Dawu was a little worried that the giant golden monster could control the power of Mikori when the ice sculpture was shattered, but now it seems that he may have to exert more power.

  However, even so, the giant gold monster still failed to leave a trace on the ice sculpture.

  "I have used nearly [-]% of the strength just now. With the power of the giant gold monster, I can already knock back the same level Bosco Dora, but I still can't cause a trace of this ice sculpture."

  From this point, it is also possible to see the terrifying power of the masked man from the side. Dawu will already regret letting Mikoli intercept the masked man alone.

  Now, although the giant gold monster can still continue to use more force to hammer the ice sculpture, Dawu is worried that if he uses more force, he will accidentally hurt the frozen Mikri.

  "What are we going to do now? If we continue like this, even if Michael hadn't died, he would most likely freeze to death."

  Dawu rarely panicked. If his friend Michael froze to death because he was unable to rescue him, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

  Just when Dawu was at a loss, he suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping, and immediately looked up to the sky, throwing a Poké Ball and a Boscodora in his hand.

  "Boscodora, [Iron Wall]!"

  Just in case, no matter who comes, it is always right to defend first.

  This is the thought of the cautious Daigo.

  However, the visitor did not launch an attack, but slowly said a word.

  "You are the Hoenn champion Daigo, don't be vigilant, I'm an ally."

  When Dawu heard the words, he looked carefully at the person who came.

  I saw that there was a huge fire-breathing dragon in the sky, slowly falling, and standing on the back of the fire-breathing dragon was a man in a championship shirt.

  "You are the Guandu Champion."

  "Yes, the champion of Hoenn, Mr. Daigo, it's the first time we meet, I'm Chen Han."

  Putting away the cloak and mask for camouflage, Chen Han, who deliberately rode a fire-breathing dragon around in a big circle, would pretend to be solemn, and even said to Dawu a little apologetically.

  "Sorry, I seem to be late."

Chapter 16 Preliminary Control of the Force of Nature (Part 3)

  Before Chen Han fully grew up, he had the experience of deceiving Sakagi, the old yin ratio.

  You must know that Sakagi, the old Yinbi, is really scheming, and it is totally fine to give him an Oscar for Best Actor, but Chen Han, who can deceive him, will be so poor in his acting skills. Therefore, Chen Han will be full of It was solemn, even with an apologetic expression, which directly made Dawu put down his vigilance, and at the same time he took back Boss Cordola, he also responded to Chen Han with an apologetic expression.

  "Mr. Chen Han, you actually came very quickly. I was the one who came late. You don't have to feel so guilty."

  Chen Han had previously said that he was in the edge of the Hoenn area, where did he drive to the sea near Liuli City, even if it was Dawu himself, he felt that it would take at least an hour and a half to go all out.

  Although Dawu knows that Chen Han has a spirit that can fly at the speed of sound, which is a fierce bite of the land shark, it should take about thirty or forty minutes with all his strength.

  These are calculated by Daigo based on the speed at which the genie is flying at full speed, just like some navigation maps say that you will reach your destination in [-] minutes, but in fact it will generally take longer than this time to reach your destination.

  And now, it took Dawu [-] minutes to come to Liuli City from Kanaz City, his home, and it took him [-] minutes to search and try to break the ice. It took only [-] minutes in total, and Chen Han had already arrived here. It was obvious that the other party had used the fastest speed to get here, and it was already faster than he expected.

  Thinking of this, Dawu suddenly wondered why Chen Han was riding a fire-breathing dragon instead of biting Lu shark.

  "Lie Bite Lu Shark used all his strength to carry me here, just now he's exhausted, and his combat power is estimated to be only [-]% to [-]%, and it's still a dragon type + earth type elf, and it is very good against the masked man. It's not good, so just in case, I put it back into the Poké Ball."

  Seemingly seeing Dawu's doubts, Chen Han took the initiative to speak out his prepared remarks.

  As for whether Dawu would propose to let him release Lie Bite Lu Shark to see the situation, Chen Han said that he was not worried at all.

  After all, when he was not suspected of being a masked man, it was impossible and had no reason for Daigo to ask him to do so.

  "Mr. Chen Han, although I'm very grateful for your efforts to come and support us, I'm sorry, but we let the masked man run away, and even Michael was defeated."

  "I don't know what means the other party used, or whether he used a powerful force to defeat Mikri within [-] minutes before I came. Now Mikri is still frozen into an ice sculpture, and he is in a very dangerous situation. I'm asking for your help here to unfreeze it."

