Ember’s Gun

Chapter 198

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The vocabulary in the memory of the past is mentioned again, as if through the memory to reach the present world again.

Lorenzo looked at you, his eyes solemn and cold.

As if language has magical power, along with Lorenzo’s softly speaking, unknown powers slowly grow in places where the fire cannot shine.

“It took us a few days to reach that town. They claim to be valley town. Due to the inconvenient transportation and the strange fog, the locals have a strange feeling of sickness.”

“The entire valley town has a very strange color, and according to the postman, there have been several very horrible murders… Actually, it can no longer be described as a murder. After all, it is difficult for people to do them. “

“Those?” Red Eagle asked, seemingly fascinated.

“Very cruel torture, even said it is like a sacrifice of a strange religion.”

Lorenzo slowly said.

“Humans have certain protection measures for the same kind. When you kill a human, you will instinctively feel a little disgust, let alone do more cruel things, unless you are not a normal person, or have gone through Cold training.”

“Our arrival did not attract anyone’s attention, and even said that the local residents seemed to take the initiative to pretend to not see us. We finally arrived at the church in valley town, where the priests took us to the scenes of the murders.”

“We saw the cruel scene there. The human body was hung up, divided and slaughtered, and this is not the kind of venting anger, or venting some disgusting happiness. The perpetrators have a very purpose. The slaughter is like a slaughterhouse, specifically picking and cutting the required parts.”

Lorenzo continued.

“This is far more weird than the mission I have experienced before. If ordinary people encounter Demon, their injuries are usually biting and gnawing, but this time is different. This mission is weird like Demon, but the’Demon’ But there is a clear sense, not to mention that we can’t feel any erosion at the crime scene.”

Obviously it was a text without a specific image, but Red Eagle and the others felt the same nausea after pouring into their ears, as if something was squirming in the stomach, and blood energy surged in the old air.

“So infer that the assailant was a human, right.” Robin said, without erosion, it means that this incident has nothing to do with Demon.

But Lorenzo did not answer directly, but instead answered.

“This is the weirdness of this mission. In fact, from the perspective of the bystander, all of this is a loophole, but when you are really at this time… you will be lost, even for the Demon Hunter. “

He still didn’t name the mysterious truth, and the atmosphere gradually became suspicious, and the unknown story echoed around the four people.

“At that time, there were several doubts. We didn’t know the purpose of the perpetrator, nor the connection between the dead. Of course, the most important thing was why the priest did not report to the church, but was brought by an almost crazy postman. Information.”

“After a short meeting, our team temporarily linked the incident to the cult sacrifice, and gradually investigated it as taught in the Order.”

“Cult sacrifice?” Joey obviously did not expect this to be a suspicion. “There will be such a existence under the rule of the church?”

“Of course, these things can’t be killed no matter how they are killed, and several eastern campaigns in history have only severely damaged them… It’s really strange, as if someone was supporting them.

Lorenzo explained.

“The existence of a cult is not weird. To be precise, in the eyes of the church, all sects except itself are cults.”

“The ruler needs faith to deceive the ignorant, so sacrifice is the best way to communicate with the god of illusory, and in the information of Order, this kind of cruel torture and removal of specific parts are most likely to be some A kind of sacrificial material.”

Lorenzo changed his position, and he looked at everyone.

“This kind of inference should be what your cleansing agency should have.”

In this regard, Joey is nodded. As a modern secret department, cleansing agency is not as mysterious and secretive as Demon Hunter Order in many places.

“With ideas, everyone can take action. After all, we are Demon Hunter. Cultists are much gentler than Demon. But we didn’t take it lightly at the time, because many cults are actually related to Demon.”

“It’s like someone accidentally saw Demon and was eroded, and then he began to Demonize, but at this stage, he still maintains his sense, and he uses Demonization as a kind of’Gods Vestige’ to confuse others.”

Lorenzo tells these classic cases that are called “textbooks”.

“The result is a large-scale Demon outbreak. Fortunately, every time it was eradicated by the Demon Hunter in time.”

“In other words, in the valley town at that time, there was a high probability that there was a cultist, or even a Demon who was regarded as a’Gods Vestige’.”

“The team returned to the church after leaving the scene of the crime. Before we can figure this out, we must first know why the priests did not report this situation.”

“But when we were walking down the street, weird things happened.”

Lorenzo looked serious.

“The whole valley town…has changed.”

“The foggy sky became completely gray, and there was no one on the street, and there was no sound, as if there were only three of us left in the entire world.

There was no other light source except the gray light radiating from the sky. “

Dark and weird, the obscure unknown lurks inside the ancient town, watching everyone in the shadowy corner.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere became tense, with a color of fear.

“This isn’t a horror story you specially made up?” Red Eagle asked questioningly. After all, with the bad taste of this great detective, this is not impossible.

Lorenzo shook the head with contempt in his eyes.

“Red Eagle, what do you think is fear? Or what is the definition of fear?”

“Hurt… afraid?”

Red Eagle was dumb. He tried to think about the definition of fear, but found that when he really had to be very rational to describe this common word, it became very difficult.

“Yes, this is a kind of human negligence, just like everyone enjoys the convenience of the steam engine, but they don’t think about the principle of the steam engine. Everyone is accustomed to the existence of fear, but doesn’t think about where the fear comes. .”

There was a weird light flashing in those gray-blue eyes, you have to admit that when this great detective tells a story…or starts to exert his thoughts on others, they can clearly feel the weird power.

“Fear is precisely a state of mental activity, a strong negative psychological state brought about by uncontrollable, unpredictable, and unpredictable factors around the body.”

