Endless route

Chapter 328 99 Loyalists in the City?

Chapter 328 99. The whole city is loyal?

After listening to Zheng Yun's words, Ji Dao frowned and scratched his scalp. He stared at the wooden coffin and the surrounding environment and pondered for a long time. He devoted himself to the puzzle and tried to find the answer.

This underground palace is very special.

After they came down from the underground cave, they were surrounded by wooden beams in all directions. Originally, this underground palace should have been very empty and vast, but now it was as complicated as a maze.

At this moment, they were standing in a corner. Their sight was blocked and they could not see the whole underground palace. They could only look forward. However, such a small area could provide very little information.

The light is quite sufficient.

Each of the two hundred Yin soldiers has a lantern, which shines brightly on the crisscrossing wooden beams. They can see into the distance through the gaps in the wooden beams, but there are evil creatures from the Yin soldiers in every corner.

How to observe this?

Ji Dao could only look closer.

The floor tiles in the underground palace are made of a very special material, a relatively large stone that feels warm and cool to the touch, while the wooden coffins are made of special wood.

What on earth is this place used for?

Thinking of this, Ji Dao reached out and patted the wall, turned around and drew out his long sword, scraped the wall with the tip of the sword a few times, picked up a stream of powder, and ground it on his fingertips with the help of the lantern light.

Looking at his wrinkled expression, you can tell that he is racking his brains at the moment and his brain is working rapidly.

Research and tinker.

A puff of white smoke came out of his head.


Zheng Yun saw this scene with his peripheral vision and immediately fell silent because he didn't know what the white smoke was about. Maybe Ji Dao's brain was heating up?

In reality they are sleepwalking in the water, and if there is enough heat, the water flow will change slightly.

Since the silt in reality can be transformed into a vague black smoke in Qili's dream, then this kind of very subtle changes in water flow can also be displayed?

But the next moment.

The situation changes suddenly.

Because the white smoke dispersed more and more, a human figure actually formed in a short time, floating behind Ji Dao.

No, that's an evil thing!

Jidao, behind you!

Zheng Yun's heart skipped a beat and he quickly reminded him. At the same time, he quickly ordered the Yin soldiers and ghost generals to change direction, raise all kinds of weapons in their hands and aim them behind Ji Dao, ready to kill at any time.


Ji Dao was stunned for a moment and looked back, only to see an illusory white shadow condense into reality in an instant, and quickly rushed towards him, directly covering his face.

Jidao, how can I help you?

Zheng Yun asked quickly with a serious face.

From his perspective, Ji Dao's entire upper body was covered in white shadows, as if a demon suddenly attacked, holding Ji Dao's head and eating his three souls and seven souls.

Never act arbitrarily at this moment.

All methods of gods and ghosts have a mutual restraint relationship. The method of suppressing demons cannot be used to suppress ghosts. If you accidentally use it wrongly, you may make matters worse and accidentally hurt Ji Dao.

But among everyone present, no one except Ji Dao knew what this white shadow was.

Because there are only two of them alive in the field, once Ji Dao is attacked, he has countless magical means at his disposal, but he doesn't know how to help him to help him escape Bai Ying alive.

The ghost general may know him.

But the ghost will be speechless.

Master Immortal, I didn't see clearly, what is this? Ji Dao's voice sounded from the white shadow, his voice was muffled and a little blurry, as if his throat was filled with something.

A puff of white smoke condenses out of thin air from behind your head, and then turns into a white figure, holding your head and chewing on it.

Zheng Yun spoke extremely fast, using the most concise and clear words to clearly explain the entire process he saw.

He was really anxious.

As I said just now, there is probably some kind of fatal danger hidden in this strange dream. It was a disaster that the Hunumu camp had not solved back then. At this moment, Jidao was suddenly attacked.

Who knows if this is true or not?

Most of the evil objects in Qili's strange dreams were phantoms out of thin air, but quite a few were based on reality, and they couldn't tell in the dream whether the white shadow had any substance or not.

In case there is an entity.

That Ji Dao is really dangerous.

Master Xian, don't be anxious. I understand. I'll give it a try first. Jidao slowed down his tone and responded immediately. At the same time, he was able to find time to comfort Zheng Yun.

Hear this.

Zheng Yun felt a little at ease and stared at Ji Dao with all his attention. As long as he made a request, he would immediately do it.

But Ji Dao didn't say a word. Instead, he raised his hands and slapped himself hard on the back of the head.



A large white mist dispersed.

As if dust was flying, Ji Dao actually shook the white shadow out with his hands and spread it over everyone's heads.


Ji Dao waved his sleeves.

I don't know what method he used, but the white mist scattered in all directions and dispersed the figure.

What kind of evil thing is this?

Zheng Yun took two steps back to avoid the white mist.

