Endless route

Chapter 298 68 Ghost Dreams and Suspicious Clouds

Chapter 298 68. Ghost dreams and doubts

Ghost dreams in the East? Will you die if you are killed in the dream? Zheng Yun repeated in a low voice, frowning deeper.

This explorer has just recovered. His mental state is questionable, and it is difficult to tell whether what he said is true or false. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be used as a major clue for in-depth investigation.

But at this moment Zheng Yun was thinking deeply.

Because what he said sounded very true, at least it was consistent with the logic of his behavior, and he had no reason to lie.

Regardless of whether what he said is the truth or not, it must be the 'fact' in his mind, and there is a reason for saying so.

Maybe Guimeng is the result of their expedition team and the last explorer who died in the collapse lake ruins. It may not be completely correct, but it has merits.

Let me go back, it's coming! I've seen its shadow, it's up there, let me go back!

The explorer shouted hoarsely.

Since there is a monster chasing you, why do you hide in the wooden coffin? And why do you scream?

Zheng Yun asked, staring into the explorer's eyes.

However, the explorer's pupils suddenly shrank violently, biting his lip, looking over Zheng Yun's head, looking above them, towards where Li Wu was.

It seemed like something was really coming.

It was impossible to fake such a reaction.

Zheng Yun subconsciously raised his head and followed the explorer's gaze upwards. Between the gaps in the heavy wooden coffins, wisps of flashlight light shone down, making it look a bit dazzling.

Li Wu has heard the conversation here.

He was holding the body in his hand, floating in the wooden coffin, and nervously looking up and down at the surrounding environment.

He looked past Li Wu.

Groups of dark wooden coffins are like sky lanterns, floating quietly above the circular pit, suspended in the turbid lake water mixed with black sand, filling the thirty-meter-diameter pit.

Light and shadow alternate among the wooden coffins.

The shadows and blind spots are dark and deep.

Perhaps in the underworld, the sky lanterns in the underworld look like this, made of rotten wooden coffins...

But Zheng Yun didn't notice that danger was approaching. As the other surviving explorers stopped screaming, the entire pit became deathly silent, and almost no sound could be heard.

What's chasing you?

Zheng Yun looked down at the explorer again. He still maintained a frightened expression, and his whole body was curled up and shaking.

But his pupils were moving.

He was 'watching' something, and his eyes kept moving following the movement of this thing.

This scene made people feel numb, because Zheng Yun couldn't tell whether the explorer really saw something or whether it was a hallucination in a sleepwalking state.

Rotten wooden coffins are densely packed.

There were dark gaps in all directions.

They can't see if there's a monster in the dark.

Li Wu, lean down and stay alert. Zheng Yun took a deep breath and spoke to Li Wu.

Okay. Li Wu put down the body and leaned towards the gap.

Zheng Yun always stared at the explorer's eyes, followed the direction in which his eyes moved, and observed the situation at the corresponding location.

Move, move.

His gaze stopped at the ghost general.

Zheng Yun turned his head and looked at the ghost general. The two ghost generals were also abnormal. One of them had his eyes open, but the other closed his eyes at some point and took off the silver mask from his face.


The ghost with closed eyes raised his hand slightly.

His movements were extremely slight. He only moved the scabbard in his hand for a few centimeters, and then stopped.


The explorer suddenly sounded surprised.

He seemed to have seen something very surprising, his mouth opened as wide as possible, his face full of disbelief and shock.

What's wrong?

Zheng Yun stared at the explorer and asked.

He...he killed the monster with one knife. The explorer raised his hand and pointed at the ghost general who just closed his eyes.


Zheng Yun also spoke in surprise.

What nonsense is this crazy explorer talking about? In his hallucination, the ghost general killed the monster that was chasing him with one knife? But in reality, the ghost general did move...

He turned his head to look at the ghost general.

The latter's expression was more solemn and his eyes were still closed, as if he was on guard in his dream to guard against incoming enemies.


Zheng Yun was slightly silent.

It seems that the term ghost dream is not groundless.

The methods of ghosts and ghosts deep in the ruins of the collapsed lake should be related to this ghost dream, and the word ghost dream is by no means rare in ancient monsters and classics.

According to modern research.

