Endless route

Chapter 228 67 Supervisor Immortal Si Yin Ghost Warriors

Chapter 228 67. The Yin Ghost Figurines of the Immortal Supervisor


This muffled sound was exactly the same as the muffled sound made by the ghost figurines before, but it was extremely weak, and it came from the direction of his left hand. It seemed to be the movement caused by the ghost general.

Zheng Yun looked immediately.

But he had just opened his eyes.


Another muffled sound came out, the violent volume suppressed in the deep sea. Almost at the same time, a white shadow emerged from nowhere in front of Zheng Yun's eyes, approaching like a ghost.

At this moment.

Zheng Yun only saw a porcelain-white ghost face with no facial features. It appeared in front of him almost out of thin air, dragging out a pale white ghost shadow on the stone corridor under the deep sea.

next moment.

A huge force came.

Before Zheng Yun realized what was happening, his body was pulled by this huge force and moved rapidly backwards.

The speed is too fast.

A four-meter-long ghostly figurine moved forward almost teleporting under the dark sea. Its explosive power was so horrifying that the human body could hardly withstand the impact.

Zheng Yun's arm was in severe pain, as if he had been hit by a car, and his body was knocked thirty or forty meters away in an instant.

He looked sideways.

But he saw that the one grabbing his arm was actually a ghost general. It had just stood with its hands spread out in a large shape, blocking most of the space in the stone corridor. It seemed to be waiting for the ghost warriors to use its body as a net to intercept the raid of the ghost warriors. .

Apparently it was a success.

The ghost warrior is pressed against the ghost general's abdomen. The ghost general grabs the iron chain around the ghost warrior's neck with one hand and his own arm with the other hand, and instantly escapes from the battlefield with the help of the ghost warrior's speed.

No wonder the ghost general throws the knife.

It would be too dangerous not to throw the knife.


Just one breath passes.

They had already appeared at the end of the stone corridor, and were knocked down the steps by the ghostly figurines, and were pressed against the rock wall of the dome.

Zheng Yun hit his head against a brick.

He ignored the pain and looked down.

The other ghost general was still behind. It failed to catch up with the Deep Sea Express, but the rapid speed of the ghost warriors created a very strong underwater vortex, and the ghost general was dragged nearby.


The detonator on the steel spur exploded.

There was no burst of light, only the unbearable violent vibrations of the sea water, spreading violently in the sea water.

Zheng Yun and others were injured for the second time.

They were so shaken by the explosion that their internal organs were almost displaced, and they were so dizzy that they almost fainted under the sea on the spot.

Because there is no energy absorbing material.

Even if there were blue brick steps at the bottom of the stone corridor steps nearly a hundred meters away that could block many impacts, they still could not completely escape from the sea water to avoid this disaster.

If there is time to pull down the corpse above the head and hold the detonator with the corpse, perhaps the shock can be slowed down.

Fortunately, the injury was serious but not fatal.

At the last moment, the ghost general threw out the iron box in his hand, more or less blocking part of the positive vibration.

...What happened! Master Xian, are you okay?

The buzzing tinnitus gradually subsided, and Ji Dao's weak voice came from the earphones. He shouted at the top of his lungs, but his voice sounded gentle amidst the noise in his ears.

It's not a big problem.

Zheng Yun steadied his body and panted, looking around.

The ghost general was pushed hard against the dome of the rock wall, and the Yin ghost figurine in his hand floated in the sea like a dead corpse. The ghost general's hand holding the chain also held a Triton waist badge.

It was the waist tag in the iron box, placed together with the iron chain that tied the ghost figurines. It had been seized from the opponent before.

I didn't bother to take a closer look just now.

Only then did I realize that the waistband was wrong. The surface of the waistband was slightly convex, and it seemed to be a hollow structure that could be pressed down.

If nothing else, the first muffled sound just now was made by the ghost general. Its sound was almost exactly the same as the movement of the ghost warriors, but the volume was different.

It should be Haiwei's method of commanding the ghostly figurines.

Zheng Yun immediately had a guess. The pupa form of the ghost figurines was probably a kind of deep-sea pupa that lived in groups, hiding in groups in a corner of the deep sea.

Once one of the pupae is forced to flee by a predator and makes a dull thud, the surrounding pupae are also in the same danger and will start to flee rapidly one after another.

It's like putting live shrimp in a frying pan.

Jumping and struggling fiercely.

The scene was so chilling that a group of faceless ghostly figurines were scurrying around on the bottom of the sea. Just thinking about it made my scalp numb.

But over time, this kind of pupa has an instinctive reaction, and will produce stress behavior when it hears a muffled sound.

Later, this feature was discovered by Haiwei, who asked a Taoist master to make a waist card, which was similar to the demon control principle of the pregnant demon tower, and was used to control the actions of the ghost figurines in the pupa form.

Maybe the guess is wrong.

But it shouldn’t be much wrong.

The only detail issue is that the ghost warriors may not be running away, but taking the initiative to spread poison in their faces, because Zheng Yun found that the color of the ghost warriors seemed to be whiter.