This seems to be gray in reality, Master Xian, look behind me. Ji Dao turned around and pointed at his head.

Zheng Yun looked immediately and saw a small hole in the wall behind Jidao. It seemed that Jidao had used brute force to pierce the wall with his sword.

White mist is flowing from this hole.

Like agarwood in ancient times, and like a miniature waterfall, a steady stream of white smoke flows out of the hole.


Zheng Yun was silent again.

This strange dream is really pervasive.

Environmental changes in reality are fed back into Qili's dreams, which will produce this strange phenomenon. It is obviously just a puff of brick dust, but it can transform into a human figure in the dream.

Master Immortal, I don't know what is behind this wall, but I feel like it is empty inside. Ji Dao inserted the long sword in his hand back into the small hole, and the entire three-foot length was submerged in it.

Someone, open the wall.

Zheng Yun immediately ordered his troops to call in dozens of Yin soldiers to help Jidao dig the wall behind him.

He could also immediately see that this wall was far from being as hard as he imagined, and was even on the soft side.

As a supervisor and thief.

What they don't lack most is labor.

There are two hundred Yin soldiers here at the moment. This is just a wall. It won't take long for them to dig through it.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of Yin soldiers walked up to the wall carrying tools. Regardless of whether they had knives or axes in their hands, all the Yin soldiers who had iron weapons in their hands smashed them against the wall.

But that's the reality.

It's completely different in Qiliguimeng.

The knives and axes in the hands of these Yin soldiers have long been transformed into magical means. When they dug into the wall, they also used their magical means at the same time.

As a result, the scene was chaotic.

All kinds of spells are bombarded in turn, dazzling means of light and shadow are frequently used, and the Yin soldiers transformed into virtuous masters, powerful ministers of feudal lords, and monstrous villains are smashing the wall.

Master Immortal, can you hear it vaguely? The back here must be empty, and the area is very huge.

Jidao listened carefully with his ears raised. When the Yin soldiers were cutting into the wall, he could hear the echo coming from the wall.

Be careful.

Notify me immediately if you find anything.

Zheng Yun had no time to be distracted. He had to deal with the evil objects in the field all the time, so he could only leave the heavy responsibility of analysis and reasoning to Ji Dao and let Ji Dao try to solve the mystery of this place.


Ji Dao nodded and looked at the wooden coffin.

Just now, Master Xian sent a Yin soldier to lie down, but until now, the Yin soldier had not changed much.

Master Immortal, if there is really a problem with Qili Weimeng itself, then it should be a problem in the dream. Could it be that Huzuma Camp entered this place to kill the evil things in the dream?

Then what is this evil thing? So many people need to die to deal with it? But why do they have to die in this case? You have to die to deal with an evil thing?

Could it be that Triton accidentally got out of his element? He created a loophole in Qili Meng and had to come in to fix it?

I think the possibility is low. This ghost relic was built by the ancients, and Qili Weimeng is also from Nanze. How could there be a problem with the ghost method built by Haiwei himself?

Ji Dao muttered and kept thinking.

He still couldn't figure it out. Why did Nanze Ancient City send Hunumu Camp to die there?

The key is this death.

Apart from the tragedy in Jiu Shanzhou, Ji Dao could not think of a second situation that required death to deal with it.

They can't get out unless they get in.

For example, if the Qili Dream is broken and has structural damage, the person who enters the dream will be unable to escape for life. Once he enters the ghost dream, he will be in the dream for the rest of his life and will never go back.

This guess is actually quite reasonable. If this happens, we can only ask a group of people to come in and repair it.

Ke Jidao didn't believe it.

How could Triton make such a mistake? If you have not thoroughly mastered the magical methods, why should they be used on a large scale? This is completely inconsistent with Haiwei Supervisor Xiansi's usual cautious style.

Perhaps he is going into battle to kill the enemy.

Zheng Yun interjected when he was dispatching the Yin soldiers.

He had previously guessed that Qili Wei Meng was the town magic of the ancient city of Nanze. The ghost and ghost barracks in Nanze would spread ghost dreams when they went into battle to kill the enemy, and fight the opponent in their dreams.

This speculation has a complete chain of evidence, from the origin of Qili Wei Meng's unsolved case of the vassal king, to the military households in the ancient city of Nanze, to the history of the city's auspiciousness and Wuhaixianzhou.

Not necessarily right.

But it is complete.

The possibility is also very high.

It makes sense. Huzuma Camp is the Nanze Military Camp. It is their natural responsibility to step on the battlefield. If there is any problem with Qili Guimeng, it is not their turn to solve it.

But Master Xian, this is also wrong. If the purpose of Hunumu Camp coming here is to kill the enemy, then why bother to die? And what's the use of just tens of thousands of people?

Ji Dao is still puzzled.

