Endless route

Chapter 200 39 Deep Dark Passage

Chapter 200 39. Deep and dark passage

In that case, let's send some more people out and take out some lighting equipment. Zheng Yun turned around and looked into the dim depths of the island, and handed the backpack to Ji Dao.

It has been decided to close the island.

It's better to seal it completely.

The tail of the abandoned manor has been exposed. If you don't seize the opportunity, it may be difficult to catch it in the future. This island is dark and dead, and it should be more popular to make it lively and lively.

Although the location of the island is remote and strange, the scenery during the day is a good tourist destination. It is very reasonable to suddenly have nearly a hundred extra 'tourists'.

It's okay if there is a signal.

Not to mention there is no signal at the moment.

As soon as Zheng Yun said this, Ji Dao's eyes immediately lit up, he took the backpack with both hands, and ran towards the seaside.

Just a moment.

The fairy gate opens again.

Zheng Yun stepped into it and dispatched his troops and generals.

Dozens of Yin soldiers and ghosts walked out of the fairy gate in groups, slowly emerged from the ethereal fairy mist, and in the darkness, kept the same pace and flowed the sea water towards the shore.

It is true that they are dispatching troops and generals, but they are dispatching Yin soldiers and ghost generals. These Yin soldiers are all dressed in modern clothes, but their pale faces and weird smiles are incompatible with the human world.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Dao led the Taoist priests from the Tiangong Palace, carried torches, flashlights and walkie-talkies on their backs, and each carried some thermal weapons stored in the secret realm, and they all walked out of the Immortal Gate.

It was only two minutes before and after.

There were nearly a hundred people on the dark coast. They boarded the island neatly and stood in groups. The beach was covered with footprints, which were slowly washed away by waves of sea water.

Except for human footprints.

There are also many dog ​​paw prints.

Ji Dao also brought out many Tiangong demon dogs. They were led by Tiangong Taoist priests, big and small, and waited for their master's instructions in a polite manner.

Xie Laoyu and others even brought out a few boats. They were all leftover inflatable rescue boats that had been used before. They could patrol the sea around the island and seal off the nearby waters.

Self-blockade the surrounding areas of the island.

Ji Dao, you divide them into teams.

Zheng Yun stood in a clean place, looking down at the many people on the beach, and sighed for a moment. The Jianxian Division was no longer unavailable at the moment, and it still looked impressive.

Hahaha, don't worry, Master Xian.

Ji Dao smiled from ear to ear. He was proficient in many techniques of the Heavenly Palace. At the same time, during his years of depression and seclusion, he also fantasized about the grand scene of the Prime Supervisor Xiansi many times while reading ancient books.

If it were given to the former Jianxian Division.

This island has long been sealed by the sea guards. The island is burning with torches and the sea is densely populated by boatmen. No living thing can enter or exit within a dozen nautical miles, not even trash fish.

Although it is nowhere near as good as before.

But at least there is a prototype.

Ji Dao quickly arranged for Xie Laoyu and others to go out to sea at night to block the east and west waters of the island, and then sent four Taoist priests to lead the demon dog Yin soldiers to sneak along the coast to all sides of the island.

Everyone hides in darkness.

Each team is led by several Tiangong Taoist priests and a ghost general. They lead two demon dogs and dozens of Yin soldiers. They carry walkie-talkies, modern weapons, and various magical methods.

Everyone has the poisonous powder freshly refined by Jidao, and the remaining blood monkey blood from Qianxian Dojo. If the jade lantern that ordered Hanxian was not enough, Hanxian would also be able to bring a wisp of it.

But enough is enough.

Their mission is only to block and monitor, and they can use the Tiangong Formation to disperse the poison and spread it around the mountains and forests to turn it into poison arrays.

Safety can be guaranteed as soon as the poison array is released.

Yin soldiers are not just a handful in this kind of mission. Although they are brainless, at least they can carry a lot of supplies. They can act as cattle, horses and mules, filling their backpacks to the brim.

Master Immortal, everything is ready.

After finishing his dispatch, Jidao looked back at Zheng Yun, clasped his hands and leaned forward to salute, using the ancient general ceremony.

Let's go, stay alert.

Zheng Yun raised his hand and ordered to set off.

This is by no means a showy or ceremonial thing, but a real order to set off. He needs to give an order to every Yin soldier in the team to follow the Tiangong Taoist priests.

This can prevent Yin soldiers from getting lost.

At the same time, he had to give instructions in advance for them to squat on the ground to stay hidden after heading to their destination.

But it's still troublesome.

Maybe we can train a few passwords in the future and let the Tiangong Taoist priests command ordinary Yin soldiers through the passwords. Anyway, the Tiangong Taoist priests are also Yin soldiers, so it can be done theoretically.

The Tiangong Taoist priests saluted and led the team to leave.