When the ghost general released the Yin ghost figurines just now, he did not use this method. He should be afraid that the Yin ghost figurines would attack him.

All in all, Haiwei's method of controlling the ghost figurines is actually so crude, so they just let the ghost figurines run around under the sea?

Probably not entirely.

They did not explore the deep sea stone corridor carefully. The iron chains and waist tags were seized from Nia and others. This may not be all, as the other party also had other control instruments in their hands.

The other party has been exploring here for a long time, and when he fled in a hurry, he even took the iron chain and waist tag with him, obviously knowing its importance.

But they didn't dare to use the methods used by Triton to suppress the ghosts at the Triton ruins to deal with the real Triton.

Master Immortal, I saw an explosion under the sea. I'll jump in to pick you up. The sea water has risen to the tenth level.

Ji Dao spoke anxiously.

Kedester and Licia beside him also looked down at the sea, ready to go down and bring Zheng Yun up at any time.

Continue the lockdown.

Zheng Yun took a breath and shook his head.

No matter what, the ghost general's life was saved. Although it was also badly beaten by the ghost figurines, at least it was still alive. Even if its internal organs were seriously injured, it could be treated with blood pills.

Catch the woman first.

Zheng Yun didn't believe that the woman could resolve such a violent explosion. She must have been seriously injured, but he still had to be prepared to prevent her from dying with him again.

Both ghost generals were seriously injured.

They should be given a little more time.

So Zheng Yun went into battle personally with a long sword in hand, swimming against the fence towards the dark room, observing the situation from the furthest distance.

Kedester and others have been throwing search bombs, and the light shines into the stone corridor and vaguely illuminates the figure. The woman slumped in the corner with her head lowered. The hose of an oxygen bottle was shaken off, and a large piece of the diving suit was shattered in the collision and friction.

She remained motionless.

Like being blown up.

Zheng Yun had no expression on his face. He took out his pistol and aimed at the woman. He fired three times. The bullets quickly streaked through the water, turned into three water lines, and silently sank into the woman's abdomen and arms.

There was only a dozen meters between the two sides. Even under the sea, the pistol had a chance to cause damage.

Puff puff.

Three bloody flowers flew.

The woman's body was shot but she remained motionless. It was unknown whether she was in a severe coma or completely dead.

After roughly looking around, Zheng Yun stretched out his hand to pull down the corpse. He grabbed the corpse with extreme caution and walked into the darkroom. After walking in, he quickly looked around to check for any ambush in the blind corner.

Nothing at all.

There was only this woman inside.

Zheng Yun pushed the body towards the woman and soon swam in front of the woman, raising his sword to observe her true state.


The woman suddenly moved.

She raised her head, a pair of slightly red eyes staring straight at herself through dark diving goggles.


Without saying a word, Zheng Yun slashed out with his sword, pointing directly at the woman's slender neck under the submersible. The tip of the sword had already penetrated the skin.

But the woman just smiled.

The next moment, she suddenly twisted her slender neck violently and threw it to the right with all her strength.


With the sound of bones creaking, this woman twisted her neck alive under Zheng Yun's eyes.


Her head drooped uncontrollably.


Zheng Yun felt a little cold in his heart. This was obviously the effect of the evil ghost figurine's ability, but even if everyone knew it, the visual impact of seeing a living person break his neck and commit suicide was still too strong.

Look back behind you.

The ghost figurine in the ghost general's hand has pale skin and is as quiet as a corpse, but it is the culprit, and maybe in the next second, it will disappear out of thin air with a muffled sound.

Let’s not talk about other things for now.

The Yin Ghost Figurine's weird method of making people commit suicide and his ability to appear and disappear like Han Xian with his speed are enough to gain a place in the Ghost Suppression Department.

This faceless, porcelain-white corpse.

It just so happens that he and the Ghost Town Division are a perfect match.

Shock, this didn't even kill you.

The woman lowered her head and choked on blood. A large amount of fine blood droplets flew, and a bright red color infected the oxygen mask, splashing into the inner wall of the transparent oxygen pipe like ink splashed in calligraphy and painting.

As she tried her best to say these vague words, more blood was choked out from her throat and trachea.

But she is still alive.

I am afraid that some kind of witch medicine was used, which is similar to the pleasure jellyfish and can mobilize hormones to make the whole body excited.

Zheng Yun said nothing.

Holding the sword against the woman's neck, he asked the ghost general to take out the rope from his backpack and tie up the woman first.


The woman opened her mouth to speak.

Zheng Yun's eyes turned cold, and he unzipped her diving suit from behind, reached in and groped along the silky feel of the suit, then lifted up her mask and pulled out an earphone.

At this moment, there was a sound in the headphones.

When I put it to my ear to listen, the sound suddenly stopped. It seemed that I found that the earphone had been taken away and immediately interrupted the call.

But Zheng Yun still vaguely heard a woman on the opposite side saying that he would find a way to rescue her.

