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Heart Strength mysterious Unpredictable.

Baili Qingfeng can only gain the blessing of Justice Strength when doing things full of justice, burning his own soul of justice, thereby inspiring Heart Strength.

Afterwards, he inferred according to the various states he was trapped in. The music that can resonate with the spirit can also excite Heart Strength, so he intentionally recorded 100 songs with a walkman in order to release the songs in the different situations. Inspire Heart Strength to gain battle strength gain.

However, due to the difference in world and gravity, his Walkman was damaged, and the power of Heart was reduced to empty talk by the resonance of music. All that he could rely on was only himself.

In other words, without Heart Strength, he has to face 6 Grotto Warriors and 2 Grotto Warriors who have been enthusiastically blessed by Heart Strength.

This is a battle where he can no longer use any Refining Spirit to win.

“You must kill the man in the cave!”

Baili Qingfeng expression

Dead battle!

This kind of situation is nothing but death battle!

The increase given by the white state makes Baili Qingfeng not able to match the Grotto Warrior on Strength, but the sense of Transcendent Saint has strengthened his clearly understood ability to the extreme.

With his eyes swept away, a spot of weak spot, next moment, was seen directly from the battle formation formed by the cavemen warriors. Baili Qingfeng’s feet were violently violent. With the ground cracking, the whole man was utterly culled, carrying a dead or alive. The tragic atmosphere of the cavemen rushed towards them.


“I% @ 金 部落 ¥ # invincible!”

The Grotto Warrior, inspired by Heart Strength, roared enthusiastically, facing the charge of Baili Qingfeng and shaking hard.

Obviously there are only 8 people, but the two sides are charging each other, but it is a grand atmosphere of 2 2 troops that are about to collide with each other, especially the brutal, crazy, decisive …

Enough to impress anyone who witnessed this war!

“Primordial One Qi!”

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, Baili Qingfeng drank suddenly and came out with a sword.

The sword in his hand stabbed with lightning. Under the increase of Primordial Qi Technique, the Strength within the body was superimposed and advanced layer by layer, and at the moment of the thorn sword, all were poured into the stabbed sword edge, and the sword edge was torn. The air emits a harsh shrill whistle, and at the tip position, it shows a trace of white marks visible by naked eyes.


Facing Baili Qingfeng’s sword, the burrowing warrior in plate armor could not escape, roaring in his mouth, and the big ax fell in front of him.


The axe and sword collided head-on, and a dazzling flare fired. A substantial amount of energy was passed through the tomahawk to the sword edge of Baili Qingfeng. Although the sword edge formidable power of Baili Qingfeng was amazing, it was still cut by this sword Flying out of the side, even the figure with Baili Qingfeng was out of balance.

The balance was lost, and the force at the foot of Baili Qingfeng broke out again. It was close to the body of the cave man warrior and crossed him. At the same time, his body suddenly twisted, using the Plate armor cave man’s Strength sword Edge 360 ​​degrees stunned, fiercely slashed lightning at the throat of a caveman warrior behind him.

Sudden attacks left this caveman warrior too late to respond!

Along with the blood light shot, this caveman warrior was shot with a sword.

Baili Qingfeng, who slayed a caveman warrior, exploded again. While holding the center balance, fiercely hit the caveman elite warrior who had lost his head. He smashed his short and sturdy body. To the other cavemen elite warriors.


sword light pierce!

Just like the double kill he completed when he first came to the Caveman World, when the caveman was keen to swing the corpse, the sword edge of Baili Qingfeng followed closely, stabbing him like lightning. throat!

Bayonet sword, draw sword!

Killing two people in a row, the distance between him and the cave where the war song is sung has been quickly drawn. At this moment, he can still be stopped, and only the cave man warrior in exquisite armor is left.

“courting death !”

Looking at Baili Qingfeng, who was smashed towards the sacrifice, the caveman warrior snarled and held a large sword in his hand.


He didn’t use the axe like other cavemen warriors, but the big sword like human!

A large sword that is not inferior to Baili Qingfeng’s boutique sword specially configured for Storm Ripper!

He just held his sword in front of the sacrificial burrower, and at the moment of the culmination of Baili Qingfeng, he held his epee flat and pointed directly at Baili Qingfeng.

It’s such a simple and no longer simple action, but the momentum of this caveman warrior has changed.

A majestic mountain-like breath erupted, permeated, and swept away from him, and he followed his sword at the next moment, hitting Baili Qingfeng fiercely with the might of Mount Tai.

Sword Force!

A caveman warrior who knows Sword Force!

Baili Qingfeng has previously played with many cavemen warriors and cavemen warriors. Although these warriors and warriors are called experienced and master the excellent battle skill, their skills look similar to the army battle skill. It was sharpened through countless actual combats and fights.

But this caveman warrior …

But a swordsman!

An amazing Sword Technique, a swordsman like the Kendo Grandmaster!

