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“I slept too late last night.”

Baili Qingfeng rubbed the temple.

Thinking is a really amazing thing.

He went to bed at 1:1 last night, intending to rest, but his brain was particularly active, and his mind was full of ideas and inspirations about how the Emperor’s Alchemy and Demon Hell Suppressing Physique combined with each other.

He couldn’t sleep, got up, and verified those inspirations one after another.


Very significant!

Regardless of other people’s believing or not, anyway, he merged Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, and practiced it smoothly.

The process is naturally painful, but this is the normal response of the cultivation peak method. When he cultivated Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, was it also painful? It’s been a bit uncomfortable for months now.

In addition to the pain of practicing the new version of Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, the digestive and refining effects have been increased, which has led to a significant improvement in gastrointestinal function. The intense contraction wiggles from the cardia to the pylorus and forms a strong feeding signal through nerve transmission …

So, regardless of what he had already, he woke up Ge Feibai and asked him to buy ten skewers of lamb, ten skewers of beef, five skewers of butter, five skewers of chicken crispy bones, two skewers of enoki mushrooms, one grilled eggplant, one grilled midwing.

After a lot of tossing, when he took a shower, washed his clothes to dry, and then dried his hair …

It’s half past two when sleeping! ?

Baili Qingfeng looked at the sun outside in the morning, even at noon, sitting by the bed and sinking into deep thought.

When did a good 3 student who always sleeps at 2 and 1 now start to sleep again and again at 1 am and 1 am?

From when the school was blown up.

in other words……

It’s the cave man’s fault!

The cave people’s tribe in the cave has been brushed by him, and the cave people on the surface have been eliminated by the army.

It’s the fault of Three Great Holy Lands!

If it were n’t for the Three Great Holy Lands who blasted the arsenal of the 3rd Army, the 3rd Army would not let the burrowers rush to the surface, and the burrowers would not force the garrison to blow up the university, Without bombing Shire University, he has a heavy learning task and naturally won’t stay up late every night …

The idea is so straightforward!

“Sure enough, Three Great Holy Lands is the culprit of my inability to sleep at night … Although relying on 2 grandfather bluffs, the martial artist of Qilin Sword Sect has completely withdrawn from Xia Haizhou, and there will be no action in a short time, but … … As long as they are still a day, I will sleep and eat hard and sleeplessly … ”

Baili Qingfeng expression grave.

I think it was hard to fall asleep last night, I think of the barbecue of last night, I think of the grilled eggplant of last night …

The amount of garlic and shallots is just right, with some fine fans added, and some cumin and spicy ash …

It tastes good.

I don’t know where Ge Feibai bought it. I can get another one tonight.

and many more!

Baili Qingfeng shook his head suddenly.

Thinking is gone! ?

The threat of Three Great Holy Lands is as strong as ever!

He can’t sleep, has nothing to do with the Demon Hell Suppressing Physique after the fusion, and has nothing to do with the barbecue at night, all are the bad effects brought by Three Great Holy Lands!

“Three Great Holy Lands! With the threat of Three Great Holy Lands, what qualifications do I have to relax !?”

Baili Qingfeng murmured to himself, stood up, and immediately practiced Demon Hell Suppressing Physique.

Wargod as soon as possible, True Immortal as a land, then Three Great Holy Lands uprooted …

Onshore True Immortal doesn’t seem right.

Clearly the Three Great Holy Lands can no longer be killed by a sneak attack, and must be defeated directly.

In a head-to-head situation, how does his new experience in Martial Practice less than a year compare with those of the old powerhouse?

In the case of both True Immortal on land, two of them may not be able to defeat each other.

Therefore, it is safe to practice directly to the martial artist Level 9 and then destroy the Three Great Holy Lands with a thunderbolt of 10000.

Looked at the time …

Ten o’clock.

Breakfast first.

Fasting Martial Practice is a bit bad.

What should I eat in the morning?

Small buns, xiaolongbao, vermicelli buns, beef soup powder, preserved eggs and meat porridge seem to be okay, but at this time, they ca n’t keep up. After eating breakfast, you ca n’t eat Chinese food, or you can just eat Chinese food directly, anyway His Demon Hell Suppressing Physique is integrated into the Emperor’s Alchemy, and his digestive ability is greatly enhanced. After eating breakfast, he can eat Chinese food immediately without worrying about stomach bloating.

“Then, let’s …”

“dīng líng líng !”

Baili Qingfeng just made a decision and the phone rang.

Soon there was a voice from 2 grandfather Baili Changkong: “Be prepared, I’ll take you to the secret passage.”

“Hidden passage?”

“The foundation of your Holy Land, whether you can open up Holy Land depends on this time!”

Baili Changkong replied heavily.

“But I haven’t had breakfast yet …”


Baili Changkong was silent for 3 seconds, and then the voice suddenly exaggerated: “It is important to open the channel of Holy Land or to have breakfast? Do you want to solve the problem of Three Great Holy Lands once and for all? The car to pick you up is almost here, I’ll give you ten minutes to prepare and get in the car right away in ten minutes! “

Anyway, hang up.

