Endless route

Chapter 332 102 Lake in the mountains, moon above the head

Chapter 332 102. Lake in the mountains, moon above the head

There was little moonlight in the valley late at night. Zheng Yun and Ji Daozhen were floating on the lake. The slightly chilly lake water soaked their bodies, and the sound of water splashing came one after another in their ears.

A steady stream of ancient gods and ghosts appeared around them out of thin air, still maintaining their appearance in Qili's strange dream, and falling into the clear lake with their tools of gods and ghosts in hand.

This lake is quite large.

Zheng Yun could not identify the direction of this place, but he could see several rivers stretching here from far behind him. After converging into the lake, they flowed towards the Ming Dynasty military camp where the flames were blazing.

Look back behind you.

In the mountains shrouded in the vast night, hazy white corpses are dotted everywhere, hanging on dead trees, sharp rocks, and vines, swaying left and right with the night wind.

They had observed at close range before that the corpses only had white obscene clothes on them, and they might all be soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

This place is not right either.

No matter what the situation is here, this scene alone is extremely weird. Someone in these mountains dares to provoke the Ming military camp like this. I really don’t know what they are.

Less than a moment.

Twenty or thirty Yin soldiers appeared out of thin air. They were all submerged in the mud in reality, holding magic weapons to guard the surroundings.

The original intention of Zheng Yun's move was to guard against the evil things that appeared in Qili's dream, but until this moment, the surroundings of the lake were quiet and silent, and no evil things appeared out of thin air.

There was no movement in my ears.

The beacon fire in the distance is like the background.

But everything within the field of vision is extremely real. Whether it is vision, hearing or even touch, they are all lifelike and flawless, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false as if they are in reality.

Zheng Yun looked down in a daze.

If no one had mentioned it, he would have thought that he and others had passed through the Immortal Gate and crossed the galaxy to reach somewhere along the route.

Because all these are in line with the characteristics of Xianmen.

There was a faint mist covering all directions on the lake. I and others appeared on the lake. It was the same as crossing the Immortal Sect that I had experienced countless times before. This is the characteristic of the Sea of ​​Mist.

But there is no fairy gate under your feet.

At least Zheng Yun didn't see it.

This strange dream of an ancient battlefield is completely imaginary of reality. Except for the slight connection between this lake and the mud in reality, there is no object similar to reality.

Master Immortal, there seems to be some voices in the distance.

Jidao looked around curiously, suddenly heard some noises, and stared straight in the direction of the Ming army camp.

Now is not the time to observe these. Let's stay vigilant and try to get out of this place.

Zheng Yun shook his head and said nothing. At this moment, their bodies in reality were still soaked in the mud, the passage was collapsing, and there were creatures deep in the mud that could attack at any time.

The situation is very pessimistic.

If you are not careful, something will happen in real life.

The best option is to learn how to get in and out of this place first, and make sure you can leave safely before exploring.

But how are we going to get out?

Ji Dao glanced down. They came in by drilling into the mud, but now there was no mud to drill through.

It should be going up.

Zheng Yun struggled to get up.

In reality, he was bent over and buried in the mud at the moment. According to normal principles, he could escape as long as he stood up.

But the situation was unexpected.

Zheng Yun jumped up with all his strength, and with the help of the buoyancy brought by swimming, his entire upper body was lifted out of the lake. However, he only saw water splashing everywhere, but he was still soaked in the lake.

Something is wrong.

He tried again several times.

No matter what method he uses, he can't return to reality. It's like falling into a deep sleep and unable to get up again.

After trying, Zheng Yun's expression gradually became serious. He could not judge his physical condition in reality. Originally, he was sleepwalking, but now he seemed to be unable to move.

There have been signs of this before.

In the corridor at the top of the ruins, they once saw a window overlooking the ancient battlefield. He and Ji Dao also leaned out of the window and looked up at the scene on the mountain.

But it's just a wall.

There was no way they could lean out the window.

They were probably standing in front of the wall at that time, their bodies in reality pressed against each other motionless. The so-called leaning out of the window and the scenes outside the window were all hallucinations, made up out of thin air by dreams.

It may be the same now.

After he, Ji Dao and others entered the strange dream of the ancient battlefield, their bodies in reality fell into a deep sleep, their minds were completely destroyed, and they were able to walk everywhere even if they stayed still.

At the same time, he cannot leave voluntarily.

Because they have fallen into a deep sleep, they have lost control of their bodies and cannot escape from the sludge.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yun quickly raised his head and pointed his finger in the air, giving orders to the ghost generals who had not yet entered the ghost dream of the ancient battlefield, and tried to pull the rope directly to pull himself out.

This game is almost unsolvable.

It is difficult for the person in the dream to save himself.

