End of the Sky

Chapter 396: Forced to pretend to have amnesia

Gondor South Shore Port!

The four Russell squatted at the pier, confirming that the elite ambassador of Pirates of Amba had not yet passed by, and Aragorn decided to stand by and wait.

He came to the south with two tasks. One was to destroy Sauron's maritime power, that is, human pirates; the other was to find the southern reinforcements, which has no clue.

The army of the undead was hidden by the orders of Aragon. They were too arrogant, and the wind and the wind were everywhere, and they liked the ghosts and wolves, which scared many people along the way. At this moment, he was completely buried in the river, waiting for the pirate ship to go out, and frightened the pirate back to his hometown.

The success rate is not very high, but Russell thinks that it is feasible. If the undead army fails, he will appear on the scene in person, barely pretending to help Aragorn flood the rebellion.

"Will you wave your left or right hand, which one is more handsome?"

After talking to himself, Russell was a little faint. He never acted deliberately, but now he would prepare in advance?

It is impossible for him to be wrong, that is ... Gandalf, who is close to Zhu, who is close to Mo, who is black, follows Gandalf, and unknowingly begins to mature.

Russell found out the truth, but it was too late, he became the most hated adult when he was a kid!

At this time, a cavalry team of about 30 people came galloping, one person and two horses.

Russell frowned. This cavalry was not simple. Although it was less in number, it was definitely an elite among the elite.

Legolas reached out and held the arrow, and Jin Li clenched his tomahawk, and he could see that the cavalry was directed at the four of them.

Seeing the person, Aragon looked so happy, holding down Legolas' bow and arrow, and rushed up with a big laugh: "Herbara, how could it be you, what a coincidence?"

During the talk, all 30 riders dismounted and hugged Aragorn one by one. The leader named Herbara said, "Aragorn, it is no coincidence that we are here to find you."

"Find me?"

"Yes, Elrond told us that you need help. We first went to the Valley of the Helm, and then turned to the road of the dead ..." Holbara laughed. "You run so fast, we almost Lost it! "

The 30 riders were all Dundans, and the same family of Aragorn, learned that he needed help, and found here all the way from the north.

"This is what Elrond asked me to hand over to you, and you will need it."

Horbara looked solemnly, handed the backpack he carried with him, and handed it to Aragorn, who opened it and looked at it suddenly.

Flag of Gondor!

The black banner is embroidered with holy white trees, seven octagonal stars dot it, and a crown symbolizing Elandrear.

Touching the flag, Aragorn's tears soaked his eyes, and he could feel the magic on the flag, which was embroidered by Arwin himself.

When her lover was on the expedition, Arwin could not accompany her, so she embroidered this flag to show her thoughts and determination. If Aragorn died, she would also follow.

The picture was a little bit sad. The rough men of Dengdan couldn't bear this. The 30 riders whistled to the side, while Herbara walked towards Russell with a smile.

"Russell, long time no see!"

"Uh, who are you?"

"What, you don't even remember me?" Horbara was shocked. "Think again, we have experienced adventures together, you, me and Aragon. At that time, your dishes were picking, Almost died in the mission. After I saved my life, I cried and yelled to recognize me as my elder brother. I didn't agree with you at the time. "

Russell: (a `'one)

Knowing that the identity was arranged and such black history, Russell immediately wrote Horbara in the small book, but he was already a mature mage, and on the surface he smiled and didn't care.

When Legolas and Jin Li saw smiles, their faces turned pale, and they hurried to the wall and started hitting the wall with their heads.

"What happened to them?"

"Who knows ..." Russell and Yan Yue said, "Perhaps I heard something I shouldn't listen to and pretend to have amnesia."

"What shouldn't you listen to?" Horbara was confused.

"You will understand later."

Thirty northern rangers are powerful. As Dengdans, they have different talents and their force is explosive. Each one is ten.

Aragon received assistance from the tribe, and his confidence increased. He raised the flag of Gondor on the port flagpole and waited for the Emba pirates to arrive.

He showed Russell what was called the "son of the world". When the flag was hoisted, the towns by the harbor became restless and one after another stepped out of the brawny arms.

Knowing Aragorn's identity, these people worshiped without saying anything, and vowed to fight for Gondor. Until midnight, the ranks of Aragorn grew to three figures.

At this moment, Aragorn also understood Gandalf's so-called southern reinforcements, saying that it was reinforcements, in fact, the people's hearts, and Gondor had been waiting for her king for too long!


In the middle of the night, the harbor was gray and misty, and the turbulent river was glowing green under the moonlight. A closer look reveals that the light comes from the bottom of the water, not from the river reflecting moonlight.

In this weird gray mist, the Gondor flag flutters in the wind ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ comes with a colorful halo, breaking the mist and shining.

Countless undeads sank underwater, alerting along the coastline, 30 northern rangers and other soldiers ambush in the port, waiting for the pirates to come.

Strategic change, Aragon decided to wipe out all the traitors in this group of humans.

Wow! ---

Fifty black ships came from afar, the sails were raised, and the hulls slammed into splashes.

The pirates lit a torch and docked slowly at the port. They received Sauron's order and rushed to Minas Tirith as quickly as possible. But who are the pirates? Do something jovial, can't lift the spirit to hurry.

"Rush into town and kill the elderly and children !!"

The pirates howled as they saw the unguarded port.

There are reasons for only killing the elderly and children. Women can keep them useful, they can also sell them for money, and their strength is also useful. It is not the use of a male stance, but the attack on Minastiris requires some cannon fodder.

When the triumph returns, these cannon fodder will become slaves and sell for a good price.

Ten minutes later, all the pirates disembarked, carrying their weapons, but before they rushed out of the port, the river suddenly set off a big wave and swept away all 50 pirate ships.

The sudden scene saw the pirates look at each other. They burned and looted for many years, and this was the first time they encountered such a strange thing.

"Strange, I remember breaking down."

"It must have broken down, even if a ship did not break down, there would be none ..."

"Isn't it a ghost?"

"Ha ha, what stupid thing to say, how could there be a ghost!"

"But then again, we have good luck today. If the Gangduo set up an ambush in the port, we would be dead without a ship!"

"That's it."

"Haha ... hey, who are you?"

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