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“Understood, those great characters aloof and remote, do you care about my attitude of an ordinary person.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Qingfeng, you are afraid that you do n’t understand Thunderbolt Sect ’s influence in Charia. You have achieved the Grandmaster and carried the next generation banner. Now our Thunderbolt Sect is a 2 Grandmaster. It has become the true uncrowned king of Charity ’s martial artist circle. The martial artist is headed by our Thunderbolt Sect. All Sects who move to Xia have to greet Thunderbolt Sect. Sect Master is more useful than the president of the martial artist association, and you as Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master … Do you think you are an ordinary person? “

“Thunderbolt Sect is Thunderbolt Sect. I am me. 2 grandfather promised me. As long as I help Thunderbolt Sect train a Grandmaster, it will let me offload the responsibility of Vice Sect Master.”

“Is it?”

Baili Tianxing suddenly thought of Elder’s selection criteria issued by Baili Changkong not long ago-Grandmaster cultivation base, which has made great contributions to sect …

He always felt that this should be a coincidence.

“Yes, I don’t want to be a Jianghu, I don’t get involved in Jianghu.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“What you say is what.”

Baili is too lazy to argue with Baili Qingfeng on this issue: “In short, be careful, don’t accept anyone’s invitation. If you can’t make a decision, push it to my dad and say that only he can be the master.”


Baili Qingfeng promised this very happy.

He did not hesitate to use the name of 2 grandfather Baili Changkong to kill Qilin Sword Sect 5 Grandmasters for what?

Not for the bluff so that 2 grandfather Baili Changkong can shield him from the wind and rain?

There is something to push on 2 grandfather, this operation, he is familiar.

“By the way, 2 grandfather’s all right?”

“It’s always been good after being discharged from the hospital. It’s just that there are a lot of things. There is no past leisure. Especially in the recent Xiahai Prefecture Local Election, visitors are constantly flowing and seem to be busier than Governor Xiahai.

Baili Tianxing said, and took out a framed rather gorgeous box: “Hold it.”


“A phone, a mall shopping card, and a contact card. The phone was bought by my dad from abroad for more than ten days. It is said that the quality is good and the signal is good. The mall shopping card can go to our largest in Asia. Victoria shopping mall, the spending limit is hunted thousand, you go to buy a better line, you are Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, which represents the face of Thunderbolt Sect, oh, dad said, I do n’t understand how to dress and make you call it Shi Yiyi, the contact card is the contact specialist sect gave you, which is the Shi Yi that I said to you earlier. She is currently learning a driver’s license. You can call her wherever you want to go after she learns. “

“I accepted the phone. Don’t worry about anything else.”

Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation.

He would never accept the corrosion of sugar-coated shells!

“You will tell him by then.”

Baili Tianxing handed things over to Baili Qingfeng anyway.

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, glanced at the phone: “I’ll make a call to say 2 grandfather.”

“You fight, I’m done, I’ll go back first.”

Baili said in the sky, and went away by bike.

The phone rang a few times and quickly connected. A slightly dignified voice from Baili Changkong came in: “I’m Baili Changkong.”

“2 grandfather, are you okay these days?”

“Yo, grandson called me.”

Baili Changkong’s voice quickly became happy: “Listening to Tianxing that you went out to practice? You haven’t seen it for more than half a month, didn’t cultivation fall?”


Baili Qingfeng paid a little attention to Baili Changkong’s physical condition. He was judged from Baili Changkong’s speech for a moment. Although he was very busy, he obviously enjoyed it and had a good attitude.

So Baili Qingfeng relaxed.

At the end, he asked: “2 grandfather, don’t you know if anyone knows where to receive the gold?”

“Chen Jin? This is a good thing, so don’t worry about selling it, do you have it? Sell it to us, Thunderbolt Sect, even if it’s not available, as a reserve.

“Some, but Thunderbolt Sect cannot afford it.”

“Ca n’t eat? You also underestimate our Thunderbolt Sect. In the past half month, our Thunderbolt Sect has completed the integration of resources, plus some forces and mobilizable funds that have joined our Thunderbolt Sect. Within a day, I will get you together. 2 30,000,000 is not a problem. If you sell an immovable industry, you can collect 3 million in 100000000 days. Even if you buy Chenjin for 25 10000, buying 400 kg is not a problem. 400 kg is enough to create 2 or 3 medium-sized battle arms. “

After Baili Changkong said it, he immediately asked, “Is Chen Jin going to sell?”

“Yes, I have 2 1000 kg Chenjin for sale.”


There was suddenly no sound across the phone.

“Hey, hey?”

Baili Qingfeng called out a few times: “Well? No signal? I also said that it is a high-end machine bought for 10000 yuan. The quality is good and the signal is strong. It should be dropped or dropped.”

After that, he hung up the phone silently.

“2 1000 kg Chenjin is not a small number, according to the market price, it will get 4 100000000, and 400000000 … The whole person who can get out of Hia can count it with one hand. These people are not really standing without exception. The most Peaky boss, as an ordinary person like me, has no access at all … “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

“Wait a minute.”

When he talked about the two words of the big brother, he seemed to think something.

“If you really say the big guy … I really don’t have complete access!”

As far as he knows, several veterans of the internal welfare group, each of them is an influential figure of Peak on the international platform.

Different identities create different experiences.

From the national events they talk about every day, they know how important their weight is, and it is definitely not comparable to the tyrants trapped in Xia Ya.

