Endless route

Chapter 378 18 Bodhisattva statues guarding the basement

Chapter 378 18. The mechanical Bodhisattva statue guards the basement

"These creatures have not taken the initiative to attack. In this case, it is better not to disturb them. Let the Yin soldiers continue to go deeper and find the eight-armed Bodhisattva statue first before talking about anything else."

Zheng Yun made a rational choice.

The Yin soldiers were fine until now, which meant that the creatures above them had not done anything to them for various reasons.

Then there is no need to add extraneous details. Mark this place first and let the Yin soldiers circle the entire lighthouse.


Ji Dao nodded and continued to give directions.

After all, the Yin soldiers are not capable enough. Although they are not afraid of death, they do not have much lethality in the water. If they rush up to disturb the opponent at this moment, the consequences of the Yin soldiers are likely to be annihilated.

Not only will vision be lost.

It will also waste a lot of time.

Yin soldiers are only responsible for exploring paths and marking dangers. These mysterious things still have to be dealt with by themselves and others.

After the two reached an agreement.

The two groups of Yin soldiers retreated quietly until they had swam to the entrance to the base of the tower. The creatures still did not attack them, and it seemed that they did not see the Yin soldiers at all.

Something strange indeed.

Perhaps it's because the swamp creatures have lived in darkness for a long time and their visual abilities have long since deteriorated, and the Yin soldiers are silent living dead and don't even make much sound?

Let’s put this matter aside for now.

The Yin soldiers continued to penetrate into the lighthouse in the direction pointed out by the discipline, and drilled into the base of the lighthouse along a narrow corridor. As they continued to go deeper, the environment became more and more depressing and dull.

There are stone walls in all directions.

Like a fork in a maze, the exact same environment made Zheng Yun unable to remember the path, and he couldn't even tell whether they were going around in circles, so he had to use positioning equipment to assist.

Ji Dao also almost turned.

The picture shown by the camera is somewhat different from the scene seen by the human eye, and it is even different from the construction drawings.

The entire corridor within the base of the lighthouse spirals downwards, circling along the dead ends of the base. Each level has to go around in a large circle, and there is no other path to choose from.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way.

It was so smooth that it felt weird.

After continuing to drill down for more than 20 minutes, the Yin soldiers finally walked out of the tunnel and entered a deep and empty area. The positioning almost coincided with the previous diving detector.

"It seems you have gone in?"

Ji Dao scratched his scalp and looked at the screen.

In the video, the water in front of Yin Bing was very turbid, and he could only see the old and simple floor tiles at his feet, with a thin layer of mud deposited on them and some aquatic plants growing on them.

Even though it's underwater.

It feels like the backyard of a farmhouse has been abandoned for a long time, and the stone road is covered with weeds and no one has taken care of it.

The searchlight swept in all directions, and the beam of light could not penetrate the turbid water. It was like a green veil covering the front. The visual distance was no more than three meters, and the boundary of this space could not be seen.

The atmosphere is depressing and eerie.

The positioning system showed that Yin Bing was standing not far from the 'Eight-Armed Bodhisattva Statue' at the moment, but when Yin Bing raised his head, he could not see anything. There was only thick black and green fog in front of him.

"Lift the camera."

Zheng Yun asked Yin Bing to raise his hand.

At the same time, he pressed the searchlight switch of the diving detector to let the detector provide a light source and provide a general direction for the Yin soldiers to see if they could find each other.

The distance between the two sides is no more than fifty meters. The turbid water can block the line of sight, but the light cannot be completely blocked.

So after the searchlights were turned on.

The perspective of Yin Bing changed as expected. On the upper right side of Yin Bing, about ten meters above the ground, a hazy light green ball of light appeared in the air.

The ball of light outlines the image of the Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva statue is holding a ball of light with its palms, emitting a holy light, as if holding a vase in its hand to save the world, exuding a sense of sacred weirdness in the dim turbid mist.

