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A high place not far from the manor in the city of Misso.

A large military vehicle was parked, sheltered by green trees.

Inside the military vehicle, a War Grade powerhouse of the 3rd Army was operating some instruments, and from time to time, looked towards the manor.

On the roof of the military vehicle, a signal transmitter is continuously transmitting the pictures they watched to the headquarters.

“Colonel Jin, why do you say that the general asked us to monitor Qilin Sword Sect at midnight? Our cars are the most Peak military equipment, and we can capture the clearest pictures, even in the dark. Surveillance and unmovability of Qilin Sword Sect are completely overkill, wasting manpower. “

A man in casual clothes, looking up and down 20, came forward and asked.

“There are orders on top, and we execute them.”

The War Grade powerhouse, known as Jin Mao, said aloud.

At the same time, he glanced at several other technicians in the car and thought for a while, but leaked some news: “I got the news, it seems to say that something is happening here today, there is a good show to be performed.”

“A good show is happening? None of the masters of our 3rd Army Group has moved. If we launch a missile, I’m afraid we will order it. They will receive the news immediately.

“Who knows? In short, we keep an eye on it. Several big men in the group army are watching the picture of the signal we transmitted. If something really happened and we didn’t record it, we can’t afford it.”

Jin Mao said, saying to another person: “Xue Xiao, Xiao Chi, is there anything on your side?”

“It’s calm, the rabbit can’t see one.”

“This manor is not in the city. Who would come over at midnight? If you came, you would drive by. If people didn’t arrive, the lights would come all the way, so I used to stare deliberately.”

Xue Xiao and Xiao Chi said lazily.

Jin Zheng was about to say something, but at this time it seemed as if he heard something, expression condensed: “Quiet, there seems to be a sound, you listen …”

The army has always ordered to ban. Kim Min gestured, everyone held his breath.

With the environment suddenly quiet, a sound of music suddenly came from a forest not far from them.

“咚咚 … dong dong dong 咚 ……”

“Someone is singing …”

“Someone is there! Speed ​​is fast! Lie …”

The two sergeants Xue Xiao and Xiao Chi exclaimed almost indifferently.

And the second sergeant did not finish talking, a metal armor suddenly emerged from the woods, holding a sword, like a silhouette of a future soldier.

This silhouette is like a mighty cheetah running through the woods, rushing out of the woods at an incredible speed. The metal armor on the body emits a bright light under the dim moonlight, forming a strong visual impact.


A silhouette rushing out of the woods, with a sudden burst of energy at his feet, the ground on which he stood seemed to ripple a ripple, overturning the dirt and sweeping the dust.

At the next moment, his body arrow shot out, and at an amazing speed of no less than 4 ten meters per second, he disappeared in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye, and everyone inside and outside the car was stunned.


Xiao Chi said this word slowly.

“Chenjin Battle Armor! Chenjin Battle Armor! I can guarantee that it is definitely Chenjin Battle Armor! None of our teachers have a set of Chenjin Battle Armor!”

Xue Xiao stood up excitedly.

Jin Ye was immediately waken up, and suddenly realized that the so-called big drama above had eight-nine related to this sudden appearance of mysterious powerhouse wearing Chen Jin Battle Armor. At the moment, he quickly said: “Hurry up, adjust the perspective and keep the distance Followed far away without affecting the shooting. Correspondent, immediately call the top, there is something here. “


The correspondent immediately dialed the phone.

Soon, the call was connected, but the majestic voice inside made the correspondent shout: “I’m Wellington!”

This phone …

It went directly to Marshal Wellington’s office! ?

“But is there something over the city of Misso?”

Hearing no answer on the phone, Wellington asked again.

“Hello, chief!”

The correspondent quickly shouted saluting.

“Don’t be nervous, if there’s any situation, immediately transfer the picture.”

Marshal Wellington said slowly.

“Yes, Chief, Reporting Chief. Just now there was a person wearing the silhouette of the Chen Jin Battle Armor rushed out and headed for the estate where Qilin Sword Sect disciple lived, such as wind cirrus clouds, and other …”

The correspondent quickly calmed down.

However, everyone in the car heard it. The direct call with him was actually the top commander of the 3rd Army Wellington. Each and everyone was also inspired. Concentrate attention completely did his thing. It seems that Welling Marshal Dayton’s eyes could shuttling through the void, seeing their diligence at the moment.

“Oh? He actually shot?”

Marshal Wellington apparently knew something, not at all was too surprised: “What else?”

“He … he seems to be singing …”

“Play a song !?”

The sound across the phone was stunned.


“Large rivers are like dragons and mountains are like tigers! Changxiao Yangtian crying!”

The singing echoed through the night sky.

In the night, Baili Qingfeng ran at full speed, Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique I. Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 2 has already been running, making him flexible even though he has a Battle Armor next to him. The speed that can erupt is still close to the ordinary Grandmaster’s internal explosion. .

In this case, the distance between himself and the mansion’s several hundred meters is directly crossed in more than ten seconds.