“And this is not just a psychological effect, it will affect our physiology.”

Lorenzo suddenly realized something and connected the two things together, and he said faster and faster.

“From your consciousness to your body.”

Lorenzo looked at them with a slight smile, “I think everyone feels this deeply, right.”

“Feeling the beginning of fear, the human body enters a state of emergency, a large amount of adrenaline is released, breathing becomes heavier and faster, heartbeat frequency increases, blood circulation accelerates, and blood supply to muscles increases to provide more strength and speed.

The pupils are dilated to receive more light; the brain releases dopamine substances and is highly concentrated to speed up reaction ability and judgment…”

He paused suddenly, said solemnly.

“But this…is so similar to Demon’s erosion of us, both spreading from consciousness to the body.”

It seemed as if there was a big bell groaning in the calm, hitting ordinary people’s thinking hard. Perhaps they didn’t even realize that their breathing was accelerating and deepening, and their pupils dilated slightly.

After a long silence, Joey said slowly.

“Lorenzo…Actually, you might be more suitable to be an evil Instructor than Demon Hunter.”

“This is natural. After all, before becoming a Demon Hunter person, I have to become a pastor. Although it is a formality, I feel that my innate talent on the pastor is outstanding.”

He frowned, not paying attention to Joey’s words.

“But, don’t care about this, just treat it as a person’s random thinking, after all, I am an overthinking person…”

Although he said so, there were complicated and strange emotions in those gray-blue eyes.

“Then going back to the Terror Valley mission, when we stood on the streets with no one, we all felt the weird feeling, the feeling of fear, like erosion, it captured us.”

“This aroused our vigilance, and then returned to the church as planned.”

The memory gradually became clear. In the gray world, the church was like a black silhouette in the gray world, and the towering spire was like a long spear.

“We thought we would encounter something weird on the road, but there was nothing… In fact, this kind of quietness is disturbing. If there are a few 100 Demons on their way back, it may be more than calm. Comfortable.”

“After all, when Demon appears, the emotion of fear has a substance, and as long as there is a substance, it can be killed by Nail sword.”

Lorenzo said fiercely fiercely.

“But obviously, the monster hidden under the gray mist is more complicated than we thought. It doesn’t face us directly, but frightens us from various angles.”

At the gray end, the heavy door of the church was pushed open, the surging blood energy assaults the senses, the holy priest fell into a pool of blood inside with a pious face.

The trembling mist enveloped the young Demon Hunter people. They didn’t know what to do and held the Nail sword tightly. They had the power of breaking steel, but when the enemy became nothingness, this also seemed weak.

“The priest died, but not homicide, but suicide.”

Lorenzo recalled the terrifying scene, lightly saying.

“He sacrificed himself.”

It seemed like an incomprehensible incantation, and there was a surging wind out the window.

“Sacrifice… myself?”

Robin’s voice seemed a little heavy, Lorenzo nodded, then continued.

“To the unknown you, offer everything I have, please shelter this island in the dark.”

It was the words engraved on the church benches, stained with blood, which seemed to be the last words of the priest during his lifetime.

“We should have thought of this long ago. The reason why the church did not report is because they have become part of the mysterious cult.”

The atmosphere has never solidified before.

“The holy priest has long since fallen.”

His voice was also a bit scary. Lorenzo didn’t know how long he had fallen, and when the weirdness in valley town started.

“We stepped into a trap inside. Everyone in the entire valley town is an enemy.”

The surging mist engulfed everything, and the blood slowly flowed across the floor, and finally overflowed under Lorenzo’s feet.

The blood that hadn’t dried up portrayed a weird and cumbersome figure, and the priest fell in it, with a pious face, that abandoning the gods and pious to the darkness.

The entire castle shattered, four people sat firmly inside the chaotic gust of wind, and then white stone bricks rose from the ground, they were piled up, and finally a warm candle lighted up, like a sea wave with the wind. Swaying.

Memory and reality overlap.


It seems that four people are sitting on the bench. The holy Divine Idol rises from the fire in the fireplace, and the blood flows down from its eye sockets. It seems to be staring at the people who are looking back on it from the future, waiting. Follow their prayers.

The detective stood up slowly and stroked the pale-gold Divine Idol lightly, but blood ran down from it, and his hands were dyed.

A long time ago, inside the church in the depths of the memory, the headed Demon Hunter slowly turned around and looked at the other two people, with vigilance and unbearable panic on some of their immature cheeks.

“Here… is a trap.”

042 said.

Then the noisy sound came from outside the church, and the grey mist inside gave a shuddering strangeness. Dark silhouettes stood up in it. The sick residents held up the torch and randomly combined with wire and broken wood. Cross.

It was the fear deep in the memory, the pale face was smeared with blood with strange symbols, and the broken limbs of the corpse were raised high.

It was also at that moment that Lorenzo suddenly understood why those deceased had no signs of resisting before they were alive…This was a sacrifice, sacrifice after sacrifice, toward the unknown existence.

The entire valley town is a huge altar, and the escaped postman may have been one of the sacrifices.

Their faces are twisted and hideous, cheering and screaming.

“No no no …”

042 looked at all this in disbelief, then he roared.

“Come back! 016!”

Hearing 042’s roar, 016, who was standing at the door, slowed down. She quickly leaned in. The 3 Demon Hunter people pulled out the Nail sword and watched vigilantly at the frantic crowd outside the church, followed by burning Throwing objects were thrown inside the church, one after another.

In a blink of an eye, all the flames skyrocketed.

It wasn’t until they approached that the people of Demon Hunter could see their faces clearly. They were masks, abominable masks carved from human skins and bones. They leaped forward like a surging wave.

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