The Yin soldiers are at the feet of the Bodhisattva statue. Due to the relationship between light and shadow, only half of the Bodhisattva statue can be seen, including three or four arms, which extend into the darkness like lotus petals.

Each arm is three meters long, giving the illusion of spider legs in this environment.

There is also a face of a Bodhisattva statue.

This face is also within the coverage of the light ball, and is completely reflected by the light ball, with a slight smile on the broken face.

Only its head is visible.

Not visible.

It is difficult to describe this scene. A dozen meters above the ground, in the mid-air, a disfigured Bodhisattva's face appeared in the mist, as well as its three or four long and slender arms.

No lower body.

Only the upper body is hanging in the air.

If he suddenly saw this while walking at night, everyone would be startled, even Zheng Yun Jidao would have his heart beat twice.

But Yin soldiers are not afraid.

They showed no reaction, the camera was held extremely stable, and the video screen did not shake at all. All ten Yin soldiers stood there and looked at the Bodhisattva with their dead eyes.

Think about it carefully.

In fact, the Yin soldiers are quite scary.

I suddenly broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Bodhisattva statue. I didn't move or say a word. I just stared at the Bodhisattva statue blankly. I won't obey anyone with my big eyes and small eyes. If you can, you will kill me.

"Master Immortal, come forward and join us?"

Ji Dao stared at the Bodhisattva and suggested.

"Move forward."

Zheng Yun gave the order directly.

Every step taken by the Yin soldiers at this moment may bring fatal disaster, but for Zheng Yun Jidao, who is still floating on the river, even if the Yin soldiers die suddenly, it will not cause any fear.

After all, it is across the screen.

Not by myself.

Without saying a word, the ten Yin soldiers, each armed with searchlights and cameras, swarmed towards the Bodhisattva statue, like a group of reporters who were not afraid of death, rushing to capture the big news.

As distance approaches.

The green fog was gradually broken.

The entire Bodhisattva statue appeared in front of us, but it was similar to previous guesses. It was ten meters tall, made of copper and iron, and the patent leather fell off to reveal a ferocious and strange black bottom.

The Bodhisattva statue remained motionless.

Standing quietly in the water.

Seeing that the Yin soldiers were not dead, Zheng Yun asked the Yin soldiers to come up to see what was in the hands of the Bodhisattva statue.

The Yin soldiers went up to check. On the eight arms and eight palms, there were only three magical artifacts that should have been held on them. They were a one-meter-high porcelain bottle, an old jade box that was half a meter long, and a piece of equipment that had never been seen before. Weird stuff.

"How to say?"

Zheng Yun turned his head and asked Ji Dao, and at the same time ordered the Yin soldiers to search for the other five magic weapons around the Bodhisattva statue.

"I can't tell. It's been badly eroded by the stagnant water. It should be some magic weapon of gods and ghosts, but I can't tell the grade from the appearance. I have to take it back and take a closer look."

"And I think they are all extremely damaged. If I take them back to Tiangong and repair them, they may be able to be repaired."

Ji Dao touched his chin and thought.

Regardless of whether these things are good or bad, they should not gather dust here. They should be brought back to the Heavenly Palace to be repaired, and then they can be used on the battlefield with the contemporary Immortal Supervisor. They are better than being useful here.

"If it is a magic weapon of gods and ghosts, then why did the ancients leave it behind? What is the Bodhisattva statue guarding?"

Zheng Yun asked.

He didn't quite believe that the Bodhisattva statue was just a simple seismometer, a simple decoration with only symbolic meaning and no practical use. This was not in line with Triton's style.

Perhaps the original seismographs of the gods were just symbols, but in the late Ming Dynasty, and today when the need for symbols has long ended, Haiwei obviously kept these things for other purposes.

"Speaking of this, Master Xian, there is clearly a basement on the construction drawings, which is at the deepest part of the lighthouse, but we have not found it until now."

Noriichi unfolded the drawing again.

Point out an area to Zheng Yun.

