Facing the expectant eyes of the two, Chen Han glanced around slightly and said with a serious expression.

  "This earthquake was indeed done by the Rockets. We don't care what their purpose is, let's confirm their location first, and through the two earthquakes, I have deduced that the place where the earthquake will affect the most, plus The center point of the second earthquake can be inferred, then, their current location can be inferred."

  After saying that, Chen Han turned his attention to the Linglong Pagoda that was crumbling due to the two earthquakes.

  After two earthquakes, dozens of houses near Linglong Tower collapsed, and it was about to collapse. The damage here was obviously much more serious than other places in Yuanzhu City, not to mention the damage caused by the second earthquake. The vibration came from the direction of Linglong Tower.

  Ami and Akin are not stupid, and this will immediately understand where the Rockets are.

  However, just when the two were about to release the elves and prepare to rush to the Linglong Pagoda, Chen Han took out the picture book and made a call.

  "Master Champion, I'm a little busy right now, can I?"

  "Xiao Song, don't hang up, I know you are very busy now, because I am also in Yuanzhu City."

  "I probably have a clear understanding of the situation. At this stage, the Rockets are all gathered near the Linglong Tower. You ask the apprentices in your gym to maintain order, and then you rush to the Linglong Tower. I will also bring you here. With Ami's support in the past."

  "Okay, I understand, I'll rush over right now."

  After saying that, Komatsu hung up the phone, and Chen Han also put away the picture book, nodded to Ami and Ajin, and then released the huge fire-breathing dragon.

  Chen Han jumped on its back first, and then brought Ami and Ajin up too.

  Chen Han's fire-breathing dragon's body is huge, enough to carry four or five people, it's just trivial for three people.

  Immediately afterwards, the fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and charged towards the Linglong Tower.

  At the same time, without anyone noticing, Dream held the silver feather and the rainbow feather, and flew to the scorched tower in a state of invisibility.

Chapter 258 If you don't say anything, you probably won't be able to eat and walk around (Part 1)

  Under the rapid flight of the fire-breathing dragon, Chen Han, A Jin, and Ami three people flew to the vicinity of the Linglong Tower very soon.

  As the three of them looked down from the top, they could see that around the Linglong Tower, there were Rocket members in black uniforms carrying their [Earthquake] spirits in action.

  The leader-level characters didn't see it, but there is a high probability that it was on the other side of the Linglong Pagoda and was hidden by the crumbling Linglong Pagoda.

  "The opponent's main force seems to be on the other side, but, just in case, it's better to get rid of the group of guys below."

  When the words fell, the fire-breathing dragon fully understood the meaning of Chen Han, swooped down and rushed over, and at the same time, it spewed out a very high-temperature [jet flame].

  In the face of this sudden fire, many members of Team Rocket failed to react, and very few members of Team Rocket did, but in the face of a blow from a champion fire-breathing dragon, they couldn't do anything, they could only do anything. Watching his elf and even himself being burned to the point of croaking, he collapsed in the end.

  "Enemy attack!!!"

  "This, this huge fire-breathing dragon, is it difficult!"

  "That's the fire-breathing dragon of the Kanto champion!!!"

  "Run away!!!"

  "What are you running for! If you run away, you will die! Keep the formation and report to the adults!"

  Although this group of Rockets recognized Chen Han, their faces were extremely flustered, but there was still a squadron leader who was maintaining the situation.

  However this was of no use.

  "Look at the trick! Exploding Taro, [Spraying Flame]!"

  "Electric Dragon, [[-] Volts]!"

  When the fire-breathing dragon landed to a certain height, Jin and Ami jumped off the back of the fire-breathing dragon in a tacit understanding, and then quickly released their respective elves to attack Team Rocket.

  Team Rocket, who had just formed a formation, didn't expect that there were other people on the back of the fire-breathing dragon besides Chen Han. They would focus all their energy on Chen Han, and they were simply attacked by Ami and Ajin. bingo.

  Facing the cross-attack of flames and electric shocks, this group of Rockets was injured as many as four people in an instant, and there was an obvious flaw in the formation.

  "Good chance! Dark Crow, [Wave of Evil]!"

  At the moment when this group of Rockets showed their flaws, a slightly gloomy voice came from the sky.

  Immediately afterwards, waves of vicious waves attacked the members of Team Rocket, whose formation had been chaotic.


  "I can't stand it!!!"

  "Spread away!!!"

  "Adult! Guandu!!!!"

  At the moment when everyone was hit directly, almost all of the Rockets became the [Wave of Evil] and the courage to continue fighting was dissipated.

  However, Chen Han had been eyeing him for a long time. He only had time to say the word Guandu, and he was burned to black by the fire-breathing dragon, and the communicator in his hand was naturally burned.

  As for the other members of Team Rocket who escaped, they were either stopped by Ajin and Ami, or they were pursued by Yin, who was flying with one leg of the Dark Crow in the sky.

  Yes, the one who used the [Wave of Evil] to attack Team Rocket was naturally Silver.

  Under the leadership of Chen Han, within a few minutes, all the members of the Rocket Team were knocked to the ground, and almost everyone was injured and unable to move.

  "It seems that I am a step late."

  It's too late to say

  Like a police officer, Komatsu rushed here with two trainers who appeared to be gym apprentices.

  "No, it came just right, this is just an appetizer, the main force of the enemy is on the other side of Linglong Tower.

  Komatsu, let your apprentices handle these people."

  Chen Han didn't blame Xiaosong for being late, after all, the latter doesn't have any flying elves, and as the master of the Yuanzhu City Gym, he had to arrange everything before coming here. It can be said that he came quickly.

