Endless route

Chapter 370 10 Ancient Rivers and Lighthouses

Chapter 370 10. Ancient rivers and lighthouses

The drone took off from the deck of the assault boat. The tropical rainforest environment was complex. Even the most advanced shuttles and pilots did not dare to penetrate the interior of the rainforest with thick vines.

So Xiao Hu operated the drone to climb upwards, flew above the empty rain forest, flew through the rain forest canopy at full speed, and headed straight to the end of the route map provided by Zheng Yun.

The archaeological team's drone is very advanced and equipped with a variety of detection equipment. It can also hover over the destination, lower the rope and small camera, and explore the interior of the rainforest.

The control screen is placed in the cabin.

Zheng Yun and others were staring at the screen all the time. The dense detection data and various detection images were dazzling.

"What does this part of the thermal imaging mean? A long, narrow strip of low temperature, with a river hidden in the rainforest below?"

Hu Ruihua pointed at the screen and suddenly asked.

The detection results of the thermal imaging detector show that there is a narrow area with lower temperature deep in the tropical rain forest. Judging from the temperature area and shape, it is likely to be a river.

"can not see it."

Huzi held the binoculars and looked in the actual direction of the cold-colored area, but the river bank was an airtight rainforest, and he could not see the river entering the rainforest, nor could he see the outlet.

"This result can only be caused by the river. It's normal that you can't see it. Only rivers that are completely blocked by rainforests, preventing sunlight from penetrating, will have lower temperatures."

Xiao Hu glanced at the thermal imaging and nodded.

The rescue team has been exposed to this type of detection equipment all year round. Although they have never used such expensive ones, it is not difficult to get started.

"It's completely blocked by the rainforest, but this is quite strange. If there is a river in front of us, it should intersect with the river below us. At least we can see the fluctuation of the water flow."

Hu Ruihua also picked up the telescope and scanned around.

The river bank was right in front of them, but no water flow could be seen upstream and downstream for several hundred meters, which was inconsistent with the thermal imaging detection results.

The two rivers are horizontal and vertical, only a few dozen meters apart, but they do not connect with each other, and there is no interaction of water flows. They seem to have no connection with each other. This is obviously abnormal.

"This is stagnant water. I have seen this happen before. Living water rivers cannot have such a big temperature difference with the surrounding environment. This area is stagnant water and is probably a lake."

Liu Ming opened his mouth to supplement. During this period, he and Professor Zhang were exploring around and had seen many such detection results.

"That's not right. Look at this cold-colored area. It's dozens of meters wide and one kilometer long. It's a straight line. How could it be a natural lake?"

"How can any lake grow like this? This thing looks like a river dug out by someone. Maybe it was dug by ancient people!"

Huzi was startled and said again.

"You shoot the arrow first and then draw the target. You have the answer first and then look for clues. In fact, there are many straight and narrow lakes like this. I have seen at least dozens of them during this time."

"The formation of Yizi Lake is affected by nature and is related to the seasonal changes in swamps. It is common in areas where there are gaps and underground rivers deep underground. It is caused by ground collapse."

"However, there is indeed a problem with the one-word lake in front of us. It points directly to the end of the map and is most likely man-made."

Liu Ming touched his chin and explained the cause. The process was scientific, but the final conclusion was still the same. Because the lake pointed directly at the end of the route map, there was something wrong with it.

The place targeted by Zheng Yun.

There can be no natural landscape.

Since Zheng Yun is going deep, there must be ghosts in this lake. Liu Ming and others have known this for a long time, and they must master it skillfully before they can cooperate with Zheng Yun.

"Is it an ancient canal or an ancient dock?"

Song Wan turned her head and looked at Zheng Yun beside her. The length and width were very much like a closed ancient river.


Zheng Yun nodded and agreed with Song Wan's guess.

The river below has a stable environment and is very suitable for use as a canal. Then there are likely to be river channels on both sides of the canal, which can be used to stop boats or go to the depths.

In fact, he was also looking for clues with the answers.

Wherever the adoptive father has been, there must be ruins of ancient buildings and something left by the Ming Dynasty Sea Guards. This is 100% certain, because the adoptive father cannot come and wander around.

And so did the ancients.

Since there must be Triton ruins here, it means that Triton has been to this place, and it is reasonable to dig rivers to open roads, so the one-word lake in front must be an ancient river.

"It's really hidden deep enough. From the sky above the rain forest, you can only see a gap. The river is also full of trees."

Liu Ming turned his head and looked at the real-time screen.

The drone is over the ancient river, but the camera cannot see the river. It is just that the swamp plants in this area are lower and sparser than in other areas.

If you look carefully you can't see the river channel.

Completely blocked by tropical trees.

"Then we have to hurry up. If we are discovered by Western explorers in a few days, it will be unclean again."

Huzi said anxiously.

"Haha, it's not that simple. Next time I go on a mission with Professor Zhang, let me try to control the drone. If there is no map, you won't be able to find it even after half a month of searching."

