Following the stairs, Bai Qinghe came to the rooftop.

She first removed the clothing wrapped in the shield, and then pressed her face to the shield to observe the orb up close.

After more than ten seconds, Bai Qinghe moved his face away.

“Really, there is nothing peculiar about this broken bead except for being beautiful, Liu Yanran that woman, really lied to me!”

Saying that, Bai Qinghe threw out the isolation cover he held in his hand.

With a click, the barrier shattered, and the beads inside dripped and rolled out several meters away.


Bai Qinghe exclaimed, and quickly rushed over to grab the orb in his hand.

“This broken glass cover is also too brittle, so casually thrown and broken?”

After Bai Qinghe complained, he blew the dust on the treasure orb.

Where to hide?

Grabbing the orb, Bai Qinghe wandered on the rooftop.

What she didn’t know was that she left the isolation room and came to this empty rooftop, plus there was no restraint from the isolation cover.

The radioactive source emitted by the orb passed through the atmosphere extremely completely and quickly and traveled to the depths of the universe.

On the other side, in the scientific research department of Raven Group.

After half an hour of fire extinguishing operations, the fire that Bai Qinghe ignited in the scientific research department was finally extinguished.

Wang Ning immediately led people to count the losses of the scientific research department.

After taking some inventory, Wang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Most of the data lost in this fire is backed up in the computer.

As for the rest, only some instruments and some lines were burned out, and these losses were nothing to the huge Raven Group.

“God forbid, fortunately it did not affect the AQ plan, otherwise I would not be able to escape this blame!”

Wang Ning clasped his hands together, and after praying a little, he was ready to report to Bai Ruyan.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly burst, and he quickly looked at the isolation room where the orb was placed.


Wang Ning only felt that his mind was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

“What about the orb, which of you has seen the orb?”

Wang Ning shouted, asking the group of researchers around him.

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, they all shake their heads and deny it.

Wang Ning felt a chill in his heart, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared.

The orb may have been stolen!

And most likely, this fire was also caused by the person who stole the orb!

Wang Ning did not dare to hesitate, and quickly ran to Bai Ruyan’s side to explain everything.

Upon learning that the orb had been stolen, Bai Ruyan was furious.

“Immediately block the headquarters building, and no one is allowed to leave until the investigation is completed!”

“Find, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find that orb for me!”

“By the way, there is also the arsonist who stole the orb, find her for me too!”

“This is already the second theft this month, and I don’t want this time to end up with nothing like last time!”

After issuing several orders in a row, Qi’s face was red and white like smoke, only to feel that his eyes were black, and his mind was spinning.

She covered her forehead, and her feet were soft and she was about to fall to the ground.

Liu Yanran hurriedly held Bai Ruyan’s body and said worriedly.

“Madam, how are you, ma’am?”

Bai Ruyan shook his hand.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little angry. Yanran, help me back to the office. ”

Liu Yanran helped Bai Ruyan all the way back to the office on the top floor by elevator.

After sitting down with Bai Ruyan, Liu Yanran quickly took a glass of water again.

After a cup of underwater belly, Bai Ruyan soon felt that his state had improved a lot.

She raised her eyes and scanned every corner of the office, but found that there was no Bai Qinghe figure in the office at all.

Is it in the lounge?

Thinking of Bai Qinghe’s “scared” appearance before, Bai Ruyan couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

This girl usually has a temper like a stone, but she didn’t expect to be so timid.

Forget it, it seems a little inappropriate to laugh at your daughter like this… I’d better go comfort and comfort this girl.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruyan said to Liu Yanran.

“Okay, Yanran, I’ll go see Qinghe. Go get busy, remember to find the orb. ”

After Liu Yanran left, Bai Ruyan got up and walked towards the lounge.

In the lounge, Bai Qinghe, who had returned from the rooftop, was holding his mobile phone and boringly scrolling through short videos on Douwen.

When Bai Ruyan came in, Bai Qinghe just swiped a video of a spoof clip Ye Qing, making her open her mouth and laugh.

“Oh, it’s really laughing at me, this blogger is really a talent.”

Hearing the sound of someone opening the door and coming in, Bai Qinghe suddenly retracted the smile on his face and turned into an expressionless appearance.

The speed with which the face changes is breathtaking.

Bai Ruyan sat next to Bai Qinghe and reached out to touch Bai Qinghe’s hair.

Bai Qinghe tilted his head and avoided Bai Ruyan’s hand.

The white hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

For a long time, she smiled awkwardly, withdrew her hand, and said in a soft tone

“Just scared out, right?”

Bai Qinghe looked indifferent.

“No, I’m fine.”

Then he held his phone and brushed up the short video.

Just kidding, is that fire what I put well?

How could I be frightened by the fire I set myself?

Bai Ruyan was a little dumbfounded, she originally thought that Bai Qinghe was scared and ready to come over to comfort and comfort.

As a result, this is good, where does this girl look scared?



The headquarters of the capital of the Yanguo Alliance.

Knock knock~

Li Tianhe, who was processing the documents, couldn’t help but pause when he heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

When the words fell, the door was opened, and Li Tianhe’s assistant walked in with a panicked look.

“Chairman, it’s amazing. The observatory’s satellite detected a suspected meteorite object coming towards the Union at great speed. ”

“According to computer calculations, in up to three hours, that meteorite will pass through the atmosphere and collide with the ground!”

Li Tianhe was suddenly not calm.

“What’s going on over there at the observatory, and why hasn’t the meteorite been observed until now?”

Assistant: “The head of the observatory said that the meteorite appeared suddenly, and it was too late for the satellite to observe it!” And he immediately got in touch with us as soon as possible. ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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