Ember’s Gun

Chapter 637


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What is the so-called life?

Zuojin’s words asked Lorenzo, the cunning Lorenzo has already thought out a lot of countermeasures, but in any case, he didn’t expect Zuojin to ask himself such a question.

A question that sounds ridiculous, naive, and most unsuitable for people like them.

“Are you… are you kidding me?”

Lorenzo didn’t understand. He looked at Zuojin and felt that all the weird feelings this old man gave him might be just an illusion. In fact, he was just a dull guy, and all those might be his own delusions.

“No, I’m not kidding,” Zuojin replied solemnly, “Do you think this kind of question shouldn’t be left to me?”

“Yes, look at you, look at me again, we have countless lives in our hands, this thing of life, for us… it’s like work.”

Lorenzo couldn’t help talking bad words.

“We are like loggers. Will there be loggers who care about the big tree?”

Zuojin listened carefully to Lorenzo’s bad words, and a sudden realization appeared on his face, as if he was saying “So you are this kind of person”.

“Perhaps this is the difference brought by culture.”

This time Zuojin did not have an overbearing attitude, but slowed down his speech and spoke smoothly.

“In our Nine Summers, loggers must pay more attention to the relationship between people and trees.”

The expression on Lorenzo’s face is getting more and more weird, and the suppressed killing just now is completely gone. Maybe the so-called cultural difference really exists. This Old Guy didn’t hear the “bad words” in his words at all, but explained it to himself seriously Up.

In this way, the difference in his attitude can also be understood. Before he was prepared to give himself a shot, but now he is answering questions. In Zuojin’s cognition, he is totally nothing. The guy who understands.

Zuojin has the tolerance for ignorant guys.

Lorenzo’s expression became more complicated.

“Excessive loggers’ lack of trees will destroy forests and make the lush fertile soil desolate, so it needs to be controlled so that all this can last for a long time,” Zuojin explained seriously, “It’s just like us, We use brutality, but this is to protect more people.”

“Are you listening? Holmes.”

Zuojin half-talked, and found that Lorenzo was already out there.

“So what?” Lorenzo asked rhetorically.

“So?” Zuojin asked again, as if he was laughing angrily by Lorenzo.

“They say you are an expert.”

Lorenzo was silent and did not deny.

“As an expert, you don’t even know what you have been taking away, don’t you know?” Zuojin said, “This is not like an expert should do.”

Zuojin took a deep breath, his eyes blurred, and he plunged into deep darkness inside.

“We are executioners, killing a lot of lives, some are humans, some are not even humans, and some of us don’t know what they are… So I always think that the person who knows the essence of life best should be Death God, just like the woodcutter who knows trees best, those of us who are closest to Death God should be the ones who understand life better.

That’s why we should be in awe. “

Zuojin paused, Lorenzo did not look at him, as if avoiding his gaze, looking forward blankly.

“You should understand this kind of thing, then go back to the original question.

For you, Lorenzo Holmes, what is life? “

Looking at Lorenzo who remained silent, Zuojin remembered, and then continued.

“I have asked this question to everyone without a name. I can tell from their answers to this question whether he is a qualified lumberjack, executioner, or Death God.”

Slowly raising his hand, Zuojin looked at his old and rotten palm, which was covered with bark-like wrinkles.

“I still remember the first time I killed, Holmes, when I was a recruit, fighting Demon in a remote village, before I had time to open fire, I was attacked by Demon and fell into erosion due to erosion. I fainted, and when I woke up, the battle had been over for a long time. It seemed that I was the only lucky person who escaped the death battle due to fainting and survived. I searched for a long time, and then found another one in another pile of corpses. Survivor.


Zuojin’s words paused, his face was confused, and after a while, he continued.

“I took care of him for many days, and I tried my best, but I still couldn’t make him survive. At last he was speechless, and the wound was also festering. It seemed that there was an insect in it, white. Mixed with flesh and blood.

He grabbed my hand, and this was his last strength, he couldn’t say anything, he just looked at me tightly, I looked at him too, I seemed to understand his meaning for a moment . “

Zuojin raised his hand, and then dropped.

“I brought a big rock and smashed it down fiercely, there was no sound.”

The story is over, Zuojin’s gaze is closed, only then did he notice that Lorenzo has looked towards him at some point, and there is a dim dim light in the darkness that allows Zuojin to see where his gaze is.

“So what is life for you? Zuojin.”

Facing Lorenzo’s questioning, Zuojin laughed and said calmly.

“It is nothing, life is meaningless.”

This answer surprised Lorenzo, and Zuojin continued.

“The moment I smashed him to death, I was suddenly lost. In order to prevent him from dying, I endured grief and fear and tried my best to do everything, but in the end I was still unable to save He…but think about it, everyone will die at the end, but sooner or later, he would have died, but the date of death is much earlier.

The same is true for all human beings. Even if there is no Demon, there will be war, disease, hunger and other factors that will make us go to ruin. Therefore, the fight between us and Demon is meaningless. Anyway, the final outcome is the same. “

Zuojin whispered.

“When I knew the Unspeakable, I thought it would be good to end with the sublimation of all mankind.”

“Everyone will die. In the long history, everyone is meaningless, like a dust, falling into the shadow, no one knows.”

Zuojin’s words made Lorenzo’s heart flutter. Looking at the thoughtful anonymous name, Lorenzo realized the darkness of Zuojin’s thoughts. It can be said that Zuojin is the closest person to the unspeakable from the ideological point of view. of.

“In your terms, I am a ideology of nothingness?”

Zuojin smiled again, but Lorenzo knew that it was meaningless to him.

“Then why don’t you commit suicide? With your gun, you will die very happy.”