Liu Ming smiled and shook his head.

"We've reached the end. I'll go down and have a look." Xiao Hu said while holding the operator, and the drone descended towards the rainforest.

Zheng Yun turned his head and looked at the electronic map. The drone's current position completely coincided with the end point of the route map. As long as he got into the rainforest, he could see the end point remotely.

Everything went very smoothly.

Because Zheng Yun worked hard behind the scenes.

There was no reference in the tropical rainforest. He took his adoptive father's road map and compared it with the aerial photos taken by the archaeological team. He could only compare river by river, and it took him two days to find it.

Fortunately, my adoptive father's road map was taken the year before last. Unlike the 'weather map from twenty years ago', the river had not changed its course, otherwise I would not be able to find it even if I came ten days later.

"what is that?"

Song Wan pointed to the corner of the screen.

Before the camera had completely penetrated into the rainforest, Song Wan discovered an abnormal area. Between two trees, there was a tall, dark, bamboo shoot-like thing poking out of the water.

"Just in that direction."

Zheng Yun asked Xiao Hu to go deeper.

As the picture continued to zoom in, the pitch-black stalagmite became clearer and clearer. It was only about one meter tall and looked like some kind of 'shoot-like plant' unique to swamp ecology.

But it shouldn't be a plant.

Because the water surface around the stalagmites only has algae, and there are no large trees within a radius of more than ten meters, a vacuum period is formed above the river, just enough for drones to penetrate.

Unless the stalagmite is poisonous, it will poison all surrounding plants, but if it is really poisonous, the algae plants will also die.

"There are several more around."

Song Wan pointed out several places in succession.

Surrounding the tallest stalagmite, there are several smaller stalagmites arranged according to certain rules.

Those stalagmites are really inconspicuous, dark and small, stuck in the water, just like the small bamboo shoots next to the big bamboo.

"You have such good eyesight."

Zheng Yun nodded and praised, and then said to Xiao Hu: "Find a way to drill down and look at the side of the stalagmite."

The drone descended slowly, and under Xiao Hu's careful operation, it narrowly avoided obstacles and penetrated into the depths.

There is a lack of light sources deep in the rainforest.

It was dark and gloomy all around.

When the drone descended to the height of the stalagmites, a few slight noises came from the nearby rainforest. It was unclear whether some swamp animals were fleeing in panic, or something strange was hiding in the dark.

Haloxylon ammodendron.

Haloxylon ammodendron.

The sound comes from the screen.

Xiao Hu immediately asked the drone to look around, trying to use the detector on the drone to find the source of the sound.

In addition to thermal imagers, drones are also equipped with infrared sound wave sensors and motion capture devices. In addition, there are also various equipment such as multi-functional small radars and intelligent optical adjustments.

It can almost be said that this most advanced scientific research drone can see everything that humans can see, and it can also detect some details that humans cannot touch at all.

But I scanned around and found nothing.

The drone does not lock on the sound source location.

"It's okay, continue to follow Zheng Yun's instructions, and don't worry about anything else." Liu Ming asked Xiao Hu to continue.

One drone doesn't matter. They are one kilometer away from the finish line. If something goes wrong, they will lose one drone. This time they brought four drones of the same model.

"Okay." Xiao Hu nodded.

Zheng Yun stared at the screen in a daze. For the contemporary supervisory department, the benefits that modern technology can bring are endless, especially the most advanced technology such as drones.

Although there are many places that drones cannot go to.

Although the drones used by the archaeological team are extremely expensive, and some of the high-precision equipment are subject to official control, ordinary people who want to buy them have no way to buy them.

But drones are still awesome.

This is a drone used for exploration and scientific research. If we can get a real military drone, even one can monitor a large area and attack the ground.

Similar to Crane but has wider applicability.

The main reason is that it is not afraid of death like the Yin soldiers. If it breaks, it will break. It is nothing more than spending some money to buy another one.

If the contemporary Supervisory Immortal Division could build tens of thousands of drones, it would be like adding another magical technique. How effective it can be depends only on financial resources and driving skills.

Report damage to all four drones.

You can't buy this kind of drone, you can only get it from the archaeological team. The four in front of you will definitely not be returned.

I'll get a good baby for Xu Yu later and owe two more favors. Let's keep these four drones. Xu Yu probably won't refuse and will just dig some holes for himself with a smile.

"I saw it, but what is it?"

Xiao Hu raised the screen brightness and asked.

A side view of a dark stalagmite appeared on the screen. Unexpectedly, the side of the stalagmite was very strange. It was hollow, and there was something inside the hollow.

"Damn it, it's like this. It's carved so finely. Is it made of iron? It's not a lightning rod on the roof, right?"

Huzi leaned up to the screen and took a closer look. There was no hollow in the top view. No one expected that this slender stalagmite was hollow.

"The ancient lightning rods looked like this? But will there be thunder in the swamp ecosystem? Brother Liu, will there be thunder in this place?"

