"What's going on?"

Everyone looked terrified, and even Li Yuqing, who was always indifferent, gave birth to a slight panic!

"The cage recognizing Master! The trial is over!"

A magnificent, vast voice echoed across Heaven and Earth.

A bunch of rays of light fell, covering Fang Yue and the others.

"No, how can this cage world recognize the Master? I haven't gotten the resurrection altar yet! I am the descendant of Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate, this resurrection altar is mine!"

Zhou Yi is struggling, his eyes are bloodshot, his heart is 10,000 reluctance.

This altar of resurrection, he was already within reach, for this altar, he paid such a high price.

But why?

Why is the Recognizing Master of the Cage World at this time!

Zhou Yi wanted to resist, but it was all in vain.

The huge suction pulls everyone away.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already at the foot of Qianyue Mountain!

"Bah, baah!"

Fang Yue eyes slowly opened.

This transmission is not very particular about the user experience at all!

Fang Yue complained and got up slowly.

At the same time, a simple and unpretentious small copper furnace in his hand trembled slightly.

Fang Yue took the stove in his arms and saw that there was no one around, so he was a little relieved!

He only hopes that Fang Yue can survive the ten breaths of this devil without being beaten to death!

With the same resources and the same physical fitness, the difference between Martial Dao Grandmaster and Martial Dao master is like the clouds in the sky and the mud on the ground!

Barrow sighed again and again.

Fang Yue is concentrated attention completely, and has no energy to pay attention to the judgment of these two people.

Although this devil's actions are fierce, there is still a certain gap compared with him.

This gap is essentially a gap between Taoism.

This brand can replicate physical fitness, but it cannot replicate the level of understanding of the principles of the Tao.

Enlightenment of this kind of thing is nothing and ethereal.

The level of the devil’s Tao is actually not low, about Mo, he is the realm on the 3rd floor Peak of the Dark Avenue.

Even a powerhouse in the yin and yang realm, which is a bit more ordinary, is actually at this level.

But on this dark road, Fang Yue is still a little too fragile in front of Fang Yue!

Space, time, and two kinds of Heavenly Dao alternately operate, making the silhouette of the devil stiff and sluggish.

Imagine that you concentrate on your strength and punch with a punch, like a Dragon-Tiger, with blood boiling.

However, the other party suddenly changed Time Flow Speed! Let your fist become ten times slower, like a snail, easily dodge, there is no attack power yet.

Alternatively, Space Imprisonment is like a shackle. When a thought falls, Heaven and Earth is like a prison.

The resistance of the space suddenly increases tenfold.

In the exquisite martial arts, it is inevitable that there will be discrepancies.

Finally, the brand of the devil, uncomfortable vomiting blood, was sealed by Fang Yue after only three breaths!

This seal is a space bubble with a solid structure and quite stable.

The law is the Heavenly Dao space on the 4th floor, and space fragments extracted from the empty beads of Nading as the basis. Seal construction, even if the devil's strength is twice as powerful, it can't break away from the power of the seal.

"Break the 1st floor seal and gain one-hundredth of a millionth of the power of Pluto's ring! All the means of dying Heavenly Dao, bless 50% of the formidable power!"

An icy voice , Passed to Fang Yue's mind.

At the same time, a classic book appeared in Fang Yue's mind.

The name of this classic is Mingwu Secret Art!

This martial arts has only ten pages of trifling text, which is obviously incomplete.

But the value of these ten pages of text is extremely huge! Because it records a martial arts in the underworld, it can directly construct battle formations and disturb the universe.

This set of battle formations does not require subtle cooperation or strong training.

As long as the people who are cultivation this martial arts, all of them can condense the battle formation with the same mind.

This set of martial arts level is also very high, independent cultivation, have boundless prospects.

Fang Yue carefully studied and comprehend carefully, and soon he had his own harvest!

"You broke the 1st floor seal? This is really incredible! I can't imagine that he is Martial Dao Grandmaster, and you are just Martial Dao master. In terms of skills, the level of difference cannot be measured by reason!"

Barrow closed his mouth in surprise, there was a hint of hysterics in his voice.

The test of Pluto is impossible and simple, even according to the cold character of Pluto, it fails the test and immediately died.

Fang Yue said with a smile: "This is actually nothing! Our physical fitness and cultivation base are just about the same. Although his Martial Dao experience is deeper than mine, my Law Level is superior to him. Too much! Branding can only copy physical fitness, but martial arts moves and Taoist comprehension cannot copy it!"

Fang Yue lay bare the truth with one remark.

And Na Barrow still did not slow down in his surprise!

There is also Zhang Kui who is more surprised than Barrow. Zhang Kui said to Fang Yue in surprise: "Fang Yue, your physical fitness is really as strong as that devil? How do I feel a little bit Isn’t that acceptable? What strength did the devil show just now? Nine-headed flying tiger, soaring into the sky! With this kind of fleshy body strength, you can overwhelm the Star Fragmentation!"

Zhang Kui is deeply in awe of Fang Yue's physical fitness.