Ghost dreams are mostly related to hallucinations.

There are countless poisonous plants and hallucinogenic substances on countless planets on the endless voyage. There were ancient people who cooked poisonous mushrooms, fell asleep after eating them, and went to the underworld for a circle.

to the ancients.

Little people are floating around in the sky.

Colorful and colorful can also talk.

It must be a ghost dream.

However, there are only a handful of ghost dreams that cover such a huge area and can be connected with reality. Zheng Yun has never heard of them.

Make inferences from the information available so far.

The ghostly dream in the ruins of Nanze Ancient City has an astonishing range of influence, and people in the dream can communicate and act in the real world as if they were sleepwalking.

There are several other clues.

All the skeletons buried here in Hunumu Camp are wearing silver masks, and the masks can wake up sleepwalkers.

People in the ancient city of Nanze avoid the night time and hang auspicious murals in every corner of the city.

These clues vaguely point to a case.

The ancients in the ancient city of Nanze all knew about ghost dreams, and the auspicious murals and silver masks were the solution.

The effect of the silver mask can be roughly seen.

The material of this mask is a very special silver alloy. The specific composition is unknown, but it is a bit like a 'protective mask'. It is a special magic weapon that can isolate ghost dreams.

But what is the use of auspicious murals?

Those places that do not exist within a thousand miles of the ancient city of Nanze, what help can they provide for sleepwalkers?

Without clarifying these issues, the crisis of the archaeological team in the camp will not be resolved, and it seems useless to rely on the silver mask alone.

The explorer also said this.

Being killed in a dream also results in death.

This ghost dream is not that simple.

Why are you wearing ancient oriental clothes? Who are you? the explorer suddenly asked.

We can protect you. Please calm down and answer my question. What happened to you tonight?

Zheng Yun lowered his head and glanced. He and the ghost general were obviously wearing closed diving suits, so why did they become ancient clothes again?

We have teammates who have been exploring here for a long time and discovered ghost dreams during the exploration. They were still showing off the results a week ago, but something suddenly happened two days ago.

We have to retrieve the data, but all the data was buried in the mud. With the collapse of the explosion, it fell deep into the pit. I am afraid it has fallen into the bottom of the wooden coffin tower.

It is impossible to retrieve this part of the information, so we can only rescue the survivors and obtain the information from the survivors, and these survivors are all trapped in ghost dreams.

People who are trapped in a ghost dream can use masks to wake them up, but they don't really wake up. They may even regard us as monsters and fight for our lives 'before death'.

According to their remaining information, the only way we can rescue them is to enter the ghost dream with them, but we don't know the specific method.

We can only go in first and ask later.

But as soon as we entered, we found that something was wrong. The area around the Ming Dynasty burial pit was full of monsters, and the ghost dreams were different from before, mutated and strange.

None of us can get out.

You can only hide at the bottom of the grave.

The explorer hesitated and spoke quickly.

What are the research results of your teammates? If you still deliberately hide it, none of us can save you.

Zheng Yun said with a serious expression.

The explorer talked for a long time and only explained one thing: why they stayed awake before two o'clock, but finally fell into a ghost dream and could not wake up.

The reason is that they want to save people.

I had to take the initiative to enter the ghost dream.

Apart from this, the explorer didn't say any useful information, but Zheng Yun didn't believe that he knew anything.

Ghost dreams are related to the special magnetic field here. The material of the shadow mask can isolate the magnetic field to a certain extent, but it cannot be completely isolated and will still be affected by the magnetic field.

We don't know exactly what's going on. We only know that this magnetic field can interfere with and distort human consciousness, and even simulate death signals, making the brain think that one is dead.

The human brain is very complex, but it also has structural flaws. When the brain is fooled by special signals into thinking it is dead, we actually die.

Similarly, if the brain thinks that any of our organs is dead, it will make instinctive responses, and these responses may also lead to the death of our hormones.

So once you are haunted by ghost dreams, you must control your consciousness with all your strength. No matter what you encounter in the dream, you cannot think that you are dead. You must persevere.

The explorer finally spoke the truth.

Is this why you have been screaming? Zheng Yun was thoughtful and inserted a question here.

Yes, this is the experience our teammates gave us. Even if we have been killed, we must scream all the time. As long as we can still scream, it means we are not really dead.

