all evil villains like the Galaxy Team in the Sinnoh Region? Fighting King Shiba asked.

After a little thought, Wanlong replied

“The Plasma Team, who is now normally active in the United Areas, did not do anything bad, but just gave speeches everywhere, advocating that elves are a misfortune in the hands of humans and should be allowed to return to nature.”

“And now that they appear on the screen are members of the Plasma Team, they are taking advantage of the chaos to rob the trainer’s elves, could it be that they have been promoting this concept to make other trainers give up the pokemon so that the plasma team can monopolize the power of the pokemon?”

“There is no doubt that this is the case, the plasma team, actually concealing a terrible plan, is it preparing to annex the United States?”

Wanlong’s expression was still dumbfounded, while Lian Wu, the martial arts king of the United People’s Region, was determined by this idea

In order to better understand the conspiracy plan of the plasma team, the audience chose the quiet audience video.

In the image ——

[On the ground, the Plasma Team takes advantage of the chaos to seize the spirits of ordinary trainers, and on this floating castle palace, a young man with long green hair sits on a throne with one hand on his chin and looks down on everything that is happening in the arena below.] ]

[And beside this turquoise haired man is the white, white hero who pursues the truth… Rehiram!! ]


“It’s him!!”

Everyone recognized at a glance that the green-haired young man sitting on the throne was the trainer who had subdued the real dragon Rehiram in the Tower of the Dragon Spiral!!

“Looking at what he’s dressed up, could it be… He’s from Team Plasma… King!!! ”

“The Plasma Team’s… King! You are saying that the real dragon Rahiram chose the leader of the villain organization as his trainer, absurd, simply ridiculous, such a thing would happen. ”

In the Quartz Plateau Arena, some of the Four Heavenly King trainers couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them.

You know, Rehiram is a little elf who is called a hero in the United Regions, and now, he actually takes the initiative to assist the leader of a villain organization and conquer the entire United States Region.

This is really outrageous!!


Off-screen, United District, N’s Castle.

N indifferently looked at what happened on the screen, and his future self seemed to be recognized by the real dragon Rehiram.

Well, this is a good thing, I already have the ability to change the world, and I can create a country with only elves.


Quartz Plateau Arena.

In the image ——

[In order to defeat N. Halmonia, the leader of the plasma team, the dojo trainers of the Elf Alliance and the trainers of the Four Heavenly Kings all went into battle and were bound to take down the plasma team.] ]

[When entering the first floor of the castle, six of the seven sages of the plasma team blocked the way, and eight dojo trainers took the initiative to fight.] ]

[The Four Heavenly Kings trainer on the second layer is against the Plasma Team’s Dark Iron Triangle.] ]

[The Elven League did its best to send the regional champion trainer Mr. Adek to the castle palace, and in order to stop N. Halmonia’s plan, Mr. Adek sent the ace elf Vulcan Moth to fight the real dragon Rayhiram. ] ]

[However, even the ace Vulcan Moth, the ace of regional champion trainer Mr. Adek, was far from being an opponent of the first-class divine beast Rehiram, and was knocked to the ground and could not move for a long time.] ]

[Surprisingly, N. Halmonia did not attack trainer Adek, but sat on the throne again, looked at the Poké Ball in Adek’s hand, and said lightly:]

[“Champion Mr. Adek, have you ever thought about such a question?”] Elves and humans both like freedom, but humans bind elves to small poké balls, and there is no freedom at all. ”

“Nowadays, the world has also developed something called the Elf Guide, and it takes trainers to constantly subdue the elves in the wild to complete the guide information. Using the elves as a tool to accomplish their goals, I’d love to ask you, so that the elves are really happy? ”

“I’ve seen so many pokemon abandoned by trainers, and I’ve seen many pokemon who have been wounded by humans and have nowhere to return.”

“In order to become famous, trainers let elves fight each other and get hurt… Mr. Champion Adek, have you ever thought that elves crave peace and like to live freely? ”

“I feel that as long as you keep elves in a small poké ball, they will never be happy if they lose their freedom, and I want to turn this world into a world of little elves, because they are all my friends.” ]


N. Hallmonia’s words were not just addressed to the champion trainer Mr. Adek, but to an audience around the world.

Such a sentence calls the hearts of all viewers.

“The Poké Ball is a prop to bind the elves??”

“Indeed, as the leader of the plasma team said, it seems that we want to register the information of the Elf Book and subdue many wild elves to complete the purpose.”

“This… Is everything we are doing wrong now? ”

The audience at the Quartz Plateau Arena suddenly fell into deep thought.


United People’s area, plasma team base.

Gages, the head of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Team, couldn’t help but laugh maniacally as he looked at the many reflections on and off the screen.

“Leaving these things to my adopted son N. Halmonia is indeed the right choice, publicize it! Promote your ideas. Now that our plasma team can defeat even the regional champion trainers of the United Elf League, the next step is to unify the entire United Region !! ”


In the Quartz Plateau Arena, in the face of N’s words on the screen, some trainers suddenly thought deeply.

Is it true that humans regard elves as friends, but bind elves to small poké balls?

“Are we humans really hurting elves all the time?”

Everyone couldn’t help but reflect, even some of the Four Heavenly King trainers began to waver, such a scene was the scene that Gaiges, the head of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Team, hoped for.

In the image —

[N. Halmonia walked to the castle platform, looked down at everything below, and opened his hands.]

“Elves… My friends, I want to liberate you! Break away from sinful humanity…]

Perhaps, this idea is good, without humans, elves may be happier.

Unconsciously, seeing the image of the image, many trainers began to think deeply, but at this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a golden thunderbolt fell on the castle.

Audiences all over the world immediately fixed their eyes —

[In the video, a gray-black elf with pure white pupils and bright red sclera, small horn-like protrusions at the tip of the nose, and a gray horned crown in the shape of lightning on the top of his head appears in front of the world’s audience.] ]

The Black Hero of the United Region Czech Roma!!

And on the back of Czechoslovakia is a familiar character …

Ash’s !!! in True New Town



PS: It will continue to be updated at night, N is used by confusion, all the initial ideas will be more extreme, and in the follow-up will become a good person.

The picture is of the first generation of plasma teams. Remember to vote for flowers and reviews!!

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