Empress True Colors

Chapter 3: Queen? abnormal?

Everyone shook their heads like a rattle.

In the blink of an eye, Jing Hengbo threw this question out of his mind.

"Hey, dear friends, hurry up and find the box for me, hey, where did you lose it..."

The "Aiqing" trembled, and reminded in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, Aiqing is a name for ministers. We are of low status, just the third-class walking guards in Yuzhao Palace, and we cannot be called by you..."

"Okay, okay. Box." Jing Hengbo greeted loudly, "The box seemed to be cracked just now, don't forget to find all the things that fell..."

After a while, the guards arrived carrying a huge box. There are a few more carrying it.

"These shoes are strange. They have thorns on the soles! What big thorns!"

"What is this thing? Only my palm is big and triangular. How do I wear it? Is it a scarf? Or a mask?"

"What are the strips of cloth attached to the two round ones? Are they filled with water?"

A little guard was curious, and secretly opened the colorful things in the box, flipped through them again, then his face changed drastically, and he snapped the box tightly.

"Hey, what did you see? So nervous?" The people in the same company were curious.

The little guard shook his head again and again, his face was pale, he covered his pants, and stared at Jing Hengbo tremblingly.

"What's the matter? Do you want to see what she is doing?" The companions were even more curious.

"Brother!" The little guard grabbed his hem, "This queen can't be recognized! Perverted! A perverted! She will never abide by our palace rules. We found her back. If something big happens in the future, it will bring us Death penalty! Brother, let’s run away quickly! Huh?”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The person who was traveling with him shook off his hand, "How did you escape? Maybe the Master of the State Teacher will know now! Besides, Her Majesty the Queen looks very normal, how can she be abnormal?"

With a bitter face, the little guard looked at the box and shrank aside.

that horrible thing...

Jing Hengbo took his own box with a smile on his face, "Thank you, Aiqing... Oh, my boy!"

"Little darlings" staggered...

He took off the broken black silks three times and threw them away, found a new pair from the box and put them on, Jing Hengbo picked out the high-heeled shoes.

"The thick heel is solid...ah, it's not feminine enough...or is it flat? The ground here is not very flat...ah, it doesn't show my long legs like this...it's better to wear a thin heel...in case someone wants to hurt me, I'll kick it Nail him!" Jing Hengbo put on the leopard-print ten-inch high-heeled shoes, smiled and raised his head, "Isn't that right, darling?"

The "little darlings" stared at the silver and slender heels like steel nails, and all trembled...

"Little darling, I'm thirsty, boil water for me."

"Little boy, I'm hungry, what can I eat? Roasted chicken legs are the best."

"Little darling, I haven't washed my face yet, go get some water. Remember to put some flower petals. Do you have any essential oils or flower soaps made with secret palace recipes? You can also have this."

"Little darling, give me a whole tent to sleep in, I want wool."

Jing Hengbo crossed his legs triumphantly, watching a group of Dahuang guards ordering around her, with a satisfied expression.

In fact, she wasn't that hungry or thirsty. Before the institute was about to escape, she had already eaten half of the snacks made by the small cake. She just thought that since she became a queen, she had to enjoy it quickly. Besides, the pie in the sky fell too fast, which always felt a little unreal. At least she had to test whether the queen was a real gold and silver.

The test results are OK.

Jing Hengbo felt relieved.

She lay down comfortably, and was about to order a few guards to give her a massage, but she saw those guys gathered together, as if they were sharing something, and colorful lights could be faintly seen in the crowd.

Jing Hengbo got up abruptly and walked over on tiptoe.

The group were arguing in low voices.

"You lost! The queen fell! Come and carry my ruby, it's dead, and the head guard won't throw it away, saying it will cause trouble, so I don't want to carry it back to the wilderness!"

"You lost! The queen crawled out! Didn't you see her crawling out of the pit? A basket of sapphires! It's yours to carry!"

"Nonsense! It fell!"

"Bastard! Crawled out!"



A minute later, a fight broke out. The red and sapphires rolled all over the ground, and together with the emeralds picked up earlier, they were trampled in the dust. People were busy tearing their hair and beating their mouths, but no one paid attention.