As a result, the entire island's air and east-west sea areas, as well as the four directions of the island's southeast, northwest and northwest, are blocked by them. If there is any change, they can immediately detect it.

But Zheng Yun did not send anyone to the abandoned manor. There are many strange things in that place, and it is difficult for Tiangong Taoist priests to solve them independently.

After watching the team disappear into the darkness and go into the distance, Zheng Yun and others continued to walk towards the dark cave on the seaside. As the visible angle gradually became larger, the dark cave gradually became clearer in their eyes.

This dark cave is essentially a crack in the rock wall.

The size of the part under the sea is unknown, but the entrance near the waterline is very cramped. The width of the gap is estimated to be less than one meter, and the height above the water is only half a meter at most.

It seems like this is it.

Ji Dao gestured from a distance.

The entrance of this secret passage is similar in size to the old fishing boats in the port, and can just accommodate the fishing boats to get into it.

We don't know how deep the water is. If you want to go in, you may still need diving equipment or a boat.

Kedester guessed.

Turn on the flashlight and take a look.

Zheng Yun sent a dark soldier to stumble along the gradually increasing number of rocks towards the front of the dark cave.

There was still a beach under their feet, and the dark cave was located at the bottom of the rock wall. There was no land connection before, there was only a shallow inlet, and they had no choice but to walk through the water if they wanted to get there.

This entrance is also a bit dangerous. If you want to force your way in, it might not be easy. It's easy to get tricked.

Kedester touched his chin and said.

If there is a space inside the island, and the people in the manor have crawled into it, huddled underground like turtles and dare not show their heads, then they really have no good way to do anything.

Let's take a look first.

Zheng Yun controlled the Yin soldiers to get into the dark hole, then raised the flashlight and pressed the switch, casting a strong light into the dark hole, which instantly illuminated the dark hole brightly and clearly.

The interior of the dark cave is deep and strange. The illuminated seawater rises and falls in the cave, and the light is reflected everywhere in the cave.

But the depth of the seawater inside the dark cave was not as deep as they imagined. The entire dark cave was less than three meters high. It was a crack that opened halfway in the rock wall and had a very irregular shape.

There are still cracks deep down.

Kedester looked deep into the sea. The strong light of his flashlight illuminated all the surrounding water. He could also see that the rock wall was underwater, and there were several cracks below.

It seems natural.

Ji Dao found no man-made traces.

There is something abnormal inside the dark cave, and there is something on the wall. Zheng Yun raised the telescope to look carefully, and at the same time controlled the Yin soldiers to raise their arms and shine the light on the top of the dark cave.

There are two iron railings on the roof of the cave.

The railings were in decay and covered with brown rust. They looked like the style of a Western mine from the last century. They were nailed deeply to the top of the cave and should be handrails for entering and exiting the secret passage.

It is indeed here.

Ji Dao exclaimed in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, they could almost imagine how the dark-colored fishermen got in and out. They were sitting on the boat, with their heads almost touching the top of the dark hole. The left and right spaces could not even accommodate the oars, so they could only hold on to the handrails to move the fishing boat forward.

This space is too narrow. Only the three fishing boats can enter and exit. I don't know how many boats they have. If there are only three boats on the entire island, it will be difficult for them to get out.

Kedester concluded.

They don't know the internal conditions of this dark cave yet, but it is about three or four kilometers away from the abandoned manor. It will take some effort to just swim.

There is no need to consider this. The key is whether we should go in and take a look. Jidao turned his head and looked at Zheng Yun.

This decision is not easy to make.

The people in the manor were clearly hiding underground, and no matter which entrance they entered, they had to bear the corresponding risks.

This is safer than the manor hall.

Zheng Yun sighed softly. Compared with the manor hall, which requires diving to explore, this entrance at least allows you to go into the water without going into the water. It is the daily passage for those dark-colored fishermen.

What he was worried about at the moment was the opponent's jellyfish poison and witchcraft. The jellyfish poison could obviously invade the human body through skin contact, and they had no good means to isolate it at the moment.

I don't know where Li Xia and the others have gone. The diving suits we prepared before were fully enclosed and closed.

Kedester took out his phone and looked at it.

W-07 A day and night is twenty-eight Earth hours.

It is now 13 o'clock in the evening local time. According to the normal sailing speed, they still have five hours to return to the island and will arrive at about four o'clock in the morning.

Even if they speed up the round trip.

It also takes at least three hours.

This time can wait, but I don’t know what the people in the manor will do during this period, and there may be changes.

Let Xie Laoyu take a look from the front. Zheng Yun turned back to look at the sea. Xie Laoyu was on the nearby sea.

The angle at sea must be better than on the shore. Cooperating with the Yin soldiers standing at the edge of the dark cave, Xie Laoyu can go around to the front of the dark cave and directly see the situation deep in the dark cave.