  "What the two of you are doing, what the champion says, just do what you want, hurry up."

  Komatsu looked at his gym apprentice and was a little stunned when he saw Chen Han, and couldn't help frowning and scolding.

  He understands his apprentice's surprise when he sees a big man, but this surprise also depends on the occasion. When you are stunned when time is racing, isn't it a waste of time? "Ah, yes, I'll deal with it right away!"

  The two who were reprimanded suddenly woke up, and then ran over in a panic to deal with the fallen Rocket members.

  "Why are you here"

  When Komatsu scolded his apprentice, Yin had already landed, his face was startled at first, and then he looked at Chen Han with extreme vigilance.

  In fact, Yin had been lurking in Yuanzhu City for a day or two, but during the lurking period, he had not seen Chen Han, so he was very surprised at this meeting.

  Facing Yin's rude questioning, Chen Han didn't reply, his faithful younger brother Jin said irritably.

  "How did you thief talk to my boss!"

  "I said I didn't steal your bag, didn't you find your bag from the Rockets!"

  Yin raised his brows and defended.

  "But you stole the Institute's illustrations and elves!"

  This time Yin didn't speak anymore, because Jin's words were true, he couldn't refute at all, he could only turn his head away and didn't want to pay attention to him.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Han couldn't help but smile inwardly.

  That's right, every time Yin takes the initiative to provoke him to be the champion of this level, the strongest king is very rude, yes, but he can't 'educate' the opponent himself every time, it must be bullying. , once or twice it's nothing, it's not very good to have such an effect all the time.

  Well now, Chen Han doesn't need to go to 'educate' silver anymore, because Jin will take the initiative to find silver to fight each other.

  However, this time is not the time for gold and silver to fight each other.

  "Okay, don't make trouble. Now the situation is urgent. Isn't Yin always investigating the matter of Team Rocket? If you have specific information, let's briefly talk about it now."

  Chen Han stopped Jin from further provoking the opponent, and asked Yin like this.

  Yin's face was expressionless, but the corners of his eyebrows moved slightly. His sense of Chen Han can't be said to be good or bad. Among them, there may be a sister who he admires and likes. After meeting him, he no longer has feelings for himself. Emotions of children who are as concerned as before.

  However, in the face of Chen Han's answer, Yin couldn't pretend that he couldn't hear it, he just nodded lightly and responded to him with the simplest action.

  If possible, Yin didn't want to talk to the man in front of him who was putting a lot of pressure on him and making him deeply afraid.

  However, if I didn't say anything, Yin looked around at himself. There was Jin who was provoking him with his eyes, and there were two gym owners, Ami and Komatsu, who were looking forward to his intelligence. In the end, this one had become the strongest king. Chen Han.

  Well, if it doesn't seem to be said, I guess I can't eat and walk away.

Chapter 259 Beware of betrayal, the battle begins (Part 2)

  Being looked at by everyone like this, Yin finally revealed what he knew.

  "After I discovered the changes of the Rockets in Yuanzhu City, I once infiltrated the Rockets to investigate the situation."

  "This time, the Rocket Team that attacked Yuanzhu City was led by Carter and Garm. It is said that they are the top cadres of the City Capital Rocket Team, but I don't know if it is still not clear. The purpose is to destroy the Linglong Tower. That's all I know."

  After the words fell, everyone frowned and looked at the Linglong Tower, which seemed to fall at any time.

  And Chen Han nodded slowly in secret.

  "Very good, the information is right, it seems that those three guys didn't deceive me."

  Knowing that his information was correct, and the information given by Musashi Kojiro was correct, Chen Han was somewhat satisfied.

  Yes, the reason why he compared information with Yin was that Chen Han was on guard against whether the trio was trying to trick him.

  Chen Han is not a fool. Although the trio are interesting, they cannot be said to be [-]% trustworthy. Naturally, Chen Han has to guard against it.

  Of course, just an information transfer can't mean that they surrendered to Chen Han sincerely, but at least it can be known that the three guys haven't betrayed now, and the information obtained is correct.

  But——"Silver, what do you mean by the last sentence?"

  "How should I put it, when I was lurking in, I heard that in addition to Garm and Carter, who were in charge of the operation, two adults wearing masks would come to watch, so I thought that these two guys would come over to watch. Perhaps he is no longer the top cadre of the Chengdu Rockets."

  Speaking of this, Yin suddenly gritted his teeth.

  Wearing masks, aren't they all wearing masks when they were captured by the Masked Man when they were young Han understands this. As for the others, he didn't think about explaining too much.

  "Huh, are the two adults wearing masks doing this on a whim, or?"

  Chen Han narrowed his eyes in fascination, only to feel that he was still there just now: he sighed at the knowledge of those three guys, but now it seems that this is a bit "dididi!!!"

  Just when Chen Han began to suspect Musashi Kojiro's meow, his picture book suddenly remembered the text message ringtone.

  Chen Han took out the picture book, opened it, and was stunned for a moment, and then secretly released his superpower to detect the situation around him.

  "There are no secret peeps around, only a group of Team Rocket members opposite Linglong Tower, and one of them seems to be a superpower expert, which will sense my superpower showing a puzzled look."

  "Either there is an actor on the other side, or the other side doesn't know that I am here. Judging from the fact that there is no meow response from Musashi Kojiro around, the possibility of the former is very high."

  Looking at the information from Musashi Kojiro and the others in the picture book, coupled with the actual situation, Chen Han came to this conclusion.

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