"I think you've got the wrong person. I'm not familiar with the Chengdu Rockets, and I don't know where their base is built. You can ask Ma Zhishi or Nazi about this."

  "Although Ma Zhishi may not tell you, but Na Zi's words, hehe"

  At the end, Xia Bo couldn't help showing a knowing smile that everyone knew.

  "This time, you are wrong. I'm not here for the Rockets' business. The Rockets in the Chengdu area are just remnants of the branch, and my named disciple can handle them."

  The named disciple here naturally refers to Jin, even if Chen Han didn't instruct him, that guy Jin would take the initiative to join the Rockets for various reasons.

  "I came here to use the environment of the lower volcano to understand the power of nature.

  Since it is estimated that I will stay here for a while, I will say hello to you first, and find you a place to rest by the way."

  Even an elves that are as strong as champions need to eat and drink in retreat, not to mention Chen Han himself, he can't say that he will stay on the volcano all the time when he retreats.

  "Using the volcanic environment and comprehending the power of nature, I didn't expect that you have reached this point. Well, you are old and old, and the next is the era of you young boys."

  "Okay, I know your plan, go ahead, I will prepare food and drink for you, and the resting place is the previous room.

  Of course, as long as you have the money, my funds are all invested in the research."

  Xia Bo stroked his sunglasses and said so.

  "Of course, I'm not someone who eats and drinks for free. I will let you help deal with these things. I will never say anything."

  Chen Han transferred a large amount of alliance coins into Xia Bo's account, then waved his hand and walked directly towards the crater.

  "You can use the excess Xia Bo as research funds. I'll hone it."

  Money is really just a number to the current Chen Han.

  "The future generation is terrifying, Daki, although I don't know why you are going to hone him, but it is clear that we have succeeded in his tempering, and he is about to become the world's peak powerhouse."

  "However, who is that masked man, why is such a strong leader hidden, and what is his purpose?"

  Xia Bo sighed with emotion, and immediately became a little confused about the identity of the masked man.

  He could naturally see that Chen Han came to train to fight against the masked man, and he also wondered who the masked man was.

  However, after thinking about it for a long time, Xia Bo couldn't think of the identity of the other party. After all, he was not very familiar with someone.

  "Forget it, leave these things to Chen Han to handle.

  Well, by the way, Damu talks about this, and makes him happy too."

  Strictly speaking, the owner of the picture book who owns the true picture book, except for those who have been taken along, are all trainers approved by Dr. Ogi.

  The person he recognized became stronger step by step, and eventually became a peak powerhouse. Xia Bo, the witness, couldn't help but sigh and feel happy for Chen Han, not to mention Dr. Damu.

  Thinking of this, Xia Bo stopped his work, picked up the phone and went to talk to Dr. Damu about it.

  : Xiabo and the old man Fuji are friends, and the old man Fuji and the big wood Liubo Xiabo are friends, but this does not mean that Xiabo and Liubo are friends, it is normal for Xiabo to guess that the masked man is Liubo, after all, they are probably just nodding. Just pay.

Chapter 294 The task of the Jian trio (Part 3)

  Chen Han retreated to understand the power of nature, only Chen Han and Xia Bo knew about this, so the Rockets and Liu Bo in the Chengdu area did not dare to act rashly.

  However, after more than a week of observation, Uncle Liu discovered that Chen Han seemed to be no longer in the Chengdu area.

  So, Uncle Liu secretly went back to his base camp, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he found out that the ice castle was built there.

  After all, this is the home he made with his own hands, and even there are many precious memories here, Liu Bo naturally does not want to see it destroyed.

  "All the materials have been taken away, including the manuscript of my complete understanding of the power of nature.

  The superpower fluctuations that still remain on the battlefield, and when I think of the fact that Chen Han has not shown up during this period of time, it should be Chen Han who was fighting at that time."

  "The location of my base is only Kazuki and Lihua. Jiamu and Carter know. The latter two seem to have been abolished by Chen Han. The first two are missing for no apparent reason. I think it was Kazuki and Lihua who told him."

  "That is to say, Lihua and Kazuki have already betrayed, and Chen Han should be in retreat now, so it's no wonder that no one has been seen during this time."

  Liu Bo is a veteran powerhouse. He doesn't know how long it has taken to be the leader, and his wisdom is also not low. Thinking of Chen Han's situation, and the pear flower and Kazuki who don't know where to hide, he immediately judged the general situation. "Since he's gone for the time being, then Team Rocket can also be dispatched again, um, let's catch the three holy beasts that get in the way first."

  Thinking of this, Liu Bo took out the communicator and gave instructions to the Rockets.

  During this time, Chen Han and Team Rocket did not move, but the movements of the Three Holy Beasts became bigger.

  These three guys, according to Chen Han's instructions, challenged powerful trainers everywhere, and most of the gym owners in the Chengdu area have also been defeated.

  This matter is very popular. Now, not to mention the trainers in the Chengdu area, there are already many trainers and players in other areas who have also received the information and can't wait to come here to fight the three holy beasts.

  Fighting against such a divine beast, if you lose, you will not die, and if you are injured, you can gain a lot of experience in fighting against the strong. If your performance is satisfactory, you may be able to temporarily possess the divine beast! There are also many benefits, not to mention defeating the opponent, and it is no wonder that so many trainers will come to the Chengdu area.

  Uncle Liu naturally understands what these three holy beasts are doing, choosing a partner trainer or something is [-]% trying to trouble him, and he naturally won't just watch them go on like this.

  Before Chen Han was here, he didn't dare to act rashly when he was injured, and the Rockets needless to say.