Under the strikes of this Sword Force, Baili Qingfeng has been struck by the Spirit of Respiring Spirit World. Generally, the whole person seems to be completely suppressed by this Mount Sword Force, which cannot be moved.

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt shines! God and Demon growl!

The silhouette of the congenital Fiendgod Zuz suddenly appeared on Baili Qingfeng, carrying the vast Divine Power of Fight Heaven and Earth, punched out, endless thunderbolt, and collided with this towering horror Sword Force fiercely.

The completely different Strong confrontation caused almost the same shock, and the towering mountains continually condensing in the sky disappeared.

The silhouette of the congenital Fiendgod Zuz that mighty shore even has the strength of the strikers sword-bearing cave man warrior, letting him shake.

“@ # ¥%!”

The chanting songs of the cavemen suddenly became loud.

The cavemen warriors in the dangling gods were instantly restored to sobriety and calmness.

Although his Sword Force was defeated by Baili Qingfeng’s Refining Spirit method, it did not significantly weaken the power contained in the sword edge. The sword still thunderbolt 10000 Jun power, tearing the sky, fiercely assassination to Baili Qingfeng’s body!

However, in the face of such a sword, Baili Qingfeng does not escape!

Not only that, his right hand with a sword was completely hidden under the dead angle of the vision of the caveman sacrificed by the shield of the caveman warrior. At the moment his figure was stabbed by this sword, he was right The golden sword of hand suddenly took off and burst out.


blood light

Baili Qingfeng’s figure was pierced by a sword on the spot, and the terrifying strength contained in the epee shook his body constantly, tearing the wound chief, unless he cultivated Demon Hell Suppressing Physique fleshy. The strength of the body is a bit higher than that of the same-level Body Refining Stream Grandmaster. The strength of the sword is probably enough to tear his chest out of a bowl-sized blood hole!


A sword pierced Baili Qingfeng’s body, and a sword cave man warrior angry roar, his energy was about to explode again, and he swept up, splitting his entire life.

But at this time, Baili Qingfeng’s hands suddenly snapped together, seizing the great sword edge of the caveman warrior that penetrated his body, despite the pain of tearing the fleshhy body, fiercely pulled out, and at the same time, his shape was violent Retreat …

“Tear it!”

Blood 4 splashes.

Baili Qingfeng’s chest wound was bursting with blood.

“en! ?”

The sword-bearing caveman warrior was about to kill Baili Qingfeng, the invading human, while killing him, but at the next moment, he suddenly saw Baili Qingfeng’s empty right hand, and suddenly the complexion changed greatly, and suddenly turned back.

Behind him, the caveman protected by him sacrificed the entire skull to be pierced by a sword thrown by Baili Qingfeng under his cover.

The moment I turned around and looked back, I saw that this sacrificial cave man came up.

“Do not!”

Seeing this scene, the sword-bearing caveman warrior screamed in horror and anger, eyes immediately turned red, looked at Baili Qingfeng, and madly rushed towards him.


While this caveman warrior was a little lost in sight of the cave man sacrificing himself, Baili Qingfeng had already pulled away and quit, and he retreated very thoroughly!

Assassin’s essence is one strike certain kill, 1000 miles away!

He didn’t even care about the fine golden sword that he threw out, turned and ran, and ran away with one hand to cover the wound that was drenched with blood.

“My temple Swordsman vowed, the ends of the earth I will kill you too!”

The caveman warrior with a sword issued a deafening roar, and the words of the caveman with Baili Qingfeng and Lian Guai thinking in his mouth were crazy and generally moved towards Baili Qingfeng to kill him!

“Blood Swordsman!”

The burrowing warrior in plate armor shouted, and seemed to want to remind him that without the sacrifice war song, they could not stop the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of Baili Qingfeng. : “Kill! Chase while you win! Don’t give him any chance to breathe!”

Currently led by 4 surviving cavemen warriors at full speed, chasing towards Baili Qingfeng.


The Grotto Warriors have an Incomparable Strength, but their height is destined to run at a speed that is not too fast. Although they rely on their strength, they run wildly, chasing behind Baili Qingfeng, but with time …

Physically I can’t hold it anymore.

As soon as the speed was slow, Baili Qingfeng actually opened up the distance between the two!

“Damn! This human is too good to run!”

The Panjia Grotto warrior roared unwillingly.

“He is very injured and must not run far! He must be dead support, as long as we can support the moment he falls, the final victory will belong to us!”

The bloody warrior with a sword clenched his teeth and chased after him. It seemed that even if he ran to death, he would grab Baili Qingfeng and cut off his head to sacrifice the spirit of the cave man sacrificed in heaven.

After chasing for a while, Baili Qingfeng’s fleeing speed seemed to be gradually accelerating, and slowly disappeared into the vision of two people.

“Damn! Bloodstains, catch up with the bloodstains he left behind!”

Xue Ge howled madly.

But when they chased along the bloodstain for a moment, the bloodstains gradually diminished …

When he clenched his teeth and chased for a while, the blood …


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