Guixi is the only hope to break the situation. If the people outside the dream can hear his command and rescue their own people outside the dream, maybe they will have a chance to leave this place.

But Zheng Yun didn't know whether he could still give orders to the ghost general outside his dream in this state.

Master Xian, the sound is getting louder and louder. There seems to be the sound of horse hooves? Ji Dao still stared into the distance and observed.

The bright white moon above the head fell into the woods. Among the messy plants, a mountain path could be vaguely seen leading to the front, and the sound came along the path.

Someone seems to be coming from ahead.

Maybe it's the Ming army.

But this is not necessarily a good thing. In this strange dream of an ancient battlefield, everything may be unexpected. No one knows what will happen next.

Zheng Yun just glanced at the road ahead, then quietly looked at the night sky above his head, waiting for a response from the ghost general.


Suddenly there was a sound of water.

Ji Dao looked down at the first moment. At first he didn't see clearly what the source of the sound was. After carefully searching around under him, he suddenly said with a surprised expression:

Master Immortal, the tentacles have also come in.

Tentacle? Zheng Yun immediately lowered his head and looked in the direction of the street's fingers. Sure enough, there was a hazy black shadow in the depths of the lake, floating below them.

Observing the outline of its body across the dim lake water, it doesn't look like the tentacles I saw just now, but it is roughly the same. It may be that it was also transformed in the strange dream of the ancient battlefield.

But it is basically certain that this thing is 90% likely to be the culprit that swept away the two Yin soldiers just now in reality.

How did it get in?

Ji Dao pulled out his long sword and asked in surprise.

Maybe it was always in a dream, or maybe it wasn't in a dream at all. We can't tell.

Zheng Yun shook his head.

The Yin soldiers around them are also outside their dreams, but they can also appear in strange dreams on the ancient battlefield. In this case, it is impossible to distinguish, and they can only be more vigilant and keep an eye out.

Because this tentacle is very aggressive.

Once one of your own is caught by it, it will immediately be dragged deep into the mud, making it difficult to find a way out.

Master Immortal, I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Originally we couldn't see it at all, but now that the mud has turned into lake water, we can see it clearly.

Ji Dao followed the shadow with his eyes.

They couldn't see how deep the lake was. They only knew that the tentacles were about a hundred meters away from them, which was consistent with their positional relationship with the tentacles in reality.


Zheng Yun vaguely discovered something.

The Ancient Battlefield Dream seems to have an unusual feature. The field of vision here is extremely vast, and at the same time it is not affected by reality. From the mountain, you can see hundreds of miles in radius.

Maybe the ancients did it deliberately.

Everything here is the same as Ji Dao said. It is a routine made by the ancients, but it is not clear what its purpose is.

Magic is indeed like this.

As the pinnacle of wisdom of the ancients, the sophistication of immortal magic is beyond imagination, and the methods of using it are also various and strange. No one can imagine what the ancients did with strange dreams.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound.

Zheng Yun felt that his body was suddenly suspended in the air, and an upward force pulled him directly out of the lake. He was like an immortal in a fairy tale, jumping into the air from the water.

at the same time.

Noriichi also took off on the spot.


The scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The field of vision suddenly shrunk, the light suddenly dimmed, and the darkness in front of him was pitch black, but this darkness had uneven textures, and there was a glimmer of light in the thin parts.

Back again.

Zheng Yun stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes and wipe away the mud in front of his eyes, but saw that he and Ji Dao were deep in the mud. On the break of the passage far above his head, the ghost general was holding a lantern and looking down at him.

Their smiles are always weird.

It looks eerie.

Master Immortal, Master Ghost pulled us out? Jidao said in a daze as he hung head down in mid-air.

Yes, but the circumstances are unknown.

Zheng Yun felt a little at ease. Since they could freely enter and exit the ghost dream of the ancient battlefield through this method, it would create safe conditions for their exploration and prevent them from having no way out.

But he still couldn't tell.

Was Oni General pulling the rope because of the order he had just given, or simply because Oni General saw himself and Ji Dao being submerged and took the initiative to help.

It would be better if it was the former, but the suspicion of the latter cannot be ruled out, because the ghost general can do this.

He was buried in the mud, how could the ghost general watch indifferently? They must be rescued.

The collapse seems to have stopped. Master Xian, what should we do now? Ji Dao looked around and asked quickly.

The shock caused by the explosion was only momentary, and the collapse of the passage could not last for long. Although the scene was in a mess at this moment, the momentum of the collapse had gradually stabilized.

The passage, which already had a fracture, collapsed for about a hundred meters, with broken bricks and large walls everywhere. The remains of the passage sank into the mud at a 40-degree angle and became slow.