Jing Hengbo stood behind the crowd, covered his mouth with fingers painted with gold nail polish, and his eyes stared like emeralds. The high heels were stepped on several times without noticing.

This, this, this...are these gems?

These guys bet baskets of gems? What are you talking about? Out of your mind?

Traveling through the world is really fantasy!

Jing Hengbo's shoulders were tense, his breathing was short of breath, his fingers were shaking nervously, and even his hair was trembling.

If the three roommates were there, they would probably snort, "The mother dragon is ill."

All four of them were orphans, and among them, Jing Hengbo didn't even know his exact age, but the other three agreed that this must be a dragon.

Dragons are coquettish by nature and love all things shiny.

The group fight is still going on, and it has been upgraded from slapping to greeting Xiasanlu, and the requirements for each other have changed from getting gems to being responsible for carrying all the gems back to the wilderness whoever loses.

Suddenly, there was a violent shout, which rolled across the sky like thunder.

"stop fighting-"

The guards stopped, hung up two tubes of nosebleeds, and turned around foolishly.

Three feet away stood Her Majesty the Queen with a green face and fangs, trembling all over, with burning eyes, arms raised high.

"Those who block-me-death-"

Jing Hengbo pushed one away with one hand, and strode forward.

"You, don't move!"

"You, stand still!"

"You, put your feet up."

"You, three centimeters to the left... yes! Be careful! STOP! Don't step on my gem!"

Three minutes later, all the melee crowd left the threat to the gem.

Jing Hengbo knelt on the mud with a bright red buttocks sticking out in the crowd, with golden nail polish, and with his well-maintained fingers, he dug out those shiny things one by one.

A group of guards touched their chins and watched.

Hey, what is the queen doing?

Hey, she put them all away.

Hey, isn't she too heavy?

Hey, she didn't know that she was going back to the Great Wilderness soon, and the Great Wilderness is not worth the money if you pick it up everywhere?

Ah, someone finally carried the heavy gems for us! God knows we carried the gems and came out to exchange things, but the poor people in Dayan, who had never seen the market, said they couldn't find them and wouldn't exchange them at all!

oh! Her Majesty the Queen is so benevolent!

The benevolent and loving Majesty the Queen wiped off the muddy gemstones one by one, put them into a cloth bag, grabbed them with difficulty, and threw them on her back.

Depend on! Good weight!


Jing Hengbo carried the gem with a smile on his face, and after warning everyone not to covet it with fierce eyes, he tied the gem tightly around his waist with a rope, and walked away with crooked strides.

She feels very happy.

The guards also felt very happy when they saw her back bending over to carry the gem.

Jing Hengbo walked a few steps, and found that she couldn't take it anymore. The gem was too heavy, and it caused her back pain. She wanted to hide it, but she was worried about it. In the end, she had to put most of it in the box, and only selected a few grandma. Take green with you.

She has never eaten pork but has seen pig running. She is interested in all kinds of fashion, so of course she knows which gemstones are the most precious.

When she was packing the box, she looked at her muddy clothes and decided to change them. Grabbing a miniskirt from the box, without saying hello, he unzipped the back zipper of the tight-fitting wrap skirt. The zipper was stained with dirt and got stuck halfway through, but she didn't even raise her head, "Little boy, come and help me."

Nothing happened. Jing Hengbo raised his head - Hey, where's the person?

Looking again, the nearest ones were all three feet away, with Qi Qi's **** facing her.

Jing Hengbo shrugged, "Nervous." Pull the zipper up again, and pull it to the bottom with a swish.

The skirt slipped from the shoulders, and Jing Hengbo stroked his arm narcissistically, "Ice skin and snow skin..."

A gust of cool wind blew past her back, and she shivered, only then did she notice dead people everywhere.

"Why are so many people dead?" A belated person jumped away, covering his shoulders in horror, "Come on! Come on! Drag these corpses away! Come on! Come on! Come on! I block the wind!"

The guards with their backs to her didn't move at all—Your Majesty, there was only a sound of pulling down your skirt, which shows that you must still be in a disheveled state. If you turn around now, you will die. What a blessing.

