Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1105


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“I use our internal channels to exchange the Holy Spirit for His Highness, so the price is cheaper.”

This Demi-God is kind of pleased with a smile.

“That feeling is good, thanks.”

Baili Qingfeng took the stuff, and at the end, he seemed to think of something: “Oh, do you know where there is a god armor for sale?”


The Demi-God was stunned, thinking for a moment, still saying: “Sacred armor is extremely precious, there are very few great existences that will be sold out, if your lord wants to buy it… might as well go to our ten giants in the bimonthly world Take a look at the golden sword city, blazing sun city, and moon shadow city in the city. These cities are prosperous and bright, and there may be such treasures for sale.”

“golden sword city, blazing sun city, moon shadow city…”

Baili Qingfeng had previously obtained a map of the Double Moon Realm from the Zhuxie Society, but it was not a black eye for the Double Moon Realm.

After calculating it for a moment, I soon realized that the nearest city to my golden sword was 80,000 kilometers away.

“A bit far away, but… the problem must be solved.”

Baili Qingfeng thinks of fighting with True God, Silent True God, and True God and the others.

He didn’t excite his Strength to the extreme in that battle, but the horrible high temperature contained in Jin Yan still incinerated his clothes. If it were not for Jin Yan’s high temperature, it would also emit a strong light, and it almost caught people. Not daring to look straight, he was sorry and used the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to fight the enemy.


Be far away.

“Okay, I understand, thank you, and leave.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand and left quickly.

Watching Baili Qingfeng leave, the three Demi-God are relieved to be sighed in relief.

One of them was unable to bear and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: “Finally gone.”

“It seems that this Demi-God… The unknown existence is indeed just a coincidence with Yongye Divine King. The battle a few days ago was also because Yongye Divine King’s gods were silent, sleeping, and dreaming first attacked. He will only trigger his passive counterattack. He is not a special weapon developed by the invincible World, as His Majesty True God said, which is specially designed to deal with our bimonthly world…”

A Demi-God said happily.

“The greatest advantage of World of Absolute Power lies in their environment, and they also possess a huge nuclear weapon with formidable power. If both are missing, the effect will be greatly reduced, if not because of the sky above that The great existence is afraid of the growth potential of that World, thinking that the civilization over the millennium will bring us a fatal threat, and specifically issued a war order, I am afraid that there may not be so many True God going to the World, then a World , How could it be possible to breed a lifeform like this terrifying existence in front of you.”

Demi-God who previously spoke with Baili Qingfeng.

“Fortunately, our majesty has not listened to the words of True God in all respects, conforming to his unity and this unknown existence confrontation, otherwise…A careless, silent True God, sleeping True God, dream True God is our lesson. .”

“It is said that Wan Dao True God perturbed the Ruyi Divine King in the north, I don’t know if true or false?”

“Anyway, let’s not intervene in this matter. This kind of Peak level confrontation, even if we Demi-God are not qualified to intervene.”

A few Demi-Gods are very happy here.

And Baili Qingfeng is far away from Li Dragon City.

After carefully recalling the direction of the golden sword city in his mind, the speed suddenly erupted and directly broke the sound barrier, forming a deafening roar and flying towards the sky dome.

“Well? I could only maintain about twice the speed of sound, because my Fleshy body can carry a limited strength, and mobilizing too many star force field blessings will cause a serious load on my Fleshy body. Be careful…flashy body, the fleshy body will collapse, but now…”

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and slightly transformed the material structure of fleshy body…

Soon, the load on the fleshy body by the star force field is reduced.


Baili Qingfeng is moving.

Strength of the Star Force Field increases.

If he had previously been equivalent to a calm boat in the ocean, a little storm could capsize him, then now, he has at least grown into a battleship, and the wind and waves can not only make him fall immediately, but instead It will turn into a boost to make it move forward at a faster speed.

“hong long long!”

As the strength of the star force field increased Strength, Baili Qingfeng’s figure quickly broke through twice the speed of sound and climbed to triple levels in a very short time.


With the continuous transformation of the material structure, the fleshy body strength continues to increase, and his speed is also beginning to climb, directly from the previous three times, to four times, five times, even when he is applying electromagnetic defense In Sword Technique, speed even climbed to more than ten times the speed of sound.

For a time, he was like a lightning that tears the sky dome, with the shock formed by the tearing atmosphere, and went madly toward the golden sword city at a speed of more than 10,000 kilometers per hour.

Such huge movements were quickly learned by the existence of many Peaks living in this territory.


Although the Shuangyue Realm has a vast area and nearly one million kilometers in length and width, each True Gods can easily reach the speed of sound above, and the range of activities is extremely amazing. Naturally, the territory has become very amazing.

