Elf Invasion: I live broadcast popular science Pokémon

Chapter 157 The Wheel of History Rolls Forward

Not surprisingly, the documentary was quickly moved to the major social platforms outside the wall, which immediately aroused extensive discussions among many foreign users.

[Crazy, these Orientals are really crazy. 】

[I can't understand what the leader of this country is thinking, my brain is broken. 】

[Heh, if our country dares to do this, I will go to the parade the next day! 】

[Sadly, a country was eventually captured by monsters, and it was in such an unexpected way. 】

【Actually... I feel that there are many interesting things in this video...】

[Warcraft are at best a group of wild beasts that can point magic. Didn't the above say that they are fully capable of dealing with their invasion? So why do we talk about coexistence with something like this? 】

[It doesn't matter, monsters can't enter my city anyway. 】

In the eyes of most foreigners, what is happening in this ancient oriental country with a long history is so magical that it is completely incomprehensible.

Coexisting with Warcraft, isn't that the same as luring wolves into the house?

Countless people all over the world are holding the idea of ​​watching a joke, waiting to see the jokes of this ancient oriental country.

And this night, many people across the country are bound to suffer from insomnia.

Throughout the Internet, major platforms are becoming more and more active at night. Although they still have to go to school and work tomorrow, they still cannot stop the desire of Chinese people to find someone to discuss.

Many people are aware of it.

Humans and elves have reached the most critical point.

Just like what the anchor in the documentary said.

The choice this time lies with the hundreds of millions of people living on this land, not with a single individual.

It is precisely because of this that they exploded with unprecedented enthusiasm for participation. Many people were thinking and put forward many heartfelt psychological feelings and future suggestions on various platforms.

Countless websites quickly wrote relevant manuscripts and opinions after the documentary was released.

Among them, there is a point of view that has been recognized by many people across the country.

This is a major change unseen in thousands of years.

This point of view was actually mentioned hundreds of years ago. It was a dark era in this land.

And hearing someone put forward this point of view again, in a trance, everyone returned to the old era full of grief and pain.

But it was different then.

This time, it seemed that we were the first to wake up.

[Change prospers, unchanged leads to decline. This is indeed an unfortunate era, but as the official said, only by making our choices can we truly change this era. 】

[The wheel of history is rolling forward, and the footsteps of the times will never stop. I support the choices made by my country. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to live in a world full of war and hatred. Then, it’s time to do out changed. 】

[The ancestors a hundred years ago told us a truth with their blood and tears. Now, we need to let go of our prejudices. The strong ships and innovative ideas a hundred years ago, and today's elf invasion and coexistence concepts all need us viewed rationally. 】

Someone kept calling.

Only after experiencing humiliation can we understand the importance of pioneering.

And when everyone followed the reminders of the documentary and watched Chen Mo's previous live broadcasts, they became more aware of the necessity of harmonious coexistence of humans and elves.

Don't say anything else.

In the documentary, the legendary spirits that have not been shown have made many people across the country aware of a problem.

It is impossible for human beings to completely wipe out the elves. If there is a fight, then, with the power of the legendary elves, it is difficult to say who will win and who will lose.

Two paths lie ahead.

One is the road of war leading to hatred and destruction.

The second is the path of co-existence that is very likely to be realized based on the current situation, although it is difficult.

As long as they are not stupid and are normal people, then they all know which path to choose.


The flat-headed youth stayed up all night.

While opening multiple websites at the same time, browsing all kinds of comments, he was frantically swam in the chat group of the 'Elf House'.

As early as the last time because of the photo and Chen Mo's live broadcast, the young man with a short hair was exposed by his sister, and now he doesn't hide it anymore and has become active in the group.

And because of the release of the documentary, members of the chat group who were proud and elated, as well as a large number of fans of Chen Mo, were active in various forums.

Even in the middle of the night, there were still hundreds of people chatting in the chat group of the 'Elf House', sharing their results.

[The face of the card? This is called Pai Mian, the anchor who can be promoted by the official with a documentary, besides our Mo Bao, who else is there! ? 】

【Comfortable, this is the best night I've ever had. 】

【Ever since the official documentary came out, the person I was on line with before stopped replying to me all at once. Oh, it's so annoying. I still want him to spout a few more words. 】

[I met a buddy who was still in inkjet before. When I didn’t want to talk to him and was about to concentrate on watching the documentary, he suddenly sent me a private message saying: Sorry, brother, I misunderstood this anchor before, really Very sorry. Then he sent me a lot of good words praising Mobao. When I saw these words, I was so happy. 】

[Mobao should be considered completely famous now, as an old fan of Mobao's live broadcast room for the first time popularizing science, this official documentary really touched me a lot. 】

[In other words, what is the meaning of the last clip of the documentary? How did you take a photo, and the phone said Nidolan's information. 】

[Don't ask, asking is black technology! 】

When the young man with a flat head saw this, he couldn't help but recall the face of the Tibetan fox who was taking pictures with his mobile phone.

Since the official purposely used the last period of the documentary to show this content, if nothing else, it should be the latest research result of the official on the road of practice.

If you rely on the performance in the documentary, it should be quite good.

The flat-headed youth who has been to the wild once and has contact with various wild elves knows it well.

As Chen Mo has popularized more and more elves, it is impossible for everyone to remember the names and details of all elves.

If there is such a thing that can obtain elf information by taking pictures, then it will undoubtedly help many people who want to go to the wild to contact elves.

"That should be a piece of software, I don't know when it will start to be put on the shelves..."

Just as the flat-headed youth was about to go to the official website of the Elf Research and Countermeasure Bureau to check for the latest information, a new message popped up in the chat group.

[Brothers, Mobao has released a new live broadcast announcement, it will be tomorrow! 】

After coding a chapter, see if it will be reviewed, although I don't feel like I wrote anything.

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