"Help!" Jing Hengbo screamed, she jumped up and down, and stepped on a dead body, her sticky feet felt like a soft snake, and all the hairs on her body stood on end.

A little guard who lacked concentration heard her voice frightened and couldn't help but turn around. At a glance, one can see a dazzling white in the darkness, and the beautiful silhouette of the woman undulates in the chaotic darkness, like a vase carved from jade.

"Help..." Jing Hengbo was about to reach out to him for help, but the boy turned around again, screamed, ran a few steps, and jumped into the river with a splash.

Jing Hengbo's outstretched arm stopped rigidly in the air.

What's the matter?

She opened her mouth, waiting for the child who went crazy and jumped into the river in the middle of the night to come up from the water, but only saw a line of water whizzing across the river and disappearing on the other side of the river.

What does this mean?

Ran? The water escaped?

Just because he turned and glanced at her?

As for?

"Hey..." She was dazed for a long time, then walked up to a guard whose back was facing her, and poked him on the back, "That man just now... what was he doing?"

The guard hugged his head and shrunk his shoulders, turned his face to the dirt, and said in a low voice, "Go back to Your Majesty, and exile myself."

"Ah? Why?"

"He committed a serious crime." The guard said sadly, "It is said that he should have committed suicide, but he escaped. We looked at our colleagues and didn't want to chase him. In fact, we also committed the crime of covering up... Alas, that's it."

"Ah?" Jing Hengbo's eyes widened, "What felony? Seeing me? As for it? I don't mind!"

"I mind."

Suddenly a voice floated over, like a whisper, rang in her ear.

"Who?" Jing Hengbo was startled, and looked down at the guard, who didn't move and didn't speak at all.

She raised her head and looked for the source of the sound, only then did she see a figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the river.

The figure was tall and tall, and the corner of the black robe fluttered like a black cloud in the night wind. Looking closely, the robe was not black, but shimmered with fine silver light, which was intertwined with the hazy moonlight and the sparkling light of the river, spreading out. A piece of brilliant light silver, making his outline unclear, but suddenly felt dazzling.

Jing Hengbo obviously didn't see this man's face, but felt that he was smiling at her.

A strange, indescribably joyful smile. It's like seeing another life at the end of the universe after time and age, but it's lonely because of knowing it, but it also contains a touch of ridicule.

A little evil, a little melancholy.

Jing Hengbo's saliva immediately dripped down.


Absolute beauty!

Based on her extraordinary experience in identifying beauties accumulated after reading all kinds of high-level V-rated movies, she is 100% beautiful! Still has a very special kind of temperament!

Very good!

Sure enough, the law of time travel has not been broken here—except for Goldfinger, there are also beauties everywhere!

A minute ago, because of the diving guards, she had the slightest idea of ​​"something is wrong, or don't be the queen", but it was snuffed out by a figure on the far river bank in a blink of an eye.

"Aha!" Jing Hengbo was afraid of scaring away the beauty, so he would lose his beauty by diving into the water again, so he quickly zipped up and went straight to the river, "Hi handsome guy, I'm Jing Hengbo, my English name is Jennifer, you can Call me Dabo or Jenny. What's your name? How old is this year? What's your zodiac sign? What constellation? Where do you live? Let's get to know each other..."

The mysterious and evil man suddenly stretched out his hand to her, his fingers were slender under the moonlight.

Jing Hengbo immediately smiled and stretched out his hand, "Ah, hello, hello, but how can we shake hands so far away..."

The man lifted his finger, and the river swelled with a splash, and a figure at the bottom of the water was lifted up straight. The man hooked a finger on the man's collar and threw it away.


The dripping corpse fell to Jing Hengbo's feet.

-----Off Topic-----

Touching the chin, the big wave is a new attempt different from my previous heroines. Because of her character setting, her writing style in the early stage is also particularly relaxed. This guy is still an ignorant guy, so he has to be more straightforward. I want to write a heroine who is completely different from Taishi, but I don’t know if everyone is used to it...

Here, I would like to thank everyone for your support. Every time you go away for half a year, you are still there when you come back. This is really the happiest thing in my writing career.

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