  Speaking of which, even if it is Dawu, this will also be a look of apology and guilt.

  The other champions of Guandu had to run all the way to support them, but in the Fengyuan area, they failed to contain the masked man and let the other side run away, so he would have to ask the champion of Guandu to help rescue Miko. profit.

  Now, Dawu doesn't know what to say, so he can only lower his head slightly and ask for Chen Han.

  After all, he let the giant gold monster use brute force to smash the ice, fearing that it would hurt Michael, but Chen Han's fire-breathing dragon can be thawed safely with fire, so no matter how embarrassed it is, he has to stand firm. Scalp, ask Chen Han for help.

  "It's just a trivial idea, Mr. Dawu doesn't have to be so restrained, my gang Michelle is thawed."

  "Thank you very much, by the way, if you can, you can just call me Dawu."

  "Well then, Dawu, you can also call me Chen Han."

  Seeing the grateful look on Dawu's face, although Chen Han would really want to laugh, his excellent actor qualities still allowed him to maintain a positive image.

  "The ice of the masked man is the unique power of the master. In fact, it is the power of nature. You must have tried to shatter it just now and failed."

  Walking up to Mikori's ice sculpture, Chen and Dawu explained the situation.

  "Yes, I just tried to make the giant gold monster use [-]% of its strength, but the ice sculpture has no cracks at all, but I am worried that if I continue to increase the strength, it will hurt Mikori, so it is so helpless."

  Although I was a little confused as to why the fire-breathing dragon wanted to fly high into the sky, Dawu still responded to Chen Han first.

  "Let me just say it straight, Dawu, the power of nature is the power that the leader must master, and champion-level powerhouses can become the leader only by feeling and controlling the power of nature, so the ice of the masked man is different from Ordinary ice, without special power or the same force of nature, cannot solve these ices."

  "Therefore, even if you just let the giant gold monster use all your strength, it won't necessarily shatter these ice sculptures."

  Of course, what I'm talking about here is the real masked man's ice, Chen Han thought so in his heart, he believed that he couldn't do it to this level yet.

  "The power of nature? I thought that the champion was already the strongest in the world, and the leader was just a legend at least. I didn't expect such a terrifying existence to exist."

  Dawu's face was solemn, but there was a little fiery in his eyes.

  For champion-level powerhouses, it's not that they don't want to continue to become stronger, it's that they can't find the way to continue to become stronger, but if they are awakened, they may be able to move on if they have a direction.

  The same is true for Dawu. It's fine if you didn't know it before. Now that you know it, no matter how difficult it is to feel the power of nature, it is better to have a clear direction than a headless fly.

  "Okay, I probably understand Michael's current situation, and now it's ready to thaw, Dawu, you should step back first."

  Chen Han gestured to Dawu, who realized that he stepped back several meters.

  Although I don't know that Chen Han is going to prepare to thaw, Dawu still decided to believe the words of Chen Han who was still lively and jumping after the battle with the masked man.

  "Although it can be thawed directly by using the final profound meaning, there is a free test item here, so let me try it first."

  Looking at the ice sculpture in front of him, a light flashed in Chen Han's eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

  "Fire-breathing dragon, let's start."

  When the words fell, Dawu in the distance suddenly felt that the surrounding air seemed to be burning, and the temperature of the sky and the earth suddenly jumped up, as if he was in a hot volcanic crater.

  No, it may be even hotter than there! Dawu already felt that he was sweating, and within the range that was visible to the naked eye, the sea level, or the sea ice surface, began to thaw slowly!" Chen Han and fire-breathing dragons are burning!"

  Dawu didn't know if it was his own delusion. In his eyes, Chen Han and the fire-breathing dragon were slowly burning on their bodies, or in other words, they were in a state of flames covering their bodies.

  The fire-breathing dragon is an elf. If you use [Flame Charge], this may happen, but why does this happen to even Chenhan, and he doesn't seem to be burned by the flames at all.

  Not only that, in Dawu's own eyes, Chen Han is slowly controlling the flame, and even seems to be one with the fire! Humans can actually do such a thing. Seeing this scene at this time, Dawu seems to have caught something. What, but I can't catch it for a while.

  At this time, Dawu is obviously in a state of epiphany. If he is given some time, perhaps he will also realize what the power of nature is.