Because of the body, it is actually the biggest constraint of Human Race. And Fang Yue's physical fitness is actually higher than that of the Demon God in the general rotation realm. It must be known that a flying tiger is equivalent to the power of three thousand bulls.

Flying tiger is not a normal tiger, but antiquity time, a symbol of strength.

Back then, to describe a warrior who was extremely brave and fortitude, the vocabulary used was Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

The power of Flying Tiger can be imagined!

Is this Fang Yue a human being? His Tao has a profound understanding, and now even fleshy body strength is so terrifying!

"The power of the nine-headed flying tiger, this is already my limit for the time being, because I still owe the Fleshy body three times and the hundredth-order Heavenly Tribulation hasn't passed it yet! My current Fleshy body quality, It should be the level of the hundredth Fifteenth Layer of Fleshy body! However, because I have not passed the Heavenly Tribulation of Fleshy body 100th order for a long time, I can't be considered the real realm of 15 layers!"

Fang Yue He shook his head slightly, still a lot of dissatisfaction with his own strength.

Zhang Kui was even more surprised.

"This, Heavenly Tribulation is still owed?"

"Yes! I am the messenger of Celestial Court! The rules of the sky, turn on the green light, hit the white bar, in fact, all It’s quite normal! Otherwise, I’m a great realm and a bunch of Heavenly Tribulation. Even if my fleshy body and cultivation base are strong, Heavenly Tribulation would have exploded into waste long ago!"

Fang Yue's expression on his face as it should be.

Zhang Kui almost fell to the ground.

In his impression, Heavenly Dao is ruthless and Heavenly Tribulation is indifferent.

Whether you are Supreme Invincible or Peerless Heaven's Chosen, under Heavenly Tribulation, all are treated equally.

Being able to get through it is naturally ten thousand li Pengcheng, no more worries.

And once it fails, it is immediately turned into ashes. There is no chance of luck!

But this big brother can actually delay Heavenly Tribulation. This is absolutely incredible.

Barrow looked at Fang Yue. Although he was not shocked again, he also had a strange expression.

"The 2nd seal of the ring of the gods of the dark gods, you can go back and try again. This is the place left by the Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate. The opportunity is not to be missed, especially the resurrection altar, which reverses Yin and Yang, summon heroic spirits. , This thing is simply sensational, there are not even a few in Divine Demon Sect!"

Barrow also has a deep awe of Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate.

Heavenly Venerate is the most powerful existence among All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Even including Immortal World, Hell, Yin Sector, no one can be more powerful than Heavenly Venerate!

Only the legendary Celestial Emperor realm can crush the Heavenly Venerate, but the Celestial Emperor is just an eternal legend.

At least in one hundred thousand years, no one has found any trace of Celestial Emperor!

"Although this cage world is not large in size, there are a lot of powerhouses that suppress it. If it is released, I am afraid that the entire Xuanhuang world will Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which will have all kinds of incredible effects! And this Everything is prepared for the resurrection altar. The significance of this resurrection altar is certainly not that Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate did it casually!"

Barrow’s facial expression grave, he also expressed the intention of Heavenly Venerate. Don't dare to guess at will.

This Yin-Yang Heavenly Venerate comes from the Xuanhuang World. According to the truth, this World should be protected.

But he never saw Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate's backhand in the mysterious yellow world. This mysterious yellow world is full of holes, encounters thousands of world invasions, fights everywhere, fights everywhere, and grieves everywhere, and the people are not living.

Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate also ignores it, which is puzzling!

"This is, the third stronghold!"

Fang Yue and the others unconsciously, have come to a small temple.

The temple was empty and there was not even a silhouette. In the temple, there were no shrines, no statues, only three sandalwood incense rising in the smoke.

"What are we going to do? Worship Spiritual God, or comprehend mystery?"

Barrow was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't see how the Yin and Yang Heavenly Venerate was arranged like this. purpose.

Fang Yue stepped forward, slightly frowned, but after a while, his eyebrows were stretched out.

"I can vaguely understand some of the mysteries in this!"

Fang Yue sat down after saying that each minding their own business, under his body, impressively There is an old futon.

Sandalwood lingers, forming clouds and mist.

Fang Yue Astral Projection, step into it.

Sandalwood is best at calming the nerves. He also has the role of Guardian Spirit, so that it will not be hurt by external forces.

Fang Yue's soul opened his eyes and looked towards the position of God.

One of the amiable, kind old men is above the god.

"Why did Astral Projection come to see me!"

The old man opened his mouth and asked directly.

"It is said in the "Vajra Sutra" that all appearances are false. If you see all appearances, you will see the Tathagata."

Fang Yue chanted softly and chanted. An ancient scripture came out.

"Vajra Sutra" is the inheritance of Buddhism in Earth, the supreme scripture, which contains profound connotations and understandable profound principles.

Fang Yue chanted a little.

The old man fell into deep thought.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! All dhammas are empty, all nothing, skins, fleshy bodies, none of them are real! What really exists is a little wisdom in the heart of human beings! All false, only human A ray of origin is true! I originally wanted to convey this meaning, but there is no more ingenious explanation than this paragraph!"

The old man praised it.

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