This type of lighthouse has a large basement at the center and bottom of the base, which is heavily blocked by thick stone walls and pressed deep into the entire tower.

The construction drawings are clearly marked.

The base of the entire lighthouse is made of three square brick walls nested in a back shape, with a darkroom in the center.

This is not specially designed, but is inevitable when building a huge brick wall base. If the entire base is made of pure bricks, the base's excessive gravity will crush the coastline.

Therefore, in order to prevent the lighthouse from collapsing, the weight must be reduced, and the central area must be empty rather than filled.

"The height is still one level lower."

Zheng Yun checks the device data.

The current depth of the Yin Soldier is between thirty-five and forty-five meters underwater, and the total height of the lighthouse is fifty or sixty meters. At this moment, the Yin Soldier's position has indeed not reached the deepest point.

There seems to be another layer below.

Right at the foot of the Bodhisattva statue.

"Master Immortal, if you put it this way, the Yin soldiers have already arrived at the basement door. There should be a mechanism nearby, which requires the Triton Waist Card to open. It is similar to the mechanism guarding the Immortal Gate."

Ji Dao nodded and put away the drawings.

There is nothing wrong with the drawings here. The drawings only know that there is a basement here, but they don’t know what is in the basement.

"Similar to the mechanism of the Immortal Sect?"

Zheng Yun thought about it for a moment and realized that the fairy gate mechanism Ji Dao mentioned was the secret door that could only be opened by using Triton's waist card.

They see this kind of situation every day. Whether it is Fu'en Immortal Sect or other immortal sects, they need to put the waist card into the secret slot before they can open the secret door and see the Immortal Sect and Qingchi.

But most of the places where waist badges are needed are in the deepest parts of the ancient Dusi ruins. I didn't expect that there was such a secret slot mechanism inside the lighthouse in front of me.

"Sir, most of Triton's basement darkrooms are like this. They require waist cards to open, but basements also have levels, and different levels of waist cards are matched according to their importance."

"The secret room with the Immortal Gate is a top priority. Only the waist card of the senior executive of the Supervisory Immortal Division can open it. This is not the case for ordinary basements. An ordinary Triton Qianhu waist card is enough."

Ji Dao gave a rough explanation.

Triton's waistband has a precise structure, similar to the pass of an archaeological team. It is arranged in such detail that what level can enter which place, and there is no possibility of any loopholes.

This is nothing unusual.

The entire Triton has countless territories on the endless routes, and there are countless warehouses storing important items. Unifying the keys into the waistband makes it easy for Triton to manage and coordinate.

"Did you bring your waistband?"

Zheng Yun nodded and asked.

Triton's waist badge does have a hidden secret. The waist badge of the Western Region Commander of the adoptive father is palm-sized but highly classified. It is still unclear what material it is carved from.

There may be small mechanisms inside the waist card. The higher the level of the waist card, the more warehouses it can open.

The waist badge of the Commander of the Western Region should be one of the highest-level badges, because the word "Western Realm" refers to the entire endless route, the Western Route, which is one level higher than the ordinary Commander of the Capital Division.

Maybe there are other meanings.

Zheng Yun vaguely speculated that a hundred years after the Eastern Sea Route was artificially cut off by Triton and the Ming Dynasty perished, the dividing line between the East and West Sea Route might have changed, from the Earth to E-09 as the dividing line between the East and West Sea Route.

The West Passage represents the human world.

The Eastern Route is a place left behind.

Because the Ming Dynasty has perished, the previous divisions have lost their meaning. From Triton's perspective, the only purpose of distinguishing the East and the West is to divide the Forsaken Land and the Human World.

Therefore, in the Western Territory Commander's belt in the adoptive father's hands, the word "Western Territory" may be from E-09 to the west, while the Eastern Territory Commander starts from E-10 and goes east.

This is how Triton divides it.

It is different from modern society.

Nanze Lighthouse is also in the ‘Western Territory’.

Using the Western Region Commander's waistband, you should be able to open the door to the basement of Nanze Lighthouse and enter the depths smoothly.