For a while, Baili Qingfeng didn’t care about the day, immediately went to the second floor to turn on the computer, and quickly logged in to the internal welfare group that he had not logged in for more than ten days.

For the 10000-day-old gangsters, it should be rarely online during the day, but this time when Baili Qingfeng came up, they found that there were actually 4 gangsters, although there was no Sword God who was extremely reliable. Moderators, but sub-moderators Sword Monarch and East Wins are all online.

The topic of these big brothers seems to be around the moderator Aotian Sword God. It seems that a relative in his family was seriously injured and actually entered a state of nirvana-like death. It also caused a lot of turbulence, and even the moderator Sword God, a relatively marginal figure in the family, was recalled.

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and the topic quickly became everyone’s speculation on the moderator of Aotian Sword God, saying that there are so many masters in the moderator’s home. Last month, an Uncle breakthrough reached the land of True Immortal. This month, an uncle and a friend Cooperating with killing a Peak powerhouse, he saw Baili Qingfeng’s eyes straight.

He didn’t care about the other words, he really saw the words True Immortal!

The most Peak existence in Sia Kingdom-True Immortal on land, one can terrify the terrifying existence of an army!

It is this kind of powerful enough to open up a Holy Land invincible powerhouse. According to the speculation of several big brothers, there seems to be more than one moderator’s home! ?

What an underpinning! ?

What a power! ?

And how proud is Sword God! ?

So scary! Such horror!

Baili Qingfeng hurriedly posted a picture of “Xin Meng Shiver Coldly”, expressing marvel at the topic of chatting with everyone.

When this picture of Baili Qingfeng appeared, Sword Monarch, the king of black holes, the king of the East, the win of the East, and the misty fairy Zun, who were either chatting fast or slow in the group, seemed to be frying pans, and quickly spoke: “The big brother appeared! “

“Brother Ruler, you are finally here. I’m afraid it hasn’t appeared in 20 days? Is it possible that there is a new love and you forget the old love?”

“Brother Thunder Dominator, where did you go this time? If you are angry, we sincerely apologize to you.”

Baili Qingfeng watched a few people’s speeches unfathomable mystery.

What is he angry with?

Several big brothers can look down upon him as a young man. He is very pleased.

So he quickly said, “I haven’t asked everyone for help in the past ten days because there is something going on. I can’t spare any time. I am here to pay you guys.”

“No, no, no, it’s because we blame you for the big brother. We all blame our ridiculous pride. We actually want to leave you alone. We have realized our own mistakes. From now on, we will be to Never leave each other’s good buddies, no one will give up who. “

The East wins sincerely.

“Leave it down?”

Baili Qingfeng estimated that they might have organized an event and did not participate, so they organized it themselves.

Baili Qingfeng naturally wouldn’t mind such a thing, after all, he was too busy killing people in the cave and didn’t have time to go online.

“The Oriental guy is right, we 9 can meet in the vast crowd, and this is the greatest fate. Our 9 will never leave each other from now on, and live and die! As long as the group is not closed!”

Baili Qingfeng was touched.

“that’s right!”

“Like Thunder Dominator!”

“Depending on life and death, to never leave each other!”

Several others echoed.

“10000000 Do n’t call me a big brother. I ’m far worse than the moderator. See what you just said. The Kingdom Guardian big brother of the moderator’s True Immortal can pull out a dozen. Alas, I do n’t know When will it reach that realm. “

“True Immortal on land, that and the others are indeed true gangsters.”

Misty Xianzun’s tone is full of regrets.

“Big Thunder Dominator should be on True Immortal soon?”

East wins asked.

“Going to True Immortal? How is it possible that I’m 108,000 li away from that realm, and now I haven’t even seen the door of the True Immortal realm. Even the War Grade certificate was just a fluke.

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I won the War Grade certificate not long ago? This … Although I should be shocked at this time, think carefully. Is it normal for the Thunder Dominator to get the War Grade certificate? The thing is, it ’s only now being tested? Are the members of the Shia martial artist association playing soy sauce? ”

“I have no fluctuations in my heart and I am even confused.”


“You look at me too high, in fact my strength is not worth mentioning.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and glanced at the misty fairy statue: “If I didn’t guess wrong, the misty fairy statue should have arrived on the True Immortal realm of the land, and it may even be the top powerhouse in the True Immortal of the land. The name can be seen, Xianzun! Paragon in Xianzhong! Hiss … I seem to have found something! “

After that, I hurriedly posted a dynamic picture of “worshiping big brothers”.


Misty Fairy.

Immediately followed by a stunned expression.

what have you found? Why didn’t I find anything! ?

The next moment, system hint, the misty fairy renamed misty shrimp.


Baili Qingfeng watched, the big man really took his research on the word “low-key” into his bone marrow.



Big Brother Should Eat Lobster?

In the future, in order to please the boss, you can prepare more for him.

Baili Qingfeng chatted with the big brothers for a while or quickly entered the topic: “To the big brothers, I have a small question and I want to ask the big brothers …”

“Wait a minute!”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t have time to send the next message. Sword Monarch has typed 3 words with lightning speed.

“This familiar sense of sight …”

“Why can’t I shiver coldly as soon as I hear the word” right “?”

“Brother, would you allow me to smoke outside first?”


Baili Qingfeng.

The big brothers seem to be getting more unruly.


(Increments did not go up to 1000, but today chapter 4 is bound to be offered!)

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