The tens of thousands of kilometers centered on the area of ​​Xiangyang City and the Golden Sword City, there are three Deity Kings, namely Yongye Divine King who has died in the hands of Baili Qingfeng, and Divine King, the master of the golden sword city, As well as having a good relationship with Yongye Divine King, these years, they have vaguely joined forces to fight against Divine King’s Ruyi Divine King.

Yongye Divine King fell, slept True God, Dream True God, Winter True True God, Yuantai True God and other fourteen major gods folded six, and the remaining True God will either stand on their own as king and try to devour it Qi Yongye Divine King’s team left behind to have the capital to face Divine King and Ruyi Divine King as soon as possible, or simply turned to these two Divine King directly.

Wan Dao True God was one of the True Gods who decided to turn to Divine King.

At this moment, he is lobbying vigorously in front of Ruyi Divine King: “His majestic blazing sun has always lived above the sky dome, rarely involved in the development and order of the blazing sun church, but it is because the incompetent World was born Actually lowered Oracle more than once, even manifested itself in the Sunshine Church, and issued a war mobilization order. Anyone who can bring useful information related to the World of the Ability Level can go to the Sunshine Church in exchange for rewards. This point can be seen that the great ancient god who hangs the heavenly dome attaches importance to the world of the invincible level! Now such an alien appears in the world of the invincible level. This unknown alien has been captured and dedicated to the great ancient god, the blazing sun, will surely receive an unprecedented reward. Lord Divine Item, Divine Crystal, Holy Spirit Stone, everything!”

Ruyi Divine King has made some moves under the statement of True God.

It’s just that another True God beside him reminded: “Your Majesty, not to mention that it is unknown whether life is the secret weapon of the invincible World. Will it finally be able to win rewards in the Lieyang Church, The strength of the unknown life alone is enough to arouse our attention… but this is never the case for Divine King Yongye’s mysterious Strength!”

Wan Dao True God immediately retorted: “Anning True God has no idea, the reason why His Majesty Divine King Yongye will fail is that he is too contemptuous of this unknown existence on the one hand and has been completely unprepared, on the other hand Because the battlefield is in the World of Ability Level, although His Majesty projected Divine Kingdom on the ground in the World of Ability Level with the power of Divine Kingdom, Shicheng Strength still only played half, which led to the final failure ……As for the identity of that unknown existence… he has fought side by side with the small insects of the incapable World, can’t he prove it yet?”

“This proves nothing. Over the years, several True Gods have done mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife, burying their competitors in the incompetent World.”

An Ning Zhen Divine Dao.

“I can guarantee…”

Wan Dao True God is about to speak.

At this time, a True God expression strode calmly into the temple of gold and jade in glorious splendor: “Your Majesty, a silhouette entered our territory at a very fast speed…According to the investigation, it is precisely that unknown existence of unknown origin…”

“Your Majesty, this is a very rare opportunity.”

Ten Thousand True God said quickly.

Ruyi Divine King is about to say something, but at this time Anning True God suddenly asked: “Auspicious True God has always been either fast nor slow, so big as a meteor at the moment… you say speed is extremely fast? How much? Quick?”

“The average speed is six times that of sound transmission! From time to time the burst speed reaches ten times the level.”

“Six times the speed of sound transmission!?”

Ruyi Divine King froze on the spot.

Not only the wishful Divine King, but the eyes of several True Gods on the field all fell on Xianghe True God.

Being influenced by the will of God, Xianghe True God does not care about everyone’s eyes, and still uses a relatively calm tone: “Your Majesty, the average speed is six times the speed of sound transmission.”

“Sonic transmission speed is six times… This is the speed that can be achieved only after the master of the large-scale god system blesses thirty gods and then supplemented by the divine technique, or even the related master Divine Item.”

Ruyi Divine King’s eyes suddenly fell on Wan God True God: “You want me to deal with it, is such a special existence?”

Wan Dao True God was also a little dazed by this data.

Six times the speed of sound!

If this speed is the world’s all that’s all, it can be in the double moon world…

“Yongye Divine King’s declining car lessons are in front of you. You are still bewitching to deal with such a terrifying existence, saying, what are you thinking about?”

Anning True God no longer peacefully shouted at Wandao True God.


Wan Dao True God wanted to explain, but he didn’t know where to start.

And Ruyi Divine King waved her hands indifferently at this time: “Wan Dao, we pray that Ruyi God is not welcome to you, you go.”

next moment, the silhouette projected by the will of his god disappeared directly in the Divine Kingdom of this gold and jade in glorious splendor.

“Your Majesty, that unknown presence that is about to arrive…”

“We are praying for the blessings of the gods, praying for tranquility, peace, good luck, and being kind to people. If this existence wants to be a guest of our gods, we welcome ourselves and take a warm attitude to receive and understand What.”

“Yes, I will understand.”


(Ruyi Ruyi, according to my heart, quickly appear.)

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