Knock him out and bring him up.

Zheng Yun gave the order decisively, and at the same time ordered others to let Kedester throw down a piece of rope, hang something on the end, fall into the sea, and pull the woman up.

Master Immortal, I heard the sound. The remaining two people are at our feet, hiding at the bottom of the stone corridor on the tenth floor.

Based on the information given by Zheng Yun, Jidao buried his head in the sea and listened carefully. He vaguely heard some movement. After a little identification, he continued: I can't hear the ghost master's voice.

It's okay, I'll go find them.

Zheng Yun and the ghost generals swam to the end of the stone corridor and went through a secret passage to the ninth-floor stone corridor. After exiting, they first handed the two hostages in their hands to Kedester and others through ropes.

There are rules and ghost generals on it.

And it's still on land.

It was impossible for these two people to be rescued.

After the incident was over, Zheng Yun took the ghost generals to the location mentioned by Ji Dao, continued to chase the last two people, and found the two ghost generals standing in front of the fence halfway.

According to Ji Dao, the two men finally climbed out of the fence and hid in the blind spot at the foot of the stone corridor against the rock wall.

The direction of the ghost general's sight.

It also corroborates what Ji Dao said.

The last two people left the stone corridor.

This is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous behavior. If you climb out of the fence, you may be swept away by the deep sea whirlpool at any time. You must stick to the rock wall and even use mountaineering picks to stabilize your body.

They hid outside the stone corridor.

He and others have to continue chasing.

Different from the last two people, he has teammates on the tenth floor to support him, allowing them to fix the rope to pull him. Even the whirlpool cannot be swept away, so the safety is higher.

Secure the rope.

Zheng Yun asked Kedester to prepare through the earphone, and then led the ghost general to grab the rope and jump out of the stone corridor fence.

The situation outside is completely different.

As soon as they came out, Zheng Yun felt the huge force of the water force, pressing them hard against the cold rock wall. Countless fragments of debris floated behind them, close to the back of their heads.

Look up.

Ninety-six meters away is the stone corridor on the next level, which is a full thirty-two stories high. It is all immersed in sea water, and illuminated by the sparkling searchlight source like the bottom of the sea.

Behind him is another scene.

The wreckage of the deep-sea pontoon was swept and drifted. Some of the wreckage was extremely large, with a thirty-meter-long deck and a twenty-meter broken mast, covered with green hair, and passed rapidly by.

The environment is very dangerous.

In this environment, they have to climb a thirty-story building along the uneven rock wall. Once the climbing rope breaks, they will fall into the whirlpool.

Climbing ropes are extremely load-bearing, but such a thin rope is visually unsettling.

No time to think too much.

Zheng Yun grabbed the rope and went up.

The flashlight scanned left and right, constantly looking for the last two people. Ji Dao only knew that they were below the tenth floor, but did not know in which corner they were hiding.

Several people were searching under the sea.

The flashlights of Ji Dao and others shone vertically into the sea, and beams of light wandered around the rock wall, dispelling the last darkness of the deep sea water, and illuminating the rock wall on the bottom of the sea as if it were daytime.

This feels quite safe.

When Zheng Yun looked up, he could see his teammates and even Ji Dao's body, separated by only dozens of meters of sea water.

Found it! On the right, leader, they are in the groove above and to your right, more than twenty meters away.

Li Xiya suddenly exclaimed.

Zheng Yun and others looked immediately, and sure enough they saw a protruding rock wall platform with a dark crack in the middle, which seemed to have been shaken out just now in a certain earthquake.

But the situation is very complicated.

After learning from the previous experience, Zheng Yun really didn't dare to go there rashly. Even if he knew that the other party was inside, he was afraid that they would jump over the wall again and perish together.

These few Western explorers who made it to the end were absolutely ordinary from mentality to decision-making, and they seemed to be sure that Triton would kill them, without any communication of ideas.

Actually no problem.

I really don't intend to let him go.

Master Xian, why don't you come up and I'll plunge my head into the water and roar. Ji Dao suddenly suggested.

Zheng Yun went into battle in person. He was also afraid that something might happen to Zheng Yun. If he could, he would not let Zheng Yun pass.

It's okay, just hide behind.

Zheng Yun looked back at a ghost general. When they captured Niya just now, they also seized all her belongings, including a set of steel spike launchers and detonators.

Repay the other person with his own way.

The contemporary Jianxian Si is not an antique in the history books. He, the only college student Jianxian Si leader in history, can also use modern technology and is very happy to use it.

Even if you don't know how to use it, there is a famous explorer named Kedester on it who can guide you remotely.

I'll blow you up in turn.

See what you can do.

So not long after, Zheng Yun took off the launcher from the ghost general's back, and under the guidance of Kedester, tied the mining detonator to the steel thorn and aimed at the platform where the crack was located.

Just when Zheng Yun was about to pull the trigger, two figures suddenly crawled out of the gap, raised their hands and shouted to themselves:

We gave in.

We choose to surrender!

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