“ten minutes!”

Baili Qingfeng brushed his teeth, washed his face, changed his clothes within 5 minutes at the fastest speed. Next moment, he suddenly rushed out of his own hospital. The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique broke out, and the blood on his body was surging.

The soil in the foothold burst suddenly, sweeping the dust!

Under the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, he was like a dart-stringed arrow, bursting out, and suddenly crossed forty-fifty meters, and then took off and landed again, sprinting again and again, with incredible sensitivity, passing across the several dozen meters outside the atom. The grove rushed to the old dormitory area in a blink of an eye, and even because the speed was too fast, it even rolled up leaves from the grove to form bursts of tornadoes.


Baili Qingfeng inspired his spirit to the extreme. Although the terrain of the old dormitory area is extremely complicated, there are wires, drying rods, and sundries everywhere without rules, and it is reliable to spend nearly a year of cultivation on the Grandmaster cultivation base, 2 300 metres. It took him less than ten seconds to jump quickly!

Within 20 seconds of going out, he had already fallen into a breakfast shop in Divine Weapon, and he yelled: “Boss! 3 Xiaolong Bao!”

“Uh … OK, OK …”

Boss promised, and soon he took a basket of hot small steamed buns out of the big steamer, and asked, “Eat here or take away?”

“it’s here……”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t finish talking, I saw a car coming over, and the driver …

Teacher Yiyi?

“Take away.”

Baili Qingfeng changed course.

At this time, Shi Yiyi seemed to see Baili Qingfeng and stopped by driving. “Qingfeng, are you here? I can drive directly to pick you up.”

“Aren’t you still taking a driver’s license?”

“I’m taking an exam, but I’ve learned to drive.”

“Driving without a license? No! This is an illegal act and I refuse to get in the car!”

After speaking, Baili Qingfeng said to Boss again: “Eat here, oh, do you still have any flour? Give me another bowl of flour and add eggs.”


Boss responded happily.

“Qingfeng …”

Shi Yiyi called out, a little helpless.

However, Baili Qingfeng was stubborn and resolutely refused to ride in an unlicensed car. In the end, Shiyi had no choice but to call for help.

Fortunately, there is also the Thunderbolt Sect industry near the university town. When Baili Qingfeng ate a bowl of flour at a very fast speed, a man looking up and down 30 hurried over: “Miss Shi …”

“Qingfeng, can we go? Don’t let grandfather and Sect Master wait for a long time.”


Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the man. The man quickly handed over a small black book: “I have a driver’s license, please see.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng came to the car, and at the same time, he made a long and respectful statement to the teacher who gave up the driver ’s seat: “Unlicensed driving is non-standard driving behavior. I remember I heard a sentence, 10000000 million roads, safety first, driving irregular , Loved ones tears 2 lines, so 10000000 do n’t think you can drive when you can drive the car. When driving, you are not only responsible for your life, but also your family and pedestrians on the road Don’t be sloppy, you know? “

“Know … understood …”

Shi Yiyi said weakly.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Right now, the man was driving in the direction of Black River City.

By the time they arrived in 3 Shunzhen, there were already 2 cars waiting.

“Why so slow.”

Baili Changkong frowned, solemnly: “This time action is related to the future of our Sia Kingdom and affects the national policy of Shia. Absolutely must not be sloppy.”

“Understood, let’s go to Heavenly Immortal Realm and kill Thunder Beast now.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Changkong, while letting Chang Ming waiting to replace the man re-launch in the direction of Wushan, organized the language and slowly said, “Yes, everything is ready. Except for the medicine that can kill Thunder Beast, There should be a daily necessities and some emergency food, but you can rest assured that, as far as I know, high-energy places like Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm often have their own ecological system. You do n’t worry about finding food in it, no longer bad You can eat Thunder Beast meat and you become a Grandmaster. The help of Thunder Beast meat for your cultivation is no longer immediate, but it still has a great effect. “

Thunder Beast meat …

Their cultivation method is Thunder Dominator, but now they are eating Thunder Beast …

It feels weird.

“Wait a minute, 2 grandfather, as you said, I seem to be there for a while?”

Baili Qingfeng said suddenly.

“Of course, the opening of the Heavenly Immortal Realm is often periodic. The short hole Heavenly Immortal Realm can be opened several times a day, and the long hole Heavenly Immortal Realm can be opened once every few years, decades, or decades. “

“Periodic …”

Baili Qingfeng finds the term familiar, and at the same time …

2 Grandfather’s description of Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm, he also seems to have a sense of familiarity.

“How long does it take for Heavenly Immortal Realm to open that hole?”

“The hole we guarded Heavenly Immortal Realm is not long open, only 104 days, less than 4 months.”

“In other words, I have to stay in that World for 4 months?”


“I want to get off!”


(Complete the 10000 5000 update again, to be exact 10000 6060, the human potential is endless! Introduction to this chapter: refuse to stay up late, support positive energy! Support standard driving!)

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