End of Mystery

Chapter 281 Recovery Plan for Drug Tester Zero (5,000 words)

The longer the trip between Xiao Xiao and Yang Jia went on, the more speechless they became.

They can still have some conversations naturally in the early stage, discuss a certain phenomenon or event, or subconsciously comfort each other when they see something uncomfortable.

However, as they walked in this world and saw more and more things, they became more and more accustomed to silence.

Later, they didn't even say a word for a whole day, just savoring the strong impact of the world on themselves.

Only when both parties still have vacancies in their hearts can they try to comfort each other and share the pressure.

But when the depression in the hearts of both parties has reached the extreme and is overflowing, then they will not have enough strength to share the burden for the other party.

Xiao Xiao initially decided to take this trip because he knew that Patient Zero had been force-fed the pain of the entire world. In addition, he also vaguely felt that some of his decisions would have an impact on the fate of the entire world. Influence.

But he felt that he was not qualified to make decisions for the world, and he did not feel that he could take on this responsibility, so he wanted to go out for a walk.

He tries to understand the world more broadly and truly so that he can make decisions.

But gradually, as he learned more and more about the world, he felt more and more like he was about to be overwhelmed by pain, making him even less able to make these decisions.

Sensitive people cannot see pain, and even they themselves may not be lucky.

Yang Jia discovered that Xiao Xiao was in poor condition. In fact, she had tried many times to persuade Xiao Xiao to end the trip and go back to Black Gate City to discuss it, but she couldn't make this suggestion come out.

Because at this time, she had a suspicion within herself, and she even felt that by urging Xiao Xiao to go back now, she was escaping from the battlefield.

She was once very determined, believing that she must implement the Noah plan and close the singularity.

This has nothing to do with where the singularity came from or what she has experienced. It is just because the singularity threatens the world. It is just because the singularity is spreading and swallowing the world step by step, so she has to do this.

But gradually, she became less determined.

She couldn't say anything about how she was destined to sacrifice certain people in order to save the world. She didn't want to sound so noble or so shameless.

But if you say it's just for yourself, it seems a bit too selfish.

During this journey, she has also seen too much misery and pain, indifference and greed. It seems that there are too many similar colors in this world, and she cannot bear to add to them.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao made a decision quietly at this moment:

"This is the last city. We'll go back after seeing it!"


"at last?"

Yang Jia was a little surprised. She glanced at Xiao Xiao's eyes and nodded slowly.

But she didn't understand. Is there anything special about this last city?

Along the way, they have seen too much.

Chaos, forbidding, prosperous, yet dilapidated, the streets are full of numb people, the upper floors are full of successful people who think they deserve what they get, and the corners are filled with monsters who have been forced out of their inner malice by huge pressure.

She had long been tired of seeing this sight.

This seems to be what the world will eventually become.

In the past, there were not enough resources in the world. The food grown in the ground was destined to be unable to feed too many people, so there were always wars. The human race seemed naive and cruel, and some people would always die of hunger and chaos. , this is a social law.

No one will say that they are not right, because there is not enough, it is not enough.

But no one can explain why even when the world becomes more prosperous and supplies are abundant, there are still people who don’t have enough to eat.

This sentence is also not an accusation against anyone, because this is a collective problem for mankind.

Yang Jia's mind kept flashing with these chaotic thoughts, but she didn't know what Xiao Xiao was going to see in this last city, until she followed his gaze and saw a little boy.

He looked to be only seven or eight years old, very thin, but his eyes were dark and very lively.

He always squatted in front of the glass window of a street video store, watching a TV inside, and movies were always playing on the TV.

The owner of the video store likes to play some movies to attract the attention of passers-by.

But none of the busy pedestrians on the street liked such old-fashioned and false things. In addition, the boss was a nostalgic person and always played some old-fashioned literary and artistic films, so there were very few people who stopped. Only this little boy. No one knew his name, where he came from, or why no one asked him to go home for dinner. He was the most loyal little audience of the video store owner. Whenever these old-fashioned movies started to play, he would squat down. He stood out of the window, holding his chin, staring with dark eyes, watching intently.

The owner of the video store discovered him and chased him out a few times at first, but he always came back secretly and stopped chasing him away.

One of them was inside the store and the other was outside the store, enjoying movies together. Sometimes the boss would intentionally play some heart-warming movies.

For example, a wandering child, and a warm uncle, such as those in desperate situations, but still yearning for hope, such as those movies with super strength, but do not make money to play with women, but help the poor.

