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“A security net must be installed.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at these high Martial Masters, and then thought that he could not even enter a 10000 Shoutang, and fully felt the importance of the anti-theft network.

“Call in a few moments and install a stainless steel anti-theft net. Alas, it must be solid.”

Baili Qingfeng 心想着,下了楼,将刚买的药材准备好,手动开始熬制。

When he was cooking, he was also thinking about his short contact with white clothed Sheng.

“大佬不愧为大佬,那种cultivation base ,纵然我Refining Spirit 6th-layer 巅峰的spirit 感应都觉得深不可测,估计至少是martial artist 7 级以上了吧?这种人物放到我们希亚,都属于能开辟一座Martial Dao Holy Land 的Great Expert 了。”

Baili Qingfeng lamented.

At the same time, he could not help but feel ashamed that he had doubted the strength of the big brothers not long ago.

viewing the sky from the bottom of a well!

viewing the sky from the bottom of a well!

The big guys just like to joke and like to study philosophy. He really ignored the big guys in the group and regarded himself as one thing, but it was very wrong.

It’s gone, it’s been a bit late recently.

While taking medicine, Baili Qingfeng quickly went upstairs, turned on the computer, and entered the Core welfare group.


The big brothers were busy with the daily 10000 machines, and no one was online.

For a while, Baili Qingfeng sent three “Ximeng shiver coldly” pictures in succession, then closed the group chat and continued to boil medicine.

“By the way, the white clothed winner mentioned earlier. The strength of a martial artist is judged from five aspects, namely physical fitness, internal interest, spirit, martial skill, and heart …”

Speaking of Heart’s Strength, Baili Qingfeng looking thoughtful.

他能一次次using the weak to defeat the strong ,是不是因为他知道自己从不为恶,一心向善,始终站在正义的一方,正因为秉承着这种Faith ,深知邪不胜正,所以才能fearless and dauntless ,所向invincible ,哪怕十分的Strength 在righteous heart 的增幅下都能发挥到100% ?

“Amazing, learned something again, and firmly believes that the evil righteous heart is also a powerful Strength! Well, I want to study this Strength in depth, and develop a new secret method for this Heart Strength. The name I I’ve thought about it, it’s called the soul of justice! “

There is a saying that morals, wisdom, physical beauty, and labor are on study. On Martial Dao …


Body, Qi, God, Skill, Heart!

So, should he be a 5 good martial artist?


Inner interest is the pain he cannot avoid!

In addition, he doesn’t have much time to learn advanced martial skills, so far he can only retreat to be 3 good martial artist.


When the appointed time came, Chi Shuang immediately rushed to the courtyard where Baili Qingfeng lived.

Due to the important relationship between this medicine, he deliberately drove 2 cars, and another car was seated with 4 spiritual martial artists for protection along the way, which fully proved that Murby Young Master and other people were waiting for this medicine. Value.

Ichishou received the neutralizer from Supreme Treasure, and at the same time, carefully placed the agent into an alloy box prepared earlier.

“十天内希望你们能把300 份药材凑齐,如果凑不齐的话也得补上相应的金钱,价格,就按照你后来给我的优惠价,300,000 一份补吧。”

Baili Qingfeng solemnly added to the face of Chi Shuang, “I hope you can speak and believe.”

“Qingfeng 小友大可放心,实际上你若是问一下Baili Old Master ,他都应该知道,目前我们所有人都在想方设法凑集资金,购买你所需的那些药材,十天内,300 份药材必然会给你送到。”

Chi Shuang said, and then looked at the box in his hand: “Of course, provided that your potion is indeed effective.”

“The efficacy of my potion is beyond doubt.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Considering that he sacrificed 2,000,000, but was able to dig out 300 parts of potion material from these people, such as Chi Fang, he was kind in temperament, but he had some sort of sorry punishment for them.

So he added a sentence: “Neutralizing medicine is really useful, but it only allows ordinary people to withstand the medical power of that medicine. In fact, the side effects of medical power still exist, so you better extend the next medication cycle. Some, so that its own repair function can slowly wear away the side effects of the medicament. “

“Extend the next medication cycle? When will it be extended?”

“I heard that international big guys say … ordinary person … ten times more? Martial artist, I do n’t understood, you can try it yourself.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


尽管池霜这些人不但plot against 他,骂他傻子,盗他的药方,还把他放在家里的2 100 多10000 偷走,所作所为可谓恶劣至极。


已经坑了对方300 份药材后再让他们each and everyone 因服药而身受重创……

He can’t do such a cruel thing.

after all……

He was still young and a student staying in an ivory tower.

哪怕真被人说这样太傻他也认了,Human World 还是要多一点点理解,多一点点原谅。

“I understand, many thanks.”

池霜应了一声,迫不及待的出了院子,上了车,immediately 往夏亚市郊区的一个院子赶去。

Moon Island! ?

Everyone at the Murby Young Master lineage can’t wait, and several Core figures have gathered in a suburban courtyard less than ten kilometers from the university district.

As soon as the vehicle arrived in the yard, Murby Young Master, Sherlock, and the remaining sharp and bloody eagles greeted at the same time.

“how about it?”

Moreby Young Master solemnly asked.

He tried to keep himself as calm as possible, but the ups and downs in his tone still exposed his emotional turbulence.

“got it.”

Ikeda quickly gave the box to Merby Young Master.