Lorenzo said that the muscles of his body were slightly tightened, and his mind became fully vigilant. No one would have thought that Zuojin was thinking like this. It can be said that he is simply the biggest ghost inside the unknown.

Zuojin didn’t answer this question, but talked about other people. He didn’t care about Lorenzo’s thoughts at all. Maybe Lorenzo violently killed him now, and he wouldn’t say much.

“Zuo Tang, this child is a bit stubborn. He probably admires me very much and always wants to follow my path. When I asked him this question, his answer was quite boring, but Shao Liangye’s was a bit interesting. [ 19459002]

Shao Liangye was often taken out hunting when he was young. After he shot a deer, his father asked him to pick up the short blade and give the deer the final blow. “

Zuojin became more and more fascinated as he talked about it. In addition to memories, it seems that for an old man like him, the rest of his life is left to rush towards death.

“His hand is very stupid. He didn’t stabbed him to death with a few strokes. The deer struggled even harder. Shao Liangye cried and stabbed, embarrassed, and then sat stupidly holding the smashed corpse. In the original place, his father said that it was because Shao Liangye was stupid that the deer suffered such pain before his death.

Shao Liangye told me these things without any embarrassment or shame. He was very calm and just told these things.

He said that he took the deer back, and then his father cooked the venison and let Shao Liangye eat it. He was very resistant, but his father said that they survived like this, eating other lives and continuing their own lives. Life, instead of mourning for a tragic death, it is better to lift up strength and enjoy the remains of life in awe.

Shao Liangye seemed to understand something, as if there was nothing. He said that it was the fullest meal he had ever eaten. He ate the meat clean and almost broke his belly. “

Zuojin’s expression is calm. Right now it’s like telling a bedtime story, but unfortunately, the storyteller and the listener are not good things. There is no warmth, only hiding in peace. Under the icy cold.

“Shao Liangye feels that life is like this. The newcomers march forward on the corpses of the old deceased, cycle, inheritance, and never stop, like an ever-extending line, exhausting all they can to reach the unknown future… “

“Then there is Sianliang River.”

Speaking of this girl, Zuojin’s words were paused, and a smile appeared on his face, he rubbed his eyes and said.

“Bao Liangxi’s answer is also very interesting. She said that her life is to eat and drink, and it is best to sleep comfortably. Life is to sit in the training ground next to home, in the red Looking at the sparkling golden lake among the fallen leaves…”

“Sounds quite naive.” Lorenzo said.

“Yes, but I like such naivety. There is no reason, just simple feeling.”

Zuojin took a long breath, and he turned to say.

“Then going back to the question you mentioned, why didn’t I commit suicide? This is a somewhat complicated question…”

Lorenzo waited for Zuojin’s thinking. The two were very quiet in the dark. This was a very interesting conversation. The ending of the conversation will determine the relationship between the two, whether it is a comprehensive trust or continue to intrigue.

He can’t understand, nor can he understand Zuojin’s thinking, what is nothingness, what life, Lorenzo can’t understand these, many times he tries not to let himself think about those complicated things, just let his mind change Got dull.

Lorenzo Holmos is a sharp sword. He only needs to kill the enemy’s target. With this idea, Lorenzo can avoid a lot of meaningless troubles.

“After asking these anonymous questions, I realized that it’s just that I feel that all this is nothingness. They are still full of hope for this World. I can’t selfishly impose my thoughts on them. They say that the world is terrible, it is better to die early and overtake birth early.

They still look forward to beauty, but the road to beauty is full of thorns, and someone needs to make a way for them. “

Zuojin raised his hands and showed himself.

“I am a very suitable leader, I am not afraid of death, fearless.

There is nothing in my heart, but I am carrying their expectations, so I am driven by it. My world is already gray, but I am willing to move on for their ideal world. Is this reason okay? “

“So is the real Zuojin dead?” Lorenzo asked after listening to his answer.

Zuojin nodded, he affirmed.

“Many years ago, when he smashed the boulder, he died with him. The’Zuojin’ you see now is just a skin. What’s interesting is that in the body of nothingness, Filled with different expectations, so you can still see him act instead of waiting to die.”

Lorenzo looked at Zuojin deeply, trying to find some answer from his eyes, but there was nothing but a void to greet him.

“You are not for yourself, you are for others.”

“Yes, like antimeme and carrier, Zuojin is also a carrier, carrying their expectations,” Zuojin sighed, “You know, being completely trusted by others is a great honor. , So even if it’s for them, I am willing to work a little longer, anyway, the ending will be death, right?”

“Then it’s up to you, Holmes, are you still interested in talking now?”

Zuojin leaned down slightly, keeping his sight at the same level as Lorenzo’s pupils.

“I’m really curious.”

“What are you curious about?”

“You are a rare demon. In this world, you are like a rare animal. I think anyone will be curious about your inner world.”

Lorenzo did not respond. He felt that the situation at the moment was more like a deal than Zuojin’s “full trust”.

Zuojin used his story to try to trade Lorenzo’s story.


Lorenzo seemed to be moved by him. He opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn’t know where to start, so he could only say dryly.

“I don’t know, I don’t know what life is? This thing is too philosophical, do you think I am like someone who understands this?”

Lorenzo began to have endless bad words again. He was suddenly afraid of the hell atmosphere right now, he just wanted to break this bad atmosphere quickly, but his free eyes met Zuojin’s eyes, he kept looking at himself , There is nowhere to escape.

“It doesn’t matter, what you think of, just say something and continue.”

Zuojin showed a shuddering smile…Lorenzo thought it should be him showing favor, but after listening to his story, Lorenzo couldn’t look directly at Zuojin’s smile anymore.

“So… where do I start?”

Lorenzo thought and looked at the dim ceiling. Gradually, a golden-bright and dazzling rays of light shed and plunged into a beautiful afternoon.

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