Every time this happens, the little boy's eyes will become brighter and brighter.

He squatted in front of the window and watched the sunset until he saw that the street was empty and there were no pedestrians.

During this period, the uncle tried to invite him into the store several times, but he always shook his head and was too timid to go in. Sometimes the boss would break half of the sandwich he used for dinner and give it to him. He refused to take it and ran away. Not long after, he took half of a hamburger he picked up from somewhere. He and the boss smiled at each other and ate together in front of the same TV through a glass window. Immersed in these warm movies, it seems that the whole world has become warmer with the colors of the movies.

But the world always seems unwilling to stay too long in any warm moment, and the boss is getting older.

His memory became increasingly confusing. He often sat in one place for long periods of time, forgetting that he was opening a store, forgetting to change videos, and even forgetting who he was.

He also couldn't see that the little boy's clothes were sometimes in tatters and sometimes stained with blood.

The little boy is not sad because his boss ignores him. After all, he is used to it. He just likes watching movies and immersing himself in such a world.

Until one day, the little boy came very late, and the boss dozed off all day long, and was only woken up by the cold wind at night. He seemed to be awake for a rare moment, glanced at the empty window, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and looked out of the cabinet I dug out that old movie.

He played the old movie, as if hoping to lure the boy over.

My Alzheimer's disease seems to be getting worse. Maybe I need a little apprentice to help me take care of it?

As he thought, he silently fell into a slumber and never woke up again.

Only the movie was playing for a long, long time. Near the end, the little boy appeared. He covered his head and his head was bleeding.

He walked through this street weakly and confused, not knowing where he was going. It was just the struggle of life that kept him walking, as if he was going to a warm and safe place.

He stopped when he saw the movie playing behind the glass window.

He wiped off the blood that covered his eyes, stared at the child holding the uncle's clothes in the movie.

The movie stuttered at some point.

The wind from the street carried the garbage flying over. One of the old posters stuck on the little boy's body. He did not move. The old poster was peeled off from his body by the wind. It was stained with some blood and flew into the distance. Still he didn't move.

He didn't move, and neither did the boss.

Yang Jia looked at the scenes flashing before her eyes and suddenly couldn't help but shed tears.

She couldn't understand or believe it.

If I hadn't been standing here right now, how could I have believed that a little boy died like this on this street full of similar people?

The little boy's dark eyes were already dim.

If it was true, as in the rumors, that people could leave behind the last scene they saw before they died, then what he saw must have been the heart-warming ending of the movie, right?

"It's really hard for me to believe it..."

On the street, an increasingly cold wind suddenly blew over, picking up garbage and paper bags all over the sky. In this chaotic wind, at a distant street intersection, a man in a suit appeared at some unknown moment.

He was carrying a silver box in his hand, wearing blue glasses on his face, tall and tall, with an indifferent expression.

His voice seemed to come from the other side of the city, cold and clear: "The dignified Drug Tester No. 0, the executor of the Noah Project who once had high hopes in the Black Forest, is waiting for you to save the whole world. Are you wasting your time here?"

Xiao Xiao was slightly absent-minded. He moved his eyes away from the little boy in front of the glass window and looked at the man who seemed far away and yet very close at the same time.

His expression was very calm, but something seemed to be surging in his eyes, and he said, "A waste of time?"


The man holding the silver suitcase in his hand said calmly: "Wasting time on such meaningless things is of course a waste."

Xiao Xiao seemed to have difficulty understanding, his eyes had a strange hollowness. After a long time, he slowly said: "Why?"


The man shook his head, as if he didn't bother to answer his question, but slowly moved forward and said lightly: "I hate those people who are sad about spring and autumn. They don't even understand the world, but they are afraid that others will not see their own feelings. Kind."

"I hate movies too. It's just a beautiful illusion that only makes people lose judgment on the cruelty of this world."

"You have reached this level, don't you still understand?"

"This world naturally has its own laws, which are not subject to individual will."

"So in this world, there will always be poor people who have been deprived of everything. If this poor person sits in the seat of the person who deprived him of everything, he will also deprive others. This world is alive and has life, and In its life, there will naturally be some who will be eliminated. Don't think that just because you have seen the people in power and the poor in this world, you think you understand everything. This world needs rich people and people in power. , so as long as the world exists, they will exist forever..."

"...How can someone who only picks up the withered weeds in the garden to be moved by themselves, really be able to appreciate the entire garden?"


As he spoke, he walked forward, his eyes even looking a little cold: "Normally we can pretend and say something that touches ourselves, but when it comes to the critical moment, we have to make those useful decisions."