Xiao Hu looked at Liu Ming with suspicion.

"I really don't know if there will be thunder or not, but there hasn't been any in recent times, and the archaeological team has no relevant data, so it should be no thunder, otherwise we will remind you."

Liu Ming thought for a moment and gave the answer.

Thunder in the rainforest is a high-risk situation. If there is a thunderstorm in this area, the archaeological team will definitely publish the data in advance, or write this situation into the emergency safety book.

Safety booklets are issued in advance.

Given the professionalism of the archaeological team, anything that is not written in the brochure is not there, and there can be no exceptions.

"Then what is this thing? It can't be a chimney, right? It's so messy it's really hard to see clearly."

Huzi frowned and thought carefully.

"This should be a navigation light in an ancient port, used to guide ships sailing at night." Zheng Yun opened his mouth and gave the answer.

"It seems to be true."

Liu Ming reacted instantly.

"It's available in Fuen City."

Zheng Yun added softly.

Everyone present was from Fuen City, and Fuen City was formerly the Xian'en Ancient Port. In the ruins and scenic spots on the seaside of Fuen City, there are similar ancient navigation beacons that have been kept intact.

His adoptive father took him and Jiang Meng there before.

Now that I think about it carefully, my adoptive father actually taught me that I should memorize all these beacon lights, including those of different eras and standards.

At that time, my adoptive father said that beacon lights can guide people in the dark and confusion. His favorite ancient building is the beacon light. Seeing the light means safety.

Thinking about it now.

The adoptive father had a special meaning.

When you enter this industry, if you don't recognize the ancient beacon lights, it's like inserting your own eyes into your own eyes, which is no different from a blind man.

"Navigation light? So this is a port? It's some distance from the coastline, but isn't the navigation light on the seaside?"

Huzi heard this and looked around. He didn't expect this because it was actually quite far away from the sea.

"It's hard to say. The coastline here may have been affected by rivers and was washed away by silt. It extended backwards. The coastline under our feet may have been the real coastline many years ago."

"There is no such large river at Nanze Ancient Port, and the impact of erosion is small, so there is no similar situation."

Liu Ming immediately added.

The coastline near the estuary is easily washed out by rivers, causing the coastline to move toward the sea.

Time can change a lot of things. If you take this influence into consideration, it makes sense for the beacon light to appear here.

"It should be about the same."

Zheng Yun nodded and said nothing.

He could now think of at least ten reasons for the result before him. It didn't matter whether the coastline moved or not, and there was no need to study this issue in depth.

The key is this place.

There must be a lighthouse below the beacon light.

For a special facility like a lighthouse, the possibility of magic tricks is very low. It is just a lighthouse. What tricks can it play? What special effects can be produced?

Why did the adoptive father come to Nanze Lighthouse?

There cannot be only one lighthouse near the ancient city of Nanze. What is the difference between this lighthouse and other lighthouses? Why the adoptive father came here has not yet been solved.

There are two types of roadmaps for adoptive fathers.

One is the red circle, such as the Qianxian Dojo and the Immortal Sacrifice Cave, which are places that have not been treated and are at risk of leakage.

The second is a red circle with a cross. The end point of the third road map is the earth, but a cross has been drawn to represent processing.

At this moment, there are only red circles on this route map. If we follow the previous practice, then there should be an unsolved evil trick below the lighthouse in front of us.


What can be in a lighthouse?

Thinking about it carefully, something feels wrong.

The common feature of the Thousand Immortals Dojo and the Immortal Sacrifice Cave is that both have been discovered by outsiders. The Blood Pill Immortality was discovered by Zhang Zhenren, and the Pregnant Demon Tower was renovated and used again.

The demon-suppressing stone statue was moved.

The Kraken is causing harm to the submarine strait.

On the other side of the Immortal Sacrifice Cave is the Western Archaeological Team. Kedester has already guessed the existence of the Immortal Gate. If he is allowed to continue deeper, he is likely to find the Immortal Gate and go to the ancient city of Red Mist.

And the thief hole penetrated the Immortal Sacrifice Cave.

Cold fairy could endanger Christmas Islands.

But the lighthouse in front of me has not been discovered by outsiders. From the traces on the scene, it can be seen that no one has been here at all. Even the green algae on the stalagmites maintain their ancient appearance.

There weren't many people around either.

The level of danger is actually not high.

Because there is another senjutsu nearby...

In the depths of the ancient city of Nanze, not far from here, there is an immortal technique called Qili Meng that has been activated. In terms of danger and scope of influence, it is second only to Hanxian.

If the criteria for drawing circles are the same.

The end point of this road map should be the same as the extremely cold glacier, which spans hundreds of kilometers from left to right and makes people feel despair, including the ancient city of Nanze.

But the red circle on this route map by my adoptive father was so small that he didn't even look at the ancient city of Nanze. There was only this lighthouse and he had no intention of involving the ancient city of Nanze.

This is too strange.

What exactly is in this lighthouse?

More important than Qili Meng?

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