What the immortal said was very reasonable, and his speculation was completely rejected in one sentence, because the rules and regulations in ancient times were very strict, and everyone performing their duties was definitely not just an empty talk.

Their identity determines their mission.

If there is a problem with Qili's dream, it is a problem related to gods and ghosts. It should be left to various experts, or the designer of Qili's dream, or the special secretary of the Immortal Supervision Department to solve it.

But the population of Nanze Ancient City in ancient times was at least several hundred thousand. If there was an unresolvable war, why not send a large army to attack, or ask the Supervisor?

In a large-scale war, tens of thousands of people would have no effect, and small-scale but extremely difficult to handle unsolved cases of gods and ghosts should be reported to the Supervisory Immortal Division for resolution.

How do you know there are only a few thousand?

Zheng Yun looked at Ji Dao again and asked.

Because of the number of souls in the soul tower and the wooden coffins here... No, that's not all!

Jidao suddenly reacted, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He looked at Zheng Yun and suddenly realized: Sure enough, Master Xian is still smart. Who said that's all!

We were exploring the ruins of Nanze Ancient City before and groping through the mud. We couldn't see anything but mud. We just accidentally found a spiritual throne tower.

After that, we continued to drill in the mud, and our eyesight was completely blurred. We could only move forward according to the drawings, and we had no idea whether other buildings along the way had also changed.

Because we have never been inside! Even if we touch the surface of the building with our hands, we can only see a palm-sized part of the surface. It is difficult to know the full picture of the building from a peek.

So we don't even know how many spiritual throne towers there are in the entire Nanze Commander's residence!


Zheng Yun nodded.

He actually didn't expect this just now. While talking with Jidao, he suddenly realized that they just saw a spiritual throne tower, which didn't mean there was only one in the mansion.

The fact that they were able to accurately drill into a spiritual tower during one exploration is very telling.

Zheng Yun asked himself that he was not a lucky person. He had never won a prize when buying lottery tickets. Ji Dao was even more of a lone star. He spent the first half of his life fighting wits and courage with strange birds in the heavenly palace.

Neither of them had much luck, so how could they find such a key clue at once?

I'm afraid there is only one answer.

That is, in the commander's residence in Nanze Ancient City, there is not just one spiritual throne tower, but there are spiritual throne towers everywhere.

Even the entire backyard of the mansion is full of them.

There are so many spiritual throne towers that they don't need to rely on luck at all. As long as they can get into the backyard, they have a high probability of encountering them.

And Master Xian, we also don't know how many wooden coffins there are in this underground palace, because this matter depends on the size of the underground palace, but we don't know.

If the area of ​​this underground palace is so large that it is beyond imagination, and it is filled with wooden coffins, then the number of generals from Hunumu camp who died here is not tens of thousands, but...

Jidao's body trembled slightly and his expression changed.


Zheng Yun's expression also changed slightly.

If we continue to reason according to this statement, then what happened here will be huge.

If we look at the bigger picture, this may be a decisive battle related to the survival of the ancient city of Nanze. All previous reasoning must be updated, especially the period of reviewing ancient times.

The ancient city of Nanze encountered disaster.

The commander decided to send the generals of Hunumu Battalion to fight and build a spiritual tower for them in advance, but the number was not a few thousand, but an uncountable hundred thousand or even the entire city.

All military households in the ancient city of Nanze.

The previous statement obtained in Wuhaixianzhou also proves this. In addition to women, children, old and young people, all the young and middle-aged people in Nanze Ancient City are soldiers, and the number is at least 100,000.

An army of this size is worthy of Qili Guimeng's overwhelming force. The reason why Qili Guimeng covers a hundred miles around the ancient city of Nanze is probably because of this incident.

There was a disaster first.

Only then can Qili and strange dreams cover the whole city.

Ji Dao has also said before that the Immortal Supervisor is very cautious and generally does not place the methods of gods and ghosts around the city, but keeps them away from the human world to prevent the gods and ghosts from getting out of control and endangering mortals.

Then why does Qili Guimeng cover the whole city?

I'm afraid the real reason is that the battlefield is around Nanze Ancient City, and the enemy has even reached the city. Nanze Ancient City has no choice but to resort to terrifying and desperate measures to resist.

Qili Guimeng Town is hundreds of miles away.

The heroic tiger marsh swore to die.

This battle may not be won, and the whole army may even be annihilated, so there are those spiritual throne towers.

There was something I couldn't understand before.

The Spiritual Throne Pagoda can be called the highest loyalty medal of the Ming Dynasty military camp. It is difficult to think of a higher-level award than the Spiritual Throne Pagoda, and it is also difficult to imagine what achievements Huzuma Camp has made.

I understand now.

The life-and-death counterattack that took place in the battle to defend the city was worthy of such a level of reward. If all the Hunumu camp were loyal, then the honor of building a spiritual throne tower would be well-deserved.

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