"Just like people will always be moved by the uncle who gave up his last piece of bread to his children in despair."

"But in real reality, the uncle would kick the child away and take away all the bread without hesitation."

"Even children will become his food..."



Listening to his words, Yang Jia suddenly felt an unspeakable resentment in her heart, a feeling of anger caused by his words hitting something real.

She almost subconsciously wanted to refute.

However, she felt Xiao Xiao standing in front of her and blocking his view of her. This made her vaguely understand something, so she could only force herself to hold back for the time being.

Xiao Xiao did not refute what this person said, but suddenly took a deep breath and said, "I don't really like what you said."

"Who are you?"



When Xiao Xiao asked this question, the man carrying the silver suitcase gradually showed a cold smile on his face, and nodded slightly to Xiao Xiao:

"I came to the island to discuss the fourth phase of Project Noah with you."



Xiao Xiao frowned slightly and said, "That's our plan."

"No, you are just the executor chosen by us."

The man carrying the silver suitcase couldn't help laughing and explained softly: "The Noah Project was never yours, and it does not even belong to Kuang Juemin who raised this issue."

"It was because of our influence that he came up with this plan."

"Of course, he doesn't know it himself. After all, you can't have such high demands on a lunatic who lives in hallucinations."


"Old President..."

Xiao Xiao let out a low sigh. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel surprised when he heard this secret.

Project Noah indeed overlaps too much with the Black Forest's world upgrade plan.

Even at the beginning, Shepherd once said that he and the old president worked together to formulate the Noah plan. However, at that time, through observing Shepherd, he did not feel that he had completely controlled the old president. Ability.

Now it seems that maybe even the shepherd is not the real planner?

This answer was already a rough guess when Yang Jia told him the information about the Lost Island worriedly.

"Lost Island?"

Behind Xiao Xiao, Yang Jia heard the other party introduce himself as being from the island, and heard the other party say the words that had affected the old president without caring, and his face could not help but condense.

Are they from that island?

They just deliberately erased the traces of their existence, and even the mysterious source was vaguely afraid of their existence?

This answer almost made her lose control immediately and wanted to take action, but Xiao Xiao was still blocking her. The silent background seemed to be hinting at something to her, so Yang Jia could only force herself not to be impulsive.

Xiao Xiao also said that he was a little reckless.

But how could I be so reckless? When I saw this guy appear, I only almost took action twice.

"But I was always the one executing the Noah plan."

Xiao Xiao raised his head and looked at the man carrying the silver suitcase, his expression still calm: "The components needed in the early stage and the route in the later stage are all in my heart."

"What do you want now?"

"Replace me?"


"No, don't worry."

The man carrying the suitcase suddenly smiled and said, "We have no intention of replacing the executor."

"Besides, there are indeed some things that only you can handle."

"It's just that the Dante Organization and the Hell Organization are both dishonest now, and we need to deal with certain things quickly. Believe me, we have been waiting on the island for many years and know the importance of opportunities."

"And you acted very negatively at such a critical time, so we came out."

"We hope that you can face your identity, seize the opportunity, and advance the follow-up plan quickly. In addition, discipline is very important. Your performance before was not very good, and the people on the island are not very satisfied with you."


"That's it..."

Xiao Xiao nodded thoughtfully and said slowly: "What if I'm still not satisfied with the follow-up plan?"

The man carrying the suitcase's face was slightly tense. After a long time, he suddenly smiled again and said, "Then, I need to adjust you."


Just when he said these words, suddenly, there was a strong cold wind around him. It seemed that there was some kind of huge, abnormal wind, passing through this city full of garbage, blowing the garbage all over the sky. , almost blocking people's vision, and when the garbage in the sky slowly fell to the ground, in front of the man holding the silver suitcase, there was already a woman's figure, and that was the rabbit. Boss, she was barefoot, her head tilted, and her body was slanted and dull, like a puppet on strings.

Only a pair of eyes on the tilted head were still looking at Xiao Xiao, seeming to show a slight intention of asking for help.


There were rustling sounds all around, and strange figures appeared one after another. They were all people Xiao Xiao had seen before, lovely guests from the Bingshan Bar.

But now, their state is very strange, appearing quietly, staring at themselves from all directions.

"Really, you have been living in hallucinations for too long, which makes you all unable to recognize your true identity..."

The man carrying the suitcase shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand to hold the headset, and said calmly: "Every unit is ready, and now we will start to recover the No. 0 drug tester."

"Allow some damage!"

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