Nobuyoshi took out his walkie-talkie and gave the order.

Xie Laoyu responded immediately. Soon after, a white wave appeared faintly on the dark sea, and a rescue boat sailed from a distance, heading towards the bright light near the dark cave.

The rescue boat does not need to turn on the lights.

Stopping slowly on the distant sea.

Everyone is in darkness, and the only one whose whereabouts are exposed is the Yin soldier who uses a flashlight as a light source.

Master Immortal, the gap in this rock wall is very deep, and the angle of the flashlight beam is wrong. It should be farther to the left.

Xie Laoyu's voice sounded from the intercom.

Zheng Yun immediately commanded Yin Bing, asking him to move his arm slightly and follow Xie Laoyu's command to move a little to the left.

See clearly, see clearly.

The gap is three miles deep according to visual inspection, like an underground cave. The space is always very narrow, but very straight. At the end it turns to the left, and I can only see there.

Xie Laoyu immediately reported the situation.

Is there anyone there? Jidao asked immediately.

There are no people or signs of human activity, and there are no ships, but it's a bit strange inside. I saw the outlines of some weird things. Xie Laoyu said immediately.

What kind? Ji Dao asked again.

There is a platform at the end, and there seems to be some fragments of something on it. Xie Laoyu replied with a telescope.

This type of terrain is similar to an underground volcano. The gaps in the rock wall are usually straight and narrow, with basically no bends. Maybe the end is the end. Kedester said.

Can you see the danger? Ji Dao asked excitedly.

I don't see any danger at the moment, but there's something wrong with those outlines. Xie Laoyu moved forward some distance, but still couldn't see clearly what it was.

It should be some facilities, the same as the entertainment facilities underground in Goode Manor. Kedester made a guess.

The railings inside the secret passage are obviously products of the past. Although it is difficult to guess the function of this secret cave, it can be roughly guessed based on the management of Goode Manor.

Master Immortal, what should we do?

Ji Dao put down the walkie-talkie and asked.

Ask Xie Laoyu to drag the fishing boats from the port over. Zheng Yun took a breath. Regardless of entering now or not, the fishing boats at the port must be brought over first.

These fishing boats are the only tools for entering and exiting the secret passage. Although it is almost impossible for the people of the manor to steal them, it is best for them to get them first and then decide what to do next.

Okay, I'll do it.

Jidao immediately gave the order, and at the same time he ran back to the port. If there were traps inside those fishing boats, he could deal with them personally to prevent Xie Laoyu from being caught.

Actually, you can try it without a boat.

Kedester looked at the people behind him. If Zheng Yun wanted to try, he could send two people in to take a look.

Not in a hurry.

Zheng Yun still shook his head. They now have another clue source, that is, the burly fisherman was still watched by the ghost general in the forest after being dragged out by the ghost general.

That guy is too big.

It’s hard to move out.

Moreover, Zheng Yun did not dare to let the ghost general touch the opponent's skin, so he asked the ghost general to guard the opponent in place. Once he woke up, he would chop him out with his sword again and knock him out again.

Now that the island has been sealed off, the people who are not worried about the manor running away can go and torture the dark-colored fisherman.

So Zheng Yun left some people to guard him and asked Ji Dao to find a way to pull the boat over, and then took the others to the manor along the main road. During the process, he looked at Kedester and asked:

Do you think there is a long passage deep underground on this island leading to the sea outside the island?

It should be impossible. The island closest to this island is also very far away. It is almost impossible for such a long undersea tunnel to exist. Even if it exists, it will be difficult to pass.

Kedester shook his head.

From the perspective of the seabed topography, this island is an isolated island. The depth of the water around the island is very shallow, and even if someone snorkels out, they can see abnormalities.

Once you leave the vicinity of the island, the depth of the seabed suddenly becomes deeper, and any hidden passages will be cut off.

Zheng Yun didn't say much.

He quickly led people back to the vicinity of the manor. This time he took the main road from the port to the manor. This road was very wide and straight, and the main entrance of the abandoned manor could be seen in the distance.

This is the first time to look at the manor head-on.

The entire deserted manor was shrouded in darkness. The previous candlelight had long since disappeared, and any trace of human figures was nowhere to be seen. The manor returned to deathly silence, with only the corpses of blackbirds on the ground.

Zheng Yun and others went into the forest and used their impressions to get around the ghost general. They saw the ghost general standing under a tree holding a knife. The long and narrow sword was densely covered with ghost patterns, and the cold light shone with blood dripping down.

Not far in front of the ghost general.

Four people were lying neatly.

In addition to the burly fisherman, there were actually three dark-colored fishermen with strange looks. Three of them were killed by the ghost generals, leaving only one burly fisherman, who was still sleeping peacefully.

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