  But Chen Han is no longer in the Chengdu area, so it's time for the Rockets to dispatch.

  "Musashi Kojiro, Armado Kosaburo, you, go and arrest one of them.

  Whoever succeeds will be the top cadre other than me."

  After giving such an instruction, Liu Bo sighed slightly, and then returned to the base of Lake of Wrath to continue healing and rest.

  If it weren't for the abolition of his subordinates, the defection of those who defected, he would only be a guy at the master level of the gym.

  As for the capture of the three holy beasts, the three Rockets may have more experience than him. The Rockets have a lot of black technology, and they also use them to catch the beasts. It depends on how they operate. The problem of strength is not too big. .

  However, Uncle Liu didn't know that there were actually only two people he could use.

  And he gave this order

  At that moment, it was actually equivalent to pushing the remaining two into the fire pit.

  On the other side, in a certain base of the Rockets.

  "Hehe, it's just right to catch the three holy beasts and kill those two bastards!"

  Musashi smiled coldly, completely not thinking of dealing with the Three Holy Beasts.

  "That lord is really amazing. He informed us a week ago that the masked man would let us go and capture the three holy beasts, and it really hit us."

  Kojiro's face was full of smiles, and he admired 'that adult'.

  The adult here naturally refers to Chen Han.

  "The new task that the lord gave us is to cooperate with the three holy beasts to solve Amado and Kozaburo, and take all the City Rockets into our hands! However, why did the three holy beasts cooperate with us?"

  Although Miaomiao also sighed with Chen Han's expectations, she wondered why the Three Holy Beasts would cooperate with them.

  "Miaomiao, you really don't know why, and you still dare not think about it?"

  Musashi has already guessed why, or rather, the three of them have already guessed it, but some dare not think about it.

  After all, if that conjecture is true, then the three holy beasts jumped out to challenge the trainers just thinking of this, and the Rockets trio couldn't help but shudder.

  As the saying goes, the more you know, the faster you die. They still know this.

  Since Chen Han didn't take the initiative to explain this to them, even if they guessed why the Three Holy Beasts would cooperate with them to kill Armado and Xiao Saburo, they would not and dare not say it.

  "Okay, don't think about it too much, quickly discuss a plan, and then cooperate with the three holy beasts to kill Amado Xiaozaburo and the others!"

  Musashi waved his hand, saying that everyone should not think too much, it's good to know the situation in your heart, and then you should quickly think of a way to cooperate with the three holy beasts to get rid of those who get in the way.

  "Are we really going to kill them?"

  Musashi accepted it quickly, but Kojiro was a little shy about his teammates.

  "You are stupid, meow, this is a name-calling certificate. If we don't win those two people, and then take control of the City Capital Rockets, why does that lord believe us, meow!"

  "Also, if we can't even do that, then what value do we have? You think that lord needs useless trash"

  Seeing that Kojiro hesitated, Miaomiao couldn't see it, and said Chen Han's potential intention in one sentence.

  Yes, as Miaomiao said, Chen Han gave them such a task before retreating, in addition to letting these three guys control the City Rockets, there was also a test of their intentions.

  They can be found anywhere, but Chen Han doesn't need waste. With the three holy beasts to cooperate with them, this task is a simple difficulty level.

  And if they can't even complete this task, hehe, because the trio knows too much, Chen Han is likely to kill them by himself, so as to avoid accidental exposure.

  This was something that both Musashi and Meow wanted to know, and after being reminded, Kojiro also thought of this.

  "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's carry out the mission."

  "Get rid of Saburo and Armado, and take control of the City Rockets. This is our vote for the new boss."

  After a while of silence, Musashi decided to start the mission, Kojiro and Miao Miao also nodded, and the trio started to act.

Chapter 295 The City already belongs to Chen Han's City Rocket Team (Part 1)

  The Three Sacred Beasts challenge strong enemies everywhere, but they will only choose strong enemies. The weaker trainers will not pay attention to them at all. Anyway, no one can keep up with their speed.

  Only trainers above the elite level will let them watch and think before they stop to fight.

  As for the main level and above of the gymnasium, it is natural to hit it when you see it.

  It's a pity that they haven't been able to fight the Three Holy Beasts so far, and even caused them some injuries to the point that they can't do it. Even if some trainers join forces to fight against the Three Holy Beasts, the result is the same.

  Naturally, no one has been chosen by the Three Holy Beasts to be their trainers.

  And at this moment, the City Capital Rockets appeared again.

  "Emperor Yan has been missing for some time now, and there is no trace at all.

  Rai Gong appears very rarely, only Sui Jun is the most active and easiest to find, so let's catch him."

  "That's right, we also have the tools to capture Suicune."

  Xiao Saburo picked up the transparent bell in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

  This thing was given to them by their new boss, the Masked Man. Back then, they first grabbed this thing in front of Kojiro Musashi, and issued a military order to get this thing completely.

  "Although the strength of the three holy beasts is not as strong as other divine beasts, they are also divine beasts. Can we really catch them easily?"

  For some reason, Armado had some ominous foreboding, which would be quite suspicious.

  "Amado, Garm and Carter have been abandoned, and the two wearing masks don't know where they are going. In this case, only we and those three guys are the top leaders.

  You know what I mean, this is a good chance for us to win the City Rockets."

  Xiao Saburo's meaning is obvious. He also knows that divine beasts are not easy to catch, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it.

  Yamato thought about it, although he was still a little worried, but when he thought that if the two of them could completely control the Chengdu Rockets, it would be fine. Although the Chengdu Rockets can only be regarded as a remnant-level organization, it is unbearable. It's a lot of power, and it also has an attractive power bonus when controlling it.

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