But this method can only help us exist temporarily, but it cannot help us get rid of ghost dreams. Our captain said that the only way to break ghost dreams may be consensus.

The explorer nodded and continued speaking.

His mental state was not very good, and his voice trembled every time he spoke, but he was still barely understandable.

Consensus? What do you mean?

Zheng Yun frowned and asked. The moment the explorer said this word, Zheng Yun thought of the auspicious murals ubiquitous throughout the ancient city of Nanze, which was a kind of 'consensus'.

I don't know. We don't know what consensus is, and no one knows what consensus is. This information was sent from the Royal Museum expedition team. They explored another ruins and found some clues.

Those clues are very vague, and the general conclusion is that the more people who enter ghost dreams, and the more people who have the same consensus, the lower the danger of this ghost dream.

According to our analysis, this is still related to the special magnetic field, which may amplify or copy people's brain signals and then infect other people, so when two people are very close, they will appear in the same dream.

Otherwise, I don't know anything else. We are just here to rescue people. We really don't know the specifics.

The explorer struggled to finish the message.

Zheng Yun kneaded his brows and thought carefully. These contents were very complicated and the amount of information needed to be refined.

Whether it is a magnetic field or not is just a guess and opinion about ghost dreams. It may not be accurate, but is a staged research result. It makes no difference if you change any word.

This part can be ignored.

The key is the rules derived from their research.

According to what he meant, the explorers who died have been studying the collapse lake site for at least a week. They may not be able to find out the principle, but the superficial rules must be correct.

So we can roughly draw a conclusion.

Nothing in ghost dreams exists objectively, but is subjective, including the method of killing.

It cannot directly kill people.

As long as you firmly believe that you will not die, you will really not die. This is the way to protect the archaeological team at this stage.

It conforms to the ancient definition of ghost dreams.

All ghost dreams in ancient legends and monsters are actually subjective, and killing people in dreams is also related to thoughts.

This part of the content.

It should be difficult for modern science to explain.

The methods of ancient gods and ghosts still have to be explained and dealt with using ancient methods. The dangerous places of gods and ghosts in the ancient East still have to be found from the information left by the ancestors of the East.

The trouble should end it.

From the current situation, it is not difficult to see that Ming Dynasty is well aware of Nanze Guimeng. He even built a city here to station millions of troops, and has completely brought Guimeng under his control.

To put it bluntly.

The ancients had already controlled ghost dreams.

Ghost dreams or not, special magnetic fields or not, they have long been one of Ming Dynasty’s magic tricks.

And the ancient city of Nanze, with such a huge capital and such a large population, must have left some traces in history.

He must go out as soon as possible and ask the little Taoist priest to search for the ancient books in Tiangong. At the same time, he immediately contacts Ji Dao and asks him to write an Index to the Catalog of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion based on his memory.

At the same time, I have to go to Wuhaixianzhou again.

At that time, all the surviving people in the ancient city of Nanze migrated to Wuhaixianzhou. The most likely place to hide the method of cracking ghost dreams was Wangjing Lake in Wuhaixianzhou.

Go up first and then talk.

Zheng Yun no longer thought about it and asked the ghost general to carry the explorer to the surface from the wooden coffins, and then returned to Li Wu's side first.

What should I say? Is what he said really reliable? Li Wu stretched out his hand at the gap and pulled them up.

Just give it a try.

Zheng Yun climbed up the gap and pulled out the explorer, then looked at him and asked, Where are your other teammates?

have no idea.

The explorers followed the ghost general step by step.

Li Wu, take him back, let the archaeological team inquire in detail, and discuss a temporary feasible solution first. I will continue to look for other survivors here.

Zheng Yun made a decision immediately.

There are a large number of archaeological team members who are awake in the camp, including Zhao Qiufu, who is also paying attention here. There is no doubt about their ability. As long as they get clues, they will find a solution.

They are their own backing.

It gives yourself time to do other things.

Okay, I will bring two to three hundred masks back. Li Wu nodded immediately, grabbed the explorer and headed upstream.

Zheng Yun watched him leave.

Until Li Wu got into the depths of the wooden coffin.

Zheng Yun took off his backpack and took out the black jade pillow.

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