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Two hours passed by Lu Ping, Baili Changkong and the others.

As time passed, ripples spread slowly.

Unlike the Grotto People ’s World Transmission Gate, which will emit an overbearing energy shock when it is opened, this Transmission Gate is very gentle and has no impact on the outside environment.


With the formation of the Transmission Gate, people can glimpse some information on the opposite side of the Transmission Gate and get a rough idea of ​​the situation on the opposite side. Don’t worry about falling into the Thunder Beast nest. The picture is much clearer than the Transmission Gate in the Caveman World.

This difference made Baili Qingfeng faintly understand that the Transmission Gate of the Grotto People World may be growing because of its recent formation, and this Transmission Gate ……

It has really stabilized.

Growth, stability, the next step …

Shouldn’t it just collapse?

May be trapped, and come less often.

“Well, the Transmission Gate is stable, Qingfeng …”

Baili Changkong handed a backpack to his hand: “All the potions are in it. We have prepared 2 100 copies, which is enough for you to use. Remember, immediately after you enter, you will be inspired by the cultivation thunderbolt and the Thunder Dominator concept to modify your life. fluctuation, the only way to hide Thunder Beast’s perception and kill them one after another. “


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He has already integrated the breath of Thunderbolt and the concept of Thunder Dominator into Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, and it should not be a big problem to separate them again.

“Go, remember, it’s the most important thing to save your life. It’s really impossible to poison these Thunder Beasts. Just quit and let us think of a way.”

Baili Changkong said that, after all, I do n’t want Baili Qingfeng to be dangerous, and said with emotion: “We old waiters have been waiting for more than ten years, do n’t mind waiting a few more years, I believe that your Innate Talent will be completed in a few years Land True Immortal is not a problem? “

Land True Immortal?

On the side, Lu Ping heard Baili Changkong’s words at first, which was quite normal. After a few years, some of their Old Guys could still wait.

But the next sentence is not right, and it will be a land of True Immortal in a few years! ?

Why don’t you say that you destroyed Three Great Holy Lands in a few years?

“I understand that I will keep my life first.”

Baili Qingfeng carefully nodded and took out his sword.

“You … what are you doing with the sword? The sword is useless. Going to that World will only become a burden to you? Shouldn’t you … use a sword to kill Thunder Beast?”

Shi Tianya aside wondered.

“I have peace of mind with swords. Besides, it is a basic requirement for a swordsman to stay away from the sword so that I can comprehend the highest realm of Kendo. After all, my lifelong pursuit is to be a Sword Immortal. On the night of the full moon, white clothed. For example, if the immortal came to the dust and cut it with a sword, Sword Qi was 30000 li across the world, and healed all the evils and humanoids in the world, but also Heaven and Earth Zhaozhao, Qiankunlanglang, Kai 10000 Taiping, and humanity.

Baili Qingfeng said resolutely.

“This this……”

Shi Tianya listens to Baili Qingfeng’s lofty and great ideal, Nono’s speechless.

Baili Changkong, on the other hand, had a dark complexion, pats Baili Qingfeng’s shoulder hard: “Well, whether you repair Sword Immortal or not, first solve the Thunder Beast on the opposite side, be careful of gravity, and go in.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng was carrying a backpack and stepped on it. He entered the Transmission Gate without any stagnation, and soon disappeared in the ripples of the Transmission Gate.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng stepping into the Transmission Gate, Lu Ping, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, and Hong Tiange were silent at the same time, and their hearts kept encouraging Baili Qingfeng.

“Come on! Baili Qingfeng! We can still afford to wait for a few years, but we can’t see the moment when Shia goes to glory and strength.”

“Well … I wish I could hold on for decades, even ten years, so we can see the dawn of Thunderbolt Sect overthrowing Three Great Holy Lands!”

“We have waited too long for this day.”

The mood of several people was very heavy.

Looking forward, trembling.

The youngest of the four of them are over 4, while the oldest Baili Changkong is 60 70 and the younger Lu Ping has eventy two.

People are scarce to 70 ancient times.

The average lifespan of Sia Kingdom men has never broken through 70. From this point of view, Baili Changkong, Lu Ping and the others have earned a day and a day.

“Baili Old Brother, your grandson you know best, do you think … can he accomplish this task?”

Lu Ping looked at Baili Changkong.

Not only him, Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange’s eyes also fell on him.

“Do you want to hear the truth or the truth?”

Baili Changkong said.

“Of course I want to hear the truth.”

“The truth … I said you did n’t believe it, I did n’t believe it …”

Baili Changkong was weakly laughed.


“Actually I don’t think about whether my grandson can complete the task, but … whether he can complete the task in 4 hours.”

“Complete the task in 4 hours?”

Lu Ping looked stunned: “You mean within 4 hours of the opening of Space Passage?”