Seeing the potion inside the box, Merby said without the slightest hesitation: “Go.”

At the moment, they entered the courtyard, and in the courtyard, there was already a man up and down 30, who seemed full of determination, waiting there.

“Wang Xiu!”

“Young Master!”

“Now, the medicament is already in my hands. You should know the consequences of the previous 2 users. The internal organs were eroded and ablated under the overbearing medicinal power. At this time, we do not know whether this neutralizing medicament is useful, although Baili Qingfeng is not likely to deceive us, but if you take the medicine, there are still certain risks. Are you sure to take it voluntarily? “

Murby asked with a look of surprise.

“I am willing!”

The man called Wang Xiu expresses firmness.

“Okay! Here comes the medicine!”

Suddenly, someone handed the prepared mine-fining liquid to Wang Xiu.

“王秀,你放心,如果那Baili Qingfeng 真dare to swindle me ,害了你的性命,哪怕他是Baili Changkong 的孙子,我也必然砍下他的脑袋,让他替你陪葬!”

Morby swears rhetorically.

“Young Master…”

Wang Xiu’s face was full of touching.

A feeling of death for the confidant pervaded his chest.

Looking at the potion of the mine refining liquid, he took it without the slightest hesitation, swallowed it, and then swallowed the neutralization potion simultaneously.

And Murby, Sherlock, Bloody Eagle, Chong Wufeng, and the others stared at Wang Xiu with bright eyes, watching his next reaction.

这份药剂对他们来说重要性不可言喻,若真的有效,别说是王秀and the others 了,几乎所有养神martial artist 怕是都能有望问鼎Grandmaster realm ,哪怕厉血鹰、重无锋这种垂垂old man 都有可能the spring comes upon a withered tree ,到时候他们this lineage 养神martial artist 数1000 ,Grandmaster martial artist 数十……

Heia, who dares to belittle them! ?

Even sitting on an equal footing with Three Great Holy Lands, splitting the city of Charia into a country within a country completely ruled by them, is not a luxury.


Wang Xiu quickly reacted.

当下,他迅速的cultivation 起来。

One drill is a full three hours.

而这3 个小时,墨尔比、沙洛克、厉血鹰、重无锋这些日理10000 机的great character 没有一个离开,就这么看着他疯狂练习,眼中的亮光越发耀眼。

You know, it ’s common to take medicine for half an hour, and the cultivator will not be able to support the internal organs and die by the overbearing medical power, but now …

3 hours!

For 3 hours!

“Young Master ,really strong !这种medicinal power 真的很强!我感觉的出来,这种药剂让我的cultivation base 提升了一大截,只需要再服用十次药剂,我必然能达Level 3 巅峰,站在Grandmaster realm 的大门前,而且,我尚未将medicinal power 完全炼化,等将medicinal power 完全消化后我的实力还会增长!”

Wang Xiu was full of excitedly said.

“You have just entered Level 3, and you can stand in front of the Grandmaster realm after taking ten potions? This is equivalent to saving 30 years of hard work for ordinary people! Good! Good!”

Hearing Wang Xiu’s words, Sherlock, the Grandmaster powerhouse, couldn’t help but be shocked.

“非常好!王秀,你接下来再cultivation 一段时间,我们观察观察,你如果感觉到有什么不对劲,不要硬撑,immediately 告诉我们,明白吗?”

Merby was also a little more excited.

In his heart, he never dared to speak to anyone about grandeur and domination, and at this moment finally showed the dawn of hope in front of him.

“We have ten days to confirm that if Wang Xiu can still be intact after ten days, then it is really okay. After we get a neutralizer, we will ranked the second batch of people to take the medicine.”

“Let me join the second batch.”

Sherlock’s eyes shone brightly, and some couldn’t wait to say: “You have to figure out how the Grandmaster is taking these medicines. The injury caused by the young master’s last medicine has not fully recovered. It is not appropriate. I am the only candidate.”

Morbis paused for a moment, nodded: “Yes, I have to figure it out, if this potion is really useful for Grandmaster …”


That is truly incredible!

At this time, Chi Shuang said in a weak voice: “Young Master, then Baili Qingfeng said that the neutralizer is not 10000, but it suppresses the negative effects of the medicament. The ordinary person needs to extend the medication cycle ten times. Before taking the second medicament. “

“Extend your medication cycle ten-fold?”

Murby frowned: “How long does it take?”

“I heard him mention it when chatting with him, and he took the medicine once for 2-3 days.”

“2 到3 天?延长十倍稳妥一些不过一个月that’s all ,这点时间倒也能够接受,十份药材十个月能将人从初入Level 3 提升到Level 3 巅峰,那么将一个ordinary person 提升到Level 3 martial artist 也不在话下,符合Baili Qingfeng 的cultivation 时间。”

Said Merby Young Master nodded.

“In fact, this is normal. If there is no limit to this amazing potion, I would not dare to take it.”

The bloody eagle aside added a smile.

Others take it for granted nodded.

“Then, let’s gather funds as soon as possible, wait until the neutralizer is in hand, and take the medicine in full!”

At the same time, Murby settled things. At the same time, his eyes seemed to be burning with hot ambitions: “You, we have to keep secrets of today’s affairs. This medicine is used well, unprecedented glory and future will wait for us. Enter our own time! “


(There will be a chapter in a while, nearly 10000 3000 words. Please subscribe for monthly tickets.)

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