They are currently in the middle of the passage.

Climbing forward along the remains of the pouring channel, you can reach the safe place where the ghost general is. The channel there has only sunk more than ten degrees, and the overall situation remains safe and stable.

It hasn't completely stopped yet. Let's go up first. Zheng Yun raised his hand and asked the ghost general to pull him up completely.

The mud has no solid bottom and will eventually sink. Even if you want to explore the ancient battlefield, this place is not a good choice because the environment is not stable enough.

Ji Dao nodded.

The two of them pulled the rope and climbed up. After stepping onto the break, they turned back and began to rescue the two hundred Yin soldiers in the mud.

Most of the Yin soldiers are holding on to the rope tightly. At this moment, they only need to pull up to pull them from the mud back to the unbroken channel, and wash away the mud from their bodies in the water.

This place is really strange. It's like a sea of ​​silt deep in the silt, but there's nothing in the middle.

Ji Dao stood at the edge of the fracture, holding on to the broken brick wall and looking outside. He saw that the surface of the mud outside had just exceeded the calf distance of the channel, and the rest of the place was empty.

It's not completely empty.

The empty space is actually water.

It's like there is a lake deep in the mud, with a layer of water flow one meter high accumulated in the interlayer.

It should be an underground river, or there may be some rock formations. The ancients used some method to build passages in the underground river space. Zheng Yun quickly came to a conclusion.

The depths of the swamp ecological mud are not all very wet mud. After reaching this depth, there are likely to be some special rock formations that create many open areas.

After some time.

Most of the Yin soldiers were rescued and brought ashore.

A dozen of the two hundred Yin soldiers were lost and fell into the depths of the mud. Even with the use of survival devices, it was difficult to rescue them. Zheng Yun had no other choice but to give up and let them sleep here forever.

Exploration is inherently dangerous.

Zheng Yun has not experienced the death of his teammates since he came out of the mountain, but starting from the black brothers in La Maine Town, people will die every time he explores, so it is good to be able to replace them with Yin soldiers.

Master Immortal, go down and have a look again? I just heard some noise and walked towards the lake. I don't know if there will be anything after I go in again. If I meet the ancient people in the dream, I can ask about the situation.

Ji Dao squatted next to the break and looked down.

Let's find a good place. Things here are almost over. Zheng Yun nodded in agreement.

After searching for a while, they found a location that was perfect for exploring without worrying about being disturbed by reality.

Zheng Yun issued an order to the ghost generals, asking them to pull themselves or Ji Dao up from the mud every moment to prevent them from being in trouble and unable to come out, and then set off again with Ji Dao.

The two of them sneaked into the mud with dozens of Yin soldiers.

In the imperceptible transformation of Qili Guimeng, the picture in front of them transformed extremely smoothly, as if they had just blinked and returned to the lake.

The night breeze is blowing.

Dusk is hazy.

The lake was deathly silent, the fire was soaring in front, and the mountains behind were strange. Everything was the same as before.

The sound is still there, let's go out for a walk?

Jidao listened attentively the moment after he appeared, and then looked at Zheng Yun and dozens of ancient gods and ghosts around him.

Their lineup is luxurious.

Dozens of ancient gods and ghosts were all at the Immortal level, and the worst were all the Eight Kings of the Demon Suppression Division. Almost all the elites were taken away by them, leaving no one for the ghost generals in the passage.

Because they don't need it either.

They were outside the dream, they didn't even know what was in the dream, and Qili Wei Meng couldn't do anything to them.

And there are dozens of demon-suppressing chiefs, plus dozens of magical arts. Although they only have a mere forty or fifty people, their combat effectiveness is extremely frightening, no less than that of the Ming Dynasty military camp.

These ancient gods and ghosts are the evil leaders of all eras, and their methods are also very destructive.

Any magic shot.

It can kill an enemy city in an instant.

Follow the sound and move forward. Zheng Yun ordered, and everyone swam towards the lake, but the speed was faster than reality.

Because they don't have to be limited by reality, the various methods of the ancient gods and ghosts can be used at will. Simple swimming is a piece of cake for them, and there are even ways to speed up.

Just one landing.

Zheng Yun saw that several of his Yin soldiers used secret techniques, and one even flew directly to the shore of the lake.

I really don’t know if it’s good or bad.

The good news is that the abilities of these gods and ghosts are completely released, and there are no longer any restrictions. As long as Ji Dao's imagination is strong enough, they can even become immortals on the spot.

The bad news is that Zheng Yun doesn't know whether evil objects will appear in the dreams of the ancient battlefield, whether those evil objects are more terrifying, and what the core of the dreams is.

I wish you all a happy new year, family reunion, and immortality for at least a hundred years.

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