“Resolve dozens of 4 Equivalent to Human Wargod Thunder Beasts in 100 hours, Baili Old Brother, aren’t you kidding me?”

Hong Tiange couldn’t help it.

“Just when I’m kidding.”

Baili Changkong said, looking at Baili Qingfeng, who seemed to have passed through the Space Passage and entered another World, with a wishful glory shining in his eyes: “But I really hope my joke can become real … I hope in him Can perform another miracle! “


When Baili Changkong had high hopes for Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng had successfully passed the Space Passage and landed in the world where Thunder Beasts live.

“Familiar weightlessness, familiar ambiguity, and …”

Baili Qingfeng felt the high gravity that had not been experienced for a while since he was down to earth, and slightly moved his body: “Familiar gravity …”

Suddenly, 90% of his mind could be sure that the World in which the Thunder Beasts live and the World in which the people in the Grottoes live belong to the same World.

It’s just different environments that’s all in the same World.

It’s like their World has forests, hills, deserts, and oceans.

“The so-called hole Heavenly Immortal Realm is like this …”

Baili Qingfeng has a feeling of longing for being broken.

The hole in his impression is that Heavenly Immortal Realm must have a large number of cultivation people, and even cultivation sect, each and everyone Immortal Cultivator. Heaven & Earth force, walk the heavens-defying road, longevity.

This one lived 8,000 years, the one who lived 10000 years …

Although the IQ of Chamber of Commerce may be very low and simple due to the retreat for too long, what is the point of sacrifice IQ for so long?


He was disappointed.


At this time, a huge monster suddenly appeared in the vision of Baili Qingfeng.

This is one real huge monster, which looks a bit like a mixture of giant lizard and Sword Dragon, walking on four limbs, but with a head up nearly 4 meters tall, a strong body, and a long tail. It’s 3 meters long and nearly 4 meters if you count the tail.

Thunder Beast!

Baili Qingfeng is the biggest opponent we have to face during this trip!

“2 grandfather, what do they say, Thunder Beast has poor eyesight, but has developed hearing, a family united and loved, and similar things can never happen, but they have special alien and homogeneous discrimination skills, I just rely on thunderbolt The breath-breathing inner breath and the Thunder Dominator concept simulate themselves as a Thunder Beast, which will not be attacked, and then rely on this kind of camouflage, Thunder Beast poisons the past, one after another cleans up … “

Baili Qingfeng Considering that time is limited, when the Thunder Dominator concept that is about to be integrated into Demon Hell Suppressing Physique is separated, he begins to think about the ancient Thunder Beast, adjusts his magnetic field of life with the Thunder Dominator concept, and at the same time runs Thunder’s Breath Breathing Technique , Simulates the breathing rhythm of Thunder Beast …

Suddenly, Thunder Beast, who had been alert and hostile to him, had his head slightly lowered, apparently poor eyesight, but still staring at Baili Qingfeng, it seemed to be sensing something.

“Yes, that’s it, it’s easy! It looks like the task will be completed soon.”

Baili Qingfeng smiled.


For a moment, Thunder Beast, who had carefully sensed the moment, suddenly became irritable and made a roar, the sound …

It’s like their name, thunder, and boom!

“Calm down, calm down, you see clearly, I am your companion, we are our own …”

Baili Qingfeng’s face was filled with a sincere smile, and he did his best to show his affinity.

At the same time, in order to ensure that he was really Thunder Beast, he directly condensed the Thunder Beast he visualized, and projected it.

If at this time it was not a Thunder Beast who stood opposite him, but a person, he could definitely “see” a huge monster that was full of horror, and swept through the fierce monster, as if the ancient Fierce Beast came out of Mythological Era. Generally, when it comes to the world, a large amount of thunderbolt permeates, flashes, and boils on it, full of the hegemony of above heaven under earth Only I Am Supreme.

“wu wu !”

Shocked by the ancient Thunder Beast conceived by Baili Qingfeng, this Thunder Beast seemed to have received great fear, bowed his head, wu wu shouted, like that …

A bit like acknowledgement allegiance! ?

But in the next second, a deafening roar suddenly came from afar, and then, I saw a large Thunder Beast much larger than the ordinary Thunder Beast, which was 4 meters high and 8 meters long. The thunderous Thunder Beast rushed forward, and when it ran, there seemed to be thunderbolt shock in the void …

Do not!

It doesn’t seem!

This place itself is a high-energy place, full of powerful electromagnetic fields, and that lifeform obviously also belongs to a powerful charged individual. This time, the charge that excites itself causes the potential difference of the magnetic field distance to be transferred, and a lot of dazzling electro-optical light is emitted. Prestige …

It’s like antiquity Thunder Beast giving tit for tat! ?

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