"I brought it, but I didn't bring it with you, Mr. Xian. I installed the Tiangong waist card on the Yin soldiers. It should be able to be opened."

Ji Dao smiled.

He had studied the drawings beforehand and knew that there was a land inventory, so he would naturally make corresponding preparations in advance.

Previously, he had people clean up Tiangong and found many waist cards of Tiangong's ancestors. Among them were not only Tiangong's waist cards, but also quite a lot of various waist cards in the Triton system.

It's just a lighthouse basement. As long as there are no immortal magic or other things in it, the Heavenly Palace is still eligible to be opened.

"Then let's look for it first."

Zheng Yun gave orders to the Yin soldiers.

The ten Yin soldiers dispersed again, searching for each other in the "foggy" open area, mainly looking for wall grooves and strange protrusions, supplemented by other magic weapons.

It didn't take long.

The Yin soldiers gradually discovered something.

First, I found a magic weapon that fell to the bottom of the water. This magic weapon also looked miserable. It fell into a pile of water plants. If the Yin soldiers hadn't groped for the ground, they wouldn't have been able to see it.

Then came the discovery after discovery.

The Bodhisattva statue has a total of eight magic weapons. In addition to the three in his hand, the Yin soldiers found three more nearby.

Zheng Yun did not let the Yin soldiers move around, lest the magic weapon take effect and kill the Yin soldiers. He kept everything in place, leaving only a mark next to it for recycling later.

Except for magic weapons.

There is also the mechanism mentioned by Ji Dao.

The Yin soldiers found a hidden grid on the ground behind the Bodhisattva statue, which seemed to be the switch of some kind of mechanism.

"Master Immortal, you should be right here, let the Yin soldiers clean up the water plants and mud around." Ji Dao said quickly.

"The others disperse."

Out of caution, Zheng Yun asked other Yin soldiers to stay away from the place, leaving only one Yin soldier lying on the ground to start cleaning up.


The Yin soldiers dug the ground with their hands.

The vision is blurred by mud and sand.

Nothing happened at first, but after a short time of cleaning up, fatal danger still came here quietly.


Suddenly a vision came from the Bodhisattva statue.

Zheng Yunjidao heard the sound clearly, as if an old mechanism was activated, resounding from the body of the Bodhisattva statue.


Another soft sound.

Zheng Yun quickly switched the perspective to the other Yin soldiers to observe the whole picture of the Bodhisattva statue, but found that in the video screen, one of the arms of the Bodhisattva statue actually moved.

It's the hand holding the porcelain bottle.

It suddenly reversed, just like the ancient seismometer. After sensing the abnormal movement on the ground, the mechanism took effect and the arm moved, while the porcelain bottle in the hand lost its balance and fell.

"Go pick it up quickly!"

Zheng Yun immediately ordered.

It has a strong premonition that it must not let this porcelain bottle fall to the ground. Once this porcelain bottle breaks, I am afraid that all the Yin soldiers will die under the Bodhisattva statue.

"This Bodhisattva statue is really a gatekeeper. What is it guarding? Then what about the seismometer of my heavenly palace..."

Ji Dao was a little surprised.

It was also the first time that he knew that this kind of seismometer actually had the ability to repel outsiders from intruding.

"Think about how to deal with it first."

Zheng Yun stared at the screen and said seriously.

It seems that the Bodhisattva statue in front of them is the difficulty they must overcome, or it may be a problem left by their adoptive father. If they don't deal with the Bodhisattva statue, they can't even think about opening the vault.

I really didn’t expect that the ghost method to be dealt with this time was actually a mechanical statue made by the ancient sea guards.

The bad news is.

They are not underwater at the moment, and there are only ten Yin soldiers in the field, so they may not be able to take the first round of attack from the Bodhisattva statue.

The good news is.

The Bodhisattva statue has eight arms and eight magical instruments. Only three are left at this moment. After the porcelain bottle falls, only two are left.

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