  However, someone seemed to be aware of Dawu's state, and this would just say a word, interrupting his epiphany.

  "Fire-breathing dragon, [big character explosion]!"

  At this time, Chen Han was already standing on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, and the two would be high in the sky.

  Under the order of Chen Han, the fire-breathing dragon spewed out a 'big'-shaped flame that could cover the sky and earth under the blessing of the force of nature [Super Extreme Explosive Flame Bullet].

  At the moment when this flame appeared, the sea ice surface of this sea area melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  As for the seven ice sculptures, including where Michael was, they were slowly thawing.

  "Oops, I'll have to bring Mickey up here!"

  When Dawu saw this, he didn't care to continue to understand. This would command the giant golden monster to bring the ice sculptures of Mikri and his elves away from the ice.

  A few seconds later, the large-character explosive flames fell on the ice like the sun was falling.

  When all the ice was melted in an instant, it also evaporated most of the seawater in this sea area.

  At the same time, under the control of Chen Han, the seven ice sculptures will also be affected by the terrifying high temperature, and they will all be thawed successfully at the moment when the big characters burst into flames.

  "Ha, huh—although I haven't fully grasped it yet, and it's the first time I've used it, the effect is alright."

  Seeing that the icy scene from before had recovered, and the ice area had also changed back to the sea, Chen Han couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

  This is the initial control of the power of fire in the power of nature. At this stage, even if the Z pure crystal is not used, Chen Han can still fight against the masked man.

Chapter 17: Nine True and One False (Part 1)

  Although Michael was thawed, the injuries on his body are still there, and it is estimated that he has been recovering for a while.

  However, he had lost consciousness originally, but he seemed to have noticed it after thawing. When Dawu and Chen Han took him to the Pokémon Center in Liuli City, he forced himself to wake up.

  "Champion of Guandu, Mr. Chen Han, thank you for your help, otherwise I might really die here, I won't say more polite words, I owe you a favor, if you need any help, feel free to contact me at any time. You can come find me."

  Mickley, who was lying on the hospital bed, thanked someone who beat him like this and then saved him.

  Although Chen Han was laughing wildly in his heart, on the surface he had a solemn expression.

  "When you have a good rest, let's talk about these things again. Now, I want to ask, do you have any clues about why the masked man appeared here, and where did he leave in the end?"

  Chen Han asked seriously, on the surface it was a normal question, but in fact he was just trying to test whether Mikori had guessed the masked man, which was his plan.

  Although this is unlikely to be speculated, Chen Han can also investigate to what extent Mikri has learned.

  "That's right, the key thing now is the masked man, but I don't know where he left in the end. After all, I lost consciousness before I was frozen, and I vaguely remember that the masked man released a total of seven The terrifying elf defeated me in one fell swoop when my sneak attack failed."

  Speaking of which, Mi Keli's face is very ugly, he is a champion-level powerhouse, and such a thing that a champion-level powerhouse is defeated in an instant, Mi Keli had heard it before and probably would have listened to it as a joke, because this kind of thing is simply It's utterly ridiculous.

  However, in fact, this kind of thing happened, and Michaeli himself was the one who experienced it personally, which would make him not know how to describe the strength of the masked man.

  However, the masked man is not invincible. At least, the Guandu champion in front of him, Chen Han, who is known as the strongest champion, can fight against the opponent. Therefore, Mikri's ugly face will soon recover. , and continued to open his mouth to provide information.

  "However, although I don't know where he went in the end, I still know the reason why the masked man appeared here. He was to awaken something in the ancestral hall. What is it? When the Awakening Ancestral Hall came out, he had already sent someone to investigate, perhaps, we can derive his purpose from what he wants."

  After saying that, there was a sudden beeping sound from the elf gear that Mikori had placed next to the hospital bed.

  Michelle reached out and picked it up, and after clicking it a few times, it seemed that he had received some news, and his face was getting better.

  "The people I sent have searched, and the masked man seems to have taken a flute with inexplicable power. The function of the flute is unknown, but it was enshrined by the people of my family as a fetish."

  Mikri's family is the guardian clan in the Awakening Ancestral Hall in Liuli City, and Mikri is the contemporary patriarch, so he will always stare at the Awakening Ancestral Hall, and find each other as soon as the masked man enters.

  "Although I don't know what the masked man was trying to do, the good news is that the power of the flute has been guiding the southern part of the Hoenn area. Southern past."

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