When he had to kill the door of the manor, he didn’t kill the sword in his hands. The iron door at the door of the manor was directly cut off in the fire light shot, and then knocked open by his high-speed running body at next moment!


“There are enemies!”

It seemed to have suffered from several assaults and the speed of the manor was extremely fast. When Baili Qingfeng appeared outside the manor, it was already noticed that he could cut the door of the manor with a sword, and the cry of surprised and angry had cut through the night sky. !!

In the shouting, Baili Qingfeng like a heavy tank wearing a boutique Chen Jin Battle Armor, leaped up in the direction of the horror, and crashed into the villa directly, accompanied by flying debris and smoke. Go straight to the strongest breath in his induction.

“Longpanhuhu has bells and drums, Longtenghuyue has literary skills!”

“what sound?”


“Baili Changkong! Is it you !?”

“Beware of his Refining Spirit Secret Technique!”

Exclaiming in excitement, Baili Qingfeng shouted from the crowd of Qilin Sword Sect when he smashed the wall and blasted bricks and stones.

Accompanying it, there is a majestic breath that seems to erupt like a boiling volcano!

Great Grandmaster!

This is the breath of the Grand Grandmaster!

Baili Qingfeng took the lead in locking the strongest gas, and it was Penglai Immortal Sect, the Elder who was on the special wanted list. One of the culprits who blew up the 3rd Army Arsenal a few months ago, Grand Grand Master Qiu Yi!

“No matter who you are, I admire your courage! Now, I send you to death!”


Sword light Broken!

Swirling sword light, under the perfusion of the internal burst of the Grandmaster powerhouse, like a tsunami that plunged into the continent from the ocean, carrying the terrifying breath of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, spattering debris from the front, Brick and earth, crushed and blasted as much as possible, and then rolled towards the silhouette in the armor.

In the same simulation of the tsunami, the Sword Force of Jinglan Zongcanglang is far worse than Qiu Yilai in front of him! ?

“hong long long !”

Thunderbolt sound and music sound intertwined!

In the endless darkness and tsunami, a majestic silhouette emerged from the sky, such as the gods from ancient myths, carrying endless bright lightning, imaginary hands condensing, and a scepter with a glowing white He manifested in his hands, and at the next moment, tearing the sky and throwing wildly.

“A sword cuts through the sky of ten thousand zhang! An explanation of 1000 autumn history books in one cavity!”

“This method … is Baili Changkong! It is his Refining Spirit Secret Technique! Be careful!”

There was a sudden scream from the side.

It is a Wargod storm cloud that also works with Refining Spirit.

Accompanied by this Wargod thunderbolt’s sword edge and the 2 internal interest streams Grandmaster’s internal interest burst in time!

3 attacks, together with the tsunami Sword Force cut out by the grand Grandmaster Qiu Yi, the silhouette of this outrageous attack into the villa from the outside is completely blocked!

“I don’t believe that the will of a big Grandmaster can’t carry the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of a Refining Spirit cultivator! Bend Wave Sword! Kill!”

Faced with Baili Qingfeng’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique, the locked Qiu Yi screamed, his body broke out, and the assassination of the landslide and tsunami-like Sword Force turned out to be more powerful. , Even the innate Fiendgod Zuz who just broke out of Xeon has to break up.

However, the means possessed by the 7-fold Divine Power is not the Sword Force that the Grand Grandmaster’s internal interest burst can fight!

The collision between the Sword Force and the Refining Spirit Secret Technique was like a wave penetrated by steel. Thunder Scepter carried a force of 10000. Fiercely hit Qiu Yi’s body, bombed his mind, and tore his will. Desire to make him the soul flew away and scattered.

“Ah! Refining Spirit Secret Technique, can’t stop me!”

At the moment when his thinking was about to be defeated, Qiu Yi screamed, biting his tongue, bloody and painful stimuli made him sober from the strikes of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique!

At this time, Baili Qingfeng’s body shape had swept the baleful qi to kill him.


That’s too late!


Without any hesitation, Qiu Yi swelled inside the body, almost detonating the whole strength at the same time. The Sword Force, which was originally due to the interference of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, interfered with a slight decline in power, re-emerged, accompanied by a sword assassination, the sword contained in the sword edge Shuo Shuo swallows, tearing the air in front of you in one step!

In the face of this sword, if Baili Qingfeng does not retreat or hide, he will certainly be penetrated by a sword, and he will be dead!


Baili Qingfeng has no intention of dodging at all!

“Jiang Daren is painstaking and mentally exhausting! But morality has published articles … showing ambitions!”

On the front, I hit Qiu Yi’s outburst Sword Technique. Even if this sword hole penetrated the boutique Chen Jin Battle Armor and pierced his body, the sword in his hand was like the shock of tearing the sky, lightning assassination, and piercing Qiu. Easy heart!


Sparks sparkle, blood light shoots!

Fight! ?

Who is afraid of who! ?


(The song title “hidden dragons and crouching tigers”, Qilin Sword Sect oppressed Xia, Xia Ya’s ordinary student finally shot! Take the wind to continue to Chapter 5!)

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